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NO-vember '14 -- SL Gettin & Stayin Sober Thread

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25 days

Still having awful thoughts
Still wake up early AM feeling awful

But I am hoping I can make it through this

Lots of <3 to everyone quitting
:)Congrats Captain!!
That´s very nice to hear that you can make through this!!
All the best and thanks!
Yes, Erik - njirem has a point… Look at where you are now compared to where you were… Hats off to you and everyone on this thread indeed… most folks don't make it. We are here … and on the other side of active seeking drug use, or moving towards it and a better life.
It was life or death for me first time, and came close again… but not as ugly
I'm grateful to have a roof over my head … still have my cat unlike last time, and have not sold everything including my soul for drugs. Came close -- but just couldn't go through so much suffering again. I don't have it in me anymore. Glad to be here, alive. Sometimes I do still wonder though.. seems like a dream at times :)

Thanks Smoky!! And congratulations to you!:)
98 days clean and sober.

Walked for several hours with Terrier Stella, a very friendly and joyfull dog, through the city, the weather was amazing, not too cold and loads of sunshine!

And the best thing in like forever happened, i got rewarded with a free Cat from the shelter, including food for weeks and everything she needs. She is called Evy and is very very cute, though stressed out from all the changes so she is hiding under my bed haha. That will take a couple of days but i allready enjoy her company, its great not to come home in an empty house.

100 days sunday, thinking about buying myself a present for that acomplishment, maybe a good book or something.

We deserve it!
You surely do!! Congrats on your achievement
..:)and good luck with Evy!
Tank is beautiful njirem :) LOve to see a pic of the kitty when it's less shy. Animals are amazing... I puppy sit my friend's pitty puppy one day a week, and just spending those few hours with him changes my whole mood. He acts like a lunatic and we play tug of war and he tries to eat my shoes, and then he cuddles up to me and sleeps for an hour, and it's just such a calming feeling when he's curled up on my lap <3
Ahh a puppy, that's so cute, i can imagine how much joy you get out of that!!

Contact with a housepet, in particular cats, lowers the humans blood pressure, so its great for stress reduce. That is something we recovering addicts can really use :)
I have noticed that when i arrived at the shelter the last days my mood instantly changed from being stressed out to happy and excited, there is nothing like a bunch of dogs greating you, jumping unto your legs, its the best feeling.

I just woke up and i saw that Evy wasn't under my bed anymore, she was sitting in front of the window, she's still a bit scared but now she is walking through the house checking every corner, its so great to wake up having here around :) When i peek around the corner she walks up to me looking all curious and lets me stroke here, feels so good.

This is a Photo of evy (5yo) yesterday still at the shelter, she looks much happier now!
Ahh, what a sweetheart ^
Thank you for sharing Njirem. I am an animal lover …. always have been, looking back don't think I not once ever lived without a pet except first 2 years of college. Right now I'm taking a break from former career and starting my own pet business (a little while now).
I just got back from taking care of a huge Main Coon named Mack. He is awesome, very sweet and playful. The gentle giants those coons. He goes out onto the roof and chases the birds when I throw the seeds around. I take care of pets all over the city… part of what keeps me sane, grounded. I live with 2 cats myself.. Smoky and Samantha girl. Sam is like 20 years old, lol. :)
Pets are part of my life and i can´t live without them. I have a dog, he´s 8 year old. Very playful, nice and friendly.
Before him, we had Breno who lived with us for a little over 18 years.
awww, a pink nose kitty <3 She looks nice to cuddle with.

This is Jasper, in cyclone-puppy mode:


and in sleep mode:

26 days

I woke up this early AM feeling awful
Suicidal thoughts are still plaguing my mind

I am so frustrated with the thoughts that I break down and cry at least once a day now

It honestly feels like my mind has been hijacked and I don't feel in control of my mind anymore

Get up, get out. It may be very difficult to do, but if you have to take an aspirin, put on sunglasses and a headphone with music, and walk or ride a bycicle, get active. It WILL make you feel better. Leave the house for several hours at least. Be on the move, get the endorphines running.

If this is still very difficult, set a goal, like a recipe for your favorite meal, and go get the ingriedents on the other side of town so that you will have to travel and be out longer. You will have something to go out for and something rewarding to look forward to.
Back home, cook your meal, take a long hot shower, install on the couch, eat, watch a movie, cuddle your pet.
And tadaaa....you're day has past.
It may sound ridicule but some days are just about surviving.
26 days is a long time allready, but not nearly long enough, though long enough not to waste is by relapsing.

If the suicidal thoughts get worse, and you are actually getting suicidal, call your doctor!!!

Do you have pet? Can you show us a picture? :)

hang in there buddy <3

haha what a nice doggie, i can imagine having fun with him :) I would love to have a dog too but i really don't live in a big appartement (22m2) so that's a no i think, especcialy now i have a cat.

Evy has been quite anxious and shy, but she is starting to relax more, she is no longer hiding and is now falling asleep, she deserves some quality sleep. She's fine with me stroking her, she almost jumped on my lap but i guess she's still a bit nervous. In an hour or two ill go to bed so she will have the house for herself for some time, that will help her, i think tomorrow or the day after she will feel a lot more comfortable, looking at the progress she made in just one day. Only 2 days ago she were at her old home, yesterday morning she arrived at the shelter, and yesterday in the evening arrived at my place. That's quite a shock, maybe traumatic even. Oh and she washed herself and she eats, thats always a good sign :)
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26 days

I woke up this early AM feeling awful
Suicidal thoughts are still plaguing my mind

I am so frustrated with the thoughts that I break down and cry at least once a day now

It honestly feels like my mind has been hijacked and I don't feel in control of my mind anymore

Hey bud, I am a bit worried about these thoughts. Are you planning anything or is it just like a fleeting thought?

We are here for you!
on day 4. fuckin a. :\ but i am determined to make this my last time, because it is just getting ridiculous now lol. so sick of having no money for anything except dope. and always being either sick/high i have no in the middle. i am attempting to do a short 5 or 6 day taper with suboxone. i don't want to be stuck taking suboxone for years, every time i make that mistake and that ends up being the reason i end up relapsing.

has anyone here had any success using suboxone for the heroin withdrawal only? how bad did you feel when you discontinued the sub?

thank you guys for being motivation for me, it certainly helps.
Well everybody,

I am down to 4mg sub dose a day from 8mg a day for five months.

The only weird thing is that when I first switched to 4mg from 6mg, I was a little tired, I could sleep all day. Now when I take my dose, it gives me a boost and I almost get a slight opiate high. Does anybody know why this might be?

Hopefully this means dropping my dose again will be easy.

So glad to be getting off suboxone! And earlier than I thought. I was stuck in an illusion that I'd have to take it forever. NOT TRUE. I hate how doctors make it seem like a lifelong commitment when it doesn't need to be...

Hi gypsyanon,

Congratulations on making a big jump and dropping sooner than you had thought.

Anytime I tapered down I would feel really tired the first day, then more anxious the next… then when taking the dose again, back to feeling normal… or having my energy back. Then all over again when after stabilizing then jumping lower and so on.

Smoky <3
100 days clean and sober!


Today I am 100 days clean and sober, no alcohol, no marijuhana, no amphetamines, and no pregabaline. I am so happy, satisfied, proud, and releaved, to actually becoming the person i always wanted to be.
Some days its hard, there are ups and downs, i still battle my psychiatric disorders and addiction, but it is so much more easy now. The biggest lesson i have learned is that patience, hope and willpower will get you anywhere you want, as long as you push through it and dont give up!
You guys, couldn't have done it without you, thanks!

I am a winner, a winner is ME!


Keep up with the good work!

Giver yourself a present, you deserve it!:)

THANK YOU for having helped us during this tough period.

Wish you all the best!!

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Having your energy back is so important as we get so worn-out in the process.
I am happy that you are feeling this way.:)
This thread is becoming very successful, indeed.

*My quote function is not working
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on day 4. fuckin a. :\ but i am determined to make this my last time, because it is just getting ridiculous now lol. so sick of having no money for anything except dope. and always being either sick/high i have no in the middle. i am attempting to do a short 5 or 6 day taper with suboxone. i don't want to be stuck taking suboxone for years, every time i make that mistake and that ends up being the reason i end up relapsing.

has anyone here had any success using suboxone for the heroin withdrawal only? how bad did you feel when you discontinued the sub?

thank you guys for being motivation for me, it certainly helps.

How about methadone? Do think they are the follow the same principle?
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