NEMD Metal Up Your Ass! The MetalHeads Thread v.VIVIVI

Haha well I'm glad to welcome anyone who wants to contribute something. im not too worried about this post going off topic really!!

lets hear those favorite metal bands!? hah
Anup Sastry: side project from the drummer from Intervals. Amazing prog djent:

That was awesome Ebola, nice share! Proper stuff that be.

A couple of bands I've found recently that I think are class and definitely have a bright future. Anciients are quite varied overall, definite Mastodon influence, interesting stuff.

And Arcania, a french melodic thrash band. Flat out, technical and pumping. Good shit.

And Novelists, another french band, djenty goodness. A little cheesy melodic at points but they're a fucking good band.
Well, most black metal falls flat these days for me, but this band, Winterfylleth, released a great album last year, The Divination of Antiquity. Really nice, well produced black metal with some hints of post-rock in there and riffage similar to Drudkh in some respects. Anyway, this track is really beautiful (I love the main riff and the unblasted version of it towards the end):

Truly fits the coming winter :)

We’ve got the King of all Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction? episodes for you! We were lucky enough to get some time with Slayer shredder Kerry King for a Wiki segment so good, we had to split it into two parts.
Kerry King famously pulls no punches, so the original Slayer shredder’s take on the band’s entire career will never be padded with euphemisms. After clarifying some of the basics, King tells the real story on how he started Slayer with fellow guitarist Jeff Hanneman.
Moving onward, King sets the record straight on how Slayer was discovered by Metal Blade Records founder Brian Slagel. Wikipedia reads that Slagel’s belief in the band was sparked by witnessing the band cover Iron Maiden’s “Phantom of the Opera,” but that info proved to be false.
Along with some funny and fictional Gene Hoglan stories, King delves into his short tenure as an early guitarist for Megadeth. Though Kerry praises Dave Mustaine‘s technical ability and songwriting prowess, the Slayer shredder makes it to secret that a personal clash with Mustaine made it impossible for the two to work together. This clash would later lead to longstanding tension between Slayer and Megadeth.
You won’t want to miss Part 1 of Kerry King’s Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction? segment. Part 2 is just as essential, so look out for that clip to drop very soon. Enjoy!

Read More: Slayer's Kerry King: 'Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?' (Part 1) |

some of you might enjoy this :) DEICIDE - Godkill (Album Track)

part 2 here

You’ve been asking for it since we posted Part 1 of Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction? with Slayer‘s Kerry King, and now Part 2 is here! Get ready for the second half of the metal legend participating in our signature game!
During the first half of Kerry King’s Wiki segment, we explored Slayer’s early years, including the moment King approached guitarist Jeff Hanneman with the idea of starting a band. King also told us about making Slayer’s first three records, his early inclusion in Megadeth, not getting along with Dave Mustaine and more.
Part 2 opens with a great piece of fiction, leading to laughs and serious bewilderment for Kerry King. After asking King about accusations of Nazi sympathizing and the media’s take on the band, we go into almost every Slayer album until the band’s most recent work, World Painted Blood.
More gems found in this part of Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction? include Dimebag Darrell‘s reaction to Kerry’s guest performance on Pantera‘s “Goddamn Electric,” the release of God Hates Us All occurring on Sept. 11, 2001, producer Rick Rubin’s decreased involvement in Slayer’s music, Kerry’s prediction of what’s to come in Slayer’s future and much more!
Check out Part 2 of Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction? with Kerry King above! Also, be sure to check Part 1 and more awesome Slayer stuff below.
Kerry King

Read More: Slayer's Kerry King: 'Wikipedia: Fact or Fiction?' - Part 2 | 10 Rock + Metal Interviews Gone Wrong
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Well, most black metal falls flat these days for me, but this band, Winterfylleth, released a great album last year, The Divination of Antiquity. Really nice, well produced black metal with some hints of post-rock in there and riffage similar to Drudkh in some respects. Anyway, this track is really beautiful (I love the main riff and the unblasted version of it towards the end):


Truly fits the coming winter :)

tysm for this
^I'd love to see them. They do something really interesting with doom I reckon.

This is a cool track from the new Shining album, Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, Ends. Got a banjo break in and everything... Definitely one of the best modern black metal bands IMO.

Shining: Inga Broar Kvar Att Bränna


Viking | No Child Left Behind

Saw viking on tour the other week. Badass show. I had their first two albums in the mid 90s. This one is pretty heavy, sort of like teutonic thrash, like Destruction or Tankard or something like that.
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Rotting Christ, great band, new album soon; this off their last one:

Well, most black metal falls flat these days for me, but this band, Winterfylleth, released a great album last year, The Divination of Antiquity. Really nice, well produced black metal with some hints of post-rock in there and riffage similar to Drudkh in some respects. Anyway, this track is really beautiful (I love the main riff and the unblasted version of it towards the end):

Truly fits the coming winter :)

Great find
These guys do the post-metal thing really well:

Year of No Light (France). Tocsin:
