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[Mega] The "Why won't MDMA work for me?" thread

Ok, if you are in dfw like me, most of your tabs are going to be legit. Buy still use pillreports and ask around

it also seems like you've quickly jacked up your tolerance like I did, my advise:

wait at least two months before you roll again, that's how long it takes one's serotonin production to fully recover. Then in the 4 days prior, take 5htp pills (you can get them cheap at any walmart), taking 1 pill, 3 times a day...then the day of your roll take an additional 2 about 2 hours before yoi take your tabs

I know it's alot, but it seriosly works

and for the day after, take 5htp and B12 pills, helps with that cracked out groggy feeling
Ten- yeah I think that's what happened, I also heard it's easier for guys to gain a tolerance than girls :/ but yeah I'm going to for sure take a break and hopefully I'll be able to find good tabs, but no joke a lot of my friends and I who live in dfw have gotten a LOT of bunk shit. I guess it just depends on who you know.

But does anyone have advice about the Xanax xr and how long I should stop taking it prior to rolling? A day, week, month?
Women's bodies process substances differently than men in general, so I would hazard to guess, yes, men can build a tolerance faster. Just don't take xanax the day you roll, you don't have to go off it longer than that.
man after a somewhat disappointing new years eve with molly, i think im gonna take a break for atleast a few months. too much abuse the last year or 2
No Effects

okayy so two days ago me and my friends got 5 extacy's we all took them after drinking a cup of water i ate a little before taking them. they both were rolling and feeling the E except me and i thought it just didnt kick in but after 2 or 3 hours i still didnt feel anything. i then took a another peice not a full pill it still didnt do anything. why didnt i get any effects from the E and everone else did. btw the day before i took it i snorted two ritalins could that do anything to me that wouldnt mke the E work. i am also a heavy smoker and wondered if my tolerance to weed effected the E since my other friends do not smoke so often. plz help me because i really want to do it agian but dont want to end up not feeling it.
the ritalin and the weed would not have done anything to block an mdma high.
This happened to me as well when i first tried to roll, but the next time i treid i rolled balls.
Well what a lot of pillmakers do, to make more money, is they through a few bunks in per ratio of pill.. maybe you just got some bunks out of the batch
yea if they are good pills double drop them. But make sure they are good, one way to test them on the spot is to taste a tiny bit of it. If it is a really bitter taste, then there is a good chance they have a decent amount of mdma in them. Also, If they crumble easily, like if the press is all chipped up or what not then its a good chance they are decent.

Yea like the first two times i rolled I took paul frank monkeys.. and i didnt roll at all i just got bunk ones i guess. The third time me and some friends got a 10 pack of monkeys from the same guy and i took 1 and rolled amazingly. a lot of the time with pills it's hit or miss. You will know when you are rolling, its amazing

EDIT: My friends have gotten pills that weren't bitter at all, and were hard and smooth/glossy. I ended up taking them anyway and there deff wasnt any mdma in them, so you can tell a lot by taste and softness
okayy thanks will deffently try agian the ones i got were bitter n broke easily i think they were G ladies
Can't feel Ecstasy

So, heres the deal. I've done very very many different drugs each alot in my life. I've never had problems until it came to MDMA . i've done about 10 e pills in my life with about 7 being pure MDMA according to ecstasydata. The first two i did i didnt feel anything my eyes tweaked but no emotional or empathogenic effects whatsoever. I did research And realized ( or so i thought) this was becauase i was taking 10mg of lexapro daily and i immediately stopped taking them and went through the withdrawals 'zaps' . Since then i have used blue g ladies, blue stars , and purple stars with no effect. The most recent was a purple star today that i snorted. I have been off the SSRI's for roughly 7 months now so i deffinetely should have felt effects from snorting a pure MDMA pill this long aftrr completely stopping ssri use. Also, i have done cocaine twice with no effect. The first time was a gram that i seperated into three lines and blew aboutt 20 minutes apart from one another. The second time about two months later i snorted a half gram and then a quarter gram 30 minutes later. I thouht i should mention i recently did 108mg of concerta, aka methylphenidate 'speed' and was able to feel that, so its not that i cant feel uppers. Does anyone have any insight as to why i cant feel MDMA or coke? i would really love to experience one of the worlds best drugs , but i simply cant.
P.S. i weigh 138 pounds and have been diagnosed with depression . Also i have swallowed E whole, chewed it, and snorted it all to the same dissapointing effect.
I swear I just saw this same question like a week ago... I'll let the ED mods decide what to do with it though, because I could be mistaken.

First off purple and blue stars are known to be almost all pipes so dont be jumping to conclusion when you say E is not working for you. Stay away from cut outs and outpressed rolls.
Well, I took two green stars (stamped, not shaped) about a month ago, tested clean, and they did hardly anything. One Pikachu, tested clean MDA made me roll face.

Don't get discouraged. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Anxiety makes mine kick in better. Dunno why.
Well, I took two green stars (stamped, not shaped) about a month ago, tested clean, and they did hardly anything. One Pikachu, tested clean MDA made me roll face.

Don't get discouraged. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't. Anxiety makes mine kick in better. Dunno why.

Do you intentionally increase your anxiety beforehand to make the roll stronger? ;)
blue stars edata mdma 1 were reported by many users very very low clean dose prolly 20-40 mg lol u would need like 3-4 of those to go strong

blue stars edata mdma 1 were reported by many users very very low clean dose prolly 20-40 mg lol u would need like 3-4 of those to go strong and purple stafish were pipes/mdma if thats what ur talkin bout
I swear I just saw this same question like a week ago... I'll let the ED mods decide what to do with it though, because I could be mistaken.


The same question gets asked nearly every other day 8o - we simply have a Big and Dandy - why wont ecstasy work for me anymore where we scoop these into.

Sometimes the same question /reply is on the same page.
Alright i didnt go through the hassle of reading everyones suggestions of why he doesn't feel X.. But do you take any Benzo's because thats a big one it deplete's ALL your serotonin in your body and when you take X theres none for it to use o_O
No i dont, i've blown xanax and ativan and temezapam from time to time but i've never regularly taken benzos , and yes 3 of the purple stars i was referring to was the fake light purple starfish made of bzp and tmfpp but the most recent purple stars i've done are pure mdma and my friend a long time ecstasy addict whos been to CD many times loves these exact purple stars. But i dont feel the same ones :/