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Mu(x)kE V's Piglet

...Just when you thought it was safe to enter the bluelight forums...
Dum DA DUM!!!!
Return of the Mucke!
Common Sense isn't all that common
hehehe...just when i thought BL was getting a little dull...my arch-nemessis MUCKE the very ugly and smelly munkey shows his face again. AND WHAT A HIDDEOUS FACE IT IS...my god...

hehehe...read children. read and you shall find out about a piece of BL history.
p.s. death to muckes and long live piglets.
(well come on horsey & haste, i think if there's any thread that deserves to be moved to the social forum its this one)
thank you..

Okay people, this is the next round ..
the battle has been fought, but it has come the time to do battle again.. can the piggy upset the throne of the mucke ? (who i might add has a new personal trainer - myself)
Yeah Baby! Oh yeah!
Well Little piggy, and mr mucke, ya gotta admit, I am the supreme ruler of the animal kingdom! For I, Tarsan King of the Jungle, am a moderator!
Squabble amoungst yourselves, but know I rule!
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
you rule nothing tarsy boy..
you aint got the posion, for my munke man here has supreme power which i have supplied him with, a giant, life-restoring Bourbon and Coke which will replace his true champion powers within one swig
[This message has been edited by MíkeySåmmy (edited 10 October 2000).]
~~takes a big sip of the giant bourban and coke~~
huggggggggarrrrrrhhhhhhh ~flexes chest, bursting open his shirt and beating his fist against his rippling muscles~~
Come on! lets go my sweet little pork chop

"My god has a bigger dick than your god." -George Carlin
dipty ti dip...

hey yous...yous guys...im gonna kill yous guys!
uhhhhh...nah cant be bothered...you are all unworthy of me wasting my precious time...
booo hissss!!
come back bacon boy!
~~hurls apple at piglet~~
~~hitting him hard in the back of the head~~
"its all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye...but even then its still pretty funny" -That lesbian comedian woman on the abc
C'MON MUnkE ya KNow that no animal shall ever surpass the wisdom and greatness of mighty aussie WOMBATS!!~!
its only right 'cha pay hommage to the ones that gonna flow like the shit up your nose-Method Man(figure that out?)
[This message has been edited by *E*van (edited 15 October 2000).]
shit I thought I just logged on to the RDC board?
Careful with that axe Eugene....
WhAt wOuLd MaKE YoU sAy tHaT hAStE?
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with tomato sauce.
kids kids remember your place
It's all just a bit of childs play
hey guys look at this!!!!! its official, we have made the bluelight history books!
"And so what's acceptable in this forum? Well basically anything that is inoffensive and
above a certain level of maturity. An example of something which is below the acceptable
level of maturity is the Mu(x)ke vs Piglet thread, although that thread is under heritage
protection and will not be closed."
"its all fun and games until someone gets poked in the eye...but even then its still pretty funny" -That lesbian comedian woman on the abc
Actually this thread is now on the same level as the Off Topic thread.
Agreed or not?????????????????????????
I know this thread is protected and we shall keep it open - but guys - the pig is starting to really smell, shouldn't we keep him in the fridge or something?

Sucker love is known to swing. Prone to cling and waste these things. Pucker up for heavens sake. There's never been so much at stake.