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[Melb] BL Meetup - March 19th - Venue TBA*See Pg6*

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Jan 22, 2005
[Melb] BL Meetup - Fri 18th Feb 10pm

Ok, in an attempt to make this official and get people to come along i'm putting it here.

WHERE: Start at "Elephant and Wheelbarrow"
cnr Exhibition and Bourke and take it from there.....

WHEN: Friday 18th Feb 10pm onwards

WHO: Anyone and everyone, especially other greenlighters like me who want to get to know people :)

WHY: Sif need a reason.
An excuse to drink you say??

I'm in! %)

I'll be there, I reckon it would be good to make this sort of thing a regular event in Melbourne, much like the Terrific Tuesdays the Sydney-folk have, so I'm interested to see how many punters are willing/able to show up.
Willing - yes.

Able - not even close. Work owns me.

have fun kids!!

(and yes, it would be nice to have a regular sort of gig happening.... but i'm working weekends until after Easter so you'll have to count me out for a while) :(
I'm keen to go and have the night off.

I'll try my best, but you can't really count on me. I'm kinda unreliable.
I'll be there *if* there's at least a few others planning on heading down when the time arises! Looking for a social night out!
i'll try make it, depends how long this farewell at work goes for.. (if i'm taking my time, get pop to tell me to hurry up :) )
hav to miss this one... gotta work and wont be able to get transport in.. however, if it becomes a more regular thing,hopefully il b able to drop by in the following weeks to come..
I'm thinking of starting work late, finish late, and go straight there (work in sth melb, live in boronia. kinda pointless going back and forth all day!).

Mmmm, blind drunk, haven't done that for a while :D
hmm...*scratches head*...my plans to get my nails done today have just been cancelled so im free i guess. i remember walking poast this pub the other day and laughing at the name *lol* i will turn up but if i dont recognise anyone i will probably make a quick exit :\

Muzby: if you end up going give me a ring?
sweeet :) should be at least a handfull of people.

starfalls69 - love the avatar, very zooropa
*ticks self off as in*

Hope to see you all there!

Here's my mobs incase we don't recognise each other:
*no numbers please* sorry hun
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here's mine: *sorry hun. same deal. no numbers* try email. :)
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I'm in guys!
-=Bounces and sings=-

I also have precious 1n74rw3b access at work, after much frightening deliberation. ;)
Hoorah for that!
Hoorah for me coming along, and drinking~!

Just one thing to mention - - - I'm working 9-5 today, and don't really want to be heading into the city so late. :|
I'm an old lady, I know.
Just wondering if people are up for changing the time at all? 8pm would suit me infinately better.

Just a thought.

Regardless, I shall be there!!!
I'll definately be there, and I'll be making sure Muzby abandons his farewell function in time to come in and enjoy a few cool refreshing beverages.

If anyone wants to either meet up beforehand (C0TB, I'm looking in your direction, [but everyone else too]), or make sure they can find people, feel free to PM me for my number. Otherwise I'll see you all there.

Hell, if you're all lucky... I may even stay sober enough to make it to the meetup this time. ;)
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