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News: Synthetic drugs banned ahead of schoolies


Aug 15, 2004
Synthetic drugs banned ahead of schoolies

The Queensland government has expanded a ban on drugs that mimic the effect of cannabis ahead of schoolies week celebrations.

Attorney-General Paul Lucas said a further 19 cannabinoids, which are used to make fake illicit drugs such as the synthetic cannabis Kronic, have been outlawed.

Mr Lucas said anyone caught selling them now risked between 15 and 20 years in jail.

"This ban is a message to shops that want to sell drugs like fake marijuana in Queensland: it's not on," Mr Lucas said in a statement.

"Synthetic drugs like Kronic can still affect people the same way as marijuana including affecting their ability to operate vehicles safely and their judgment in risky situations, not to mention their mental health."

Mr Lucas said the government moved last month to amend the Drugs Misuse Act to make it clear it is illegal to sell anything intended to have the same effect as a banned substance.

"Once this law is passed, no amount of tinkering with the chemical compounds used will allow a retailer to claim the substances they are using aren't banned," he said.

"It will mean people selling products, even if they've changed the recipe in an attempt to exploit a technicality, will face the same stiff penalties as if they were selling a substance listed as banned."

i just came on to post this, but here it is.

"Once this law is passed, no amount of tinkering with the chemical compounds used will allow a retailer to claim the substances they are using aren't banned," he said.

"It will mean people selling products, even if they've changed the recipe in an attempt to exploit a technicality, will face the same stiff penalties as if they were selling a substance listed as banned."
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... 15 - 20 years jail .

That is helping society.
Well, QLD has finally caught on. I guess the specter of DMT fueled Schoolies wasn't enough, they had to make sure that they didn't get their hands on Kronic and the like either. 8)

I guess those convenience stores in the city will have to take down their hand written advertisements for K2 now.

And, as usual, even though they 'toughened up' the analogue act last month... they still just went ahead and specifically scheduled the compounds in question. Too scared to use the analogue act, A.G. Lucas?
15-20 years in jail for selling substances they just ASSUME are unsafe, but so long as you wanna sell booze or smokes the two biggest killers you are free to keep doing so?

When will the hysteria about recreational drug use end, its fucking crazy it really is. What a world we live in where the sensible idea is to lock anyone up who is doing something that you don't understand and/or agree with and throw away the key.
^ And they call this freedom. We were told we fought wars for freedom; apparently, we lost.
Well, QLD has finally caught on. I guess the specter of DMT fueled Schoolies wasn't enough, they had to make sure that they didn't get their hands on Kronic and the like either. 8)

I guess those convenience stores in the city will have to take down their hand written advertisements for K2 now.

And, as usual, even though they 'toughened up' the analogue act last month... they still just went ahead and specifically scheduled the compounds in question. Too scared to use the analogue act, A.G. Lucas?

The new Analogue legislation in Queensland does not come into effect until the 4th April 2012.

^ You got me there. But QLD already has an analogue act, that like all others in this country, should have been enough to make these compounds illegal in the first place. It just comes down to police and prosecutors not willing to enforce those laws and instead preferring to act when they have a specific crime spelled out for them they can act on.
It still wont make much difference, they still actually have to identify newly developed chemicals before they can police shit. Pretty much every RC is already illegal in Australia by default, they didn't change any laws from memory to start busting peoples balls over 4mmc and shit, there was still a boom of it into the country for ages... Probably never would of even been policed to half the extent it did if the British media weren't milking that story for months before our media even cottoned on to it, by the time our media was running the story 'Meow Meow' was an international headline.
^ 4-MMC was already illegal here however; I'm not sure when it was listed on the old SUSDP but it was on my copy that was not that recent. It was schedule 9, though on the new copies of the SUSMP they have added mephedrone in brackets. :)

You are right, it won't make much of a difference. Customs only catches so many fish in that big, blue sea and it seems as though the ones who are really getting hurt are those who take the risk of importing very large amounts. It's not worth prosecuting over a small package of a rare chemical; in most cases they would just confiscate it. If that chemical is specifically listed though, then you perhaps expect a bit more trouble.
Every time I read another article from the news on here, it's like Homer falling down the cliff.

Every article is another bump and do'h and eventually we'll get to the bottom. But knowing our Government, just like on The Simpsons, they'll save us and immediately crash us into a tree, assuming all trees are not illegal by the time this happens.
lol ...

As i posted in another thread...

Now they will just change the names and say it gives you the same effect as something legal.

Codeine, alcohol, tobacco, insertnaturalherb ... or it just lets you relax..

Law makers are idiots, they would save more lives and make the place safer overall if they just legalised and controlled the real drugs ... but whatever, just keep fighting the tide of RCs that are turning up endangering the lives of young people far more than MDMA ever did.

^ And they call this freedom. We were told we fought wars for freedom; apparently, we lost.

And to think the Nazis dished out Amphetamines with zer rations! Donner und Blitzen! Destroy zer Englander Schwienhund!

(Sorry, too many war comics as a lad...) 8(
If Jesus and the other fat and furry prophets that annoyed everyone before TV was invented were stoners.... heyyy!

But then this site would be called 'the cellar' and we'd be banned (and/or arrested) for sourcing chardonnay. Or maybe not, alcohol is a crap intoxicant -verily i say unto you, it sucketh, but not as much as aMT (which is probably why aMT's remained unscheduled for so long back in the dart -half the users hate it! And The Man is a sadist).

OK the point I'm making here is that thanks to a very deeply ingrained religiously-framed set of 'morals', drug reform will be a case of pushing very runny shit up a very steep hill. Things are getting worse not better! Who would have thought 2011 would be as uptight as this back in 1969?

Morality (and the laws that spring therefrom) has never had any truck with cool headed adult thinking and thrives on fear, superstition, ignorance, and stupidity. These charming human traits are manipulated to wield power. Conservative cool-headed adult thinkers use their cool-headed adult talents to hold on to power, not to appease a few humble stoners like us.

Power. Now there's a drug that really makes nipples erect, or the hairs on your balls stand on end!
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But then this site would be called 'the cellar' and we'd be banned (and/or arrested) for sourcing chardonnay. Or maybe not, alcohol is a crap intoxicant -verily i say unto you, it sucketh

I've always wondered how popular alcohol would be if all drugs were on the same legal standing (and always had been so no prior prejudice)
I've always wondered how popular alcohol would be if all drugs were on the same legal standing (and always had been so no prior prejudice)

Not very... apart from maybe wine, beer, cocktails being treated more as a condiment (taken with food) historically, and in England for one, beer was food in the sense that the water supply was too filthy to drink.

But to get on topic again, I hear and share the frustration with where our 'leaders' are heading in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

Channel your energy wisely folks; to turn a well-worn phrase on it's head: If you can't join them (in power) beat them (every chance you get -DISOBEY!)
-verily i say unto you, it sucketh, but not as much as aMT (which is probably why aMT's remained unscheduled for so long back in the dart -half the users hate it! And The Man is a sadist).

Actually aMT is scheduled here in Australia. Haven't heard it sucks that much, I am yet to try it. Have heard a lot of good reports besides the nausea