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[Mega] Opioids (codeine, hydrocodone, oxycodone, heroin, etc.) and Ecstasy

I never noticed any sort of effects taking opiates on the comedown, IMO it's a waste of a good pain killer, save it for when your completely sober again, the stimulant mask the opiate feeling so you can take 4 or 5 pills trying to get a desired affect and end up hurting yourself. Try some melatonin
I just took two "1"(MDA) 2 hrs ago..took 1 soma feels grrrreat!!!!
i have some Vicodin ES and Ambien for comedown..and Klonopin 1mg,but i`ll have it in 5 hrs...
what ya think?
Ecstacy and Opiates...

How do you think someone would react to a roll and a low dose of oxycodone/any opiate...

taken at probably around the comedown, would pupil dilation go down because of the contricting effects of opiates on the pupils?
Pupil dilation goes down. If you like opiates a lot of people report feeling good.

Avoid codeine though, as in large doses it should inhibits the metabolism of MDMA.
I've had a few hydrocodone a time or two after a comedown. It does take the edge off, but I wouldn't go taking it looking to have as pleasant an experience as if you'd taken it on its own.
oxys of vicodin on the comedown of E is glorious. when you come down from E you feel cracked out and nervous, anxious, uncomfortable, and shitty. We all know that Opiates take all that away and leave you with a warm tingly feeling. HIGHLY advised (For me, I'll take about 15-20 mg of vicodin/oxy, but it's always safer to start lower).
I had alot of fun with heroin after eating three E's. It made for a nice loved up feeling. This was smoked though, not insufflated.
E and Opiates...

Anyone tried this combo? SWIM and a coworker do this at work(at a rec center, not much to do) sometimes and SWIM found it quite enjoyable, but that orgasmic body buzz feeling has never hit him. SWIM's done E 4 times, one at Love Parade in Zurich(very weak E), and thrice at work(approx. 75mg MDMA w/10mg OC). SWIM says the feeling is incredible, just different from what others say. Usually, the OC is only used so SWIM's eyes don't dilate. Any comments or suggestions.
Ahh, just found another thread and saw that SWIM's combo is quite popular. Still, any feedback welcome.
^Because it is "Someone Who Isn't Me" (him). Even though we already know it's him.

I wouldn't bother with the MDMA&Opiate combo, but that's just me. I would much prefer to keep the Opiate for the much dreaded comedown.
All people I know that use Opiates with Ecstasy, only use it when they are coming down.
But, I suppose it would be an interesting experience.
i use both MDMA and opioids, and i prefer not to mix them. some experiences have been worthwhile, but in general i think they're better off used seperately.

yes, opiates can be useful for eliminating a bad comedown. i don't recommend doing this too often, however.

no, they're not usually that fun taken together. usually. this is my opinion, of course. some people seem to enjoy the combo of MDMA and heroin, called an 'H Bomb'. yet, many heavy opiate users i know do NOT like MDMA, as they feel they get very little from it.

remember, in the interests of harm reducation it's worth saying that if you use opiates to combat your rough E comedowns too often and this becomes a habit outside of just using them for this purpose, you already know where that could lead. addiction isn't very fun.
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E and Ope safe?

Is ecstyc8 safe wih opium? We are talkin' 150mg pure molly and ope 3+hours later.(smoked) Good ope too, safe or what???
Opiates and Rolls

Has anyone tried rolling with any opiates and what has been your experience? I have my own medication, unfortunately only 5/500 hydro, but would it be worth taking while I rolled?
My advice is to avoid paracetamol/acetaminophen/APAP like the plague on MDMA. It's hepatoxic (damages your liver) in sufficient quantities. It's the last thing I'd want to be taking when taking drugs.
yeah i was thinking about that.. my boyfriend thought taking some OC-20s would be an awesome idea, and all i could think about was how bad we'd feel like we need to eat when we came down and not being able to (i can't eat much after i roll). and being nauseated isn't a fun way to be rolling.

i'll let him know someone else agrees with me :)
VeloxideX is right... giving your liver a big does of acetaminophen/APAP/tylenol at the same time as MDMA is not a nice thing to do.
Relatively... I mean, so long as you don't go crazy with the opium, because you feel so great cause of the E, or anything crazy like that...

But go easy, MDMA is metabolized by enzymes that can get pretty saturated by big doses of opiates (codeine especially)... so just be careful.