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Mushroom season 2005/2006

Anyone in Brisbane getting any luck? Or is it 2 early to be getting them yet? Any help would be great!
hi can someone please tell me how to identify shrooms from just normal or poisionous mushrooms, i have look on shroomery.org but i am unable to find the information i am looking for
rjb said:
The ONLY thing I am questioning is the thickness of the stems.. everything else tells me they are subs.

Anyway, yeh.. all I'm really posting this for is to see weather any of you more experienced pickers have come across thin stems.
I would not say I'm _totally_ inexperienced BUT definently inexperienced (i've done my shitload of reading/looking/eating, and I am aware that subs can have differences in appearance depending on substrate/how much rain.. etc)

I've just let the thinner stems really get to my head.... because apart from that I can safely say these are definently not Galerina or Stropharia.. I know what those nasty buggers look like as it was all I could find for a long time before I found subs.... So sorry for making this as long as it is.. It's just very rarely I make a post. -_-

I wouldnt worry too much about it. Even around the same areas of auckland I have ntoiced at least 3 TOTALLY different looking subs in terms of colour, cap shape and stalk thickness.

IMO the key features are blueing, a fibrillose stalk (ie lots of small fibres woven together which creates a lkot of tensile strength), the gill colour and pattern and the spore print. If you have all those features down it is a 99.9 percent surety really.
surfie_boi said:
hi can someone please tell me how to identify shrooms from just normal or poisionous mushrooms, i have look on shroomery.org but i am unable to find the information i am looking for

Have you read the whole thread.

Do not ask us to help you find or identify shrooms here.

Don't forget guys if you pick the wrong shrooms and eat them you have a good chance of killing yourself in a very slow and painful way. You want to make dam sure you know what your doing when you go hunting, reading a few bits and peices off the internet does not qualify you as experienced.
Fry-d- said:
Have you read the whole thread.

Do not ask us to help you find or identify shrooms here.

Don't forget guys if you pick the wrong shrooms and eat them you have a good chance of killing yourself in a very slow and painful way. You want to make dam sure you know what your doing when you go hunting, reading a few bits and peices off the internet does not qualify you as experienced.

haha, have a look at this puppy. taken about 3 years ago at our farm in the blue mountains. doesn't look very tasty to me...
it was reading eroid about the amanita family
Now these guys are somewhat toxic, but the other thing to keep in mind is that the Amanita genus has the species that cause 95 percent of all deaths from mushroom poisoning, so you damn well better know what species you're munching on. Amanita virosa (Destroying Angel), Amanita phalloides (Death Cap),... well, I guess the names tell it all. Apparently you only feel the poison of these bad guys TWO DAYS after you eat them, by which time stomach pumping is seldom any use. They look similar to the "good" Amanitas, so be fucking careful.


note: the above mushroom is probably toxic. i have NFI, it just looks cool

these were about 15cm in diameter. i didn't even know australia had magic mushrooms. i think i should do some research.... haha
FINALLY. Shrooms are popping up in Katoomba and my god are they STRONG.

I had about 10 mid small size ones and gave a friend the same amount. I was expecting a manageable ++ trip or so off this amount. Instead I got so fucking blasted after an hour that I thought I was dissolving into the entire fabric of time and space. All I can say is, Xbox 360 visuals while tripping are FUCKING COOL. It turns ur room into a psychaedelic thunderdome. W00t

Peace Out and happy hunting
Strongest mushies I've ever consumed this year.. :) found in macleod and all suburbs further on from there on hurstbridge line.
Hey Psychocibe, thanks for the heads up about Katoomba. Good to see another NSW shroomer enjoying the season's fruits. :)
I've been dying here reading all these reports from VIC... now finally it looks like we'll have a decent bit of rain over the next week. Must be time to check on my beloved patches this weekend.

Fuck I'm excited!!!!
Immortal Teknique said:
I don't think its wrong to pick the whole patch. In my philosophy, if i don't, someone else will. I agree with cutting the stems off with scissors, but i think taking the whole patch isn't so bad. I dry them, store some for summer, eat them during the season, give to friends etc etc.

If you have gone to the effort of researching these mushrooms and put in the work to find a good patch, by all means pick them all IMO

I guess it's different for me, I have quite a few different patches. I know a lot them I shares with other people, but nothing pisses me off more then to rock up to a patch and find it has been raped! Not surprisingly, these are the patches that have failed to fruit the last few years.

Think about other people, you don't need a huge fucking bag like that to get high or to make friends. Do you?

Look after them or you wont have any next year.
Well I think I might have accidentally raped my patch because there is hardly any popping back up so I think it might be best if I give it some time to breathe and rebuild.

So, I guess I had better start hunting in other parks.

Oh, and does anyone know when mushroom season finishes???
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i think it usually starts to slow down towards the end of july, might find some in the first two weeks of august if your lucky. please correct me if im wrong..

earlier today i noticed that the stem on one im drying out has gone black, it looks as if its been burnt. is this normal??
tadfish said:
in W.A. they get over picked. plus there is some spray they put everywhere in forests and such to kill fungus. bastards! the cops are all over it. fuckers

Dude.. the forestry department isnt Allowed to spary the Mushrooms !

That would wreck the ecological ballance of the forrest !

I think what you are thinking of is..... They Spray the "Blackberry Bushes" With poisons.

Ive Found P.subs under these bushes, so yes if the foresty dept does spray, it will kill the fungus and the blackberry bushes.

there is one place where the police seem to lurk for mushrooms, But there are plenty of other places where they grow ;)

Also i will agree that there are too many fuckwits around some spots, who rape, pillage, etc, etc, etc....

Ive met people from Albany, in this one area, who were picking every thing they saw, i did ask them if i could see thier specimins, but.. nope, they didnt want to show, paraniod or what...

So has any West aussies, had any sucess at all ??

me and my partener in crime were thinking about going fo a look this weekend :\
The so called arctic blast we got in melbourne about 6 weeks ago just after the 36c labour day weekend that was supposed to be a little taste of winter has turned into full blown winter and the rain in the last 4 weeks is the best start to winter we have had in years in terms of shrooming. We are in for the coldest wettest winter in years and i am sure that will equate to something special in terms of shrooms. The last few seasons have been dry and not cold enough so I cant wait to get out to start hunting. Its going to be a long season too. =D 8o
heres a few pics ive taken. ive seen so many amanitas, they look cool. the ones on the white paper are the ones we'll be consuming, :) what do you all think?


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shorza said:
I guess it's different for me, I have quite a few different patches. I know a lot them I shares with other people, but nothing pisses me off more then to rock up to a patch and find it has been raped! Not surprisingly, these are the patches that have failed to fruit the last few years.

Think about other people, you don't need a huge fucking bag like that to get high or to make friends. Do you?

Look after them or you wont have any next year.

Yeah but as i said, if i dont, others will. It may be because my patches are in very very public areas. A rounabout on a busy road, a park that fronts a highway etc etc.

They are just too visible, and if some dickhead see's them and just wants to get "fucked up" and knows anything about magic mushrooms then they will rape the patch. If i had a secluded bush patch then i wouldnt pick them all but hey?
ahh it must be nice to have 'patches' i whent blind hunting twice over the last two weeks id say ive got 80-100 varius size subs, thats enuf for me n 2 mates to trip so i guess im happy
i don't think we have had enough rain over here in WA. It has been really dry!
im going to go looking soon but not before we have had some more rain
has anyone had luck in WA