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Opioids methadone withdrawal does dilaudid work?

Dilaudid won't precipitate withdrawal from methadone that o my happens if you take suboxone while there are other opiates in your system
And Siq being that I'm on 110mg done the 8mg dilly shouldn't be a shock to my system right? Since my
Personally not even heroin kept me feeling "right" detoxing from methadone. The first couple days off methadone you aren't really into the withdrawal. It takes til about day 4 to be in full wd from methadone. That's why people can skip a day and get high off other opiates. There's still enough methadone to keep them from being sick. But around day 4 you'll need a lot

Keep in mind that 110 mg dosed every day (chronic methadone) must be calculated differently when converting than 110 mg of occasional use of methadone. It builds up in your system. Figuring for half lives, you have approximately 200 mg in your system at any given time.

The idea with switching is so that you can easily go to suboxone, dilaudid is such a short acting opiate you would only have to wait a few hours before you could take suboxone without risking precipitated wd.

Will it hold you? Well, everyone is different. Best thing to do is try. No one can say for sure. People have such a wide range of metabolizing methadone that complicates the scenario.

Best thing i can say is try not to take the dilaudid til you actually need it. This will probably not be the first day. Although as someone said, have it with you just in case. It isn't a maintenance drug. It's like the "crack" of opiates. So taking it "so I don't get sick" isn't going to work it'll just waste your supply. When you start to feel sick then start taking them and see what you need to maintain. Prepare to be a bit uncomfortable for a few days even with the dilaudid.

Good luck. Positive thinking goes a long way also
I read a girls testimony she switched to suboxone same way using dilaudid and she said she felt no discomfort but guess we will see. Thanks for the reply. Any other tips would bs helpful just hoping it holds me like the dr said . I'm supposed to travel out of town thus next week and I have a month on dilaudid .
Snorting dilaudid sucks man, the only way I'd ever do them is shoot em. There is no other drug that is SOO DIFFERENT from oral/snorting to shooting. Honestly it is night and day.

As for switching from methadone to subs, I've done it. It was a horrid experience because I detoxed ALL the way off. I went from methadone to suboxone first (I had to wait 72hrs for the methadone to get out of my system enough to take it). Then I went from subs to nothing... And ended up withdrawaling for a month alltogether. Even on the subs I was still kicking, it wasnt enough to hold it off (BTW, I was on 80mg methadone)
I think you'll be able to feel it. What time of day do you usually take your methadone? I personally would IV it, cuz snorting does not do much for me...if you are familiar with IV technique, try your legs. There are tons of veins in you upper thigh that no one would notice easily. Good luck:) keep us posted.

P.s. I have never heard of anyone having precipitated wd from using another opiate while coming off methadone...was under the impression that was a suboxone issue.
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Personally not even heroin kept me feeling "right" detoxing from methadone. The first couple days off methadone you aren't really into the withdrawal. It takes til about day 4 to be in full wd from methadone. That's why people can skip a day and get high off other opiates. There's still enough methadone to keep them from being sick. But around day 4 you'll need a lot

Keep in mind that 110 mg dosed every day (chronic methadone) must be calculated differently when converting than 110 mg of occasional use of methadone. It builds up in your system. Figuring for half lives, you have approximately 200 mg in your system at any given time.

The idea with switching is so that you can easily go to suboxone, dilaudid is such a short acting opiate you would only have to wait a few hours before you could take suboxone without risking precipitated wd.

Will it hold you? Well, everyone is different. Best thing to do is try. No one can say for sure. People have such a wide range of metabolizing methadone that complicates the scenario.

Best thing i can say is try not to take the dilaudid til you actually need it. This will probably not be the first day. Although as someone said, have it with you just in case. It isn't a maintenance drug. It's like the "crack" of opiates. So taking it "so I don't get sick" isn't going to work it'll just waste your supply. When you start to feel sick then start taking them and see what you need (...)

Your levels of methadone will spoil your Dillies
Dilaudid won't precipitate withdrawal from methadone that o my happens if you take suboxone while there are other opiates in your system

No, not Dilaudid but Suboxone will, reason for which I mentioned 24 hours from Dillies or 4 days from Methadone.
I would Consider A Score Only if you At Least Snort them if Eaten then it would be Called A Waste Basically.
Snorting dilaudid sucks man, the only way I'd ever do them is shoot em. There is no other drug that is SOO DIFFERENT from oral/snorting to shooting. Honestly it is night and day.

As for switching from methadone to subs, I've done it. It was a horrid experience because I detoxed ALL the way off. I went from methadone to suboxone first (I had to wait 72hrs for the methadone to get out of my system enough to take it). Then I went from subs to nothing... And ended up withdrawaling for a month alltogether. Even on the subs I was still kicking, it wasnt enough to hold it off (BTW, I was on 80mg methadone)

Absolutely. I've done the jump with nothing, no subs..up to this moment I don't feel well and it's been Over a month!! During 2 months I had my SOS 10 mg, then 5 if I made it until the fourth day, which was truly a blessing but zero now.
And I just fluctuate between being shitty and not so shitty.
Am I proud: sure! Am I sorrow: hell yes.

Will I be okay? I don't know!
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Siq? U went directly to subs and u still felt withdrawal from the done? I've hears both stories . People say sub held them fine and they feel no pain and now u are saying that the subs didn't hold u.

Well pretty much all over...I do find a hot shower helps bring them out, but I usually see lots in the bonier area around the top/sides of the knee, also the very top of your thigh about 1-3 inches below the crease at your hip. Also on the sides, but those are more tricky to hit. Also I don't know whether you have tried your calves at all, but there are a couple of really good, big veins on the inner side of each calf.

As far as needles go, I actually find that 1-cc 28 gauge shorts are more versatile for hitting small or shallow veins without as much chance of really fucking up your vascular system or getting bad scarring. The only time they are a pain is when you are trying to inject into a vein that is deeper than they can reach.

I found this map of veins for IV use, might help ya out.


How are you feeling anyway?
Be careful with taking opiates before Subs as u can go into precipitated wd. Ive done it be4 and it isn't fun. Idk too much about if the half-life matters esp with short acting opiates like dilaudid or vicodin. If it were the other way around taking opiates after Subs , you will just waste your money and might feel a rush if roa is iv, but it will fade quickly and not keep u high long. U will need double ure norm. Not that u plan to get high while on it just saying. Im currently coming off Subs, I can say I rather have the wd of heroin which is more intense but the worst is only 3 days, then go thru this annoying feeling for a month. Be warned they never told me that wen i got on it 5 years ago but it is nowhere near as bad as methadone wd imo, but im allergic to it.
If someone offered me hydromorphone in quantities like the ones you are describing, I would jump off methadone that day and never look back. Also, I would simply withdraw myself for several days before even cutting into the pills. It's hard for any dose of any opioid to overcome the strength of methadone.

Personally, I feel that I would need to IV the 3 8mg pills to even come close to catching my methadone tolerance. The IV use would be purely for benefit of increased bioavailability.

My first advice will always be to do what your MD has told you to do regarding your prescription. My second piece of advice would be to wait a few days until you are truly in withdrawals before taking any of the hydromorphone as stated above. You might come across some experiences of other people trying to use high-strength opioids to get high with methadone in their system, and double the dose that you've been prescribed isn't enough to get them high. Hope this helps a little bit.
Kief! Thank you yes helped a lot!
But I pussied up and went back on methadone now I feel wen more depressed . I really want to switch off this and get on subs so I an travel again and ween off Subs. I went one day no methadone and felt weird . I shot 3 8mg twice and felt nothing so at the end of the day I thought dam these dilaudids won't work when withdrawal gets real bad so I got scared and went to clinic this Morning. Cuz if u miss 2 days from done clinic they kick u out. I went back and dosed cuz I thought the dilaudid wouldn't work when the withdrawals got serious since I didn't feel anything first day. I know that methdone blocks it but i got scared and thought what if these dilaudids don't work?
I also don't want to shoot pills for 2 weeks and have track marks all over my arm . I'd rather snort these but everyone say snorting bioavailability sucks . So since I shot up the first day and they didn't work I made dumb mistake and went back on methadone. .i have no experience w dilaudid so Idk if these things will work for me . If I could feel them I wouldn't mind shooting them but do they even work if I snort? Dam I need some encouragement to try this again. I have 120 8mg dilaudids left . I go back to dr next week and if there's methadoen in my system he will give me more dilaudids until methadoen stops showing up on drug test .
KIEF u said u would stop methadone if u had all these pills'? I don't even know what I have cuz I'm used to oc. Morphine and oxymorphone I never had dilaudid . KIEF u said u should wait a few days until the methadone wears off. Is there light at the end of ft his tunnel? Can someone share their experience with me and encourage me ! Will these dilaudid help? I only did one day wihout methadone and went back on done after one day. I can try again tomorrow sure woild loves hear some more encouragement that these daudod will work thanks
Also these m8 leave a lot of white residue wen I shoot them . The spoon is full!! Of white powder are these genetics full of filler?
Look at it this way... The hydromorphone will only get stronger as your methadone w/d gets worse. You're gonna need to come to terms with the fact that there will be pain involved.

If the hydromorphone is still on the table so to speak, I suggest you go back to your MD with a new plan of attack.

You could take a 3 - 4 day break from methadone using sedatives (benzodiazepines for instance) for that period; no opioids. After you're short break, then try to induct with the hydromorphone. By this method, you can lower your opioid tolerance while mitigating some of the more hellish effects of withdrawal.

It sounds like your MD is pretty understanding so bring up this idea if you think it might work for ya.

P.S. Hydromorphone is highly water soluble even when compared to opioids in general. Whatever gunk is left in the spoon can be tossed or swallowed if you're superstitious...
Out OF ALL THE Medications HYDROMORPHONE IS THE MOST OPIOID RECEPTOR HOGGING Painkiller Meaning if you wait say 24 hours after your methadone you can get off on 15mg snorted for me on 90mg methadone daily But Methadone just SATURATES your Receptors so mcuh but Dilaudid is the one thing that can cut through it long as your not peaked on your dose and it has worn off a bit but say you did an oxy 80 it would not do shit for you.