MEGA - Jobs, Resumes, Interviews

Do you know about CraigsList? They have job posting on their all the time. I found two jobs thru that site. It is usually low key jobs, family run business and odd jobs.
Have you considered a job that you can work from home? Not those scammy envelope stuffing jobs or the ones that want you to pay $35 to apply (beware of those...they're everywhere!), but a legitimate work at home job? Some of the ones that immediately come to mind are call center jobs, transcription jobs, sales jobs, freelance writing, virtual assistant jobs and online tutoring. Also, consider a home-based business (which will call for a minor investment most times, but depending upon which you choose, it may be quite affordable).

Off the top of my head, here are some sites that may help:

There are a lot of others, but those should get you started if you're interested.

What special skills do you have? Might you be able to advertise them on CraigsList or Kijiji to earn a little money while you're hunting for a regular gig? Also, don't forget that you can sell things on eBay or CraigsList, too. I know people who sell second hand items full-time online and manage to pay a mortgage and raise a family on the income. If they can do it, so can you. Might be something to look into.

Good luck!
i hear ya!!

Im almost finished with school and I have to take one more summer class and I will graduate. i was so excited and now I feel so confused. I am used to working full time and going to school full time and it has only been a few days and I don't know what to do with myself! I think teaching in another country would be an amazing experience I definitely suggest that! Then when you are done you could always go to grad school. How serious are you and your boyfriend bc depending on that may or may not be a good idea. I lived with my boyfriend the last two years of college and we are planning on looking for an apartment without a roommate. Maybe you and your bf moving in is a good idea but only do it if you are very serious about each other bc living together is soooo different than just dating. If you need any advice on that Im here. Youll find what you think is right, go with your gut feeling. You are suppossed to make mistakes, that is how you learn. Hope I helped.
I just moved to a new town and had to take a job at Mc donalds which I have never been willing to do before but sometimes bills come a calling.
Hey i know you. not going to say your full name on here but heres a hint on who i am "Ragnarok" Screen Name, "Samsung"
i cant find a job either

i moved into tampa at the start of the summer, and have applied EVERYWHERE, followed up, applied at craigslist postings, you name it.

and i havent found a damn thing yet. its been almost 2 months, and im starting to give up.

florida economy sucks dick
Have you tried going to temp-agencies? I know a couple of my friends found jobs (some which turned to permanent) through agencies.

Another tip, if you're not doing so already, draft a cover letter for every single job you apply to. Try to personalize it based on the business to which you are applying. A lot of people do not do cover letters for entry-level jobs and it can give you a leg up.
job hunting issue...advice needed

I have been out of work for a long time now. Just today I got an offer for a job. The job pays very little and there is no chance of a pay raise in the foreseeable future. with 2 college degrees I should be able to command a better rate but I know they will just go with someone else if I do. the pay is what it is and it isn't changing.

I just went on an interview with a rather large company and it went quite well I think. it is by no means a sure thing that I will get the job but I think I have a good chance:) The pay is much much better and there is plenty of advancement opportunities. It will be some weeks before I know if I have been chosen or not but I am keeping my hopes up.

when the lady called me today about the shitty job I told her of the interview at for the good job and she gave me until the end of the week to give her an answer. I don't really want this job and the only reason I would take it is to get off unemployment and have some money coming in (about the same as what I make on unemployment...still not enough to pay all the bills though)

Should I hold out for the good job or take the shitty one. If I take the shitty one I won't be able to go on a second interview with the good one if needed. Also, if I don't take the shitty one it will start a shit storm on the home front with my wife.

Just don't know what to do.:(
the only reason I would take it is to get off unemployment and have some money coming in (about the same as what I make on unemployment...still not enough to pay all the bills though)(

I would hold out for the better job because if the shitty job is not that much better than unemployment then the benefits aren't that great

Plus good jobs are hard to come by so you dont want to waste the chance and shitty jobs are easier to come by

just my 2 cents
tell the shitty job whatever they want to hear. that way, you keep your options open longer. say you'll accept and start in 2 weeks. if the good job offer comes through, you can accept it. if it does not come thru, you have the shitty job to fall back on. having a job while you look for work also enhances your chances of offers. unemployed people get fewer offers.
perhaps you can tell the poorly paid job's people that you have an appointment for some vague medical test or something pending and although you don't have a specific time as of yet, it won't take a full day's time off.

lying sucks but you are doing the best that you can to find decent work. the issue is how long until unemployment bene's run out.
tell the shitty job whatever they want to hear. that way, you keep your options open longer. say you'll accept and start in 2 weeks. if the good job offer comes through, you can accept it. if it does not come thru, you have the shitty job to fall back on. having a job while you look for work also enhances your chances of offers. unemployed people get fewer offers.

This is what I would do and have done in the past. ALWAYS take what you can get first and if/when something better comes along you have the option to take that. Even if the shitty job doesn't pay any more than unemployment, it's experience and could lead to something better. Like AfterGlow said, unemployed people get fewer offers.

I would tell your situation to the people with the good job and maybe they'll understand and accomodate you for a second interview.

Don't blow off an opportunity. Not in this market. I can't even get a job in my field with one of the best degrees I could have possibly gotten and an outstanding resume and recommendations for someone my age.
I have contacted the lady about the job and told her I would take it....I haven't heard back. I would bet she is just out of the office today or something. I hate to be a dick but what can I do? I will work this job and if the better job calls I will just dump it (but on the best of terms possible.)

It just pisses me off to no end that I have to take a job with a payrate that is an absolute insult with the intention of dropping it as soon as possible. I am not the type of person to sign on for a job that I have no intention of being loyal to....but I am at the end of my rope.
Join the club mate.

How about being told you'll be paid a base salary and then get a call a few days later with "how's straight commission sound?" Like wtf, as far as I'm concerned if your word ain't no good, you ain't no good.

You gotta take what you can.
Do what you have to do. Definitely take the lower paying job until something better comes along. Being involved in hiring and scheduling I know it sucks when people quit suddenly but really its the name of the game, sadly :\
take the shitty job and keep applying for better ones. That's what i did and i am very very happy with my decision. now i am really liking this "shitty" job, esp compared to sitting at home and filling out employment forms all day.
What should I wear?

I have an job interview for "GAME" and I was wondering what I should wear as I have't had a job interview in over two years. I would know what to wear if this was a normal interview, but this is a "group" interview and I was just wondering if I should just go casual or the usual, you know shirt, trousers etc..

What do you guys think?

I always think it's better to 'over-dress' rather than 'under-dress'. I'm not sure what kind of company 'GAME' is but, in general, I'd suggest wearing a suit to an interview. You could get there early and see what the interviewee is wearing. If it's very casual you can easily take off the jacket (and possibly the tie). Regardless, you can dress down pretty easily from a 'dress-up' state. Good luck! :D
I agree with the suit, I wear a skirt suit to interviews regardless of what they are for generally. I have been told that the fact that I was wearing a suit + looking at my resume meant I was overqualified for a position, but I'd rather hear that than walk in and feel like a slob compared to everyone else.