NASADD Social v It's HOL's birthday! Any day is better than shitting yourself in jail

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We could probably squeeze an extra year out of the nuclear power system but the 800 watt sound system is worth it.
Best believe I'd roll on those martians like "where dem haters at? where dem haters at?"

Throwin' up the E for all those earthside bitches.
but what was worse was when I went 2 miles down the road and passed the gas station that usually has the highest prices, they were actually 10 cents a gallon cheaper. i was so pissed.

but i'm just outside chicago. we have the highest gas prices in the country currently. highest i've seen around here lately is like 4.59.
same shit here, i went and copped a couple days ago and just threw in $20, well when i got to the city, i noticed gas prices were $.09 cheaper and i couldnt believe it..ive never seen the gas cheaper in the city then it is by my house, never

and it's a good one. I loved that uncle jesse. "CUT IT OUT!" Did you know that Uncle Joey from Full House with the mad mullet and so not rock and roll at ALL is the guy who broke up with Alanis Morisette and she wrote that really "i'm mad at you and i hate your guts" album where one of the songs is about going down on him in a theater and stuff.

EEEEEWWW!! Who'd fuck that guy? And who'd actually admit it? Canadians obviously but that can't be the reason entirely?? 8(
actually i did know that, the cd is called "jagged little pill" i believe and she dsold like 15million copies of it, one of the top cds of all time..and you ask who would fuck that guy? im sure it wasnt that hard when your one of the stars on the biggest tv show and was making crazy make it seem chicks dont date and marry people for money

That's a pic of the majority of NASADD after landing shit on Mars. nbd js Chinky is the bearded long haired hippie looking dude in case you didn't know.
ill take it with that boss beard, i wish i could grow one half as good lol...also my father didnt grace me with the greatest hairline either, so il take the hippy hair

i thought chinky was black?
i hope youre just joking with that

Yeah just wait till that thing finds that colony on mars that the three boobed chick lives in. She's gonna be all over that thing. That's actually why we sent it up there, it's really an Escalade with a system to make sure we show the martians how pimpin Earth really is. Just better hope Schwarzenegger doesn't blow it up.

i hope it finds a field of some super mars marijuana
Best believe I'd roll on those martians like "where dem haters at? where dem haters at?"

Throwin' up the E for all those earthside bitches.

alls i can imagine reading your post and seeing the thing on TV is the 'armadillos' from Armagedon wth the big ass wheels and the fucking gatling gun lookin thing cappin bitches n shit

and since its Olympic time

U-S-A! U-S-A!
Nuclear rover on mars > Olympics IMHO but I like to see the US win too. I just wish it wasn't mostly swimming and basketball that we seem to dominate. We didn't medal in boxing for like the first time ever.
i hope it finds a field of some super mars marijuana

I hope that thing is loaded up with some choppers for all the drive-by shootings we will need to do up there. Ever seen avatar? For some reason aliens don't like it when you cut their damn trees down. Just imagine they weren't normal trees and actually weed, motherfuckers gonna be unhappy to say the least.
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never seen that movie but yeah man everyone knows in you intend to branch out and expand your business that you might have to drop a few bodies to let everyone know theres a new kid on the block

fuck drive-bys get out and aim and let them know your not some not trying to hit some innocent kids or old ladies that happen to be playing or chillin on their porch, especially when you spray the street witha chopper, you dont know where that shits going

me persoanlly i think we are just some giant ant farm for some other form of life/aliens or whatever they might be. you know just some science experiment, and they record our progress amd see how we evolve and how we learn and accomplish things, and everything else humans have done
Oh, hah well long story short about Avatar-

Humans find another planet light years away that contains a rare mineral not found on earth that's worth a fuckton of money. People (scientists and a bunch of former US Marines) go to the planet to start mining it and in the process they obviously have to cut down mad trees. The aliens have this whole physical connection with every life form on the planet including the plants and shit so they really don't like how we're cutting down all the trees, but we don't give a fuck. Huge global war against the humans breaks out because we were a bunch of dicks and fucked their planet all up and they kick our ass and send us packing. We've got machine guns and planes and they have bows and arrows and birds they ride around and they still kick our ass because the planet itself doesn't even want us there.

There's a lot of other stuff involved with the movie too but that's pretty much how it relates to this topic.

And I know, drive-bys are stupid, but seeing how we're already in an Escalade with rims and a system, might as well just start choppin up the martian landscape with the AK.
^^ personally i liked avatar but yea that mineral they were mining for was uncreative to say the least


very clever, very clever

oh and yall better listen to that song i posted

its fuckin good shit

and even if you hated it just check it out
good music is good music

but im glad you checked it out

been learning a good deal of spanish lately, working in a kitchen has its perks
Yeah avatar was actually a really cool movie. Very visually stimulating and it kind of sucks you into the story, albeit not the most original story in some certain aspects. I used to watch it like once or twice a week when I was living in this miserable crackhole of an apartment for a couple months (it was all I could afford at the time and it ended my homeless streak, that was the few months I disappeared from BL entirely). I usually tried to never be home, but even when I was I would stay inside my tiny room and act like I wasn't home so my neighbors would leave me alone. I had no cable and like 6 DVDs, Avatar was one of them. I think that was before it was even released on DVD, right around the time it was in theaters. Either way, I watched that movie all the time

And unfortunately I can't listen to any songs that anyone posts here, my computer makes no sound. And I only know as much spanish as a small child. I know enough to survive if I absolutely am forced to but I have no clue about the majority of what people are saying when they speak it. I actually used to date an Argentinian chick and she used to try to get me to speak it/ learn more all the time and it got to the point where I would flat out tell her I had no desire to learn and that I like english much better. Idk, just not the spanish speakin' type I suppose
as minimal spanish as i know i somehow feel more intelligent when i speak it

and when I talk to a mexican/hispanic that doesnt know i can understand and speak spanish and i converse with them and i get that odd look like woah you speak spanish it is quite gratifying
dickie shorts
lincolns clean
leanin, checkin out the scene
deam gangsta boy, niggas lit
riding round talking shit
nigga where you need to go
the club dont close til 4
lets party til we cant no mo
watch out here come them folks

+1 if you can name the song and make it today's NDSADSADSADASD SOTD
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