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[NBOMe Subthread] Laying Blotter

I may just be a greenlighter, but hear me out. The real question is whether or not you think talking about laying blotter will encourage anyone to do it who would not have done it otherwise. I think everyone can agree that if you're going to lay tabs, you should know what you're doing, especially with chemicals like the NBOMe series. So for those people, the manufacture is already in progress and talking about how to properly do it truly is harm reduction. The issue of people selling the tabs as acid or anything else does not matter because anyone can sell one thing as something else and people will buy it. For example, always remember this man who did 28mgs of powdered 25I because it was sold to him as oxycontin.

So the base of the problem is people who wouldn't have laid tabs who now would as a result of this discussion. In my opinion, for the distributors side, laying tabs is actually one of the more difficult ways to prepare doses considering the inaccuracy of the volume of a drop, having the sheet dry unevenly, and all those other reasons. If anything, the recipe the cr00k gives on the first page is the way I would do it for mass distribution. I mean it seems pretty simple. For the consumer side, tabs are likely to be much more easily taken and concealed, certainly less dangerous than raw chemical, and probably won't taste as awful as NBOMe candy.

Do I think this information should be availble? Maybe not, but I certainly don't think it should be unavailable. I'm against censorship in general. But in this case, if the information stops even one person from overdosing on NBOMe from incorrectly made tabs or handling the raw powder or whatever else, then this information was worth it.

I had a friend in rehab who did a Coke sized line of K because he thought it was Coke... He lived, but selling stuff under the wrong name is fucked. Think of "The Hangover" and the dealer mixing up the Roofies and the MDMA...

Also, we were able to dose together last nite. I was in WD from my pain meds... didn't have much fun. She did though. For the future though, how can one divide hits properly?

Alright thread has been restored. After some deliberation it was decided that Harm Reduction benefits from helping people avoid making potentially harmful mistakes in their techniques is deemed very important here and while there may exist no 100% ideal solution, this is what we think is best.
(further HR discussion is allowed but there might be another better suited NBOMe thread on that such as the ethics thread - going on pointlessly about our decision regarding this thread is actually not allowed if you read our forum rules and guidelines. Points that have already been made were points well made. Duly noted.)

@greywood: this thread is not about ketamine, and ketamine is not really a dangerous drug in the sense that you can easily overdose on it. You divide hits of K properly by just weighing the powder on an accurate scale.
So if I were planning on laying 500mg of etiz onto 500 blotter tabs, what would be the easiest?
I was planning on using 500mg etizolam Ina maybe 125ml ethanol ( not sure on the absorption of this blotter)
Letting it evap, and evap the dish, re disolve any extra in ethanol again and resoak with a snapper amount of ethanol.
Does this sound safe?
I think it's best to just figure out the retention volume of your blotter (weigh blotter paper, soak it, let it hang for a bit to make sure you have the right volume of solution soaked in, let it dry, weigh again) and do it right the first time, than resoaking the entire time. You're going to waste some material regardless of method, so it's best to use some excess.

I think Owsley used a zip-lock bag slightly larger than the paper, to make sure as few material as possible would go to waste. A dish slightly larger than the paper would work too probably. As for drying, I think some of the solution will get out if you leave it in the dish to evaporate due to it touching the dish. Best to construct something where it "hangs" horizontally or something. You could nail a few wires to 2 pieces of wood and make sure the wires hang tightly between those 2 pieces or whatever. I'm sure you can come up with something with things you have laying around.

Btw, can't someone just make this in to a guide in the OP or something?
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