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[MEGA] Cannabis Quitting Thread aka I need a break

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Hi all- I'm a super-smokin somewhat-raw foodist (fell off that wagon last summer :(). I am graduating into a weeks-long vegetable juice cleanse by eating all raw and limiting my bowls to 1-2 a day, over a month long time frame.
I am going to get into a full body-mind-spirit cleanse based on juice feasting (not fasting- look it up). I figure taking this graduated approach to not smoking added to the dietary/lifestyle cleanse will help the mental/habitual, as well as the chemical cleanse in the body.
I also practice positive attraction, did/will do Bikram yoga a few times a week for flexibility and detox trough sweating (haven't gone in over a month:eek:), as well as the lymph movement in the stretching, skin brushing (more lymph moving), using coconut oil inside and out, and Dr. Bronners soap for cosmetic uses... good times... deep realizations, thoughts, transformations, and growth. %)

Note: I am not doing this strictly for quitting herb, but I have been wanting to control my use of it (as I have been using for 17.5 years, and habituating for 15 of those years [infrequently I would control myself for a serious goal, but could not keep it going]- I am 32.5) for a few years now, and as I can't smoke on a cleanse anyway... currently it is the day-wasting that is my biggest complaint with my usage! Gotta change that! Sativa use over indica really helps that, and being in shape too. But there is no denying that herb in general increases my do-nothingness exponentially (hopefully that will change, but in the meantime...)

This will work great: I say so! =D <3 <3 =D

I would love any positive thoughts, encouragement, and/or questions. (I have done a few juice cleanses before, one 9, and one 17 days long, both times only limiting MJ use as opposed to quitting all the way. So while this herb cleansing is new to me, juice cleansing per say is not, and I love to share with people about what I DO know!)

Success to All, DelightedGoddess
I exercise daily, do yoga, and eat healthy but it is not enough to combat the negative side effects I'm getting from this drug. So it has been my goal to quit for a long time, and I have been slowly phasing it out of my life to the point that I no longer get withdrawal symptoms (which used to be torture).

My current reasons for keeping the stuff out of my system:

-Too passive and timid when stoned due to the anxiety and paranoia. Unfortunately the world of humans is competitive and I am unable to succeed. I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with it, I just can't fit in with other people. I'm introverted to begin with but the weed takes it to a whole new level

-Brainwashed to give drug dealers money

-I have some 5-MeO-DMT, and I don't want to be addicted to anything when I smoke it. I see occasional psychedelic use as a far more productive means of including drug use as an aspect of my life as opposed to chasing a stone, burning myself out and giving drug dealers money all the time.

-No control over compulsive habit

-There are negative personality changes, I'm not the same guy when I've been really high for a while and I have a hell of a lot less to say

-It damages my working memory, also anxiety and depression are a regular part of my life now which definitely has a lot to do with this bad habit of mine

-Health reasons. Weed is the #1 thing I put in my body, and anything in excess will have an impact on the organism-as-a-whole, in this case it is definitely mainly negative

-I have a split personality because of what this drug has done to my brain

None of these reasons seem to be good enough though as I still fiend dope all day and freak out when it's not in my system. I am at a place where weed is not available to me (very remote), I just ate a weed cookie and I have 3 left. The first cookie is hitting me hard and nice, after these cookies I expect I shall freak but I came here with the intention not to be smoking anymore and it's the best possible place to withdraw. Am I ever stoned and headbanging to techno in the morning. Do I ever love to rock out on the dope, she ain't so bad, there are just some things wrong with my life and I am depressed. Or it very well might be the main reason why I am depressed in the first place, as I tend to be much happier when I've been off the dope for a little while since I'm not so numb to everything.

I took 24 hours off the other day, and found my response to be worrisome. My world sort of falls apart.
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I see no problem here OP, 1 joint a day isn't bad and weed is not physically addictive. If you feel the need to take a break then take one but if your getting more positive out of it than negative then I see no reason why to.
You'll be fine bro. One joint is nothing. If anything youll experience a small gradual increase in tolerance but you won't have any physical withdrawals or anything. Anything you may think will all be mental and that's Only something you can work on.
do you have any mental/emotion w/d?
Are you mad at the world?
The ppl I know that smoke daily get mad @ the world when they can't.
But you said you gave it up..which to me means, this was of your own doing.
Did you give up permanently, or are you on cannabis holiday?


Edit: have never experienced any w/d either mentally or physically when I've gone w/o.

No w/ds at all - not mad at the world lol.

I have been drinking a bit more, but nothing out of the ordinary. Besides that, my dreams are very vivid and intense, but that's about it. I take ambien every night so I have no clue if it's effected my natural sleep cycle this time around - I sleep like a baby each night.

I gave it up permanently, or at least for a good couple years.

---> quitting aka i need a break thread
I feel as if i am the only one who quit because the negatives out-weight the positives with pot. I mean think of it, it is one of the weakest drugs around in weight wise and takes the longest preperation unless ,using a bowl or bong, costs a lot more than other stuff, stays in your system longer than others, easier to detect if on you or in your possession due to smell. It also makes you a giant target to most people if your eyes are blazed, you stink like straight shit or skunk, are constantly eating, and laugh quite a bit while moving or talking slower.

I guess its just me but being easily identified as high on MJ is easier than most other common drugs other than when tweaking on meth or rolling and tripping having your eyes all fat n shit.
Guess i am biased seeing how i was easily targeted in high school and arrested.

I think it is funny how people are talking about withdraws. i guess some people are still swayed by the media's statement of weed being physically addicting.. it is only mentally for some.

GREAT topic btw i would have done it had you not.
Strategies for quitting?

Hello everyone!

I read these forums from time to time but this is my first post.

I am 20 years old and have been a regular smoker for roughly 3 years. I have had a couple of short breaks throughout this period but have spent the majority of it smoking anywhere between .5 and 3 (generally with an exponential increase over the weekend) grams mixed 50/50 with tobacco daily. I don't smoke cigarettes at all so tobacco can also be a nuisance when trying to stop.

I'm not against smoking marijuana but at the moment it is definitely affecting me negatively, especially as i have had some totally out of the blue issues with anxiety that i don't believe marijuana helps with.
Thankfully i have managed to get some help for the anxiety and am feeling good at the moment. I am starting full time study in two weeks for a course that i am very excited for and would like to begin it clearheaded. Getting back to cardio exercise would also be great because my lungs aren't in the best shape at the moment.

In short, i'm finding it very difficult to stop smoking despite being at a positive point in life. What are your strategies for quitting? I meditate and exercise regularly which i think will help with quitting but i'm finding it extremely difficult to get any initial impetus.

Would love to hear what others do when they are planning to have a break or stop entirely. Sorry for the length, and i hope everyone has a great weekend!
Replace one addiction with another, just not a drug. Every time you want to smoke a bowl, go for a walk, drink a glass of water, do some push ups, doesn't matter what it is, just pick one thing and do it every time. Eventually you will actually replace the addiction and you won't get weed cravings anymore. I used this method to quit crystal meth after 2 years of heavy usage.
The way that worked for me was to taper off very slowly until I was using 0.07g in a pipe once a day OR a tiny piece of edible once a day, then I kept myself busy for a few days by hanging out at non-stoner friends' houses until late for a few days, while leaving my sack at home. The idea is to keep yourself busy for the first few days that it's constantly on your mind. Then, by day 4-5, the cravings go almost completely away, and after a mental w/d of about 2 weeks, you're basically back to normal. :D

Been "clean" for 11 weeks now :) And I was a hardcore day in, day out, stoner for about six years, from 17 to almost 22.
I feel you man, I have to take a T break for getting a job. Its best to focus on other tasks and improvements you want to see for yourself. Buy yourself something very nice or find a pretty lady and treat her to some dinner. The possibilities are endless
Just keep yourself busy bro, if you really want it you'll stop. It's not like weed has some of thr physical complications that come with quitting such as tar. If your serious about doing school right that'll be the motivation you need to stay right.
^ School is what helped me quit, and keeping busy is the key to quitting, but I must say, I seriously disagree about the addictive tendencies of weed.

Cannabis has been hands down the most mentally addictive substance I've ever used. I can do it multiple times a day and still get really high, it's relatively cheap, tolerance caps out, the high is the most perfect balance of euphoria, psychedelia, relaxation, and sedation, and there are no major side effects. Even benzos and opiates had me mildly physically dependent after taking prescribed dosages for months, but they're not really enjoyable to me.

Sure, it might not be physically addictive, but who cares? Mental addiction is really what "addiction" is, where physical addiction is more of a "dependence." You might say, "hey, crystal meth isn't all that physically addictive," but does that prevent people from ruining their lives over it? Most weed smokers don't want to stop, so you must put another priority on top of it and do what needs to be done, not do what you want to do.
It's not only you. Did you read my post a few pages back?

I broke away from it for different reasons but yeah, there are negatives. For me I only ever did it while safe in my home so worrying about getting caught was less of a thing. I just got tired of running away from my problems. I've been doing that for a long time and now that I'm sober, guess what? I have a lot of fucking problems. There is no escape and I'm depressed. But I feel brave for facing it all, so that's something.
i've been trying to taper for awhile. i've been smoking since 14 and im 20 now, so like yourself i was finding it very difficult at first. now that im home for summer i have a job that takes up a lot of my time. i still smoke weed every day, some days i just get to take a midday rip when im off work and then another before bed. basically my suggestion is get a job, one that isn't easy to smoke weed while working preferably(because im sure all of you know people with those jobs haha).
^ School is what helped me quit, and keeping busy is the key to quitting, but I must say, I seriously disagree about the addictive tendencies of weed.

Cannabis has been hands down the most mentally addictive substance I've ever used. [...]tolerance caps out[...]

When the fuck is that supposed to happen? My tolerance seems to have no ceilings... Which is pretty fucked, really, I'm not bragging or anything like that. I've just never noticed a limit to how tolerant my body becomes to MJ.
i pretty much quit smoking weed but not 100%. like once a week maybe. i replaced it with weightlifting, basketball, and producing rap instrumentals and rapping. i did the rap thing while high but now i use it to distract myself from craving drugs and alcohol.
Well I have managed to stop smoking to eating cannabis. Yea the bad mental effects can still happen but at least im not damaging my lungs any more after 10 yrs of constant bong rips and abuse. Yes eating cannabis is much more effective you just have to have patience and know how to cook it properly. It will make your stash last longer than vaping... well for me at least. but the extra patience in cooking it and waiting for it to kick in is worth the non damage to lungs
I did what EM wrote about. It worked for me but I was also living with my parents so I couldn't just smoke whenever I wanted or smoke like I did before where I'd wake and bake and get high all day and night, and then wake up and do it all over again. I did smoke some out of a one hitter just once; but other than that I didn't smoke or use any drugs at all. I found that exercising daily helped even if it was just taking a long walk, doing pushups daily, or lifting with weights at home.

I did not get withdraw symptoms like some people get from quitting herb but I was never a daily smoker for years or decades.

Magicstix-Can't you just vaporize herb and you'll avoid the damage as well?

The one time I tried edibles I accidentally ate way too much since I thought I'd have to and I got very high, basically tripped, and I look back and laugh at it now but at the time it wasn't necessarily a good experience or high since I got confused during it and felt sick, and I was so stoned I passed out some during that night. Thankfully I was home alone and not in public or driving a car.
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^ School is what helped me quit, and keeping busy is the key to quitting, but I must say, I seriously disagree about the addictive tendencies of weed.

Cannabis has been hands down the most mentally addictive substance I've ever used. I can do it multiple times a day and still get really high, it's relatively cheap, tolerance caps out, the high is the most perfect balance of euphoria, psychedelia, relaxation, and sedation, and there are no major side effects. Even benzos and opiates had me mildly physically dependent after taking prescribed dosages for months, but they're not really enjoyable to me.

Sure, it might not be physically addictive, but who cares? Mental addiction is really what "addiction" is, where physical addiction is more of a "dependence." You might say, "hey, crystal meth isn't all that physically addictive," but does that prevent people from ruining their lives over it? Most weed smokers don't want to stop, so you must put another priority on top of it and do what needs to be done, not do what you want to do.

YES, Bud is hands down the most mentally addictive drug IMO, even when I was an E head I could wait a week before everyroll but had to smoke weed everyday. Even K for that matter wasn't nearly as strong of a mental addiction. I think it is because pot is EVERYWHERE, like holy fuck. It's hard NOT to run into it.

But once you stop for 4 days plus you are good ;) Unlike E... shit I still think about the next time I'm rolling XD
Write down a list of all the reasons you want to stop, and then post it somewhere you can see it daily. It's easy to forget the ways that pot brings negativity to your life after a few days sober, reminding yourself can make the difference between getting blazed again (and probably feeling stupid or bad afterwards) or staying sober.
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