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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Methamphetamine) - Day and Night


Sep 19, 2008
You know those glowing moments that make you appreciate the smallest things in life ? I mean, while you are sitting in your glamorous vehicle with the sun beating down into your face, your glasses shielding you from the abrasive, yet healing rays from a giant spherical star in the sky. Ah the sun, thankfuck you are here for me.
When did you get here anyway ?

I look down at the clock, silly question, it had been around for quite a few hours. I almost didn't notice it appear, or disappear. Weird.
Thankfuck for these sunglasses though, that sun is ridiculous.

What was I doing anyway? Oh, thats right. Sitting in the car waiting for someone. Waiting for my partner. I mean, he was just a general acquaintance a few days ago, or whenever it was, but for the last 48 hours of my life he has become my partner in crime. I noted how our relationship had immediantly changed, and it seemed our lives had turned into a never ending episode of "24". On Thats funny. I'll remember to tell him when he gets back.

Finally we had found what we set out to get our hands on. Phew, what a relief. Now we can go about this day normally, like any other day, like any other person.

I look at the clock, exactly 3pm now. I'm definitely high, which is a relief compared to not being quite as high earlier. It is weird though, almost bittersweet. I'm not sure how high I've been for now, or why I assume that getting higher is the only solution to my problem of already being high. Its a trick, the only way I could ever get back to living normal life is to stop taking this drug.

I look in the mirror and I see an alien staring back at me. I am possessed, my face guant and my eyes droopy yet cartoonilshly large.

Methamphetamine. Speed. Crank. Ice....
Super stimulant. I've always had a thing for stimulants, I love the energy and increased performance, but meth is differen't. I'm not enhanced, I'm incredibly depraved. I can't remember the last time I slept, or ate, or did anything of meaning. In fact I have dissapeared for days, I Am gone, and have become possessed by the spirit of methamphetamine. Living life at full speed, never stopping. I am too far gone, completley lost. Looking for me now would be a huge task.

I'm back in the car. The sun has gone down again. I feel cheated, like it only arrived a few minutes ago only to go straight back down. The idea of the day and night confused me, time was warped and it meant nothing to me. I feel like I will not enjoy a cigarette as much without my sunglasses on, so I wear them anyway. Weird idea ? I guess so. Maybe I feel safer behind the tint. Fuck it.
Puff puff pass.

You never feel better taking more, you never feel more enhanced. All it does is warp everything around you. I'm not sure why its so compulsive, and subconsciously my brain has decided its the only thing that is going to help me now. Its been too long to stop, if I crash now I won't recover for days. I can't afford that. I think about the beautiful recrystallized shards at the bottom of the frosty pipe while I am in the shower. That will help me get through today, because godamn, I feel fucked right now. Thankfuck for that crackpipe.

I can't really finish this story, because I'm not sure how it ends, or is going to end, plus, its far too bright for me to keep typing and I have lost my sunglasses. I'm fucked, aboslutely royally fucked.
Do you know how much that tint helps me through the day ?

Anyway, I'm going to look for something now. By myself this time, I feel like perhaps my partner was dragging me down. Selfish? Not really, perhaps more selfless. He didn't want to help me find it anyway, I feel bad for him.

But I'll definitely need to find my sunglasses before I can try and find myself again. Its fucking bright out there.

good night

Edit- Uh, can a mod change the title to Methamphetmine - Day and Night or something witty like that.
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Shit... that's pretty weird really has a real perspective on meth. You should quit...
try to quit the meth and get into the literature world! that was a great read!
I can't really finish this story, because I'm not sure how it ends, or is going to end, plus, its far too bright for me to keep typing and I have lost my sunglasses. I'm fucked, aboslutely royally fucked.

haha lol!
this sums it up perfectly.
made me giggle.
and also made me kind of thankful that i aint been strung out like that for years, though with a slight hint of yearning for the stage in life where you can get away with that shit..
i dont have the time, money, strength for that shit.
family and self empolyment and all that jazz

have fun and take care of yo selves people
Its odd how it gives you the sense of being able to do more than you ever could sober, and yet nothing gets done at all.

That's what I learned from it. Like everyone is saying, great writing. It was definitely beyond a normal trip report.
I am thinking about editing this and making it into a short story.
was pretty scattered when I originally wrote this.
Good story. First thing it made me think of was that part in the movie 'Spun' where Jason Schwartzman rails a line in his car and puts his glasses on all cool-like.
Awesome read man.
I think the comments tell as much of the story as well. The meth users seem to be have been convinced to go get high.
I've never used it nor had the desire to so if anything it's just another warning for me to stay away.