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Heroin Mid South U.S. Heroin Discussion

man the cheese varies from black with little brown sugary specs to completely brown sugary looking. It always smells so fucking strong of vinegar but then i get the tar that its made with and it doesn't smell nearly as strong but is way better. (probably due to it being put in a blender) I never shot the cheese shit because of the benadryl but the tar cook up even just a .1 has it to where i have to pre-vacuum to make sure im registered good. I couldn't imagine trying to put a half g in the rig and registering.

Its weird you get powder that has tar chunks in it
man the cheese varies from black with little brown sugary specs to completely brown sugary looking. It always smells so fucking strong of vinegar but then i get the tar that its made with and it doesn't smell nearly as strong but is way better. (probably due to it being put in a blender) I never shot the cheese shit because of the benadryl but the tar cook up even just a .1 has it to where i have to pre-vacuum to make sure im registered good. I couldn't imagine trying to put a half g in the rig and registering. It is weird you get powder that has tar chunks in it.

This stuff only takes a .1 or .2 in the rig but mixes extremely clean in the rig(meaning not excess powder in the cooker). The powder is off white grey with black specks and half the time it has black rocks at the top of the powder. It is so dark that you can't see if you register and it does have an extremely strong vinegar smell more so if the black rocks are present. We just started getting this stuff and it is the first time I have seen tar around here except for a dark/purplish powder we had a while ago that didn't mix up as dark. Is Benadryl water soluble because I don't add heat and there is little cut left after I pull up. It is the best stuff I have had in some time. Much better than the Acetyl Fent crap I overdosed on a month ago.
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This stuff only takes a .1 or .2 in the rig but mixes extremely clean in the rig(meaning not excess powder in the cooker). The powder is off white grey with black specks and half the time it has black rocks at the top of the powder. It is so dark that you can't see if you register and it does have an extremely strong vinegar smell more so if the black rocks are present. We just started getting this stuff and it is the first time I have seen tar around here except for a dark/purplish powder we had a while ago that didn't mix up as dark. Is Benadryl water soluble because I don't add heat and there is little cut left after I pull up. It is the best stuff I have had in some time. Much better than the Acetyl Fent crap I overdosed on a month ago.
Man i dunno I've never seen it that way. Really have no explanation as to why your dealer would cut with tar or something that looks like it when he has powder? The reason the cheese is made here is because its all a bunch of -25 white kids that dont shoot or know much about H in general so they make cheese to stretch profits and to get a little high i guess. Not sure if benadryl is water suluble but i imagine it is.
I got some stuff here that is a bit strange. It is grey/white powder that seems to be of pretty good quality. It turns light brown when water hits it. The strangest part is I don't get much of a nod and it doesn't seem quite as euphoric as what I'm used to. Yet it is strong enough to make me throw up. This is very much like to reaction I had the first couple times I used 10 years ago. My tolerance is down a bit, was wondering if anyone knows what may be causing this or if someone has ever had a similar experience. It does has all the other signs of strong opiate effect, making me itch a bit more than usual. Anyway was just curious, thanks for any possible tips or info.
Im going to be hitting up an old friend in ATL this weekend....its always been fire....ATL really is the shit for good dope
Quality has been consistently good lately. China and tar have been straight. It was pretty unpredictable there for a minute.
Now that I have had a chance to play with this tar mixture I notice some differences between it and the regular ECP. The high is more sedating and it has some other complexities that remind me of poppy tea. It seems to cause that itchy flushed histamine reaction it bit more than the ECP. This is some good stuff but if I had to shoot this shit for any longer than a couple of months I wouldn't have any more good veins.
dude only using the tar shit like once or twice a week has the places ive hit allready sore. That shit is no joke on the veins. I actually threw away all my works and shit yesterday so im not tempted to spend on that garbage.
I'm back in the Gulf Coast panhandle of Florida. It sure is beautiful but damn the dope game sucks. People paying crazy prices . I see a road trip in my future. It seems while I was gone that meth really showed up in full force here in FL
That sucks to hear. I'm pulling my hair out up here in NC. I got one guy who is spot on with some fire but lives 45 mins away and I don't have a car. I'm also 20 mins from downtown by car so getting down there often isn't much of an option and cold copping is tough only won out once haven't tried too often tough. The worst part is all over my town I'm finding used needles on the ground, caps and suboxone wrappers. So I know it's here I just can't find it. It seems to be everywhere in NC though my only problem is not having a ride and public transit sucks. The whole area is suburban sprawl hell. When I find it though the quality is great and good prices too. My main guy lives near I-95 and gets stamps so I got a feeling it's coming in from the NE. It is a nice white powder in good sized bags.

If you're getting stamps down there it's almost definitely coming from NY, not NE. I mean, a lot of the dope on the east coast originates from NY actually, then gets cut up and packaged however they do it in the state it lands in.
Bah! Just moved to the charlotte area and am struggling. Not sure if i should just try and take my subs or keep struggling to keep up everyday with the cost. My guy tends to have really good shit but its a little short which is really starting to get to me. I got lucky finding him. Does anyone know of any areas in the charlotte area that youd reccomend looking. Been a while since i had to do this and just go out looking. Atleast if i knew of a good area. Because i mean worst case scenario i have my script bit i dont want those fucking things. I want that nod. I hate moving

Nobody can give you specific areas or info on copping drugs man, sorry. It's not allowed here. You're gonna have to figure that out on your own.

But, if suboxone is an option, just do it. 10x better than all the craziness of doing dope.
I'm jumping off the shit this weekend. Haven't been on that long of a run this time I'm just not built like I used to be. I can't maintain it and the withdrawals came back quick after going through this for so many years.

God tar is some dirty shit too. It makes me break out and I'm losing weight. It takes so much more of a toll on your body than normal powder dope. It's so fucking dirty.

Wish me luck y'all. I've got too much to live for I just let my depression get to me and was around the wrong friends when I was susceptible to relapse:
Bah! Just moved to the charlotte area and am struggling. Not sure if i should just try and take my subs or keep struggling to keep up everyday with the cost. My guy tends to have really good shit but its a little short which is really starting to get to me. I got lucky finding him. Does anyone know of any areas in the charlotte area that youd reccomend looking. Been a while since i had to do this and just go out looking. Atleast if i knew of a good area. Because i mean worst case scenario i have my script bit i dont want those fucking things. I want that nod. I hate moving

Try again homie lol.

If you are ignorant enough to come here and have your first post be looking for shit than go on the west side or east side and roll through the hood asking people. Your chances are better there for real
Ive never seen a stamp in the true "mid-south" but ive heard of stamps in the carolinas. H is too hit or miss down here to want to brand it i think. Your not gonna find a corner boy slinging that knows anything about his dope here. Its either they have it or they don't. They don't care how good it is how many you think you should get extra or price discussion. Its too bad crack is so prevalent in the south and H gets the bad rep.
. Yeah no doubt I miss Phili dope I have seen the stamped bags in wilm n Carolina recently tho
Humm.. Interesting. No stamps at all down south?
New here, I've recently copped stamps in northern ky. First time I've ever seen them. Usually all my dope comes in corners of plastic sandwich bags or occasionally wrapped in foil.
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