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[MEGA] Vaporizers Thread

OP - please see red text, check out the rules stickied at the top of the page. Just a quick warning. The other links here to sites with reviews are perfectly fine.

Like they said, you get what you pay for.

The links to both CD Guidelines and our Directory can be found in my signature. The directory has a wealth of information on vaporizers and on-going mega threads discussing them.
Get the cheapest china vape, clean it up inside and outside. Remove every senseless stuff like wood which you don't need or LEDs. Reroute the cables so that they are more away from the heating elements. My temperature is 215 °C. I need around 50mg of some good strain like Amnezia Haze (way less than 50mg actually), Jack Herrer, White Widdow and similar potent strains. You can toke 6 times. Grind the herb and make it slow but try not to touch it with you fatty hands. Breathe a little like you were going to dive. Exhale last time, slowly inhale from the vape, let in so that no vape gets out or how long you could hold in. The herb shouldn't touch the heating element. After around 6 tokes and if you are still not high or coming down, get the herb out, and make it more powdery with your fingers. There is still something left in it. Put it back in, toke 3 times or so and it's finished. A gramm would last me two weeks if I would toke everyday. Moderation is the key word and it will last way longer.
Yes the chinese ways are really cheap but you can have a working and good working vape for cheap if you invest around an hour for doing all the stuff.
the vape i bought was a magic flight launch box. i HIGHLY recommend this vape, as it's a lot different from your traditional vape, and allows you to push the thresholds of receiving the high normally produced from combustion. it's got rechargeable batteries, which make it extremely portable and convenient. it's also very tiny. easily fits in your pocket no problem. i can't tell you how many times this thing has saved my ass from getting caught. i normally smoke from a waterfall gravity bong, but whenever i go home my vape gets a lot of good use. it's also very competitively priced. i guarantee you will not be disappointed. if you like to smoke in large groups though, this isn't the vape for you. this vape is made more for just 1 or 2 people getting high. any more and it takes too long to get high. it's perfect for clutch situations though (mom lets you borrow the car to return a movie and you can smoke her car out, put your eye drops in, and have 0 worries about her car smelling like weed or your fingers/clothes).
I have to say I just bought a vaporizer about a week ago and have been enjoying it. It's not the same high you get from smoking, I actually find it more enjoyable. Vaping seems pretty effecient to me. Although I do have some questions for people more experienced with vapes then myself. I'm wondering what the best way to inhale with a whip type vaporizer is it better to take a quicker hit (like you would with a pipe) or slowly breath in the vapor? Also sometimes I don't see visible vapor when I exhale but still feel like I inhaled something other than air? How much visible vapor should you exhale?
Vaporizer Patience

I recently bought a vaporizer since i'm going to college in a few days and I want to be able to semi-stealth smoke in my dorm room. I love my vape and the high is great and I love how it conserves my bud. The only problem I have with it is I don't seem to have any patience with it. For example I'll plan to smoke it and grind the weed up and turn it on and plug in the whip and everything but I can't ever seem to be able to wait for the vape to heat up. I usually break down and smoke my bong or bowl about 5-10 minutes into waiting for my vape to heat up. This really wouldn't be a problem but after I rip the bong or bowl I usually end up being too lazy to go smoke what's in the vape. I was just wondering if anyone else experiences this.
You just have to wait it out. It's like eating pot...people rarely wait it out and end up smoking on top of it. Vapes give a different high IME too, I prefer smoking to vaping or eating. Also, depending on the vape you got, your stealthiness in a dorm room might be even less so, since they tend to be a big bigger. Your bowl and a spoof will probably get you by...but more advice here, don't smoke in your dorm room if you can avoid it. I saw so many people get in trouble for that...in the blistering cold (I went to college in Western NY) I walked my ass outside, found a little windless, peopleless, quiet space, and hit the bowl with a friend or two. Seriously, I've seen people get fucked over by smoking in dorm rooms, be careful.

EDIT: I'm moving this into our Vape MEGA thread, where all the vape questions go :)
Yea, I prefer my bong over the vape. My vape doesn't take that long to heat up but I just always break down. Thanks for the heads up about the dorm.
If you insist on smoking in your dorm, always have a bag of extra buttery popcorn on hand to nuke into black kernal in your microwave.

I'm with Purple_Cloud on this one. I wouldn't smoke up in my room unless I had a Volcano or something of that nature, in a ballon bag - or a ventilated bathroom between roomies (I had this the past 2 years, live in an apartment now). I too have seen many, many people get caught for smoking in their room, which resulted in loss of housing, loss of financial aide, or expulsion / tuition bumps / loss of work study... And the legal consequences.
^ Off topic, but my dorm room did not allow a microwave, we had one in a common room down the hall. Also, if you have a car, any student housing parking lot is a very bad idea also, since they are often patrolled for that. As Chainer echoed, there is more of a risk to smoking in a dorm room than most people realize or think about...most freshmen/sophomore dorms, for example are "dry" and don't allow alcohol either, so you really have no way of reasoning an illegal substance with them. You'll see people do it, but you'll also see people get caught, trust me.
I got the magic-flight launch box recently. These guys have amazing customer service, first off. I ruined one of my batteries by over heating it, and they mailed me a new one free of charge. (But this was like a week after I bought it) You get lifetime warranty on the box itself.

That aside, I got this thing just so I could smoke in my room, as I had heard they are practically odorless. I did find out tho that there is a smell to it, not the smell of weed, and definitely not as strong as smoking a bong or joint. Also doesn't stick around as long. However to fight the smell, what I do is grab a the inside cardboard part of a used toilet paper roll, put some bounty fabric softner sheets into it (about 3 crushed into a ball), right in the centre. And then when you're about to exhale, exhale into the toilet paper roll, and wala all that can be smelled is fresh bounty.

The high that you get from the vape can leave you wanting more tho if you're used to smoking bongs. So what I usually do is vaporize 2 bowls and then smoke the vaped weed in a pipe after. Vaped weed gets you just as high as normal weed when smoked, and works even better than normal weed if you're going to be using it for baking stuff. Also you need a lot less weed per bowl, in the vaporizer, to get high.

So overall, one of the best investments I've made. I really like the magic-flight launch box specifically because its so easy to carry around and so easy to hide.
I was speaking generally - I've found that in many state schools, the largest, most tall building is always freshmen housing, co-ed. UNH's Freshmen dorm, Stoke, is a 1-in-10 dorm for smoking in a dorm without worrying... If you have a building like UNH's Stoke - freshmen co-ed 8 floors... Anyway, the point is, there are certainly 1 in 10 dorms that you can get away with it in. My frist year in college, I opt'd for "Stoke Building" - 8 floor co-ed. It was like living in a drama pool where everyone just wants to get laid. It sounds good at first, until some kid who's never had sex or girlfriend either: blow up your spot- girls leave, and "fall in love with girl across the hall syndrome" - It makes high school drama look pussy, college frosh dorms is high school drama on crack - sometimes legitimately. Oh, and on Thursdays, someone always pisses on the hall floor. Always.

Point is, if you get stuck in one of these dorms, I will bet kids smoke in it just as much as we did. These are the only dorm times we could safely smoke in. Always have a easy spot to hide EVERYTHING under tide fresh papers for laundry, and have popcorn ready to burn in the microwave. This strategy has legit gotten my current housemate (roomie at the time) out of getting our room searched. He just nuked xra butter popcorn till it smoked up like crazy... sure it made the fire alarms go off, but my roomie just said he made popcorn and when he came back into the room it was on fire. Got off without the cops finding the QP of headies in the closet, in the bag, in the bigger bag, in the jar, in the plastic wrap surrounded by fresh fabric laundry shit.

ORRR, you could just do what I do every semester: Meet your RA. You wouldn't believe it, but I always made it a habit to be friendly, go out for drinks, etc, with my floors RA. After a few drinks ask if they care about smoking weed, if they smoke, you're in the green. If they don't smoke, just be active friends with them, joke about keeping shit on the DL or warn me first before you call the cops. If they do smoke, invite them to a smoke sesh ASAP - you only need to do this one once. he can never bust you now for fear you will rat on him. I've found these friendly relationships change immediately after you change dorms. Using these techniques I never once got questioned for any odd smells (fresh bud, not on fire) or for the heavy traffic coming in and out at all hours.
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Hey guys . James here.

Im super baked right now from hitting vape at this dudes house . I just got back so bear with me if some things are a bit iffy.

Now i love vape . I hit it at alot of my friends houses every few weeks and i am familiar with their effects. But most of the time i smoke, im not at my buddies houses . im alone and I smoke around 2-4 times a day from a pipe . The pipe - Its nothing special . Just your typical metal run of the mill pipe that would run you $15 at a smoke shop in Canada.

But yeahh im thinking of upping my game. Im considering purchasing a vaporizer . One that my friend has, which i love ...

But enough about that . My question is for all you long term vape users . or for those who mostly toke vape. or even for those who used to smoke alot but converted to vape for w.e reason..

i was wondering if the so called long term benefits are actually noticeable . The vaporizer itself that i want to buy says on the box that it will be a "life changing, health experience" haha . But yea i mean everyone says theyre healthy . But are they really thaaat healthy?
I mean hasnt their been a study about smoking weed itself not ever having caused lung cancer as it works differently on the lungs to such things like tobacco ? And theres more claims about weed not being bad for your lungs ..

also please feel free to tell me how vaping has changed ur life in any way ? im very interested in your stories...

... because im asking all this too see if buying a vaporizer will change my life. Lets "pretend" that im pretty poor, mostly because of my age, haha so i actually have to consider this purchase.
Hey guys . James here.

Im super baked right now from hitting vape at this dudes house . I just got back so bear with me if some things are a bit iffy.

Now i love vape . I hit it at alot of my friends houses every few weeks and i am familiar with their effects. But most of the time i smoke, im not at my buddies houses . im alone and I smoke around 2-4 times a day from a pipe . The pipe - Its nothing special . Just your typical metal run of the mill pipe that would run you $15 at a smoke shop in Canada.

But yeahh im thinking of upping my game. Im considering purchasing a vaporizer . One that my friend has, which i love ...

But enough about that . My question is for all you long term vape users . or for those who mostly toke vape. or even for those who used to smoke alot but converted to vape for w.e reason..

i was wondering if the so called long term benefits are actually noticeable . The vaporizer itself that i want to buy says on the box that it will be a "life changing, health experience" haha . But yea i mean everyone says theyre healthy . But are they really thaaat healthy?
I mean hasnt their been a study about smoking weed itself not ever having caused lung cancer as it works differently on the lungs to such things like tobacco ? And theres more claims about weed not being bad for your lungs ..

also please feel free to tell me how vaping has changed ur life in any way ? im very interested in your stories...

... because im asking all this too see if buying a vaporizer will change my life. Lets "pretend" that im pretty poor, mostly because of my age, haha so i actually have to consider this purchase.

weed is still full of tars n shit n i rember reading somwhere that weed has more tars and nastys in it than ciggies :\
so, if i got one of these, it dont have to be medical grade stuff i put in? Right?
i also remember reading somewhere that weed works totally different on the lungs compared to cigs .

I think uve been misinformed by propaganda sir XP