• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand


ebola? said:
So...do we have a basis as to speculate about what sigma agonism might do?


Yes, we know what sigma agonists do (but according to Wikipedia only):

1. "Noscapine (Nospen) has a history of Over-the-counter drug abuse in a several countries being readily available from local pharmacies as a prescription drug. The effects, beginning around 45 to 120 mins after consumption, are similar to dextromethorphan and alcohol intoxication."

So, effects like alcohol and DXM, and maybe recreationnal (cause of the common abuse of it in the countries where it is commercilaized)

2. "Side-effects:
* Loss of coordination
* Hallucinations (auditory and visual)
* Loss of sexual drive
* Swelling of prostate
* Loss of appetite
* Dilated pupils
* Increased heart rate
* Shaking and muscle spasms
* Increased alertness
* Loss of any sleepiness
* Loss of stereoscopic vision

So it seems like it's more of a stimulant than a downer (Increased alertness, Loss of any sleepiness, Increased heart rate, Loss of appetite)

And that it causes intoxication ( Loss of coordination, Hallucinations (auditory and visual)

P.S. are there other Sigma agonists commercialized?
elektra said:
yes it is, i dont know about the get rid of thing but i heard that some docs use it to get people erected. its also sold here as an otc iv/im antispasmodic
maybe this is why poppies tend to give me boners? anyone else get this?
qwe said:
maybe this is why poppies tend to give me boners? anyone else get this?

papaverine is effective mostly when injected directly into the underperforming organ, so probably not :) unless you have unusual poppy habits.
quite a few opiates cause erections in the initial stages of use then crush the sex drive to nothing after a longer periods of use.
Elektra: from your experiences, do you think Noscapine could be compared to low-dose dissociatives (DXM, K)? Or alcohol?
no, as i said its not dissociative and theres no way to compare a weak drug like noscapine to DXM or K. noscapine is weaker than diphenoxylate (very weak, meperidine derivative otc antidiarrhea agent). its not even a good opioid potentiator, you cant notice anything when combine noscapine with phenanthrenes.
I thought typical dosages of noscapine preparations were 35+mg/dose and higher, that's what most syrups and lozenges contain that i could find info on, if that's the case then noscapine wouldn't present any real fx until the 350+mg mark infact 300mg had been tested in 300mg lozenge for human use and was proven to have no ill effect and be safe, so I would assume one would have to take like atleast 600mg-1g, but the dose that noscapine becomes dangerous is not stated, does anyone know what that dose might be?
^^ theres only one otc noscapine here and it has 10 mg noscapine per pill. check this out: http://www.deva.com.tr/urunler.asp?UID=26 - its not english but you can understand it:), click the "prospektus blgileri" (drug info) at the bottom of the page, a new window will popup shows the content of the drug. this medication called coldeks is the only otc noscapine here you can find. the generic noscapine which i did many times was banned years ago and that was 10 mg pills too.
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And here it comes as a syrup, 125ml, 15mg Noscapine + 7,5mg Promethazine in 15ml.
That's 125mg Noscapine in the whole bottle (+62,5mg Promethazine...)
The relative bioavailability in 20 healthy volunteers of 100 mg, 200 mg and 300 mg tablets of noscapine and 200 mg as a solution has been assessed in a four-way cross-over study, with repeated administration of the 200 mg dose to assess intraindividual variability. There was a disproportionate increase in the AUC of noscapine tablets, as a 3-fold increase in dose produced a 9-fold rise in AUC

there seems to be quite a bit of info using atleast 300mg noscapine with little adverse fx
^This seems to indicate saturable binding in its pharmacokinetics. Is it a CPY 450 isozyme?
^^ i think its CYP2D6 but i'm not sure about this
I would assume it would be 2d6 too, but who knows, maybe taking 3-400mg noscapine with 4-500mg quinidine
vecktor said:
papaverine is effective mostly when injected directly into the underperforming organ, so probably not :) unless you have unusual poppy habits.
quite a few opiates cause erections in the initial stages of use then crush the sex drive to nothing after a longer periods of use.

Apomorphine is the name of the boner drug. It has no other use.

edit: Oops! Apparently it has no *good* use at all. See F&B's treatment below. . .
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That's not true. Apomorphine is also used for treating parkinson's disease. I think that's a pretty major use, no?

Papaverine is also used for in men with ED, the same way.
toe said:
Apomorphine is the name of the boner drug. It has no other use.

Please check facts before announcing to the world. Apomorphine is a dopamine agonist that has been tried for Parkinsons, but it has the nasty habit of making you puke like it's going out of style (due to dopaminergic activity in the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) a.k.a. vomit central of the brain, which is hardly going to enhance the mood for making lurve =D. I believe that a few hardy souls have even tried it in low doses to help with opiate withdrawl, but I've never heard of it being used for erectile dysfunction either as a locally acting or systemic drug (Mrs f&b has put me right - it's used in vet. medicine). Papervine is the drug used to treat ED as it's a smooth muscle relaxant; only thing is, as mentioned, it has to be injected into the corpus callosum (spongy erectile tissue) in order to work. Personally I'd give all the other treatments first before papervine (well possibly except apomorphine - don't know which is worse, associating sex/erection with needles in the willy or puking on your prospective partner for giggity-giggity =D)

I've heard that it has actions similar to DXM and also that it's somewhat entactogenic, which is quite different.

This sounds like someone has seen the methylenedioxy group present in noscapine and put two & two together to give five (Ham-milton, where did you hear this from - not the ubiquitous Wikipedia, was it?). I've never heard anything about noscapine having any significant actions at clinical doses other than being a (non-narcotic) antitussive
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No, I talked to someone at Opiophile who'd tried it, plus another friend from Israel who confirmed (It's available OTC) what the first said. These are at doses significantly above clinical.
fastandbulbous said:
don't know which is worse, associating sex/erection with needles in the willy or puking on your prospective partner for giggity-giggity =D)

And I assumed you are fully into Sado-Maso stuff (just a suggestion for a new game =D :p =D :p
^ Oh I'm all for the right sort of pain to highten the emotional aspect of sex, but that def does not extend as far as proto genital mutilation (a well documented behaviour seen in some heavy meth/speed users) or needles as I have a phobia about them. I know people will retort,"but you've IMed a small mountain of ket in your time", but you don't need to watch the needle piercing the flesh etc with IM (I tend to favour my gluteus very maximus for IM ket/DPT) once you've swabbed the area with alcohol. This is why I've never IVed anything and probably never will). with this, not only do you need to be watching during the injection, but you have to watch a big needle - to deliver it into the corpus callosum - skewer one of your fav organs. If my willy must be bruised, I want it to be from the attentions of mrs f&b eg biting and most def not from a cross between 'puppetry of the penis' meets Vlad the Impaler! =D =D
About noscapine being possibly the only natural dissociative:

Ibogaine has NMDA-antagonist activity AND sigma-agonist activity.
Apparently apomorphine was used in Europe for erectile dysfunction (under the brand name Uprima) but it was discontinued because a study found that it was relatively ineffective compared to other treatments. The high incidence of projectile vomiting, I assume, didn't help its case much.