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[MEGA] 2010-2011 Community Growing advice, tips, tricks, & experiences

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Thanks prelude. He's growing in his garage, not to sure of the overall space but those trays are 4'ft by 4ft and sit about 1 metre off the ground.
Curious if I understand correctly
Are you wanting a new thread to pretty much answer questions asked in this thread and is specific and sums up this thread in a much shorter form than 34 pages? lol.

Does this thread get deleted after this new one is made? Or does it stay? Does the thread die On January 1, 2011? lol.
-confused a little-

Every thread gets closed and sent to archives at 1k posts. Not my rule- it's BL policy, or at least enforced more heavily in CD for some reason... Something to do with server load over 1k posts in a thread... So I just wanted a good OP for the next thread once this one eventually hits 1K posts :) You guys made this thread, I see no reason for me to take over.
Hey arob check your last photo post second picture, the clones under the fluro's. It looks like the underneath growth has alot of leaves and areas which are browning and crisping, it could just be due to those leafs dying off but ive seen the same with my plants before and it ended up being mold. :|

I'm a bit curious why two of these plants have what looks like small light bleach marks , and the other one does not show that,
I am positive they have not come into contact with bugs. I know what the difference looks like now, lol

Well, I can try to help with the new thread, I'm not positive I can do it with school/work/g/f, and holiday season coming up, lol , but I'll just try and start rough drafting main points/tips/ideas/mistakes/fixes, etc.

Ill probably try to start working on the whole nute chart, as , I really need to read up on that because I can always see when theres a problem, I just can never easily diagnose it, so many variables.

Anywho, took pics of the seedlings, idk if they are ready to go under MH yet, I was thinking about putting em under the MH at the end of this week when temps are gonna be lower, but, I know during vegging that temps can be warmer than during flower..

So, Should I keep em under the CFLs (75 watts: total) and the two T5's (24 watt: each)
If so , how much longer you think, what makes a plant ready to go under MH? what makes it dangerous to put an young seedling under mh? (Just wanting to know how it works, kinda confused , is it because the light would penetrate the plant to the point of killing it?)
Looking good prelude, good luck with em. I would keep them under the cfl's for another week personally then under the MH you may get more light bleach under the MH early on.

We could start throwing ideas around in this thread then paste them all to the next one and build on from there. I'll have a thread up hopefully within a week of my outdoor.
wait until they have three nodes before putting them under the mH.. they need some "hardening time"....
Dammit. Just realized I did the pic attatchments from my email. I gotta get em uploaded to photobucket and then ill post em. I am going to delete that entire post for now. I can't get to uploading the pics at this time..sorry guys, for the blank pic enties.
My seeds are femmed. so , it'll be 3 female plants, 2 if I decide to germinate the other two seeds which I might tonight.
Got a NL outdoor, and two purple power plant outdoors,

Can they go under the MH yet? they are just now pushing out set 3 of leaves.
I want to get them out of these cups that are pure peatmoss, as they keep getting dry to a crisp, and Im sure its not good for the plants.

I wanna get them into bigger pots , but to do so, I would have to move them in to the closet with my 600 Watt MH, because the current area that Im using for vegging the seedlings is very small ,
So , Should I wait a bit more, then transplant and go under the MH?
Hey prelude,
Before you transfer and transplant them over to a full light cycle on MH with a new pot, you can slowly introduce them to the light so it's not so much shock for them. Example: Put them in the room with MH for 4 hours a day for a couple days, then move up 8 hours, ect. returning them back to the CFL that they are currently under, until maybe a few days past, then transplant and allow full MH light cycle.

Also, the reason I add vermiculite to the peatmoss is to keep more moisture. Until you replant, you are going to need to keep a close eye on your young ins.
Thanks wolf, appreciate it,
Yeah, Ive been noticing this peat drys up within 12 hours, so Im constantly spraying the top soil, and watering them once daily. (I hate how peat becomes like a rock when its try, must really fuck up the plants root system, so I'd think)
(also, In the pics you can see spots already starting to burn, is this from light bleaching? because there are NO insects, and they are getting plenty of water, I know its not salt , as I flushed the hell out of the soil before I put them in it...all I can imagine it being is light bleaching, I had the plants under two 24 watt T5 bulbs, (two inches away), and Ive got CFLS in the area Im using as well (3 CFLs, 26 watt, about 4 inches away), Can this happen due to heat? as it has been a bit warm in the little box/cupboard/cabinet thing they are in. Thnx in advance.

Anyways, I've got a question , and it's been a problem for quite a while, idk if its just me, or everyone, but ,

(bare with me, as Im high, sick with the flu, on ativan, and really dont have the correct words to describe what I want to)

Okay, well, I've noticed that within the past 6-8 months of growing (In pots),
that the bottom half of the pot becomes VERY VERY compact, and hard to break up. Though the top half of the soil remains somewhat loose, and I can move it around, but , once I get halfway down the pot, the soil becomes rock hard, but seems to retain moisture for long periods of time.

For example, today, I finally took my mother northern lights (the one I just grew and harvested) out in my back yard to pull it up, and just bury it in the ground where my garden is, well,
I started tugging on the plant, and it didnt seem to want to come out of the soil, pulled a little harder, and the soil came out, all in once piece.(I was holding the plants stem, and the rest of the soil was just, dangling , all in once piece, very hard to break up...)

Now, I noticed that at the bottom, where the soil seemed to retain moisture longer than the top soil, there was a strong root system, on one side. Not the other. (Im guessing the root system held the soil together for the most part, that , and well, the cocoir I bought was in brick form to begin with, just seems like it went back to brick form)

Does anyone else have problems with compacted soil on the bottom half of their pots? Is there anything to do to help stop this from happening?

I'm gonna put one plant in the closet for 4 hours at 24 inches, see how it does.
Thanks for the advice, and for the info to who ever replies about the compacted soil.
beautiful car btw Muncheez, lol
Along with the beautiful plants :D

Figured I'd edit instead of make a new post, was kind of curious,
I ran my MH bulb for about 2 hours when I first got it, then turned it off,
I ran it for another two-4 hours the next day,
Ive read a few people let it run for 24 hours otherwise it might mess up the plant?? idk...

Also, when I bought my MH bulb, the guy at the store told me that the light has a "nipple", which was inside of the bulb, and I was supposed to make sure that it faces upward, towards the reflector (At 10 to 2 o'clock) [Ive got it at 12, directly facing the reflector],
Anyone know what the reason for this is?
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Wish I can take credit for it Prelude, it's my neighbors. He loves it more than life itself..haha, he got when he was 17, he's 46 now. Ya gotta hear this thing rumble!!
Prelude, I have no advice on the MH questions, not much knowledge when it comes to that, but I have never "broken in" a bulb before..not to say that you shouldn't, I've never heard of it, nor am I good with reading directions that comes with the packaging..haha.

If I were you, I'd get those babies into a nutrient-rich potting soil asap..plain ole peat moss doesn't seem to be doing the trick. I've had great results with the Fox Farm Ocean Forest and recently now the Roots Organic. They are both well worth the $25 per bag. You probably already have your mediums picked out which is cool, but might I suggest just starting the seedlings or clones in a good potting soil instead of peat moss right from the get go. I think they would look even better if they were started off in a nicer medium, I've never been fond of plain peat moss..IMO. That poster had great advice about acclimating those to the 600MH..

So get them upsized and into a good medium and start getting them used to the 600 and I bet in a week or two you will see a very nice improvement.

Also, can you make a light batch of grow nutes? I bet they may need a little food, once they get into a good potting soil, most of that has some type of organic nutes anyway.
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Thanks wolf, appreciate it,
Yeah, Ive been noticing this peat drys up within 12 hours, so Im constantly spraying the top soil, and watering them once daily. (I hate how peat becomes like a rock when its try, must really fuck up the plants root system, so I'd think)
(also, In the pics you can see spots already starting to burn, is this from light bleaching? because there are NO insects, and they are getting plenty of water, I know its not salt , as I flushed the hell out of the soil before I put them in it...all I can imagine it being is light bleaching, I had the plants under two 24 watt T5 bulbs, (two inches away), and Ive got CFLS in the area Im using as well (3 CFLs, 26 watt, about 4 inches away), Can this happen due to heat? as it has been a bit warm in the little box/cupboard/cabinet thing they are in. Thnx in advance.

Anyways, I've got a question , and it's been a problem for quite a while, idk if its just me, or everyone, but ,

(bare with me, as Im high, sick with the flu, on ativan, and really dont have the correct words to describe what I want to)

Okay, well, I've noticed that within the past 6-8 months of growing (In pots),
that the bottom half of the pot becomes VERY VERY compact, and hard to break up. Though the top half of the soil remains somewhat loose, and I can move it around, but , once I get halfway down the pot, the soil becomes rock hard, but seems to retain moisture for long periods of time.

For example, today, I finally took my mother northern lights (the one I just grew and harvested) out in my back yard to pull it up, and just bury it in the ground where my garden is, well,
I started tugging on the plant, and it didnt seem to want to come out of the soil, pulled a little harder, and the soil came out, all in once piece.(I was holding the plants stem, and the rest of the soil was just, dangling , all in once piece, very hard to break up...)

Now, I noticed that at the bottom, where the soil seemed to retain moisture longer than the top soil, there was a strong root system, on one side. Not the other. (Im guessing the root system held the soil together for the most part, that , and well, the cocoir I bought was in brick form to begin with, just seems like it went back to brick form)

Does anyone else have problems with compacted soil on the bottom half of their pots? Is there anything to do to help stop this from happening?

I'm gonna put one plant in the closet for 4 hours at 24 inches, see how it does.
Thanks for the advice, and for the info to who ever replies about the compacted soil.
You are welcome.

It does sound like the little ones are getting a lot of CFL, but it might just be the heat as you suggested causing the bleaching (can you check the temp in that little space they are in?). It doesn't look bad from the pics, and I would imagine it's going to clear up when you start feeding them.

Starting seeds in soil high in nutrients is a bad idea. If you think those white spots are bad, wait till you see what too many nutrients will do to them. They do look old enough now though to start feeding though, as muncheez suggested you can repot them now and feed them, but obviously you have a space issue to deal with, so make do with what you have.

As for your soil compact issue, I'm pretty sure everyone growing in soil has seen this. This is the reason we use things like perlite in our soil. If you don't have proper drainage, the bottom becomes soggy. Then comes root rot. And guess what is the easiest way to kill a marijuana plant? You guessed it, over watering. You have now seen with your eyes the roots and soil they are growing in and I'm sure you can imagine how over watering can be such an issue. You haven't expressed any overwatering death issues I know of so you are doing something right. Just be careful is all I can say on this issue.
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