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Harm Reduction New! - Cold Water Extraction Mega Thread & FAQ

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No reason why you couldn't. Its not going to be pure codeine/hyrocodone/etc, and even then, its still not a good idea to short or shoot if thats what you were planning on. You could get it down to a powder to make it easier to consume, but don't do anything wacky with it (why? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulmonary_edema). Taking it orally would be your best bet, in terms of bioavailability (most cost efficient) and safety.

No I know its best to consume it orally I was just wondering because I never heard of anyone doing this before.

So I have Vicodin ES's... And according to the Global converter scale, hydrocodone is 1:1.5 vs. oxycodone, so I wanted an 80my oxycodone equivalency.

I took 17 of these bad boys (because you do lose some) and I crushed them up with a big thick candy glass jar in a plastic ziplock bag and and poured them into a 12oz soda bottle (washed out of course). I filled up the bottle with hot water from the faucet (but not the hottest, just hot and shook it a bit to make sure it all was in solution.

Then I put it in the freezer until the bottom was really cold and the rest was cold/room temp, then put it in the refridgerator.

Now I am waiting (it's been about 25 minutes now) and I am going to use two coffee filters insideof a cotton (washed) sock for a filter.

Will this filter be good enough? Thanks...

Would just the Sock be okay w/o the coffee filters?
That should be a fine filter. You could do it with just the coffee filters (that's what I do).
You honestly don't need to use hot water and then cool it. Cold tap water works absolutely fine and isn't dangerous in the slightest.
So much quicker with no disadvantage.
Thanks, about to go filter now and enjoy.. add some gatorade to make it taste better.... will let you know...
my filter

Well I just filtered and I just used two basic socks (one inside each other) and god the amount of APAP that came out was astounding (supposedly 12g) and it seems it... the solution is still pretty milky... should I just drink this down?
AC&C and Tylenol 1's are the absolute most dangerous CWE when it comes to opiate use because the ratio is 8mg codeine and 15mg caffeine....what this does is lower the abillity of your body to take in oxygen.

On a 'regular CWE dose' of 20 pills (160mg codeine/300mg caffeine) I had a hit from my pipe while on my couch, I held it in and went to blow it out the door right beside my couch. All I remeber is opening the door after which I didn't know anything about who or where I was and it was VERY intense feeling that I had to sit down and even after sitting down I felt like my left side of the brain was in 'paralysis' so to speak. I had to move around and go outside for a few minutes until this feeling went away.

Another time much more serious, also from 8mg codeine 15mg caffeine pills on a CWE I had a bong in my hand and I went beside the door to blow out the smoke after holding it in for a few seconds. This time I don't think I even managed to open the door when everything went black (whenever this happens to me I hold onto something nearby and try to take deep breaths). When everything cleared up and I could see again I was in *shock*, I was in the middle of the room and I was on the floor. I couldn't find the bong where I had dropped it and it took me a while to get myself together.

I came to the conclusion that its due to lack of oxygen! Caffeine, sedated breathing from benzos, clonidine and codeine and large breaths of weed will contribue to lack of oxygen.
I go all dizzy and bump into things, also wobble all over the place when I walk. My doctor says it's because I was shaken as a baby, shudder! He says codeine is good for the neurological damage mummy dearest caused. Also Oliver Sacks told me to take it every day for the same reason. Have you doctors heard of this?

Nightmare Girl and your pal Philip Crowley
How much APAP is removed with a CWE... Vicodin

New to the forum, but I thought this would be a good place to start. For the past 4 days I have been doing a CWE everyday. Last night I maxed out at 5 pills 7.5/700. Before that I had done 6-7 of 5/500. I performed a CWE for all of these. Days before that I had been just taking the Vics as is because I was taking 2 or 3 in the evening. I have a tendency to be paranoid about damage to my body and my mind can usually play with me. I figure that so long as most of the APAP was filtered out, I should be okay, right? How much APAP can I assume was filtered out with the CWE? I've read where people have actually taken 10-20 pills without doing a CWE, and they've been fine. But the more I've read on APAP the more concerned I am. I don't have major symptoms, except some abdominal cramping. Any insight or info would be appreciated.
Man I would CWE >40 10mg/500mg codeine/apap tablets in one go when i was using codeine a year or 2 ago. If you did the cwe properly, the apap content is negligable. Even 5x 700mg APAP is below the maximum daily dose of APAP, and that's without the CWE :\
Youre stressing over nothing
This has been covered before. Just look up the solubility of APAP, which if I recall correctly, is 1000mg / 1mL.
This has been covered before. Just look up the solubility of APAP, which if I recall correctly, is 1000mg / 1mL.

Thats very high... Its actually closer to 8mg/mL of water at room temperature.
This has been covered before. Just look up the solubility of APAP, which if I recall correctly, is 1000mg / 1mL.

if im not mistaking, u dont want the APAP to disolve in the water, correct me if wrong THANKS

so it dont matter how much water u use cuz all u want it the opiates to be filtered out with the water and the APAP to stay behind..

people take 20 vikes a day

people take 60 vikes a day

yes its bad for u but it aint gonna kill u so dont worry if thats what ur worried about

when it comes to CWE, how many timmes do u repeat

cuz if u do it one time a batch, ur really only gonna get 50% of the dose u put in so u need to repeat... id say repeat 4 times.

but i repeat just twice cuz i cant wait and i use a LOT of pills, usually 15-20 7.5mg/750mgs, as many as i can, butt minimum 12. but i still need to repeat cuz it dont matter the dose.

you're just being paranoid, but keep performing those CWE's and you have nothing to worry about.

CWE doesn't take ALL the APAP out, but id say 90% ATLEAST is filtered. So don't worry, CWE is meant for many reasons, and one of them is so you don't need to worry, SO DON'T WORRY

and BTW, calm down with opiates, idk how much or how long uve been using or how knowledgeable you are about them but they are addicting, and it sneaks up on u...

one good point is to take atleast 72 hr (3 days) breaks in between doses.
^^^^I think 60 Vics a day would easily contribute to someone's early demise due to Liver failure.
It sounds implausible but there have been many cases of people with heavy Vicodin habits taking up to 60 of them a day. I even knew a guy firsthand who was addicted to the shit cuz he had an unlimited script of it and didn't have access to anything better...anyway, he would blow through a bottle of 100 in about 48 hours. And after about six months of doing this, he walked away with horrible WDs, but no liver damage.
The maximum daily dose of 4000 mg is just a median figure. Everyone's bodies and organs process things differently. It's amazing what the human body can take...but to the OP, keep doing your CWEs, you don't wanna take a chance. As mentioned above, CWEs take the worry away. So there is no need to worry if you are taking the time to take this precaution.
djsim said:
Man I would CWE >40 10mg/500mg codeine/apap tablets in one go when i was using codeine a year or 2 ago.

Yeah? Well today I CWE'd 120 tablets in one go and dosed it all at once. No joke. And I'm not proud.

Unknown said:
This has been covered before. Just look up the solubility of APAP, which if I recall correctly, is 1000mg / 1mL.

I'm guessing he just made a typo; the solubility is 1 gram in 100ml of water at 22 degrees Celsius.

As to the question, well it depends on what kind of filtering your doing. If your using a lab grade filter you can assume that only the amount that dissolved would have gotten through. Coffee filters, probably close to that. Using lesser filters (e.g. a shirt, or squeezing your filter) you will probably get more APAP going in to what you are drinking at the end. But look at it this way; at the height of my addiction I was using more then 100 tablets a day for a CWE and filtering through a shirt and squeezing the shit out of it, and so far no liver failure. I'm not recommending that at all, but the CWE process is fairly safe.

I'm going to merge this into the CWE mega thread.
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