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[Melb] - Potato's Bluelight Mexican Night - July 22 REVIEWS!

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Raz said:
My hand is bright red. If someone could shed some light on that I would be much happy.

--Poncho Raz-- =D

Dear Poncho Raz - I have on good authority that not only did you clean up red drinks with your hands, but you were also skulling from a bottle of STRAIGHT red cordial 8o

sincerely, Hennifer Holopez
Careful there sweetie... I just might "Upload", then you'll get a virus ;)
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:

Im sorry hun, but you look like the devil in this photo.

EVIL!!! :X
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:

KryalkastleE, me, KRC and (Asha?)

That's not Asha you fool! That is Nicole, Potato's super cute Canadian housemate.

Me and miss slingshot... much much later next morning... so tuckered out. She's cuddling me under the blanket :)
I really wish i had stayed the night now. :(
Awesome night potato. I somehow managed to avoid fixing you up for $$ for the dinner, so I'll give it to you next time I see you.

Kemical Burn - Half my foot is swollen and it's suddenly rather painful (agonising perhaps?) to walk. If it gets any worse, I'll be going to the chemist to pick up some crutchers for sure! (note: random bitch of the day - self-inflicted, yes!).

The rest of you mofo's - Meh is all! :p =D

I need sleep! :(
Strawberry_lovemuffin said:
Dear Poncho Raz - I have on good authority that not only did you clean up red drinks with your hands, but you were also skulling from a bottle of STRAIGHT red cordial 8o

sincerely, Hennifer Holopez
OMG for reals??

I should sell my stomach to the US so they can clone it to make soldiers that are impervious to anything cause fuck I can put anything in it without it coming back out.... 8o

All the bits I remember were heaps fun, thanks potato! Oh PS I also owe you cash as I completely forgot about it in my drunken stupor until I got home the next day...sorries!
thanks potato & housemates
i had a top night.=D hope your house wasn't to trashed.
Raz said:
OMG for reals??

I should sell my stomach to the US so they can clone it to make soldiers that are impervious to anything cause fuck I can put anything in it without it coming back out.... 8o

All the bits I remember were heaps fun, thanks potato! Oh PS I also owe you cash as I completely forgot about it in my drunken stupor until I got home the next day...sorries!

hahahaha oh mister travis, how i miss ur quirky ways
iamtha1 said:
^^ Were you meant to be Raz's hot date?! ;)

No that was supposed to me!!!! Grr.
Somebody *glares accusingly at mister Raz himself* didn't call me.
I was supposed to make a surprise appearance!!! But, all has been forgiven.

Although i do wish he had called - 'cause it looks like you all had a farkin' awesome time!

Wow what a night! Truly crazy party - definitely the wildest we've had at the Warren. So much random stuff happening. Twas quite strange waking up this morning (not in my bed) and going into my room to find my bed and floor covered in vinyl and half my room occupied by a table strewn with decks and cables. The music was good though :)

The other strange thing was the way full nangs seem to vanish into oblivion, but empty ones get together and have babies. In the morning every place imaginable was littered with the bodies of discarded nangs, far outnumbering the amount of full ones we had started with.

I horrendously overcatered food wise, (there was enough food for everyone to have like 5 or more tacos) although most of the chilli did get eaten in the end.
I should have known not to expect big appetites from BLers 8).

Drinks wise I think i got it about right - the ingredients for cocktails lasted much of the night - how good were the pina coladas and margheritas!. Of course, absolutely everything got drunk, so there was always room for more ;)

Thanks to everyone who came and made it such an unreal night. Special thanks to everyone that brought stuff, and to everyone who donated. Oh, an finally big thanks must go to my housemate nicole, for helping m,e with last minute preparations in the few hours before it kicked off. ;D
Heheh, only just finished cleaning it all up ;). Had mexican for tea, surprise surprise. Think I'll be eating it for a month!

KRC & Raz - Thanks, you weren't the only ones to miss the donations jar, :D I think quite a few others forgot about it in all the excitement. That's the trouble with BL partys - everyone's so absent-minded cos within half an hour of arriving, their minds pack up and leave citing abuse =D. If anyone else forgot to donate and still wants to, PM me (I know you're out there!)

Miss Slingshot I have your platters, and also someone left their bulberator here (slingshot yours too?). There's a few other odds and ends people may have forgot. PM me if you're missing anything.
Yeah, I think I only payed for the ice. So I'll chuck in the rest when I see you next, potato :)
I think we agreed that Hel and I payed you in a 'different' way. ;)

Also, a big thanks to Nicole for being so awesomely cute and putting up with a whole lotta bluelighters. Give her a hug for me potato.
I seriously have no idea what I did all night.

I'm fairly sure I didn't just sit in the corner quietly, yet I don't really recall catching up with anyone properly. Kinda dissapointed about that. Time flew though!

Anyone know what I did with my time?

^^^ you danced. a lot. far too energetic for me; it was scary ;):D

Originally posted by potato
also someone left their bulberator here.

shit. is that yours grant? was i supposed to get that? I AM SO SMART LIKE A BIRD.
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