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Heroin Mid South U.S. Heroin Discussion

Dude I'm 10 min from Cinci in nky, would never cop in ky
I've copped in nati for years though and have never seen a true stamp

I've gotten wraps, lottos, corners of baggies, dumped in my fucking hand and any other way you can think of
Are you sure it wasn't just a light piece of paper folded up and it was an actual glassine bag with a stamp

If so that's pretty cool, I know being around our area we can potentially get all kinds of different shit
/\ They actually came from Cincy. And they are actual small wax bags, folded about 3-4 times and taped shut. They came 10 bags rubber banded together. Not much in each bag tho...

I could try to post a pic if that's allowed??
?? I have no idea what exif data means....sorry but I'm not very technically endowed..
Lol well exif data is just data stored when you take a pic, esp from iphones, that have your exact location coordinates
We know law enforcement browse this site, so deleting the exif would enforce the unlikeliness of your door getting kicked in

Don't worry about it though if you don't feel like fucking with it, I believe ya
But did you say there was an actual stamp name on it or were they just blank?
Yeah, I'd be taking the pic with an iPhone so I think I'll skip that for now. I don't like the sound of "exact location coordinates" "law enforcement" and "door getting kicked in" ...ha!
The bags were stamped in a pinkish/red ink and said "medusa" below an image of....medusa.
I was pretty surprised when dude handed them to me. I've read a lot about them but had never seen one in person.
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I think I have already mentioned this in this thread but in the late 90's most of our dope here in Central Florida was stamps.

i guess i worded it wrong. I more meant thats the furthest west ive ever heard of a stamp making it. Ive heard of stamps in the carolinas and in north florida before. id pretty much donate a testical at this point for some H at all right now
I've never seen stamps in Georgia. It's always in the corner of a baggie and 5x the price of normal bag anywhere else.
One of my connects just went down, he is going away for a good bit.

Sucks for him but I'm kind of glad because I only know one or two other people whom I don't see regularly and I am trying to save money lol.
Memphis isn't as great as some people have made it out to be. Maybe I just have had bad luck lately, but copping is a crap shoot. Small bags, ok quality, fat bags, shit quality.
Not disputing that, I'm just saying the market is fucked up. The best connect I ever had was killed. Since then, a long inconsistent line of jabronis.
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Not disputing that, I'm just saying the market is fucked up. The best connect I ever had was killed. Since then, a long inconsistent line of jabronis.

Dangerous way to make a deal in these places. Last time I´ve got it in capsules it was from a quite shitty place and it was very cut.
I think my dude here in Columbia SC is locked up or dead cuz i havent heard from him in wayyy too long...hes the kinda guy who calls to let me know before he goes out of town or if hes going going to change his number he always keeps me posted....its been about a month since ive heard from him and both his numbers are barred