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[Mega] Anxiety and Paranoia Help / Discussion Thread

Considering panic attacks are most usually self induced by over thinking things if marijuana was the trigger it may help to "conquer" marijuana to put your mind at ease, if you were to do so you'd want to start with a small amount to ease yourself back in to not cause another episode. Starting with indicas would be a good idea as they don't effect you mentally as much. There's no harm in trying anyway is there? (my opinion)
Was it just one bad experience? I had many many bad experiences with marijuana. I mean, it started off great but after i became a heavy user the high eventually changed and began to make my heart race and give me anxiety. I tried getting back on the horse so to speak and even did learn to control it a bit better but that never helped the anxiety that spilled into my sober life. It only made it worse.

I would say, take some mushrooms.
Considering panic attacks are most usually self induced by over thinking things if marijuana was the trigger it may help to "conquer" marijuana to put your mind at ease, if you were to do so you'd want to start with a small amount to ease yourself back in to not cause another episode. Starting with indicas would be a good idea as they don't effect you mentally as much. There's no harm in trying anyway is there? (my opinion)

Yeah that's pretty much what I'm thinking, it seems to make sense to me. I don't even want to get back to the point where I'm smoking everyday again, just to see if it makes me feel better, and occasionally smoke if I'd like to.

I'm gonna try starting with a really small amount of Indica and see what happens. Yeah can't hurt like you said, worse case is I have a terrible panic attack and sedate myself with a bunch of benzos...
Was it just one bad experience? I had many many bad experiences with marijuana. I mean, it started off great but after i became a heavy user the high eventually changed and began to make my heart race and give me anxiety. I tried getting back on the horse so to speak and even did learn to control it a bit better but that never helped the anxiety that spilled into my sober life. It only made it worse.

I would say, take some mushrooms.

Yeah 1 really bad experience, which kind of made every time afterwards progressively worse and worse till I had to quit.

I don't know about mushrooms lol, can't even handle weed at the moment...
Why does pot make me paranoid all of a sudden?!

Hey everyone this is my first post and I am very new to this site.
I can't say this is a serious problem but just recently I have
Been getting paranoid after smoking pot. It has never really been like
That for me. Its quite strange actually. I have smoked for over a decade and just
this year, its been starting to get to me.
Why could that ever be? I love pot and I don't want to stop, I am
Not even a heavy smoker either. But why would I want to do
Something that brings negative vibes my way.

P.s. Glad to be a part of the community. =]
Cannabis is well known for causing anxiety and paranoia whilst high. Unfortunately there's not much you can do to prevent it from happening once it's set in, apart from heavy breathing and relaxation techniques or taking benzodiazepines which has issues of it's own such as drug dependence making it unsuitable for regular use. Fortunately you can stop it from being a problem in the first place by either smoking less and smoking at a slower rate by taking one or two hits every ten to fifteen minutes until you get to the point where you feel comfortable or by using a different strain. Indica strains are less of a problem than sativas and strains higher in CBN cause less of a problem than strains lower in CBN and higher in relative amounts of THC. Curing the strain properly for a few months and harvesting later when you have more amber trichomes can help if you're a grower or have control on how it is grown if you know the grower. Also strains that are higher in CBD might be less prone to causing anxiety or paranoia issues - in fact CBD itself is well known to have potent anti-psychotic and anxiolytic properties. The breeders, 'the CBD Crew', have just brought out 1:1 THC:CBD strains so you can grow them yourself. They've used famous popular strains such as White Widow or Haze to breed them so you know you'll be getting quality genetics.

I would recommend choosing a pure indica rather than an indica/sativa strain or even a mostly indica strain. Something like afghani from Seedsman or Mazar-I-Sharif would be great strains to start with, especially if you're using them to make hashish.

Don't worry though, at the end of the day the paranoia and anxiety is not harmful in and of itself and doesn't mean you're crazy. As long as you can convince yourself of this it will probably help you to calm yourself down.
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- Try an Indica strain, or one high in CBD as artificial emotion said
- Cut Sugar intake
- Cut Caffeine intake by a lot
- Drink green tea
- Eat something like bread before you get high, it will help keep the high calm.
- Try taking smaller hits and just 'getting used to it' that feel.
If that all fails, then maybe cannabis is not for you

Dont take Benzos just so you can smoke cannabis, that would be silly, however you could give Valerian Root and Papaver Rhoeas a try.
This happened to me as well. I think it started when I was using JWH018 (powder, not "spice") while I couldn't smoke (I got a DUI because I had a seizure & crashed, and because there was THC in me from a few days earlier they blamed on the THC :?). It was fine for a long time and then it started happening. Things like, a cavity I have on a molar would drive me nuts thinking about it. Then I just stopped smoking it but I now find that weed gives a similar effect unfortunately. The last herb I got was indica and its better, but too much still gets nasty (which is easy to do if it's good stuff :))
I've heard that sometimes this just happens when you hit a certain age or time in your life, which is I think is my case. The good thing is my stash lasts much longer since "enough' is only a puff or two.
As for taking benzos, I use one to get to sleep sometimes & I can get to sleep on a smaller dose if I smoke after taking it and I don't get the paranoia from the weed since I've taken the benzo. But taking a benzo just so that you can smoke is a bad idea especicially if you're a regular smoker.
Good luck to you, -oar9fi
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for most people when they're young they can smoke or eat weed and feel good but when they get a little older it causes a lot of anxiety and paranoia
I've been smoking for years, I'm still young and para as hell ! i think it depends on the setting and your thought at that current time. I can be fine smoking with friends or smoking alone at home, then as soon as i leave the house, hear a car coming from behind or something i get serious paranoia almost like actuall fear. Because of this i only smoke at nights and in good company.
I've been smoking for years, I'm still young and para as hell ! i think it depends on the setting and your thought at that current time. I can be fine smoking with friends or smoking alone at home, then as soon as i leave the house, hear a car coming from behind or something i get serious paranoia almost like actuall fear. Because of this i only smoke at nights and in good company.

What up, I'm new to BL as well.

Thats pretty much exactly me what you said.

I've smoked for a long time, quit the last two years in fear of losing my job (testing for new) and miss it a lot. I know my limits with it and do exactly what you mentioned.

I smoked for the first time when I was 16.. I was one of those people that took about 5 times to get the full effect. I was determined my 5th time and smoked the whole bag, I finally got the effects.. .. .. and lets just say, it was a long night. I attempted to drive and vaguely remember my starting point, but my ending point was in some parking lot 30 miles away from where I started. My friends were dying laughing at me, asking, "what the hell are you doing? why are we here?" At that point I freaked, gave them the keys and spent the rest of the night trying to convince myself that I wasn't going to die.

After that though, its been great. Theres been a few times that i've gotten paranoid again, but nothing like the first. I know how many hits I can take and stick to that. I stay home usually, alone or with some friends. Those few times that I began to have a paranoid trip, it was much easier to manage because I know how to handle it mentally over the years.
maybe you're just crazy and you didn't notice because you were high all the time
Jeez it took me a long time to reply. I've actually been going throug
Alot of things. The pot is what made me realise really. I am a borderline schizophrenic.
I have always smoked weed. Its a normal thing for me. Everytime I used to smoke,
I would be at peace with myself and all the voices fade away
And I feel whole again. I can't remember the time frame but recently like I said,
Its been basically doing the opposite. It brings that rush of voices and
Gives me that feeling that the world is pulling me apart rather then taking.the world in.
It's terrifying, and its JUST pot. It was always such a.minor thing but now its making my mond split
Am I at risk?

I'm tempted to smoke weed with my girlfriend later today, for the first time in a year and a half. This past year has been really hard for me, as I got into doing MDMA, which screwed me up. I now suffer from panic disorder / depersonalization and depression.

If I was to take maybe a .25mg xanax or .5mg xanax and roll up a joint with mostly tobacco and a little bit of weed mixed in, would I enjoy myself? I'm afraid of inducing psychosis or having a mental breakdown, or is this just my anxiety talking? Suppose to be some mid-grade Afghani. Nothing too crazy, which is what I want.
don't smoke, you're "set" is fucked as far as smoking weed goes, it's like dropping acid in that way. weeds not like painkillers or coke where you do em and you're automatically high, if you go in tense you'll have a "bad trip" although on weed it's more like a straight panic attack.