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Bupe *New Suboxone film * official thread*

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ok so we got totally screwed by the pain clinic and they switched us to the subutex strips and i had a friend back in az that smoked them. However, i cant remember how he did it with the films. :(( can someone maybe shed some light? not crazy about these but theyll havta do the trick for now til we can switch docs...
ok so we got totally screwed by the pain clinic and they switched us to the subutex strips and i had a friend back in az that smoked them. However, i cant remember how he did it with the films. :(( can someone maybe shed some light? not crazy about these but theyll havta do the trick for now til we can switch docs...
Subutex comes in strips? I think you mean suboxone, it's the same thing anyway though, it just has naloxone in it too, which is inactive.

I've never heard of anyone smoking suboxone. I can't imagine its very effective, and probably awful for you. You'd be better off taking it sublingually, or intranasal by mixing it with some water and squirting it up your nose with a oral syringe. Don't smoke it, its a dumb idea and it probably wont be any more effective than sublingual administration, if smoking it even works at all.

Well it's a lot harder for a child to open up the packaging for a strip then it is for them to open a pill bottle. Seriously, even I have a very hard time opening up the packaging for the strips. I need a scissor if I'm gong to be able to open it without having to go to town on it with my teeth.

Yeah, those strip packages are rather difficult to open. The first couple i opened i had to go to town with my teeth too. Don't listen to the directions, instead, fold it the direction the arrow is pointing, along where the little slit is instead of that dotted line. I can rip them open by doing this. It's pretty much goddamn impossible to actually tear it along that dotted line though, i don't even know what the point of that is...it's like they never even tried to do it and just assumed it would work.
Pathetic... But honestly 8$ a day aint that bad im just spoiled..

I couldn't afford $8 a day; minimum wage is $8/hour. I think for people who are not rich, it's ridiculous for Suboxone doctors to expect them to not get generic Subutex when that means the difference of being able to pay your electric bill, buy food, pay the internet bill, being able to pay the doctor, being able to afford clothes, etc. - it doesn't make sense to have to pay more for something.

I'm getting a feeling doctors know that Suboxone can be IV'd, and they are likely just getting a kickback from R&B for every Suboxone prescription they dull out - and they don't want to have to let go of that kick back for a single patient. :\

Yeah, those strip packages are rather difficult to open. The first couple i opened i had to go to town with my teeth too. Don't listen to the directions, instead, fold it the direction the arrow is pointing, along where the little slit is instead of that dotted line. I can rip them open by doing this. It's pretty much goddamn impossible to actually tear it along that dotted line though, i don't even know what the point of that is...it's like they never even tried to do it and just assumed it would work.

What I do is I feel where the strip is in the envelope, and cut next to it, leaving a generous amount of room, but also making sure I cut into the actual pouch. then I will rip open one of the longer edges slowly and then just peel the strip off one of the sides of the packaging it came in.
I don't take suboxone. Im 60 days clean from all opiates and currently on naltrexone therapy. I was just very curious because one time when I was dope sick I considered shooting it and googled shooting suboxone and every site said don't do it, so just was curious if there was any euphoria or if it just stopped sickness. Thanks for ur answer! Very interesting.

I've never had a dependence on any opiates/drugs otherwise, but I've had my fair share of experience with everything save meth, pcp, etc... Anyways if you're in the same boat as me where this shit can get you high and you don't have a tolerance, then I can't see why shooting it up would ever be necessary or a good idea(but I also acknowledge exceptions for tolerance /habits-I love snorting my substances for example)...So I can do a good bit of heroin or say 3 roxicodone 30's over a few hours intranasally and not get sick unless I'm really moving around , but it seems like if 1/2 of a sublingual film is taken as directed, I get a nice opiate high for a good long while and don't have really any negative side effects during the high, but then when I wake up the next morning I vomit, sometimes once, sometimes multiple times throughout that day very similar to withdrawal symptoms or something depending on how well my marijuana takes away that nausea. I know if I were to take say all of the 30's at once(no tolerance) I'd more than likely get withdrawals and be sick the next day if I didn't od, but as long as I'm not stupid with the dose or doing it too fast I never have bad side effects. The point of this rant comes as a question for everyone; does anyone have any ideas why these same if not worse reactions occur the day after when only taking 1/2-1/4 of a film? I can't even imagine shooting it up lol
no offense

HAHA...i think you need to read a little bit more of these threads before you start posting like that. You would have known that I go without my suboxone all the time and my previous record was 15 days, except I am now currently off of my suboxone and its been about 22-23 days and I still feel no ill effects at all.
It all has to do with my maintanence techniques and tapering methods that I have posted about a million times on here. I reccommend you look into that before you start talking about my suboxone use again. No offense or anything it just gets old having to repeat myself overand over again.

When I WAS taking suboxone I would only take 0.5mg doses and I had been on that dose for several months and because that low dose allowed for the norbupernorphine metabolite(a full agonist) to bind to my receptors, I actually got a high off of my suboxone everyday for months and it also acted as an anti-depressant and gave me energy.

*ANd also....plugging suboxone is the most euphoric way of doing it in my experience and I can keep getting that euphoria no matter how long I am using it(allthough I usually IV it, but I also snort, SL, and plug). It all has to do with maintaining on very tiny doses. If you do a search im sure you will be able to find out all the info you need on that as you seem to be a bit confused on exactly how suboxone works. Yes, people who take high doses of suboxone are not gonna be able to get all of these beneficial effects once they have maintaned on there dose, but if you stay on a dose under 1mg you will find suboxone acts like a completely different drug.

And FYI im not addicted to my suboxone in any way. I can stop taking any time I want with no ill effects, I have proven I can go for long periods of time(several weeks) without dosing on sub or any other drugs opiates or not, and im sure I can completely stop taking my suboxone forever with no ill effects, its just I have only gone about 22 days at the most so far so its kind of hard to prove without a doubt that that is true...but anyone with even the slightest bit of common sense will figure out that if I have no problems whatsoever going several weeks without my suboxone, then I will have no problem quitting alltogether. And I plan on staying off of my subs for several more weeks, maybe more just to prove this. The only reason I keep taking my subs(whenever I do) is because of the positive effects it has on my life, it by no means is addicting to me and my life is just as productive and happy when I am on it as when I am off it. I also would not be able to stop using it all the time if I were addicted to it. I have yet to feel any withdrawal effects from my subs.....and I hope others follow my methods and are able to enjoy suboxone the way I have.

No offense to you bud, but anyone who is shoving subs in their ass is probably a little addicted. which i mean if you are u are not an issue. issue might be with u thinking there is no problem there. just saying
just tried IV'n sub strip for first time tonite, riddle me this batman rush wasnt better, but the high afterwards was better then the one i got from the opana i IV'd 7 hours ago. crazy right. so much for having to wait 12 hours to use a sub or u will get instant wd
I agree and disagree as well

I actually disagree. i dont think that all sub doctors are going to make there patients switch to the strips. My doctor has shown that he has no intention on doing that. Im pretty sure the only way that will happen is if they discontinue the tablet formulation, which I doubt will happen. they have shown no signs of doing that at all.
And if they do eventually discontinue the tablets, it will more than likely be very far in the future.
I see a doctor who has changed patients over to strips. He has a notice on each wall he was changing. Four months after our notice I was still picking up pill form at the pharmacy. I finally told them I was getting pill's instead of strips and I didn't want to get in trouble for non-compliance. They said my insurance company approved the pill form till Janurary 2023 so they have to prescribe what my insurance has approved. She told me only 2 of his patients will continue to recieve pill form and everyone else has been changed to strips. SO agree that each doctor will want to change to strips because they can't be snorted BUT people are sticking them up their VaJJ, rectum, and IV. Honestly HOW~WHAT~WHY put them in the VaJJ and rectum? CRAZY!! Back to the switch yes I believe each doctor is wanting to change to strips thinking people will stop snorting them and are unaware of what is going on with the strips. Well if people are putting strips in those places I guess pills will work as well. I still think its crazy!
I completely agree!
I couldn't agree with you more. The only problem with these forums is that there is always the couple dudes or gals that think they know everything and there methods trump everything else. Use what method works best for you and your recovery cause that is what is important.
How do you know that? I am looking for help with absorption so thank you I will try that and see if there is a difference for me. My husband and I both are doing all we can to stop taking it. I had a doctor apt yesterday and didn't go my husband didn't attend his apt either. sooo we are low low low on Suboxone and pray to GOD for the strength to endure this. Any other tips? We might have a week supply if we take them right.
I see a doctor who has changed patients over to strips. He has a notice on each wall he was changing. Four months after our notice I was still picking up pill form at the pharmacy. I finally told them I was getting pill's instead of strips and I didn't want to get in trouble for non-compliance. They said my insurance company approved the pill form till Janurary 2023 so they have to prescribe what my insurance has approved. She told me only 2 of his patients will continue to recieve pill form and everyone else has been changed to strips. SO agree that each doctor will want to change to strips because they can't be snorted BUT people are sticking them up their VaJJ, rectum, and IV. Honestly HOW~WHAT~WHY put them in the VaJJ and rectum? CRAZY!! Back to the switch yes I believe each doctor is wanting to change to strips thinking people will stop snorting them and are unaware of what is going on with the strips. Well if people are putting strips in those places I guess pills will work as well. I still think its crazy!

Stop Signs or Strips...

I just wish they would make a change on the fucking taste.

Remember being a kid and going to the Orthodontist and Dentist? Remember when they ask if you want the Grape, Cherry, or Orange flavor shit they spray in your mouth? Its just like that disgusting, grainy, horrid Orange flavored dentist shit.

Swim took 8mgof sub 10 hours ago for the first tine ever.will he feel it if he does heroin?
I see a doctor who has changed patients over to strips. He has a notice on each wall he was changing. Four months after our notice I was still picking up pill form at the pharmacy. I finally told them I was getting pill's instead of strips and I didn't want to get in trouble for non-compliance. They said my insurance company approved the pill form till Janurary 2023 so they have to prescribe what my insurance has approved. She told me only 2 of his patients will continue to recieve pill form and everyone else has been changed to strips. SO agree that each doctor will want to change to strips because they can't be snorted BUT people are sticking them up their VaJJ, rectum, and IV. Honestly HOW~WHAT~WHY put them in the VaJJ and rectum? CRAZY!! Back to the switch yes I believe each doctor is wanting to change to strips thinking people will stop snorting them and are unaware of what is going on with the strips. Well if people are putting strips in those places I guess pills will work as well. I still think its crazy!

Even though I IV mine after micron filtered, I could still take the solution, and plug it, or spray it inside my nose to snort it and it would work just fine.

There's no difference in my opinion, a different method that might take an extra minute or two for the intranasal route, but I don't think it deters many people from it. It just makes it a little bit harder.
I've tried everything except plugging and snorting nasal solution of these strips. I'm scripted 16mg / day but rarely take 8. I quickly found injecting to be worthless (and dangerous due to sugary favourings. My favorite ROA either taking the strip SL with about a ML of high-proof liquor or making a solution and soaking it cotton balls which are then placed under the tongue.
Suboxone sublingual films gave me oral cancer.....do your research on the artificial sweetener they put in that stuff!!
Hi im new to blue light and dont know if this is where i ask a question, but here goes i dont take suboxone regularly but had to take them for two days yesterday being the second day i took quite a bit four 8mg strips the first day and two the second. Ive read you can get high on opiates anywhere from 4 hours to seven days later depending on different variables. But if any one could tell me how long ill have to wait from maybe experience or just advice to get high again. Taking in consideration i am not on suboxone just took them for two days. Thanks!
Hi im new to blue light and dont know if this is where i ask a question, but here goes i dont take suboxone regularly but had to take them for two days yesterday being the second day i took quite a bit four 8mg strips the first day and two the second. Ive read you can get high on opiates anywhere from 4 hours to seven days later depending on different variables. But if any one could tell me how long ill have to wait from maybe experience or just advice to get high again. Taking in consideration i am not on suboxone just took them for two days. Thanks!

You took a very very large amount of suboxone... so it's going to take a long while for it to get out of your system. It has a half life of 24-36 hours on average.. so it will take a few days before you can feel the full effects of opiates again.
Thanks alot love this site and everyones opinions and self experiences. I found that fent was strong enough to bust through the bupe about 24 hours later. But everyone remember bupe before dope your wasting much buzz. Bupe after dope you just might puke!!!!!!!!! PWD everyones different but do your research and know your body cuz know one wants to shit, puke, freeze, burn up, and just want to basically die from PWD. Sorry for the ramble, good luck and safe "good times" for all.
Suboxone sublingual films gave me oral cancer.....do your research on the artificial sweetener they put in that stuff!!

I think it's the same artificial sweetener in the tablets though, am I wrong? Is this what your doctor told you?
i want to try IVing .5mg for the first time. ive never iv'd before and i'm not very good at the whole process. i did see this video in another thread (i hope he doesnt mind me posting it , but he never shows his face) http://imageshack.us/clip/my-videos/683/k8k.mp4/

I'm wondering if i should follow those steps? I don't have micron filters at the moment but i did order some. however, i do still want to try it. i will be very careful with sanitizing, washing hands, but my question is what to use as a filter? I read the next best thing is a cigarette filter?

I'm kind of confused in the video how he made his "filtration syringe" i see he took out the plunger, but did he just stick the cotton into the front end where the needle was? this is around 3:44 in the video. if anyone can give me a better explanation and just things i should be very careful of, would be very appreciated.

*sorry for posting in 2 threads, but im starting to feel bad, would like to try doing this soon , just looking for some feedback first*
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