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A couple photo's of my ladies tops from today. Wee had rain earlier this morning which she seem to like :) I also cropped a few lower branches this morning to expose new and upcoming shoots :)



^ A cyclone? That sounds like a crazy wind storm. Your girls look like teenagers, a little young for heavy winds. You could tie them to a stick stuck into the soil until the storm leaves?
JS you can try putting some stakes into the ground, one next to each long branch and the main and tie them together. You can buy thin bamboo stakes from Bunnings if you dont have any :)

Your girl looks like shes in her final stretch, she's looking good mate :)
The cyclone was a flop :( it died down before it came to land....fucking huge waves tho and was raining abit good fun at the beach :)

Im thinking of tieing her down like i did with my last plants.Like get a coat hannger bend it into shape.then bend the plant down and every few days take the coat hanger off....ya get what i mean??? or wouldent it be worth it at this point??
Well you will get higher grade product off hydro but it requires alot more skill :) although i have had some fucking sick bushys
The cyclone was a flop :( it died down before it came to land....fucking huge waves tho and was raining abit good fun at the beach :)

lol I was watching the public access channel and it was broadcasting an international weather report. It was pretty trippy looking. Of course I was very stoned as well. But I know what you're talking about since I saw that lol. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! :D
lol I was watching the public access channel and it was broadcasting an international weather report. It was pretty trippy looking. Of course I was very stoned as well. But I know what you're talking about since I saw that lol. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE! :D

ha! did you see the beach? if i jump on my roof i can see the beach...i was at the beach the day it was ment to hit was farkin awsome 8-10ft waves n these 2 chicks almost drowned 8o had to call the ambo down n cops came too i was super baked and off my head on meth rambling to the cops what happend.im on meth now aswell :p
This is one of the first plants I ever started growing. It came from some Mexican brick. I was so excited to see what it would do. It's been vegging for months and it won't show pre-flowers or anything. With my veg cabinet getting a little crowded it's getting kind of annoying. I've kept it though because I like to experiment on it. It's pretty much just a house plant now. I was going to just kill it but I've decided to see how much I can mess with it before it dies.



So it's been 8 days since last update, and she's growing very vigourously now as she's in her final stretch before flower(she still hasnt started).

Ive removed 3 lower branches which either wernt recieving enough sun light, or wernt strong, vigourous shoot's to start with. Im noticing after a few days that all the main tops are really firing out their side shoot's now, and the main stem is kickin ass and taking names growth wise :)

Got some Ozi Juice Monsta Bud on it's way for flower, and i'll more then likely grab a bottle of PK-13/14 once she's in her 3rd-4th week of bloom.

Anyway, that's what's happening at the moment, here are some shots :)






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Looks like you got a tough little beast on your hands there ALP, she should yeild nicely :)

Got any shot's of the whole plant?
Is hydro the way to go instead of soil?
Hydro grows quicker compared to soil.

Although soil may be slower, overall plants in soil will usually show better health. Growing in soil act's as a buffer, so if you overfeed, fuck up the pH or forget to water them it's going to take longer to take effect then hydro, which is basically instant.("buffer" means the length of time it takes for things to reach peak. For example, when your loading a video and it may take a few mins to buffer to 100% this is the same case when growing in soil, but with hydro there is almost no buffer, as it loads/works instantly)

You should keep in mind, if it's your first grow things are bound to go wrong, and you will learn from your mistakes. IMO though, growing in soil would be an easier option for you to start with. Like I mentioned with the buffer, if your girls run out of water in your hydro system they can be completely dead and dusted within a day. In soil if this happens, the plant's will do the same but at a MUCH slower rate, so they could survive up to 2-3 days with no water.

I'll also add, that plants grown in soil give a better taste and high IME. And Hydroponics isnt stronger then soil. It all comes down to the strain grown, and how healthy those plants are.
Wise, Your girl is looking awesome! Well done man. I bet you cant wait till she starts flowering ;)
In hydro all required nutrients are available in abudunce at all times as long as you're changing res often (although with lucas method you can do an entire grow without changing res)

in soil the roots must interact with the microherd who make the nutrients avialable to the plant and in turn the plant will leave behind something which will feed the microherd aka symbiosis.

i reccomend reading books on general horticulture as well as cannabis specific... well thats if you really want to learn your shit....others just want some smoke...its all good...

Wise that plant looks gorgeous.... my best haze cutting just got scorched...:( she will live though.;-)
Coming along nicely JS. She's starting to like nice and green.

I thought it might be worth mentioning to you, that IMO if you trimmed off the very lowest weakest looking shoots/branches( from your second photo I can see 2 worth snipping) on your plant it will benefit your girl and focus that energy into the main tops, resulting in faster thicker growth and overall a higher yeild then if you kept those weaker shoots.

This is what I do with my plants anyway, and I get great results JME.