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[NBOMe Subthread] Tolerance


Aug 21, 2011
a week ago i got a 125mg order of 25i and me and 3 other people consumed it thought the day(split into 4 piles of 30 mg, with me getting an extra 5), and it was the most boring trip of my life. then next day my mind wasnt able to think worth shit and it was complicating to do the most simple tasks, but felt just fine and was ok with everything. my other friend went fishing with his dad and watched a movie and was just fine, mentally and physically. my other 2 friends said they thought they were going to loose their minds, and the next day they stayed home all day throwing up and feeling like shit. a week later i get a 10mg 25i sample from a new vendor, thinking that my last order could have been a bad batch.
i took all 10mg under my tounge at once and i was barely trippin.

the only visuals that actually satisfied me were looking at the tv, it was changing colors, twirling and looked like the screen was underwater. besides that, i knew exactly was i was going to see in my halucinations(witch made trippin on 25i boring as fuck), like looking at the pavement an i would see dots of color coming up and moving around, then i would go inside and see the carped doing a wave. then 20 minutes later i would go outside to smoke a cigarette and look at the concrete and see the same thing(little dots of color floating around).

overall 25i was a waste of killed brain cells, but how long does a 25i tolerance last?
You're doing way too fucking much... 1-2mg 25I should be more than enough. 30-35mg is closer to a dose of 2c-I rather than 25I-NBOMe!

Tolerance is the same as LSD - develops rapidly, lasts for about 3-5 days. Mind you, 25I is far more selective and will therefore be less of an "experience" than most hallucinogens.
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doesn't sound right. I accidentally took like 15mg or so and i could barely see, the visuals were so intense. You do realize that 25i has caused some deaths already? Not something to mess around with. 3mg produces an intense trip, maybe you got the freebase and it didn't absorb well or something. The only after effect i got from 25i was depression the day following, none of what you say sounds like 25i to me.

IME the tolerance lasts at least a week, with only 3-4 days i'd still feel some tolerance.
When you took the said 30mg did you swallow it or did you hold it in your mouth? If it really was 25i-nbome, you could have very well died, and you are lucky you didn't for whatever reason. Read more about this substance before experimenting again. This is active in doses less than 1mg. You should not eyeball this..
Wow...this just sounds like a crappy and dangerous psychedelic, and something to stay away from.... There's so many good ones out there- why gamble with your life and your health?
It's not neccesarily a crappy and dangerous psychedelic. It actually appears to be relatively safe if you know what the hell you're doing. In fact, it may even be safer than some chemicals like LSD and the super potent phenethylamines, because it's orally inactive - if someone eats a whole bunch of it they are unlikely to get anything more than slight intoxication (not that it's advised).

The real problem is people who think that spending money on accurate measurement tools like scales is a waste, and would rather spend it all on the compounds. Then they "eyeball" huge doses, or use cheap crappy scales, and problems occur.

If you eat 35mg of LSD you would probably be having a rough time, and might possibly die too. Considering 0.5mg is considered a balls-to-the-wall face-melting experience...
^Good contribution.

And I think the TS (snugglewitme) should leave much more time in between trips and start from scratch, NOT assume that 10 mg is now and will remain a low dose. If tolerance dies down which initially was said to be like 2 weeks but later corrected to the normal 1 week like acid or mushrooms... then 10 mg will be an overdose as is indicated.
Do not ramp this up trying to push out better result. Wait longer and throw out the product if that doesn't help because it can indicate impurity or incorrect identification of the compound. Whatever you do, for gods sake take it slow and safe.
I have read that tolerance builds quickly with NBOMe's and that more than a week is required between trips to keep tolerance in check . Is there truth to this?
Can you take NBOMe's every few hours for a trip instead of all at once , and not require very high doses after each dose?
Yes, it's true that they create a rapid tolerance that lasts for up to 2 weeks. I'm not sure whether you could take some and then redose an hour or 2 later and still get any decent effects. I have heard of people doing this and getting nothing from the subsequent doses, although most of the reports I've read have been from people trying to redose like 12 hrs later. I do recall one person saying they redosed every 3 hours and it worked. Perhaps it varies from person to person or is depends on your starting dose? I haven't tried it myself. You can Google "NBOMe tolerance" or "NBOMe redose" etc to find lots of info about this topic. I would still suggest you start with a small dose, since these drugs are active at very tiny doses.
yes you can redose a few hours later to extend the trip without tolerance being significant. For example if you dose 500 mcg and you want to redose after 4 hours you can dose 500mcg again and keep the trip going. I've done this plenty of times and it works. The tolerance doesn't seem to hit until after the trip. I've even redosed 6 hours apart and it worked fine, but if i were to dose again the day after, the effects would be significantly diminished.
Yeah, the super tight butthole binding affinities make for pretty serious tolerance. And while redosing can extend duration, it does not appear to amplify the effects at all.
Do you have existing tolerance from having tripped a lot recently on other psychedelics? If not then maybe what you bought is 2C-I and not 25I-NBOMe. I'm not sure how you could muddle the two drugs up, particularly when having bought from two sources, but I could just about understand how someone could call 2C-I 25i, particularly given that 25I-NBOMe's other name is 2C-I-NBOMe, so one might think that 2C-I should then simply be called 25I.

Could you provide us with the full chemical name that was given for the product? We can't identify if the powder you're taking *is* what it says it is, but if for example the chemical name is that of 2C-I and not 25I-NBOMe, we can assume that it's more likely to be that, given that your dosages don't match those of 25I-NBOMe at all.

If however it is 25I-NBOMe that you're taking, you guys either have a ridiculously high existing tolerance (All psychedelics produce cross-tolerance, so you didn't have to have taken 25I-NBOMe before to have tolerance to it) e.g. have been tripping several times a week or daily or something. In which case you need to give that a break if you hope to keep enjoying psychedelics.

Another possibility is that you guys messed up how you dosed the compound. How did you guys take it the first time? Also, you say you dosed it under the tongue the second time, but how did you do that? When I was new to sublingual dosing, I thought it meant holding it under the tongue for 30 seconds then washing it down with water - with 25I-NBOMe you won't get much success doing this, you should hold it there for a minimum of 10-15 minutes, and personally when I did it I held it there for an hour. With something like LSD for example this is less important as LSD is active orally and even if you eat it too early you'll still get the full effects, but as 25I-NBOMe doesn't seem to show much of any oral activity, you need to get as much of it absorbed sublingually as possible.

Some people have found problems taking the NBOMe series drugs sublingually or buccally without first complexing with HPBCD. It's possible this is also an issue, so you could try to snort the powder instead for better absorption.

Whatever you attempt next, those doses are way out of line if you have 25I-NBOMe. Dosage for this compound starts at 0.25mg, and 1mg was quite a high dose for myself and I'm a bit of a hardhead with most psychedelics so I'd expect that dose to be rather potent for most other people too.

So what I advise you to do:
1) Wait 2-3 weeks since your last dose of any psychedelic compound
2) Decide if you want to attempt sublingual (under the tongue)/buccal (on the gum) again or go for insufflation (snorting).
3) If you chose to take it sublingually/buccally, measure out 0.75-1mg of 25I-NBOMe, if you chose to snort, measure out 0.25mg of 25I-NBOMe. This can be accomplished by Liquid Measurement, for example to get a dose 0.25mg 25I-NBOMe, you can weigh up 10mg of powder, place in 40ml of solution, wait for it to dissolve fully, then measure out 1ml of solution and it should contain 0.25mg of powder.
4) Either gently snort the division of solution, or place it under your tongue and let it sit for an hour - trying to avoid swallowing as little saliva as possible during that time.
5) Wait 1-2 hours and report back :)
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Either OP is NOT working with 25I-NBOMe, or has managed to take it via an ROA so ineffective that the ridiculous and massive doses he has taken have failed to produce the expected dangerous results.

Assuming it's 25I-NBOMe, it is not active orally and only barely active sublingually (it needs a complexing agent for sublingual activity) - hence why he was able to take a dozen times strong dose and complain about weak effects instead of a horrifying near-death overdose.

If so, I would strongly suggest that the OP (having just been twice saved from a horrifying overdose only by the poor bioavailability of the drug he was taking) steer clear of such powerful drugs, at least until he has done much more thorough research.

The NBOMe's are beautiful psychedelics, but they require awkward ROA's (nasal spray or complexed and taken sublinqually), and have active doses small enough that great care is needed in dosing to use them safely.
I once went through about 3mg of 25c-NBOMe trying to extend a ++ trip. It might have increased the duration but I never made it up to +++
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i've found that these drugs make your tolerance accumulate faster than most other psyches i've dealt with
I have been on Mescaline 400 - 600 mg the past 2 nights. Im still tripping a bit actually ;)

I was thinking of trying out 25I-NBOME at 300-450 mikes for the first time this afternoon. Will I have too much tolerance built up from the mescaline already?
Fuck this, this is NOT 25i

35mgs and you were bored?
Dude I took ONE and could not tell if the 1000 purple and blue tentacles erupting from the oak tree above me were a hallucination or real , because they looked so fucking real. I'm pretty experienced with psychs and love the whole aspect of the Trip, but these visuals were so intense and real looking that I thought that anyone without experience might be scared at what they are seeing right now.

Sorry man, I'm not the one to call people out, especially on a forum, but that is NOT 25i, and if it actually is, then fuck buying from that vendor ever again.