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[Mega] Anxiety and Paranoia Help / Discussion Thread

they have/had an interesting phenibut addiction thread in the European/African section of BL by the way....

If I may say I think the ROA matters a lot with regards to anxiety. It bears an importance such that I think smoking the herb raises thc levels too fast....edibles provide a much more gradual and more peaceful way to using the herb whereby a person actually may even feel sedated, that is if he doesn't overdose himself....
Is phenibut dependency as severe as benzo dependency?

As for general anxiety I'm doing CBT at the moment and it really seems to work. I think it's better than drugs because it tackles the root cause of the anxiety rather than masking it like a sticking plaster. I think a lot of people try and take the easy way out with drugs when there are probably better alternatives like psychotherapy.

If you've got half a brain CBT is not difficult to do.
Found Piracetam works wonders for paranoia, anxiety with weed
I used alcohol and benzos to mask the symptoms like many others. I was anxious before I started smoking weed and had panic attacks a lot. Marijuana actually helped me. But figuring out the source of my anxiety and changing my life style was much more helpful than any drug.
At points in my weed smoking career :p I have felt completely batshit crazy but just rolled with it.
For long term tokers here, I'm curious, did you find the anxiety you experienced when you first started smoking start to abate once you got used to it?
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I always had social anxiety and too much weed makes it worse, like one or two puffs im good. I smoke more when im alone or with a few close friends.
I've always had anxiety, throughout my life. Not from weed, I was super anxious before I started smoking, and I don't smoke much anyway.

Found Piracetam works wonders for paranoia, anxiety with weed

Piracetam does work pretty well. My boyfriend says he gets anxious right after he takes piracetam, for maybe 15-30 minutes (??) but then after that he's fine. I've found that it does help my anxiety a bit.

I have found that GABA supplements work VERY well for anxiety. I started taking them daily and within about a week, I felt SO MUCH BETTER. The unfortunate thing is that I think there is some sort of cross tolerance or something between GABA supplements and MDMA. I tried MDMA after I'd been using GABA for a while and the MDMA did not work. I took more MDMA than I usually did, more than my boyfriend does (and he always takes more than me), and I hardly felt it. This happened twice. I stopped using GABA and the MDMA started working again for me. So anyway, not sure if you use MDMA, but this is something to look out for.

GABA just relaxes me more. Made me less worried about things. It was sooo nice when I was using GABA daily. I felt more confident about things in general.

Staying off of caffeine and other stuff for a while will be helpful as well.
I used to be able to buy GABA powder online in the uk but after the GHB craze I think they started cracking down on it since it's a precursor chemical. Anyway I didn't think it crossed the blood brain barrier in sufficient quantities to do much other than produce a naicin-like flush. Maybe that's wrong though I guess, I don't know.
I've always had anxiety, throughout my life. Not from weed, I was super anxious before I started smoking, and I don't smoke much anyway.

Piracetam does work pretty well. My boyfriend says he gets anxious right after he takes piracetam, for maybe 15-30 minutes (??) but then after that he's fine. I've found that it does help my anxiety a bit.

I have found that GABA supplements work VERY well for anxiety. I started taking them daily and within about a week, I felt SO MUCH BETTER. The unfortunate thing is that I think there is some sort of cross tolerance or something between GABA supplements and MDMA. I tried MDMA after I'd been using GABA for a while and the MDMA did not work. I took more MDMA than I usually did, more than my boyfriend does (and he always takes more than me), and I hardly felt it. This happened twice. I stopped using GABA and the MDMA started working again for me. So anyway, not sure if you use MDMA, but this is something to look out for.

GABA just relaxes me more. Made me less worried about things. It was sooo nice when I was using GABA daily. I felt more confident about things in general.

Staying off of caffeine and other stuff for a while will be helpful as well.

What GABA supplement did you use? how would you compare it to a strong benzo, eg Alprazolam? Just stop the GABA supps on the day you take MDMA..i know alpraz cancels the effects just don't take it with serotonin releasing drugs even after using it for years
Staying off of caffeine and other stuff for a while will be helpful as well.

This. I am an extremely sensitive individual user to most drugs (Except ketamine now) even caffeine.
As long as i know my limits, and i am careful with how much caffeine i consume etc, i dont seem to suffer from anxiety anymore.
I never really realized how caffeine has such an impact on my sleep until recently. I know that sounds silly but I thought drinking coffee in the afternoon was okay but since I've kept it to just a couple of cups first thing in the morning, my sleep as improved so much. Even tea contains a fair amount of caffeine and can cause issues, especially if you drink lots of the stuff, which is why decaf might be a better option for in the evening. I find getting sufficient sleep really helps with reducing anxiety and stress levels in and of itself as well. So cutting down caffeine intake really helps to reduce anxiety both directly and indirectly. Psychiatrists have even given the adverse effects of caffeine a name - caffeine intoxication since it's such a common cause of anxiety in patients. Often they tell their patients to deliberately take more caffeine and to see whether their symptoms of anxiety get worse so they can determine whether caffeine is a main contributing factor towards the cause of the patient's anxiety.
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Heart palpitations after smoking??

I can recall being sick and my friend wanted to match bowls. I did have a minor cold at the time and told him that but with enough coaxing i gave in. After smoking i returned home kinda high.
I was on my bed and my heart starts hurting each time i breathe in. At this point im kinda freaked out and this insanity lasts for about 3 hours. All i could do was wait it out(no way i was gonna go to my parents and tell them i was on drugs/maybe dying) and ride out the pain. It was a terrible exp and now i know better to not smoke when i have a cough going on.

any thoughts on this and what may have triggered this.
Yes, panic attack.

Cannabis tends to mess with your heart, especially 30 minutes after it hits you, regardless of ROA. The increased BP and HR from the smoking ROA probably just made your heart beat faster (tachycardia), and your brain might have interpreted that as a fight or flight response, and went in to panic mode.

You said you had a cold. Did you take any sort of cold medications? DXM, pseudoephedrine, and/or phenylephrine containing medicines can induce a fight or flight response, being sympathominetic stimulants, which could synergize with cannabis to create extra tachycardia which made your brain freak out.

Next time, just tell yourself, "I'M ON DRUGS! IT'S THE DRUGS! THIS WILL PASS!" Seems to help most people when they think it's the end of the world or they're going to die or something, just play it cool, think good thoughts, and ride it out. %)

If you keep getting negative mental side effects from the weed, just pass next time. "Coaxing" or not, it's your body and brain, and if your friends can't respect that, they don't respect you. Some playful peer pressure is always fun, but if they keep pushing you after you say, "naw, I'm good," then I don't think they really care about you.
After smoking i returned home kinda high.
I was on my bed and my heart starts hurting each time i breathe in.

Do you smoke cigarettes? if so how many a day?

This could be you getting paranoid, or there might be something physical about it like, bronchitis. Lol I doubt there is something wrong with your heart tho, even gas can emulate angina pectoris etc.
deng i never thought of it that way.. but for the questions you had
no i didnt take any cold medicines
and no i dont smoke cigs
it was weird i dint even smoke that much :p (2-3 bowls shared between 3 people)
deng i never thought of it that way.. but for the questions you had
no i didnt take any cold medicines
and no i dont smoke cigs
it was weird i dint even smoke that much :p (2-3 bowls shared between 3 people)

could have been some powerful weed.
"If you fall off the horse, get back on" - Applied to Weed

So let's say a long-time smoker has a really bad experience with with weed, either from edibles or smoking way too much. Anxiety and panic fall over from a bad experience into everyday life, etc. Would you say that it would be beneficial to become comfortable with smoking again, to sort of conquer a fear?

I'm not talking about if you're normally a calm person, then you smoke and instantly have a panic attack. I'd say it's safe to say that in that case Marijuana is clearly the trigger. I'm curious about people who have anxiety that was caused from using Marijuana regularly, stopped, and still have that anxiety.

I've actually asked a Psychiatrist this question, and he thought I was nuts. He was looking at it from the standpoint of normally being calm, then smoking and freaking out. Like if a relaxed person gets panic attacks from caffeine, clearly caffeine should be avoided.

My question is in the case of someone who has lasting anxiety from weed AND has stopped, can the problem be solved by smoking a small amount and possibly thinking the problem over? Not necessarily becoming a regular user again, but more or less just to resolve a bad experience with weed?

Thoughts? Experiences? :)