Mental Health Mental Illness Support Thread V. How do you feel?

I’ve had a realization that I don’t owe anyone anything (for the most part).

I have a history of trauma and abuse and in the past I have stayed in situations because I felt like I needed to for the benefit of the other person.

I am realizing more and more that I don’t need to do that to myself. If I don’t want to continue something with someone else I simply don’t. I don’t owe anyone anything.

The same goes for other people, they don’t owe me anything and if they do not want to talk or anything with me they are free not to. I don’t particularly want to talk to people who don’t wish to speak with me anyways.

This is actually very, very, very important and brilliant life advice!

Good on ya for taking on this mentality. <3
Thank you!!
No, thank you for posting that so others can learn the wisdom.

Remember my response to your question in the squirting thread? You may think I was being facetious, but it was an honest response.

I've been struggling for a very long time with putting the interests of others before my own and it's been very detrimental to my life as a whole, but especially to my mental health.

I learnt the importance of living for myself a long time ago and still struggled for years. Sometimes through very, very, very brutal and abusive relationships such as the one mentioned.

I try my best to live by this idea and give that advice to all and sundry and yet I still struggle with it sometimes! Though, thankfully, I've become very assertive and there's no longer any chance anyone takes advantage of me.

I'm heartened to see someone who's been a victim of abuse and such be able to see it the way you have.

Be well. <3
Oh I get it!! I just asked bc a lot of the time when someone trashes someone else in a romantic relationship they are also at fault. But sometimes not. Your answer was fine.
I thought that's what your take on it was.

She was very emotionally and psychologically abusive. A true narcissist and sociopath.

I can take responsibility for my part of the dysfunction in that relationship, but not for all of it as she tried to make me do after we broke up.

I was definitely not good in the relationship because of my drug use which wasn't a problem for me but encouraged her to do things that didn't do her any good. I was too cavalier because I didn't have any problems stemming from it and my consequence-free drug use encouraged hers which wasn't consequence-free.
I should have been more circumspect in that regard and tried living a sober life around her/with her. It wouldn't have helped her much, but it would have been the right thing to do on my part.

I have just been trashed before so yea.
I understand. Happened to me as well in that one experience.

She started going to therapy after we broke up and at one point when I was still in contact with her (another failing on my part, to not have cut off all contact immediately) she tried making me feel bad about myself (yet again) by telling me that she told her therapist all manner of nonsense about what type of person I was and the her therapist agreed that I was a bad person.

It was beyond ridiculous and I knew it was all a lie and yet it still made me feel a bit bad, even though this therapist is no one to me, and not someone I'd ever meet in life anyway.

Sorry, I went off a bit there....I just didn't want you to think I was one of those people.
Its a strict for of Paleo called the API diet. I also only stick to mostly fish as my protein so pretty strict but helps a lot with all the junk removed. I have not but read about it several times. To afraid of a bad reaction. Going to check out a documentary about Timothy Leary who was an advocate for this treatment. Guess success would mess with big Pharmaceutical profits. I've never seen so many advertisements for medications as I have in the last year. Most likely isolation is taking it's toll. I feel like everyone will have PTSD after this is over. Its going from hand washing to obsessive hand washing and sanitizing for a lot of people. Fear to be outdoors and even eating is affected because people are afraid to buy things out of stores/shop there. If a person already has PTSD the current environment is definitely triggering.

Okay paleo might be easier to follow than strict keto which I did before.. I think carnivore diet plus a little fiber now and then is the optimal diet but im way to poor to eat like that now. People eat way too much carbs nowadays, as if we had access to that much carbs through our early history..

Yeah I think especially a lot of health workers too might get PTSD from this..
Good timing though with the increased research on MDMA and hallucinogenic therapies.
I haven't seen my husband in a week now. Have to go home today and im so anxious about it?? Already stressed about him going through my phone, look up social media activity.. orobably unfollow accounts etc.. Probably he's gonna be angry about the music I listen to bc he saw my youtube search history since he's logged in on my email on his phone.. This is quite silly I haven't really thought about how silly it is until in writing it out now.. hmm
That is a tough situation I can't even fathom being in.

I wish I had some advice based in experience to give, but all I can do is wish you the best of luck.

Is it at all possible to have an open and honest discussion with your husband about all of this?
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Like the traincrash in slow-motion that is my life shifted gears and the impact turned it all to rubble, pieces of burnt plastic and shards of glass.
After sunshine comes rain, right?
Trying to break free from negative thought trains, Can be easy to forget that people do care was just thinking about how lucky i was to have a few very close friends who supported me over the years and that i should keep living on and getting through life instead of just throwing away the good things into the wind and biting a bullet.

Nature brings me peace always a good trip in nature seeing the fine art of life reflected back and to take the moment to remember behind the scenes everything is alright and to soak in life without judgement of the good and bad things as reality is just a mental construct and a mirror of your inner self. Trying to change my out look on things and stop been so toxic and try find coping strategies to deal with the complex emotional ups and downs of life.

Might try put a litltle zen practice into my day to try be more mindful
I'm fucking pissed off.
Bf of nearly five years stole 40 squid off me and then my mother gave me a tenner so I/we could still live off he also stole whilst I was in the toilet. Very fucked up I love him I have been through some stuff just like the next person ❤️
.. also was I. Hospital with him last night had to physically vrestrainbhim from going on a road. Seriously this is my life now canny believe it.
I'm fucking pissed off.
Bf of nearly five years stole 40 squid off me and then my mother gave me a tenner so I/we could still live off he also stole whilst I was in the toilet. Very fucked up I love him I have been through some stuff just like the next person ❤️
.. also was I. Hospital with him last night had to physically vrestrainbhim from going on a road. Seriously this is my life now canny believe it.
fuck that guy!
u alright today