Meth/Amphetamines: Serious Discussion Only

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Looking at yourself do you honestly *want* to kick?


Would you *like* to kick speed?

What's the difference?

Well, I *want* to be a stable individual that can function as a human being and not a zombie ass tweaker. This means I need to have a strong control over my methamphetamine use.

I'd *like* to learn to play guitar. Sure, it would be nice, but currently I don't have the drive to do it. Maybe later on in life, who knows, but I'm content with the fact that I don't know how.
well man I feel so bad about myself normally, meth/dex/adderal makes me confident, happy, energetic, and enthusiastic, i've become accustomed to being spun everyday for years straight. the psychological AND physical withdrawal are too much at times, I really need help.
I feel where you're coming from. Speed was a form of self medication for me, too. I was depressed, down on myself, lacked energy, and motivation. Perfect canidate for a speak freak, y'know? I was spun every day; all day. If I wasn't spun then I was asleep.

I'll be completely honest. I was completely truthful on my ADHD questions and tests. I recieved a diagnosis of moderate to severe ADHD and prescribed medication for it (Adderall XR and Dexedrine) and my life improved greatly. Now, let's not be kidding ourselves, of course it helps keep cravings for meth at bay. It's a nice little distraction that gives me most of the perks of meth with none of the drawbacks. So, it helps me in that I can focus and it almost works as a methadone type of treatment.

I don't see anything wrong with that sort of plan. Maybe it is something you can benefit from? I mean, this assumes that you won't abuse your medication (I, personally, do not), but that's something you have to look into yourself for. Hell, you might not even have ADHD and this advice might not apply to you, but you never know.
good on u, 3dayrun, for being able to control ur meth use - hell, hats off to u
but i hav to disagree that evryones got it in them to b able to control their amp use
yes, dexies help keep the cravings at bay (for meth, that is) but then i feel the need to get high on those
if im to use meth (and believe me ive tried the controlled use thing over and over again) im on at least 3gm a inevitably ends up being IV use cos the pipe just doesnt do it for me after a relatively short doing criminal activities........ill do anything to get the shit and i no longer care about anyone but myself (to put it short: addiction)
i guess cos, yes i do go to NA, i believe there r ppl who just can not control their substance use
and methamphetamine is a particularly addictive substance
tho id luv to b able to use it the way u do ;)
gorgoroth - just keep at it man.....yes uve relapsed but dont beat urself up
pick urself up and try again
with perserverance u will get there
3dayrun - you say you use it as your weekend enjoyment??
if you're using meth every weekend i would say you're abusing it.

my doc is ecstasy and if i did it every weekend everyone on bl ecstasy discussion would agree i was abusing it/addicted to it.
pearly.bubble said:
3dayrun - you say you use it as your weekend enjoyment??
if you're using meth every weekend i would say you're abusing it.

my doc is ecstasy and if i did it every weekend everyone on bl ecstasy discussion would agree i was abusing it/addicted to it.

I agree that I am "abusing" it. I am not using meth for therapeutic reasons and am taking it above therapeutic doses. This applies to any drug use, though. Unless I have a bonafide prescription for Desoxyn then how can any use not be abuse?

On to your second point and that is that you are correct again. The majority of Bluelight also find opiates superior drugs to stimulants. The majority of Bluelight also cannot agree on a proper rest interval between MDMA usage. Just ask and you'll see how answers vary.

That doesn't mean that these sentiments are correct. I consider stimulants superior drugs over opiates and have my reasons to back them up. I also have a different recovery time table than many here on Bluelight for MDMA. It doesn't mean I'm right or others are wrong, but it does state that a lot of opinions here are subjective.

Also, you need to consider that MDMA and Methamphetamine are completely different drugs. I'll readily agree that methamphetamine is currently believed to be more neurotoxic than MDMA, but the systems they affects are very different. For instance, the serotonin system is a lot more fragile than the dopamine system and requires more recovery time. Not only that, but I'd venture to guess that the serotonin system is subject to more "permanent" or "semi-permanent" damage than the dopamine.

I'll readily admit that I am a former meth addict. I will also readily admit that I am no longer addicted to the chemical. I have a large bag of the drug sitting on my dresser every day. I do not touch it until I am ready to use it for my weekend festivities. I can also go without using on weekends (last weekend, actually) and have no problems. I doubt you can call that addiction in the least!
If your gonna abuse amphetamines.. please try and get enough sleep + nutrition.

Sleep deprivation can cause clinical depression.
I do enjoy my dexedrine but im very cautious and manage to get sleep within 24 hours of starting the run. I had a psychotic break about a year ago from doing a multi day run and i would rather not experience that ever again.
I decided...Fuck it, im having a shot tomorrow, I havent done any meth in ages so I think I can handle it plus there is absolutely no chance I have enough money to use for even more than one day, so I guess this is a test. I just had this sudden urge...fuck I wish this guy with the oxy would hurry the fuck up, I probly wouldnt even be considering this is I were high on the almighty Opiate Queen of Narnoddia :p.
if ur testing urself, ketaman, plz b cautious
u dont want to end up dependant on meth as well as opiates
just dont let it kick u off into a major binge
cos i know those sudden urges.....and they can become a major relapse if ur not careful
take care!
^^Thanks for the honest words. I didnt end up doing it because I found better things to spend money on, not drugs either :)
I agree with drunk_wench on this one!

I have a question to throw out to some of the speed freaks here. We all know that meth feels great, especially IV'd (well, most here do, at least), but did you ever notice that when you cleaned up a bit that experiencing life without methamphetamine felt great as well?

Sure, you don't get a body rush, that GOGOGOGO feeling, and the super ego boost, but I'm talking about the simple things, y'know, waking up in the morning to see the dew on the grass, crisp autumn (insert any season's air), and just the day to day things like going shopping, REALLY enjoying a meal, and having the self satisfaction of knowing you said, "No, no meth for me today!", because I sure as hell noticed that with my last weekend being an "off" one. It's neat!
3DayRun said:
I have a question to throw out to some of the speed freaks here. We all know that meth feels great, especially IV'd (well, most here do, at least), but did you ever notice that when you cleaned up a bit that experiencing life without methamphetamine felt great as well?
yep - i totally agree
i fucking miss meth and probly will for a loooong time (hell maybe forever, who knows) but ive found being able to wake up feeling alive is so good
and now i actually get a buzz out of things like galloping my horse along the beach, theme park rides or listening to loud thrash metal that used to just 'enhance the rush' before
doing all that plus feeling healthy is sure something else!
not to mention i get on with my family now (most of the time) and i no longer feel physically weak and sick
yea i fucking love methamphetamine......but life without it does feel great a lot of the time too! :D
not only am I using dexedrine, I'm smoking a half gram of meth/day again.
When I get a gram next i'll probably end up doing something stupid, splatter my brains.. I'm so fucked up from the brain damage from speed i'm done./
gorgoroth - u hav a young will most likely heal, u wud b amazed at wat the brain can do
i first started abusing dexies at 10....i was using meth daily by 15 - im now 24 (and hav bn clean for a yr unless u count legal prescriptions - yes, one of them dexamphetamine).....that means i abused amphetamines for 13 yrs (dont know how long ago u started but trust me theres always hope if u work at it)
i know i still hav some issues with memory loss in particular and my neurologist reckons its the amphetamine abuse that most likely kicked off my epilepsy, but if u consider that at the start of my recovery (first 7 months or so) i slurred all my words and shook from head to toe i think my brain must b recovering
and uve come off amphetamines before, u can do it again
im not going to say its a matter of willpower cos for some ppl it really isnt
do u want to stop enough that ur willing to try anything? rehab? NA/AA/etc?
im going thru benzo withdrawal atm and my heartrates gone thru the roof plus im guessing my seizure threshhold has bn lowered so my GP has advised me to stop taking dexamphetamine
i cudnt stand the idea of life without my dexies, as they help my ADHD and they seem to somewat curb meth cravings, so ive kept taking them, but by today my heartrate was so high i just decided not to take my doses today
strangely im not craving meth, probly cos i know id hav a heart attack if i used atm, however my brain feels realllllly scattered
god bless dexies - cant wait till i can get back on them again :\
^^In years to come I think you should write a book DW, seriously. A book about life is the NZ drug/crime scene and your life story(although I dont know much) I think others could benefit from your experiences. I dunno I just had this random thought that youd be really great for writing a book. I really hope you start feeling better from the WD's soon too, oooh you poor thing. Ive gone through xanax WD once and it was the worst experience of my entire life, it has scared me away from using benzo's more than once a week, honestly it scares me sooo much just even thinking about it, when you know its coming(any WD) it feels almost as though your about to go to jail or something :! good luck ;)

Ive been pretty keen to smoke a few shards lately but money is a huge issue and if I want to get shards and not poorly synthed crap then I need to go through more effort than im willing to at present. I think staying away from needles is my biggest goal for the moment and im doing very well with it and I do think I will succeed. I didnt have nearly as many problems as I do know before i started on the needle, it ruined so much for me and im a noob compared to some of the older addicts and plenty of them get off the stuff(its opiates for me now but once apon a time it was meth...yes I have problems) so I might as well do it now while its going to be a whole lot easier than it will be in 5-10 years and that is if I live than long. but things are turning around and im not running away from my problems anymore which was my biggest downfall in the past. So im trying to look on the bright side of things and even if im in a bad situation I try to look for something good in it.

Sorry for all that shit and rambling, its kind of like therapy for me here in the dark side and even bluelight as a whole is good for the mind. I love alot of people here alot more than I do in my real life, and alot of people here care about me more than people in my life and visa versa, I actually do give a fuck about you guys so if theres ever any problems that we can help with them PM away, im always listening because BL has helped me that many time I owe them for an eternity. <3

ketaman - if ur managing to curb the needle craving thats a really gd start.....cos sometimes that whole ritual can b as addictive (if not more) than the drug itself
well done - breaking the IV habit is a gd start
i can understand the temptation to smoke some crystal (yes, esp if its the gd stuff) but i know how it is wen ur addicted to opiates as well, and i spose i dont really hav to tell u how it gets wen u start coming down from meth - u either want more meth or u want downers of some kind.....which cud then lead to u upping the opiates
on the other hand i know its hard wen ur stuck in that rut of using opiates and them not getting u high anymore (guessing this is where ur at) so ur just feeling blah and lethargic and u know that if u scored some meth u cud bring urself out of that
hard cycle.....plz hang in there mate!
as for the book - well ive written a fair bit of poetry....maybe ill motivate myself into writing a book oneday (Drug_Wench's Kiwi Guide To P, Ice And Everything In-between ;))
Am I weird for saying this?

Okay, I've noticed this throughout my years of methamphetamine use/abuse. Unless you've been up for multiple days (then you just tend to easily drift off to sleep and might feel a bit groggy the next day) am I the only one that really doesn't experience much in the way of a meth comedown?

I don't get angry, violent, depressed, or hateful. I just get tired and pass out. The next day I am just a bit out of it, but figure that is due to the lack of sleep. I don't know, but it just might be me. Not to down play the risks associated with methamphetamine abuse, but I noticed that the "come down" is really nothing compared to coke with its sudden up and then down. Anyone else?
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