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Neversick November - Getting/Staying Clean Thread

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I blew it. Got a whole bunch of percs, suboxone, and kolonopin. Last post I'm making.
I blew it. Got a whole bunch of percs, suboxone, and kolonopin. Last post I'm making.

I caught up with your latest posts. What can I say except that life brings some terrible challenges sometimes. Rachael, God bless her, just might be working through good people right now to help you grieve and cope with her loss. The dope aint going to help though. But feeling the way you do right now aint helping you quit, either. I hope you have friends or family around to catch you, man, because you're falling. I hope this isn't your last post, brother. Hit me up w/ a PM if you want. I'm sober but know all about it, so you can get understanding but unfucked advice. Good luck, man. Bust out of this shitty situation and be strong.
^ it's okay! EVERYONE slips up. It's never too late. PM me sometime if you want to chat <3
At the school right now getting ready to take make placement exam! 20 more minutes. I think I'm pretty prepared for this, been studying my ass off! :)

176 days sober, and I'm finally starting to put the pieces back together and make progress!
From 300mg a day of 30s. I've been clean since 10/12. Longest time in 7 years. I only have naltrexone implant to thank for saving my life.
^^ welcome to Bluelight and CONGRATS!!! That's so amazing! Such a miracle. I'm assuming you meant 300mgs of oxy?

Keep up the good work! Don't EVER forget how terrible and hellish the withdrawal was. that thought could save your life in the future.

I did excellent on my placement exam today!! I'm so excited. Haven't taken math in 5 years, and I tested into trig/pre calc! fuck yeah!
today starts day 30 no opiates, just suboxone

Nice work <3

30 days here

One month, count it ;)!

I blew it. Got a whole bunch of percs, suboxone, and kolonopin. Last post I'm making.

As others have said, it's just a slip up. Try again harder <3 You'll make it!

At the school right now getting ready to take make placement exam! 20 more minutes. I think I'm pretty prepared for this, been studying my ass off! :)

176 days sober, and I'm finally starting to put the pieces back together and make progress!

Good luck on your exam <3

From 300mg a day of 30s. I've been clean since 10/12. Longest time in 7 years. I only have naltrexone implant to thank for saving my life.

Wow that is a nice amount of time, especially coming off that :)

And another day for me Day 77 =D
+1 for me at least but if it helps others out then its a good thing.

I look at it as what's done in the past is history. Look forward, not back. I don't see a point in counting the days because for some people that just gives them an excuse to use. eg...I've had six months off. I feel great just a little bit of this won't hurt, after all it's been six months, i'm in control now..2nd day you might say no but in that week you are gonna do it again your always gonna slip back into that cycle
I count the days, but always with the notion that all you ever have is today. Someone with 20 years doesn't really have anymore than someone with a week, because all it takes 1 second to have nothing.

That said, I'm nearing the end of my 177th day. =D
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I dont do it because there is no point where I will ever be able to go back to anything i am addicted 2, so why keep track, All I ever have to do is make it through the day, and if I dont know how many days my addiction doesn't know how long its been waiting, and because as you said I have definitely used sober days as a justification to pretend I now have control or even a justification to treat my self.. and who wants to treat themslf by firing up an addiction
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Honestly, the biggest reason I go to get chips at AA or NA is for the person sitting in the back of the room with a couple days. It's for them, not for me - To show them that it's possible to stay sober. :)

Plus, now that I have a little bit of time put together I would HATE to have to start over. I wouldn't want to trade my quit date for anything, and be back to 1 day again. It's always been so demoralizing in the past when I've gotten 30-60 days and then relapsed and been back to 1.
Not being a smart arse but where i'm from NA they get a medal or badge or something for being clean a certain amount of time? I remember a guy talking to me outside after I left Detox and he showed me some necklace or badge saying 1 year or 10 years. Once you get to a certain amount of years you get something.

That was the end of that in Detox the 2 people they got to come in to share their stories scared me right off!
A Place like that isn't for me. Too preachy,pushy, literally brainwashing.
Place for people who can't do it by themself, you could force me into NA and I wouldn't stop.
I should have completely stopped... say a while ago. Nope...Pretty, close, close, close, close to death doesn't stop you well your too far gone and other certain things don't make you stop well your not gone. Your Kaput
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^^ The vast majority of addicts can't do this on their own...

It's not brainwashing and there's not a single requirement other than desire not to use. everything else is a suggestion. You don't even need to have stopped using, just have a desire to do so. And the steps, higher power, sponsor, everything is merely a suggestion based on what has worked for millions of other people.

That said, if it's not for you then it's not for you. no reason to bash them though. What works for one may not work for another.

Seriously there's no reason to bash on a support group here. If you don't like it, don't do it and don't waste your time trying to shit talk it.
^ exactly. I hate it for the most part but there really is some good info. Take the good info you can use to better your life and leave the bullshit there. Less to think about as well.

1 month today.
@Dunno, I hear you man, I feel the same way about NA/AA. It's a great resource for those who (IMHO) can't quit on their own, and need that level of support. My view was always, "you did this to yourself, you'll get out of it yourself".

That worked for me, I'm now 3 years clean and sober minus a perc here or there from surgery or whatever, legitimately prescribed to me. but I don't even count that shit really. I have not IV'd anything since before June 2010 and I'm never going to do it again.

I disagree with addiction as a disease as well, I think it's a cop out. but I suppose that's for a different thread somewhere.
The whole AA/NA vs. other measures to stay clean vs. addiction as a disease vs. addiction as a choice is a whole different thread. Whatever you choose to use as a means to stay or get sober is your method. This isn't really the method discussion thread. So, glad everyone got to express their opinion but this isn't really the thread to continue the method conversation.

This is the I would like to get/stay clean thread. Lets keep it simple guys ;).

As for me Day 78
Day 79. Haven't had any cravings in a week or so, though I was feeling pretty grumpy today. Gonna dance it out tonight though. Getting lots of positive reinforcement from friends who are very complimentary on how clear eyed and beautiful I have been looking. Its interesting when I tell folks about quitting drinking, they often tell me stories of how much they drink, some of which may border on alcoholism. No judgements from me, however. To each their own.

Its kind of exciting to realize that I am nearing the three month mark!
Day 79. Haven't had any cravings in a week or so, though I was feeling pretty grumpy today. Gonna dance it out tonight though. Getting lots of positive reinforcement from friends who are very complimentary on how clear eyed and beautiful I have been looking. Its interesting when I tell folks about quitting drinking, they often tell me stories of how much they drink, some of which may border on alcoholism. No judgements from me, however. To each their own.

Its kind of exciting to realize that I am nearing the three month mark!

Nice work <3

One day behind you at Day 79 for today :)
How's it going guys n gals! :)

179 days here. Doin' well. Got enrolled for school, well, halfway anyway - I can't officially enroll till Dec. 2nd because I'm not currently a student, however I was able to reserve a spot in two of my classes and the counselor told me if I go in on dec. 2nd I won't have a problem getting into the other two I selected. Started to get on track for a chemistry major! :) I'm stoked. I scored at least a 90-95 on every section of reading, writing, and math on my placement exam up until precalc. =D

Anyway, I'm doing good. Feeling much better then i was last weekend, mentally that is.
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