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Harm Reduction New! - Cold Water Extraction Mega Thread & FAQ

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This. Try raising the water volume to 100mL to a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius ( vapors visible but not boiling) in the procedure and see if you get more. Cool to freezing point. Maybe you have a stubborn builder.

Lol I really need to get all the right equipment to do this.
Lol I really need to get all the right equipment to do this.

The only equipment I use which isn't found in an average kitchen is a coffee grinder (£20 from Argos if you're in the UK) because it makes grinding the pills easier. Before I bought it I'd put the pills in a glass and use the end of a rolling pin to crush them (a makeshift mortar and pestle if you will). I guess not everyone has coffee filters, but these can be bought from any supermarket (usually found with the tea and coffee).

If you find it takes a long time to filter though the coffee filters, I wet a dress-shirt (anything with very tight fabric) and filter though that. It goes a lot quicker than coffee filters as the filters usually get clogged up with the APAP/Paracetomol. Once it has slowed down to say, one drip every 5 seconds or so, I bundle the area of the shrit with the gunk in and squeeze it into the glass to speed it up, if it comes out very cloudy squeeze it into a coffee filter. Always remember to wet your filters/shirts before using them, otherwise they absorb the water (which contains the drugs you want).

I guess a thermometer *could* be useful, but I've been doing CWE's without one for about 7 months, and I've not had any issues. I use something similar to Mr Blonde's method on the first page of this thread (I don't heat the water first, just add cold water to the crushed pills) which works fine for me. To be honest "hot - not boiling" is enough for hot water, and "cold - not frozen solid" is enough for cold water. When I first started doing extractions I was thinking everything had to be precise, but I've seen posts from people who do extractions at work/away from home and merely add pills to cool water straight from the tap, allow them to dissolve in the water, stir vigorously for a couple mins with a pen or even their finger and then filter with paper towels. They claim it feels the same as using a 'proper' technique, and has not caused any liver issues. I agree that paper towels like this are good filters, but they are hard to wet and place in a glass without ripping them - best used for filtering cloudly solutions once you have most of the gunk out.

So really, don't worry about getting any special equipment :)
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I am not an adept of the coffee filter because with so little water volume the opiate+H2O will just infiltrate by capillarity in the paper and stay there. I just extract it 2 times with a pipette only.
Filter would work better if you have a vacuum system on your water tap and you would have to filter 2x.
I beg to differ. Using a thermometer is very good practice if you wish to lower the solubility of paracetamol/acetaminophen; lower temp to below 21c or even 15c results in significant reduction of apap in final solution, a less cloudy solution.

You're completely right, I should have been a bit clearer on the temperatures; however if you don't have a thermometer, 'very cold' to the touch should be well below 21C.

I tend to measure out what water I need in a measuring jug, then leave it in the freezer whilst I grind my pills up.
You're completely right, I should have been a bit clearer on the temperatures; however if you don't have a thermometer, 'very cold' to the touch should be well below 21C.

I tend to measure out what water I need in a measuring jug, then leave it in the freezer whilst I grind my pills up.

Make sure you shake the crap out of it if you're using cold water since the first step.
The only equipment I use which isn't found in an average kitchen is a coffee grinder (£20 from Argos if you're in the UK) because it makes grinding the pills easier.

=DGot mine for £10 at the market. You're absolutely right tho, a grinder makes the whole process easier, & imo gets more of the codeine out because you get a very fine powder which mixes with the water better.
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How safe is it to take codeine recreationally?

I have only been up to a 75mg dose and that was pretty good, I think 60mg is my perfect dose, even though that isn't much but yeah I'm happy with that haha

How often would you say it is okay to take it with it having very minimal repercussion or none (if thats possible lol)? once a week, once a month etc.

I enjoy being sober so I'm not worried about how long between each dose I just enjoy codeine more than other drugs because theres no head fuck and just floating haha.
Also what would be the best of the best filters to sue to extract codeine from paracetamol? I've used paper towel and that seems to work but I would like to be on the safe side!
Also what would be the best of the best filters to sue to extract codeine from paracetamol? I've used paper towel and that seems to work but I would like to be on the safe side!

coffee filters are the bees knees, otherwise a decent shirt or some kind of clothing will suffice; double filtering if you still feel concerned.

i'll merge this into the codeine CWE thread for ya
coffee filters are the bees knees, otherwise a decent shirt or some kind of clothing will suffice; double filtering if you still feel concerned.

i'll merge this into the codeine CWE thread for ya

Okay cheers for that but that wasn't my main question anyway lol it was like a side question haha.
sorry dude, i'm HAI:D

yeah, to avoid dependency and a heightened tolerance you want to space your doses out as far apart as possible.

using weekly or bi-weekly shouldn't cause too many issues in that sense.
sorry dude, i'm HAI:D

yeah, to avoid dependency and a heightened tolerance you want to space your doses out as far apart as possible.

using weekly or bi-weekly shouldn't cause too many issues in that sense.

haha! all good mate! thanks for answering, thats pretty much what i needed to hear haha =D
I took ~8g of APAP daily for a year because of my Norco habit. (24 a day)

THANK GOD, my liver is okay. At least I never drank.
I had a blood test done a week or so ago (first ever) & got a letter from the docs yesterday telling me to make an appointment about the results urgently.

I'm rather worried, & suspect its a liver related problem. But not caused by too much APAP/paracetamol, but years of heavy alcohol abuse.

But until I find out next monday, I'm staying away from CWE's (although still taking codeine linctus...no paracetamol in it) and still drinking a small amount of alcohol.

Fingers crossed its nothing too serious...:(
Would this work?

APAP is heavier than water. If one were to get a 150ml test-tube, fill it with 80ml or so of 31C water, and 10 well crushed 10/500mg opiate tablets, shake well and let cool to 15C and settle, would it not be very easy to simply pour out the opiate water leaving the "filler" at the bottom of the test tube, being very careful not to get the sludge (which can then be press-filtered with a high thread count fabric) ?

If my math is right, the water should have about 640mg APAP and 90-95mg of the opiate. Is that right?
Well, yes, that would likely work, but there would still be opiates left in the acetaminophen which should be pressed out.

apap is like fine sand, which does not require an actual filter. I use a dress shirt, which works fine.
Well, yes, that would likely work, but there would still be opiates left in the acetaminophen which should be pressed out.

apap is like fine sand, which does not require an actual filter. I use a dress shirt, which works fine.

Perhaps a silk shirt? You could give the remaining sludge a 10ml ice water bath and twist and squeeze like crazy.

I surmise that the optimum filter is:

1...Very strong, will not rip, silk is VERY strong
2...Very thin, will wring-out easily and thoroughly, silk
3...Has a low affinity to water, will actually repel water, like silk
4...Displays minimal capillary action, water will not seep up the filter, silk is hydrophobic

In other words, the optimum filter to use is a very thin, silk shirt.

Is my summary logical?


My mother is at an end-of-life stage. She's in pain 24/7 She gets all the Percocet she wants from hospice but won't take more than 3g of APAP per day (she was a nurse and does not want liver trouble) with this method, I could give her the pain relief she needs without killing her, via liver toxicity. She doesn't want to die, she just wants a few more pain-free months with her family.

Thank you all for this method! Now she'll get the 160mg (plus or minus) oxycodone she needs. (Oxycontin does not work, we tried it) Oxycodone works as well as morphine but with far fewer side effects, according to my mother.

We'll save the morphine for the final days.
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