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Harm Reduction New! - Cold Water Extraction Mega Thread & FAQ

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They have 750mgs of acetaminophen in them. You should not exceed 4000mgs daily of it. If you take 4, you are at 3000 so you should be alright in the short run. But I wouldn't continue this without trying to lower the amount of acetaminopen consumed via cold water extraction.
They have 750mgs of acetaminophen in them. You should not exceed 4000mgs daily of it. If you take 4, you are at 3000 so you should be alright in the short run. But I wouldn't continue this without trying to lower the amount of acetaminopen consumed via cold water extraction.

I have no idea how to do the cold water extraction? Do I just drink cold water? I'm sorry I'm so ignorant to this, but as I've said before - even talking about this is new to me.
Pure oxy, hydro don't really affect the liver, you can take until you grow old and not have any liver problems...as long as you can afford paying for them.
Were your compounds pure or self extracted?

I have no idea how to do the cold water extraction? Do I just drink cold water? I'm sorry I'm so ignorant to this, but as I've said before - even talking about this is new to me.

You take your pills, crush into fine powder. Find a transparent glass bottle of about 100mL in volume and put the powder inside. Add about 50mL of hot water, (just put the cold water in the microwave until it's hot [you can't hold finger in it] but not boiling) to the powder and shake well. You will notice that most powder dissolves. Now comes the extraction part. You need to put the bottle in the freezer for about 30 min. Don't let it freeze or it can break the bottle. Take it out of the freezer and filtrate it using a coffee filter. Drink the extract, discard the white residue.

If you usually take 4 pills 750, you got 3g of APAP.
After extraction if you do it the way I tell you, you'll have 0.3g of APAP.

If you want less APAP content just lower the water volume to 5mL. This will require some chemistry tools and a bit of chemical common sense in a way, if you don't have them then stick to the 50mL volume. With 5mL water volume, the APAP intake is as low as 30mg, that's 0.03g, you can consider it = zero.

Take care, stay safe.
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Pure oxy, hydro don't really affect the liver, you can take until you grow old and not have any liver problems...as long as you can afford paying for them.
Were your compounds pure or self extracted?e

I honestly don't know, it's someones prescription. Is there a way I can tell?
Let me know what it sais on the label, look for brand names, chemical compounds etc.
There aren't any chemical compounds. The only thing that it says on the label is: Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/750MG TABS, MFG Watson.
There aren't any chemical compounds. The only thing that is says on the label is: Hydrocodone/APAP 7.5/750MG TABS, MFG Watson.

Yes, you NEED to do a cold water extraction, proceed with erowid's guide on CWE or with mine, they basically say the same thing and it's what should be done to get most out of your pills with the least APAP content.
Yes, you NEED to do a cold water extraction, proceed with erowid's guide on CWE or with mine, they basically say the same thing and it's what should be done to get most out of your pills with the least APAP content.

Will I still get the same feeling with the extraction?
Will I still get the same feeling with the extraction?

Good question. 4.5 extracted pills = 4 taken pills

You will lose half a pill in opiate content for each extraction but imo it's worth it because tylenol is quite toxic. However if you do the extraction wrong you may lose a lot of opiate.

So that you better understand: there's 2 key steps. The first key step is to make sure that the water is hot enough to almost completely dissolve your powder. If your powder doesn't disolve well you lose opiate. The second key step is in the cooling. You must cool it until a small thin ice cap forms on the surface, this means the temperature is at the freezing point. You take the solution out and you filter it.

Read Erowid's guide too in the topic posted by Jackie. Try it and if you don't feel the same, come back, means something is wrong with your extraction.
^I do not find that to be true. Oxycodone/hydrocodone/codeine are completely water soluble. You can do a second rinse to be sure, but I never do.

It really helps with onset (10-15min with oxycodone), and makes for a decent rush.
^yes. Hydrocodone is *very* water soluble, the apap isn't in cold water so it separates and extract that out. Its very simple. With the doses you are taking you don't even need to do this (FDA allows 5 of the 7.5/750 ES pills/day) but its good in the long run.
^yes. Hydrocodone is *very* water soluble, the apap isn't in cold water so it separates and extract that out. Its very simple. With the doses you are taking you don't even need to do this (FDA allows 5 of the 7.5/750 ES pills/day) but its good in the long run.

I'll explain it in an easy way. If you have 1g of pure 100% oxycodone powder and 1g of pure acetaminophen powder. You mix the 2 together really well and obtain a powder mix, of 2g right? If you dissolve that powder into cold water your right, opiate dissolves immediately in less than 0.1 seconds, the reaction is extremely fast even in icy water.

What you perhaps didn't consider is that crushing a pill containing 750mg of APAP and 30mg of opiate is not a mix of 750/30, because it contains a chemical called a builder, made to hold the pill together in a solid shape. The builder will prevent the opiate to fully dissolve in cold water unless you shake the crap out of it. It would be more wise to destroy the builder through a heat treatment first...erowid does the same, it's not a coincidence. Some pills have really tough builders...it can prevent even 20% of the opiate to be released but it's usually lower than that.
I'll explain it in an easy way. If you have 1g of pure 100% oxycodone powder and 1g of pure acetaminophen powder. You mix the 2 together really well and obtain a powder mix, of 2g right? If you dissolve that powder into cold water your right, opiate dissolves immediately in less than 0.1 seconds, the reaction is extremely fast even in icy water.

What you perhaps didn't consider is that crushing a pill containing 750mg of APAP and 30mg of opiate is not a mix of 750/30, because it contains a chemical called a builder, made to hold the pill together in a solid shape. The builder will prevent the opiate to fully dissolve in cold water unless you shake the crap out of it. It would be more wise to destroy the builder through a heat treatment first...erowid does the same, it's not a coincidence. Some pills have really tough builders...it can prevent even 20% of the opiate to be released but it's usually lower than that.

Jesus, you guys are smart lol.

Really though, thank you for the replies. I appreciate the links and the help :)
I'm still going to try the extraction thing just because imo I've been doing this for a while & I'm a little nervous. I don't want to get sick or worse..
Well since your dose isn't too dangerous, maybe take half the pills whole, and do the CWE on the other half if it makes you feel more comfortable.
^man, you gotta stop double posting all over the place. Its bad form.

If you want to add something just click edit and add it. I like to type 'EDIT' at the bottom and add it.
Anybody notice the difference in the 'high' from straight codeine only pills to doing a CWE?????

I'm used to doing 200/ 300 mg a go with a CWE, last night my friend traded me 4 60mg pills for some zopiclone; i took 180mgs & let me tell you that when it kicked in it was alot smoother & euphoric than a CWE!

Could this be, A; because we dont get as much codeine as we think from a CWE? or B; the quality of prescription grade codeine is higher.

I know this sounds like nonsense, but i know others have noticed the difference too. Anybody care to share their experiences with this, please, thank you.
Anybody notice the difference in the 'high' from straight codeine only pills to doing a CWE?????

I'm used to doing 200/ 300 mg a go with a CWE, last night my friend traded me 4 60mg pills for some zopiclone; i took 180mgs & let me tell you that when it kicked in it was alot smoother & euphoric than a CWE!

Could this be, A; because we dont get as much codeine as we think from a CWE? or B; the quality of prescription grade codeine is higher.

I know this sounds like nonsense, but i know others have noticed the difference too. Anybody care to share their experiences with this, please, thank you.

This. Try raising the water volume to 100mL to a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius ( vapors visible but not boiling) in the procedure and see if you get more. Cool to freezing point. Maybe you have a stubborn builder.
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