Mental Health Mental Illness Support Thread V. How do you feel?

Good to hear! He must have done some serious shit to get over four years.
Rape, abuse, stalking and threats, against me and another girl. Plus drug charges.
I never thought he would get convicted for all of it. It restored my faith in the justice system a bit. He will probably appeal but im happy for now atleast <3
Im actually in EMDR therapy, just haven't seem her in a while. Time to book an appointment maybe.
Most of the stuff happened 5 years ago but the stalking continued until the day he got arrested, he posted the last letter that same day. All the police hearings helped me process it a bit though.
It was terrifying going out in today bc of the.ptsd, but it went well though. Got some strange anxiety reaction from the mix of tramadol and bensos, so I took 900mg preg and now im finally feeling a bit relaxed.


(I have this wierd tolerance to both bensos and preg, and im used to mixing, that's why I take so much)
Horrid is the only way to describe how I feel I was doing great this morning and my world turned to shit since then.. I was in a car accident today heading to a funeral for a close family member. Didn’t make the funeral. I guess the silver lining is my car suffered mostly cosmetic damage. However the rest of my afternoon just plain sucked. When I got home I suffered several anxiety attacks worse than I’ve had in months. A 6mg dose of lorazepam didn’t even come close to touching so I spent literally hours feeling like absolute shit. I don’t mean to complain because there are so many things to be grateful for however today was just a river of bull shit which resulted in a flood of rather intense emotions. Tonight I’m self inducing the snooze but wonderfully as I’m waiting to finally pass out my television stops working. Oh well things could always be worse but tomorrow is another day and I hope it’s a decent one. I know many people have it way worse than I so I’m trying to keep my chin up but I just want to cry.
I need to go out and meet people ffs im going crazy being this lonely. I think when it really hit me was after one of the trial days was over, when I picked up my phone and realised I had no one to call and talk about it.
Hi @Freudzilla im sorry to hear that you had such a shitty day. <3 Are you feeling better now?
Yes thankfully! A day in the kitchen and a lot of lorazepam and cannabis did the trick thank you for asking! 😊..
I’m sorry you’re feeling so lonely.. that’s the reason I joined here to be perfectly honest. I’m awkward and shy in real life even at my age lol I guess I never grew out of that phase! I’m always up for a chat if you ever need to just blow off some steam I can certainly relate to being lonely I usually don’t get out much, which made it suck so much worse that yesterday was such a shitshow lol.
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I'm thinking of trying ECT, anyone have any luck or seriously bad experiences ?
I know of a friend (from many years ago when I lived in another state & we’ve lost touch,) who was quite happy with the treatment.,I’ve debated it myself!
I’m feeling a lot better than I did 12 hours ago. It’s amazing what a difference talking to some caring professionals and a couple of friends can make. Half the anxiety of being mentally ill comes from trying to pretend that you’re not.
Yes thankfully! A day in the kitchen and a lot of lorazepam and cannabis did the trick thank you for asking! 😊..
I’m sorry you’re feeling so lonely.. that’s the reason I joined here to be perfectly honest. I’m awkward and shy in real life even at my age lol I guess I never grew out of that phase! I’m always up for a chat if you ever need to just blow off some steam I can certainly relate to being lonely I usually don’t get out much, which made it suck so much worse that yesterday was such a shitshow lol.

Okay im glad you are feeling better :)
I joined for the exact same reason. People on here are so kind and helpful. I don't know what I would do if I could not vent and get support on here. BL really is one of a kind in my opinion I love it <3
Regarding people to talk to, was it like that for you before the pandemic as well @SAT4N_420 ?

I was at the apartment today for the first time since the divorce and it felt pretty wierd. Going to look at a smaller apartment next week. Just hard to find a place that is suitable for the cats since they go outside.
Fucking benso withdrawals as well and it's my birthday tomorrow but no party bc im alone af, spending the day at my mothers place. To depressed to do anything besides reading today and barely have the energy for that. Feels like I have a fever but probably just from crying LOL happy birthday to me
Fucking benso withdrawals as well and it's my birthday tomorrow but no party bc im alone af, spending the day at my mothers place. To depressed to do anything besides reading today and barely have the energy for that. Feels like I have a fever but probably just from crying LOL happy birthday to me
Happy early birthday! I hope you feel better soon benzo withdrawals are horrid 🥺