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[MEGA]Synthetic Cannabinoid Discussion- 2nd Toke

I like being high by myself in public places. Of course there are some times when I will do something weird or have a bit of anxiety, but I always try to calm it off by telling myself that the guy next to me could also be high as fuck.

I usually put my headphones on (when i'm at school for example) and listen to music and go to my classes not bothering about anything or anyone.

I have a great ability to not care about what other people think or feel about me most of the time, so that helps a lot, but it must be hard to control with anxiety.
So I'm a little impatient to try the AM-2201 I got today. I only have access to a milligram scale at the moment, and although it seems accurate I wouldn't trust it with something that some people are enjoying at sub 1mg doses, particularly given my incredibly low cannabinoid tolerance (Probably lower than you can possibly imagine).

Since I enjoy using my bong most lately, I was wondering about making a blend. I don't think I have any acetone to hand though, and being impatient - I was wondering if I could just use regular alcohol for a small amount of this. I was thinking of mixing 50mg AM-2201 to say 5g of herbs, or maybe to 10-15g for a weaker blend that'd be more suitable for if I wanted to roll a "joint" or something. As I said though, best thing I have to hand is regular alcohol I believe, the highest being 110 proof, but it's absinthe, so I'm not sure the infused herbs/wormwood would make it a decent solvent.

Normally I wouldn't even ask this as I know the JWH series aren't very soluble so really you need everclear or acetone, but I've heard some people saying AM-2201 is a lot more soluble, and I'm not sure if that's true?

Probably won't work, but thought it was worth asking.
Thinking about rolling a damiana cigarette and adding a bit of AM 2233 powder to it..... Hmmm, decisions.......
In the end I decided I'd risk it with just an mg scale, not the wisest of methods, but what I did was weigh up 1mg, and given that my scale can be say 0.5-1mg off in either direction, occasionally 2mg, I just assumed I had 3mg, divided the dose up a further 3 times, and smoked one of those little piles (the one that looked like it might be slightly smaller than the other two). In retrospect, I assume my pile DID underweigh and was 2-3mg as even 1/3 of the initial amount left me very high.

I wouldn't advise that method to anyone though, as there's no way to tell the density of a powder by eye so even after dividing the tiny amount it could have been more than expected (in fact it was, but in my case, I expected very little, and got a nice strong high - in someone else's case, you could expect a nice high and end up way too high.)

Overall AM-2201 felt really nice, unlike JWH-073 and JWH-081 (the only two I've tried before) I couldn't pin it as either sativa or indica-like in effects.

JWH-073 definitely felt like a strongly sativa dominant hybrid, quite paranoid with little in the way of couchlock or munchies. JWH-081 felt like a pure indica, couchlock, munchies, painkilling effects but no real introspection (and thankfully no anxiety) unless I pushed the dose insanely high. AM-2201 feels like a balanced hybrid, lots of introspection, a little paranoia/anxiety but not too much, very "in" my thoughts and head, but an extremely pleasant body high with nice numbing/painkilling qualities, some munchies but not much - probably due to the fact I ate right before smoking though. :)

One thing worth mentioning, is I've heard people say this one hits you instantly, but I'm not so sure about that. I vaped the dose off foil, and I thought either it wasn't enough or I must have burnt it, because I got a bit of foil taste, and didn't feel a thing. 5 minutes later I was about to put a second pile on the foil to vape, and the high suddenly hit me too hard for me to even move the pile. Glad I hadn't been quicker to smoke it, and goes to show that it's always good to wait say 10 minutes before smoking more with this if you're not where you want to be :)
the ganja will only produce anxiety if you already have problems with anxiety my friend. When i used to smoke, when i still had anxiety issues, I would get heightened paranoia and anxiety, and my mind would race even worse. It just wasn't comfortable and it made me dislike weed because 1 out of every 3 highs was like this. Some may argue that sativas are better for people suseptible to anxiety, but I think thats b.s. Bottomline if you get like this when your high its because your like this all the time you just don't recognize your anxiety because your in denial and you look at it in thewrong way. Once you learn to deal with your anxiety and to not identify with your "mind", all the mental chatter and racing thoughts you get when you smoke will vanish, and not to mention, when your not smoking they will vanish. It is not an easy task to deal with anxiety it took me nearly 5 years of reading books and experimenting with various natural and spiritual remedies to rid it. Don't take prescription drugs for anxiety or depression because they do nothing to solve the actual problem, they rather mask it and just turn you into every other a**hole out there who buys into everything. Maybe try hanging out with people who make you feel good about yourself, often times certain people and personalities can trigger anxiety.. As mentioned above excercise is amazing at easing anxiety. A great way to start is to excercise daily, read the book "the power of now (by eckhardt tolle)," everyday for 20 minutes or so, take a multivitamin and fish oil supplements every day, minimalize alcohol use, refrain from cigarettes, and wake up before 10:30 every morning...This, I gaurentee, will ease your anxiety and start you on agood path to living an anxiety free life...Dont mean to go on, just have empathy for u all who say this because I used to be the same. It aintthe ganja, the ganja will only take you further into your already existent self.
I also suffered from an awful depersonalization episode once I smoked some pot. I can now smoke pot without panic but just at little doses. Alcohol and benzos also help the marijuana induced anxiety.
Am I the luckiest dude in the world or what? I've been smoking and eyeballing doses of AM-2201 powder every day, sometimes multiple times per day, for the last few months, and have yet to have ANY negative side effects, let alone one of those hellish panic attacks I hear so much about.
Im wondering about what am's to use in a blend so hopefully someone has some experiance with a few of them could help me out
My original plan was
500mg am-2201
250mg am-694

but now i can get my hands on am-2233 so I was thinking of using just 2201 and 2233 together? Does anyone have any experiance mixing these as these? Im also worried that the blend will be a little too strong as I have no tolerance. I have never smoked a hand made mix so I don't know what strengths I have been smoking but im looking to make something a very very little bit less potent then the Haze blend containing 2201 and 694. Should I purchased all 3 am's maybe? (a hassle to get from suppliers as none stock more then one that I would consider trusted) or will 2201 and 2233 be fine.
Im wondering about what am's to use in a blend so hopefully someone has some experiance with a few of them could help me out
My original plan was
500mg am-2201
250mg am-694

but now i can get my hands on am-2233 so I was thinking of using just 2201 and 2233 together? Does anyone have any experiance mixing these as these? Im also worried that the blend will be a little too strong as I have no tolerance. I have never smoked a hand made mix so I don't know what strengths I have been smoking but im looking to make something a very very little bit less potent then the Haze blend containing 2201 and 694. Should I purchased all 3 am's maybe? (a hassle to get from suppliers as none stock more then one that I would consider trusted) or will 2201 and 2233 be fine.

I've heard something about AM-694 being extremely hepatotoxic.

Since my early years in high school I was intrigued with weed. Not just the high, but the culture and everything that went along with it. As the typical peer pressure associated with many at this age I also loved the idea of the cool factor that went a long with weed. The first time I got really high(not the first time smoking) I had quite a trip out, you know the full blown kind of freak out. Eventually it all mellowed out and from then on I pretty much smoked as much as I could.

By my senior year in highschool, I was smoking everyday. During this time I developed extreme panic attacks/anxiety associated with all ends of the spectrum including obsessions and generally kind of paranoid.... to be honest some may have considered it to be borderline psychosis(subjective?).Along with went a handful a good times I also was brought with just as many unpleasant highs. Despite then negatives I continued to "abuse" marijuana despite the detrimental effects it may have had on my mental health.

By the time I reached my twenties I decided to give it up all together and pretty much haven't smoked anything since April. Now I do feel a little better and a little clear headed... but only just a little. I'm almost convinced that the marijuana is the cause of my severe anxiety today, if not the sole cause it has definitely been a major influence. Despite being able to realize this, I do miss the good times, the laughs, the munchies, and everything that goes along with it from the glass and act of smoking.....I'm a reefer addict and yes I do believe it to be addictive.

I would like to see what others have to think, maybe I would like to try it again then again I think it really may not be worth it and may also be a hugh setback. Just looking for other viewpoints.
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Well if it's been that detrimental to your mental health then you should probably leave it alone. The sad truth is weed just isn't for everyone. I know a lot of people who will do any other drugs, even psychedelics but they won't touch weed because of the anxiety it gives them. It seems like you tried too hard and too long to make it work for you and it's caused you bad anxiety issues. I'd stay away, for sure.
Aint that truth, the sad truth at that.

I really wish I was one that benefited from it without any drawbacks.
geno: Do you mean because of the fluoroalkane thing? FYI AM-2201 has that fluorine tail too, but it doesn't appear to be as big of a deal as we originally thought... although if the alkyl tail was one carbon longer or shorter, it would be quite toxic!

OTG: Since many of the vendors and (therefore) experience reports for AM-2233 and AM-694 have been shoddy, it is hard for me to say how they would mix with eachother.. maybe you could make couple gram batch of each to learn their intricacies then blend them in the ratio you see fit and report back on their qualitative effects?

Jesus: You've enlightened me to a point of clarification: we need to get better at standardizing descriptive language! I have been guilty of saying "AM-2201 hits you instantly" when what I meant was that the effects take a bit to kick in, but when they do, it's like being hit by a train.
proper dosage, setting and positive thinking can help reestablish comfortable stoner moments after breaks.
It could be helpful, but not always and a positive settings and thinking can only go so far. Dosages aren't so easy to control especially if you're dealing with the higher quality potent buds.
I wish it was that simple,but thanks for the suggestion.
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dosage with cannabis is stupid easy to control. you pinch what you want and smoke it.

---> anxiety / paranoia thread
Well its something you don't always know the true potency of, yeah you can control your intake but sometimes a little can be too much for some people... its extremely variable. It easy to portion, taking little rips and such but you never know how high the % of active ingredients may be varying from batch to batch which leads to a whole lot of uncertainly especially for those who may be extremely sensitive to the effects of cannabis.

Not to mention edibles as well, which even a small dose could turn out to be too much for some... its not the easiest drug for some to dose and thats for sure.
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I tried AM-2233. To me, it just felt like a weaker version of AM-2201. Not bad by any means but nowhere near as good as my beloved AM-2201.
Never had 2201, but if 2233 is its weaker cousin, I may have to go find some 2201 somewhere. I love the 2233, its also the only synthetic I have used, so take that with a grain of salt.