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The colour is undoubtedly just a marketing gimmick, but I did wonder if that was responsible for the taste - so last night I chewed through a pill slowly and the sour taste was definitely within the body of the pill, not the coating and was localised, not homogenous throughout - suggesting it IS the active ingredient. This is just not a taste I associate with benzos..
This is just not a taste I associate with benzos..

I've not tried this stuff but I find Xanax tastes fekin horrible as well, deosnt stop me dissolving them under my tongue though, diaz on the other hand is indeed quite acceptable in comparison ...IMHO;)
I've not tried this stuff but I find Xanax tastes fekin horrible as well, deosnt stop me dissolving them under my tongue though, diaz on the other hand is indeed quite acceptable in comparison ...IMHO;)

Yeah that's what I was about to say, Xanax is revolting, while say clonazepam is minty :D Like Mentos, not kidding, When I had to take 4mg a day and had the 2mg ones, they're fat and I would chew them anyways, even more goodness than in the tiny pink 1mg ones. Also clonazepam sometimes leaves this cool, minty effect in one's oesophagus, some people have noted this before, most people who have their own script to another benzo. But I noticed it too sometimes when I had my own script. Now I'm very gladly taking a small dose of valium a day with rc's and my 15 mere 1mg xanax i get a month (they're life-savers though, my psychiatrist really found something when he found that I express panic with anger bouts 3/4 of the time).
OK, I've not had xanax but it seems that the taste of benzos can differ significantly. However, what concerns me is how supposedly the same compound can taste so wildly different depending upon which vendor you use - especially when the stronger tasting ones are supposed to be a 1/4 the dose of the more pleasant ones...???
Okay, I have tried 5mg of white, scored, easily split 2mg nifoxipam pellets.

This does something indeed. It acts very fast and I'm not gonna stay awake for a while (been awake for 30 hours, naturally, took my 20mg of valium when I woke up 29h ago, so I'm not feeling it anymore that I am sure). These may turn out to be more win than fail like so many have been yammering about. It's not euphoric like clonazolam or flubromazepam/lam but it's very "anxiety-what's that?" the way valium does, except more rapidly and it has muscle relaxant effects too. In fact this might be close to temazepam in how it makes me want to bed and nothing more.
OK, I've not had xanax but it seems that the taste of benzos can differ significantly. However, what concerns me is how supposedly the same compound can taste so wildly different depending upon which vendor you use - especially when the stronger tasting ones are supposed to be a 1/4 the dose of the more pleasant ones...???

Most people do not chew their pills. Food chemists could explain you the tastes, but remember the tongue and how it works is still one of the most mysterious part of the CNS/brain. Some are easy to guess that they will taste bad, like say, never chew a bromazepam tablet, if you've ever tasted DXM HBr powder, it's similar, because of the bromine part in the bromazepam molecule.
right not to sure this was the problem but i think that we need to be a little careful here its to do with what they are mix cutting and binding them with i got a feeling that some of my problems physically like the is something that is building up to toxic levels very quickly
Having tried both doses of the pellets (0.5mg and 2mg) I found the 2mg pills totally inactive and thought this was evident by the complete lack of taste this was coupled with complete lack of effect.

However the 0.5mg pills had a really strong taste to them but I still found them lacking in effect.
Having tried both doses of the pellets (0.5mg and 2mg) I found the 2mg pills totally inactive and thought this was evident by the complete lack of taste this was coupled with complete lack of effect.

However the 0.5mg pills had a really strong taste to them but I still found them lacking in effect.

You must just have a whacking great tolerance mate. I find these little buggers to be extremely effective for knocking me out. Plus, unusually for me, they don't seem to be open to abuse as the sedative effects are so strong that I physically can't abuse them. Conversely, all the other RC benzos I've tried seem to do fuck all, so I just keep necking them through the day then wonder why I've lost several weeks of my life...
You must just have a whacking great tolerance mate. I find these little buggers to be extremely effective for knocking me out. Plus, unusually for me, they don't seem to be open to abuse as the sedative effects are so strong that I physically can't abuse them. Conversely, all the other RC benzos I've tried seem to do fuck all, so I just keep necking them through the day then wonder why I've lost several weeks of my life...

It's fucking mad because I don't take benzos everyday but I seem to have a huge tolerance. Max times I'll take them is 2-3 times a week and even then that isn't consecutive weeks.

Yesterday I had

20x 2mg diclazepam
12x clonazolam
3x flubromazolam
2x 10mg diazis and a strip of 10 etizolam

And ill got is a bit of a wobble.

No blacking out , no amnesia.

Diazepam seems to effect me more than any of the others but sadly it's the one I can't get my hands on any more.

any reason for this insane tolerance when Im not addicted to benzo's and I only use on and off every couple of days every few weeks/month??
You must just have a whacking great tolerance mate. I find these little buggers to be extremely effective for knocking me out. Plus, unusually for me, they don't seem to be open to abuse as the sedative effects are so strong that I physically can't abuse them. Conversely, all the other RC benzos I've tried seem to do fuck all, so I just keep necking them through the day then wonder why I've lost several weeks of my life...

I ate a bag of 30 of the .5mgs and didn't feel a thing. SLIGHT anxiolytic effects maybe.
That is totally weird...

However, I've always found benzos to be a YMMV drug. It all depends upon what you need from them. I can't really say that any of the ones I've tried are 'recreational', but certain ones serve a certain purpose at certain times. When I was younger and suffered from social anxiety, 10mg diazepam would make me feel godly - simply due to the anxiolytic effects. However, after having been addicted to smack/methadone for 20 years, most benzos seem to do fuck all - although everyone else can tell that I'm totally off my tits, I just don't seem to 'feel' them anymore. This is why I like the nifoxipam - I can feel heavy sedation coming on within the hour - then its just 'lights out'. Not functional, not euphoric (but benzo euphoria is an elusive bitch anyway), but serves a purpose...
thats what happens at times im the same can eat a stupid amounts benzos and get sod all off them then i can take one or two and get what i want

also when you have taken this amount you had any stomach problems kidney or liver ? i am just asking as its to do with what they are cutting them with
OK, I've not had xanax but it seems that the taste of benzos can differ significantly. However, what concerns me is how supposedly the same compound can taste so wildly different depending upon which vendor you use - especially when the stronger tasting ones are supposed to be a 1/4 the dose of the more pleasant ones...???

i would assume its because the .5s actually have an active ingredient in them mate. how're you finding the effects? i thought they were fantastic anxiolytics.

Yesterday I had

20x 2mg diclazepam
12x clonazolam
3x flubromazolam
2x 10mg diazis and a strip of 10 etizolam

any reason for this insane tolerance when Im not addicted to benzo's and I only use on and off every couple of days every few weeks/month??

i have the same issue as you, my tolerance is inexplicably high considering i take rc benzos maybe every other month. i have a script for 6 x 5mgs diazepam a month (such a pisstake), but i only take them 'when required' (my weekly panic attack). were you ever at one point dependent on benzos? i think the actavis/etilamm skeletons in my closet have permanently interfered with my mileage.
i would assume its because the .5s actually have an active ingredient in them mate. how're you finding the effects? i thought they were fantastic anxiolytics.

i have the same issue as you, my tolerance is inexplicably high considering i take rc benzos maybe every other month. i have a script for 6 x 5mgs diazepam a month (such a pisstake), but i only take them 'when required' (my weekly panic attack). were you ever at one point dependent on benzos? i think the actavis/etilamm skeletons in my closet have permanently interfered with my mileage.

No, never had a habit with benzo's.

They did seem to used to affect me more though but that was when I was taking Valium and I still find that nice.
Having tried both doses of the pellets (0.5mg and 2mg) I found the 2mg pills totally inactive and thought this was evident by the complete lack of taste this was coupled with complete lack of effect.

However the 0.5mg pills had a really strong taste to them but I still found them lacking in effect.

My RX'd Valium taste like not much at all and they work indeed. My little angel of a friend, she helps out when I'm out of my script and got nothing else with her script for Oxazepam 30mg x 2 every 4 hours. Oxazepam doesn't taste like much at all, neither do the binders. Xanax is revolting, brand name or not, the bars are worse since they're bigger than the 1mg pills and so on. Rivotril (Klonopin), brand name or not leaves a minty aftertaste which is really neat :D

But yeah all this to say that this isn't like old school movie cops who tasted the powder they seized to know if it was cocaine or heroin.
i would assume its because the .5s actually have an active ingredient in them mate. how're you finding the effects? i thought they were fantastic anxiolytics.

i have the same issue as you, my tolerance is inexplicably high considering i take rc benzos maybe every other month. i have a script for 6 x 5mgs diazepam a month (such a pisstake), but i only take them 'when required' (my weekly panic attack). were you ever at one point dependent on benzos? i think the actavis/etilamm skeletons in my closet have permanently interfered with my mileage.

You guys are incredibly more chill than us north americans, it could be.

As for now, I'm feeling so giddy from these additional 4mgs, I guess I'm feeling some of that specialness of flunitrazepam, because I'm sitting here listening to Overkill's first album almost laughing my ass off. I have safely secured the rest with my other benzos so this day of experimentation remains only one day (and a night).
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i would assume its because the .5s actually have an active ingredient in them mate. how're you finding the effects? i thought they were fantastic anxiolytics

Yeh, I like them. I agree with you that the 0.5s are actually stronger than the supposed 2mg pills, though the 2 mg ones also worked a treat on me so they are actually active. I don't really take benzos for anxiety - I just want them to knock me the fuck out, and I find these just as effective for that as zopiclone - but without that horrible metallic after taste.
right not to sure this was the problem but i think that we need to be a little careful here its to do with what they are mix cutting and binding them with i got a feeling that some of my problems physically like the is something that is building up to toxic levels very quickly

Or they just use the same kind of glue thing illicit pill producers use, I wouldn't worry about it.
its just strange ive only had this sort of reaction once before and that was to baby woodrose seeds my body would convulse at the idea of them and i am now getting the same thing with benzos like my subconsciousness knows something that i don't and reacting this way to let me know i am poising my self