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[MEGA]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion- 2nd Toke

you's should try taking some valerian root then getting blazed,

Ive done it a few times, most of the time i enjoy my high but sometimes i get a bit aggy,
But this here is a nice chilled kind of high, Be warned , those eyelids get a bit heavy haha, Zzzz
Good idea mate, im just wondering if I should purchase all those 3 am's or what? Cuse from what people have been sayin 2233 is a weaker more all round high then 2201 so im not sure if it would be that good mixed together although there is a popular blend that says it contains these two chemicals i wouldn't trust what the packet says.
Once again, thanks for the suggestion but knowing the severity of my anxiety and the effects if any at all of valerian on myself I couldn't see it being too effective for if things would get hectic.
2233 does me pretty good. I have only smoked it once and was reminded why I dont smoke. I eat just a small bit, maybe the size of a pencil eraser and I will be pretty fucking high for a good 6-8 hours. It is also somewhat sedating if you let it be, IE, I sleep real good if I take some before bedtime.

This single gram of 2233 that I bought has lasted me about 4-5 weeks now and I have used it almost daily and sometimes multiple doses through the day. I thoroughly enjoy it. Very pleasant for me and no paranoia :)

Again, this is the only synthetic I have had of this variety so this is not really a conclusive post other than saying what I have experienced with the 2233. If you have the opportunity, buy a small batch of both and try them and compare them. I may do it soon but I have other expenses that have more priority at the moment. :(
so i now know two people who have had seizures from synthetic cannabinoids..
so i now know two people who have had seizures from synthetic cannabinoids..

Generally the people who die and have seizures due to synthetics are those retards who say "LETS SMOKE DIS WHOLE BLUNT DOOOOOOOOD" thinking it's like weed.
my boy had a seizure off maybe 10mgs of jwh 018, and one of my old roomies had a seizure when he matched me on an oral JWH dosage. Who knows what factors are at play there. I seem to tolerate the synths well, but there are people out there that definitively do not.
my boy had a seizure off maybe 10mgs of jwh 018, and one of my old roomies had a seizure when he matched me on an oral JWH dosage. Who knows what factors are at play there. I seem to tolerate the synths well, but there are people out there that definitively do not.

I'm happy to say i'm the same way. I've done upwards of a gram of AM-2201 powder in a day with 0 bad effects. Keep in mind though my tolerance is at an ungodly high level though. (Constantly redosing all day every 20 minutes)
Avoid "7h" shit looks like summertime weeds that have been mowed and collected and tastes like that way too... I'm looking at it right now... there's like wild oatgrass seeds, foxtails, is that a field cricket?!? some random sticks and grass... :p



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my only suggestion then would be adding drugs, which is not the best advice... Think benzos: xanax, klonopin, ativan, valium, etc etc. If you have high anxiety then psychedelics in general are probably not for you. Some people just don't agree with it.

The only other method of getting through this sucks: smoke through it. What I mean is, once you build up your tolerance to the point where .5 of some serious headies won't get you high out of your mind, you can dose more easily because you have much more prior experience. You sort of learn how "to deal". The downside of this is you have to deal with the negative effects for a indefinite amount of time. So, it's your choice.

Like you said, avoid edibles. You don't have the tolerance for them. Other than that, try looking for high % indica strains, I've found sativa, in many cases, produces more anxiety among my peers.
Damn, is that "7H" for "7 Hundred different insects nesting in our product"? :D

I just wanted to post here with an interesting observation about AM-2201. I've been smoking it for the last few days now, slowly getting better at my technique and able to vape smaller and smaller amounts without burning any by accident. Anyway, I've noticed something rather interesting - I get very vivid dreams after smoking this! Every night except last night, when I smoked this, I had at least one lucid dream, and could recall several extremely vivid ones. Last night I didn't have any lucid dreams, but I can still recall several vivid ones.

Really strange, Cannabis makes me forget pretty much ALL my dreams, and if I ever remember any they're extremely cloudy. The only way I can dream when smoking Cannabis regularly is if I combine it with alcohol (Strange I know). This stuff has the opposite effect on dreams for me.
Yeah, smoking through it is basically how I went through smoking for years. It never really goes away, its usually still there to an extent but it comes more tolerable, to say the least. Dealing with the anxiety consisting of panic,paranoia,depersonalization, and like obsessive almost intrusive thoughts that go along with some of these highs aren't really worth it. Actually when I started smoking in high school I did start taking downers like klonopin to help with this but as well all know that leads to a problem of its own. Maybe I can try lyrica along with it again, I've done so before but its probably not enough.

I just worry about, it being extremely detrimental to me...like I said before. I hear about people having lasting issues(psychological) after incidents with marijuana. Maybe if I had access to a dispensary with specific strains and such.. maybe that would help but I honestly don't know. Knowing the addictive nature of myself, I wonder if I'd be back to square one smoking everyday all day with the marijuana drama. I know focusing on the negative is probably the worst thing if considering going back to it, but I have to weigh my options and the more I talk about it the more I think "is it worth it?". I just wish it would be less complicated for me and I didn't have to worry about smoking a little weed.
actually, lyrica + weed can result in some very psychedelic, funky, drunk-feelings. It's very weird to put what it feels similiar to, but I guess I'd go with GBL or maybe even a weak hit of mdma w/ alcohol. Lyrica is a weird one, alright. I'm scripted 100mgs 3x daily, but if I take around 500-800mgs over an hour or two, I lose a lot of motor function ability. I certainly can't drive while on a lot of lyrica + cannabis.

Yteek, why do you feel you'd have to go back to smoking everyday? You seem to think it will be a problem for you - so I wonder why you have to choose this all or nothing route? Why not just try toking up a few times a month? In my long experience as a drug user (over a decade with cannabis, almost every other drug class for about 4-6 years), cannabis has been the only drug to NOT develop into a "problem". If I don't smoke one day, it's no big, I'm not hugging a toilet vomiting or getting a 105 fever from missing a hit of H/oppies - ya know? It has certainly fucked with my bank account, but that's about it.

YMMV - these are *DRUGS*, the side effects are expected. The trick is responsible use, or knowing when you should abstain. I think this is something you have to weigh on your own. You've got a lot of information in this thread if you care to read through it - I don't think anyone will suggest something that hasn't been suggested in the previous 14 pages. Read through some of it - you are far from the only one with these concerns or issues.
Avoid "7h" shit looks like summertime weeds that have been mowed and collected and tastes like that way too... I'm looking at it right now... there's like wild oatgrass seeds, foxtails, is that a field cricket?!? some random sticks and grass... :p



Is there a penny in there? haha wtf?

In all seriousness tho, it looks like something I would scrape out of the bottom of a barrel that had yard waste in it.
What did they claim was in it?
They only claim no jwh-018,073, hu-210,211,cp-47,497....

On a better note I just got some stuff called "white lady"... says the same thing about not containing such things but its very pleasant to smoke and gets you ripped





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Lyrica and weed can be quite the combo, things can definitely get trippy.

Its not that I think have to go back to smoking everyday, but just knowing myself from back then I always had to have it and shit was an every day thing..it became an obsession.. maybe things are different now or maybe its just the "addict" in me.

I don't know. I just don't want to regret trying once and then it completely sets me back or it just snowballs into more regret and bullshit. I know weed isn't a "problem" for some and despite believing it is addictive just like alcohol or gambling, I believe it has the potential to become problematic in the lives of some especially when dealing with issues like anxiety and such. I always said weed heads are just like crack heads, it not being really physically addictive but kids always looking for some bud, always toking up, and moody without like little fiends. It might be a gross overgeneralization but I think they definitely share some similarities for sure. Despite it not being heroin or any other opiate, I don't under-mind it can be addictive and when I did stop I suffered from some slight wd's like insomnia and little things like that including loss of appetite but despite that it has been easy to abstain the last few months. It also has strong physhcologigcal hold on some which I think leads to a dependence with a lot rather anyone is willing to admit or realize is a whole different topic.
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eak, that pre-made blend shit looks so god awful. I've smoked the "strong" K2 shit a few times, and a couple other random blends that I "had to try". Then I make people try mine... So much cheaper / less risk factors / more potency in making your own. You never know what shit is getting put in the blend, or even wtf the actual plant matter is.
Have you heard of the new drug URB597? It is very new, so there is little known about toxicity. I have not tried it myself, but from its description, it lessens anxiety and reduces the craving for weed. From what I have heard it's effects would be like weed with-out the dissociation/mind-fuck.
my boy had a seizure off maybe 10mgs of jwh 018, and one of my old roomies had a seizure when he matched me on an oral JWH dosage. Who knows what factors are at play there. I seem to tolerate the synths well, but there are people out there that definitively do not.
An oral seizure? Yikes! That must have lasted forever.. terrible to imagine. At least it was 018 instead of 210 or one of the longer lasting ones though... could easily go status epilepticus, then who knows if you'll come back. Scary stuff.

I get very vivid dreams after smoking this! Every night except last night, when I smoked this, I had at least one lucid dream, and could recall several extremely vivid ones. Last night I didn't have any lucid dreams, but I can still recall several vivid ones.

Really strange, Cannabis makes me forget pretty much ALL my dreams, and if I ever remember any they're extremely cloudy. The only way I can dream when smoking Cannabis regularly is if I combine it with alcohol (Strange I know). This stuff has the opposite effect on dreams for me.
I have noticed this too! And being an avid dreamer, I've actually been "selecting for" this trait when I make my blends. That was always my one complaint about cannabis: I missed dreaming! Drinking alcohol worked to alleviate this for me too, but drinking everynight is taxing on the body and the wallet, so it isn't really sustainable. What I have found is that blends heavy in JWH-210, AM-2201, and WIN 48,098 increase vivid dreaming, whereas most other noids and store bought blends actually inhibit dreams similar to cannabis.. I'm very intrigued by pravadoline as it doesn't seem to be noticeably active on its own, but modulates the other ones immensely. I notice a relaxing, and often tiring, effect whenever it is included in a blend even at low doses and dreams become incredibly vivid. Perhaps WIN 48,098 is a partial agonist acting as an indirect antagonist, similar to CBD? Or maybe it has more activity at CB2? That would fit with JWH-210 and AM-2201 having similar affects on dreaming, as they are both potent CB2 agonists... but I have only been able to find pravadoline's binding affinity at CB1 so far.