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New (and less new) RCs - Alphabet Soup

^ Lower end of that rage ime but tolerance rises fairly rapidly. 150mg is ridiculous though and I'm a complete stim fiend.

Did you send it [AFA] to WEDINOS or anything shambles?

I didn't. I only bought 250mg as it's so frikkin pricey and used that 250mg gradually upping dose trying to get anything approaching a noticable psychoactive effect from it. I could find precious little in the way of actual user reports on it when I bought some - almost all references I came across were just copypasta from the wiki page - so kinda had to use some caution. I did end up using the whole 1/4g over 24h or so at ever-increasing doses. At no point did I notice any real "druggy" effects whatsoever - not even any increased heartrate - but given there's so little to go on, and the fact it costs the bastard Earth compared to any of the other RC (supposed) stims out there, this one just seemed to be a flat-out dud to me.

Could be that the product was not all it should be, of course. I have no way of knowing. The vendor I acquired from has always been extremely reliable and is no noob in the RC market but they did supply what I strongly suspect to be shonky AL-LAD tabs (I believe them to have been an NBOMe but will be sending one away to WEDINOS for testing to confirm) so they've lost brownie points with me recently.

Whatever happened to the 2c family of chemicals?

I can't speak to availablilty on naughtyweb sites such as the one I just had to edit out of your post but they're still widely available from "traditional" sources.
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Already listed one substance, now for the endless others.
I'll collate the data for an index, but ultimately it's up to the mods to initiate it or tell me I wasted many hours. =D

The reason we decided to create a generic RC Megathread was that so many of these chems appear and disappear overnight and we just ended up with a gazillion microthreads with little or no information in when we kept them separate. The thinking is that any that reach mass-market levels of use will end up with individual threads but the vast majority are here today, gone tomorrow nad - very broadly speaking - there is a hardcore group of users who will try any and all that come onto the market and that group of posters are the ones who post regularly in this thread and will be the group who are most likely to be able to offer information and advice on a broad range. As with all EADD policies, these matters are always open for discussion and debate but so far this thread seems to be working much better than the previous system of fragmented microthreads.
Oops. Sorry about the name drop. Shan't happen again!


Forgot how strict the rules are here! ��
Oops. Sorry about the name drop. Shan't happen again!


Forgot how strict the rules are here! ��

I don't think it's a question of the rules being 'strict'

This site is certainly watched by LE of many types, it isn't a place to source or sell drugs. We all know there are places for that.

BL is a site dedicated to the reduction of harm caused by drug use and the sharing of useful information about safe drug use, in the social forums we stretch that further and just allow casual talk about drugs ...all fine.

The accusation that BL is a vehicle to sell or buy drugs is the biggest threat to it's existence so we are very sensitive to posts that even allude to such things, there is simply no need.

With the DNMs its easy to forget that these are commercial businesses selling drugs on a worldwide scale, we just don't allow the naming of them of the discussion of specific vendors of any kind.

I have no doubt yours was a simple mistake but others would use the site to promote their wares if they could....and that would be bad ;)
sorry for spamming this question in 2 threads, wasnt sure which thread was most likely to get a reply; has anyone tried Ethylnaphthidate yet, and what is the verdict?

It's certainly currently considerably more expensive than Eph was, but that's probably just cos its brand new, and there was a lot of vendor competition to get people to buy their ethyl.The price will hopefully come down soon, if its not banned, the ACMD were gonna cover this substance under a blanket ban cos of its close similarities to Eph to prevent happening what has already happened.
Can anyone advise me on the dosage of pentedrone? Forum posts weren't really conclusive, ranging from 10-150mg

ive not used this for a while, i cant remember what my doses were, as once i became familiar with it, and saw that it was not a mega potent stim, i found it ok to do smallish thin lines, probably 40mg or so at at time. I'd easily be getting through a whole gram after a series of regular orders and a pattern of regular consumption which i felt was too much. So ive not re-ordered any more for quite a while now.
I'm really tempted to order some parafluorobutyrfentanyl when I get paid, week on Tuesday.

I've got an insane tolerance to opiates anyway and always been curious of fent analogues. I know enough to know it's not one of the stupidly strong ones.

The *snip* site says it is illegal in the UK but they will ship, what's the chances of it getting through? And how long does it usually take to get from there to here? I know people ordered the yellow clonaz capsules from them.

On another note just got 15 clonazolam through the post this morning, the pinky red pellets, just ate 5. Don't worry I've got a tolerance. So with 2.5mg of clonazolam ingested (sublingual) I already feel the anxiolytics effects. Imo these are the best rc benzo on the market at the moment. Etiz does nothing for me any more, the two flubs ZAM has too long HL and LAM just fucks your receptors up by the looks of things. Getting 2 boxes of 2mg of diazepam on Sunday 5er a box (28 in a box so 5.5 ten MG tabs per box so will be like) . Works out at just under a pound a pill but there's nothing else about up here so prices are up.
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There's soma you things I want for my next order

1PLSD is a definite, really enjoyed that. More so than LSD25. Gunna go for one and a half tabs this time maybe two.

One /did/ get very visual into the trip though, i was a lot more clear headed and kept more of a train of thought than if I had regular acid. It did seem more controllable. Don't know whether to jump straight to 200mics or 150mics. I've always been fine of 3/4 acid trips should be fine with two of these.
I hunted high and low for a gab of etaqualone that i knew i had somewhere the other night, though i was beginning to doubt myself, thinking maybe id got rid of it when wrecked, in a moment of madness or sanity, depending how you look at it. For some reason i just felt that i wanted some Etaq the other night. Then after taking it i realised why i hadnt touched it for about 3 years. It vaped OK in an ecig, giving mild stoney type effects, it was difficult to vape enough quickly enough for the effects to build up, and it was absolutely foul vaped straight off foil though obviously far stonger. A few hours later the 300mg oral dose must have kicked in completely without warning as i woke up on the sofa at 4am. Last time Id checked the time it was around 11.
I'm really tempted to order some parafluorobutyrfentanyl when I get paid, week on Tuesday.

I've got an insane tolerance to opiates anyway and always been curious of fent analogues. I know enough to know it's not one of the stupidly strong ones.

fentanyl analogue RC's, what could possibly go wrong.
Just wanted to ask if anyone here has used some of the Fentanyl analogues on the market? I've been looking particularly at the Acetyl ester, given its purportedly low potency relative to the Butyr/Para-subbed variants. Currently have a hefty tolerance as a result of my predilection for standard Fentanyl - ~5mg/day will maintain me, 6mg+ for a high. Based on the potency being 0.05 to 0.1, 50-100mg AF would provide similar effects. The cost/dose ratio is a big factor, I shan't quote exact prices but for ~10mg of Fent Citrate, I could pick up a gram or so of H.
I think most RC 's have their own individual threads but due to not having a proper index or much popularity they get lost quite quickly, which is a shame, I mainly use subscriptions (more than 200) to archive the treads of interest, can't really think of any compounds being discussed here that don't have their own little thread some where way back. This thread really is a good catch all where people can still ask for advice and is easily found because it's more active, and more of a RC social thread, but it's a shame to see people post here asking about materials that have their own threads already who obviously do not know how to find the respective threads. A proper index that is stickied and updated would be great. I could send you links to specific threads if you like.
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I think most RC 's have their own individual threads but due to not having a proper index or much popularity they get lost quite quickly, which is a shame, I mainly use subscriptions (more than 200) to archive the treads of interest, can't really think of any compounds being discussed here that don't have their own little thread some where way back. This thread really is a good catch all where people can still ask for advice and is easily found because it's more active, and more of a RC social thread, but it's a shame to see people post here asking about materials that have their own threads already who obviously do not know how to find the respective threads. A proper index that is stickied and updated would be great. I could send you links to specific threads if you like.

I was inspired by the indexing of the Mega Cannabinoid Discussion thread; simply find the posts concerning RC-x, note the post number and add them to the OP.

A la; 3-FPM -
#542, #534, #677, #678, #783, #790, #791, #797, #833, #836, #840-843, #845, #863-#865, #867, #870, #876-883, #890, #894, #898, #906, #908.

That way, once properly linked, one can jump instantly to discussion of the RC of interest.
I've not checked that thread yet, Sprout... sounds totally unworkable though so will have to go have a looksee cos what you describe doesn't even sound possible. How is it not just an index linking to the first post of a discussion just as fragmentary as the overall thread itself? 'Sokay, rhetorical question, will go check it if you give me a linky as there are several such threads in various forums afaik and obviously need to be checking the appropriate one. Thanks for the suggestion - chuff up the linky and we'll look into it as a possibility :)

A proper index that is stickied and updated would be great. I could send you links to specific threads if you like.

We have one of those... If there are threads you - or anybody else - feels should be included in it then please mention it in the official EADD Index Thread or PM any of the mods. Whilst we do our best to keep up with every thread update and to include every specialist thread (within reason) we are but human and don't always manage to catch them all so the assistance of our fellow EADDers is always most welcome and appreciated <3
Ah yes Sprout, the indexing of the noid thread is a very good thing so many of those around, info on these needs to be readily accesible. I now understand what you want to do, perhaps it's a good idea if we browse this thread to see if there are bits of info not yet available in the respective threads to add them as quotes, that is what you intend to do here I guess right?

Shambles I will make a list of threads not yet included in our index and will gladly send you their links, I knew there was an index somewhere, I know there is one in PD too, but lost the bookmarks.

Also how does this work? is there also an index in all the other subforums like OD, PD, ED, etc? Perhaps we could make a general index (for RC's or perhaps best to include or at least point to everything else) and create some sort of aliases of respective classes there, so if there is a new noid a mod there can add it to their or the main index and it would be visible there and also accessible from here if it pertains an RC be it a stim, opiod, noid whathever with a link back to main index for other substances, and stuff like good or dangerous combinations etc. so no matter where you are you somehow add to the collective index..

Sorry if this sounds a bit convoluted.. :\
Perhaps it's as simple as joining already existing indexes by adding links to each other?
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Shambles I will make a list of threads not yet included in our index and will gladly send you their links, I knew there was an index somewhere, I know there is one in PD too, but lost the bookmarks.

The linkies to both the EADD and PD Index threads are in my sig.

As for cross-linking indexes from various forums... it would - afaik - be possible in principle but I'm not sure how practical it would be in practice. Each sub-forum has their own individual rules and guidelines and it could get very confusing jumping from forum to forum without being fully aware of which specific one you are posting in - especially given that what will be fine in one forum can virtually guarantee an infraction in the next.

EADD, for example, has always been extremely liberal in regards to our approach to overall BL site rules, but we also have some rather idiosyncratic ones of our own. Same - or variations thereupon - apply to all other subforums. Also, to be honest, there is precious little in regards to contact between staff of disparate forums and such would be preferable - if not absolutely essential - if some kinda BL-wide uberIndex was to be instagated.

From a user standpoint I can see the attraction, from a staff viewpoint I strongly suspect Hell will freeze over before even the most basic elements of such a scheme could ever be put in place. Whilst BL is a single entity, the individual sub-forums have always been fiercely independent entities within an overall whole. Cross-subforum threads and interactions have been attempted in the past and have always either fizzled and died the death of a thousand folk who don't give enough of a shit to bother using them or have had to be closed to avoid international incidents.

If specific ideas - perhaps smaller scale ones initially at least - are brought up in The EADD Metathread (which is specifically dedicated to ideas for ways to improve EADD) I'd love to see some discussion on these types of suggestion. We genuinely do want to hear about any ideas y'all may have to improve our lil corner of t'interwebz and the Metathread is a place where more in-depth discussion can take place and also remain prominently stickied for future reference as things obviously change over time and ideas sometimes need to be picked up at just the right time to gain enough momentum to become policy.

I honestly have no idea what other forums do in regards to indexing. EADD, PD and OD are the ones I am familiar with. There's also the WIki which provides a somewhat similar service I would presume (barely ever checked it myself I must admit :eek:). BL has never been a cookie-cutter kinda forum which is both a strength and - perhaps - a weakness in my book. What is definitely a strength is that open discussion on changes of any sort are always most welcome.

(and is far more effective than bitching in gibberings and the like - not directed at anyone or any incident in particular but happens often enough for it to be a "thing" and perhaps why some end up feeling put out and disenfranchised as it's only ever gonna be tomorrow's chip wrappers in there - the eadd metathread for all your eadd transformative needs, folks <3)
Hmmmm, two vastly differing answers there - if it is a case of leg-work and time-consumption, I suggested it as a project undertaken by myself - I will gladly perform the donkey-work required if given the 'go-ahead'.
Already completed the lists for 3-FPM and 4-FA.

I was not suggesting cross-forum linking, merely consolidating literally this thread only.

Either way. :)
Well here in AEDD we are not bound to any one type of substance right? So we have that to our advantage..
We also have our own 'muscle' roi who is starting most new RC threads anyway so....

Let's make ours the most complete index of BL!

(God it's awful I have this picture in my head now of that scene with Mel Gibson in Braveheart..=D)

Edit: Yes SproutOnSmack, great idea this thread is also getting bigger and bigger and lets keep it here in EADD it actually is much easier and we are not bound by one class of drugs we can take and index them all.. ;)

Still waiting for my 2C-B-FLY to arrive...it's been 8 days already....
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Early early days but anyone have any thoughts on the new UK legal ACH ?

I'm guessing it'll be a long duration. That 100mg dose is going to tempt vendors to cut it with mxp.