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MDMA Superlabs with Pictures (Follow on from Posters to make you stop taking E)

where is torrance? source/link your pieces futurama ;)

happy to hear that it still exists, since it's my chief candidate for "would be great to try that". am trying to stay hopeful that '13 will let me catch a glimpse of the stuff, never seen it or suspected i could source it IRL but really got my fingers crossed :]
Types of Clandestine Labs

One type of clandestine lab is the “super” lab, which is a large, highly organized lab that can manufacture 10 or more pounds of MA per production cycle. These labs are mostly found in southern California and Mexico.

The other types of clandestine labs are known as “mom and pop” or “Beavis and Butthead” labs. These are smaller scale labs that manufacture only one to four ounces of MA per production cycle. This amount of drug production is usually just enough for the operators’ and their associates’ use, and for sale to others in order to finance chemicals for their next production cycle.

The super labs account for up to 80% of all MA produced. However, the mom and pop labs have far more explosions, fires, uncontrolled hazardous waste dumping, and child endangerment. This is because the smaller labs are run by less-skilled cooks with more primitive equipment and facilities. Furthermore, small labs usually have lab cooks who are parents and MA users themselves, making them more likely to neglect children.

Mom & Pop E Lab Illustrated below






where is torrance? source/link your pieces futurama

happy to hear that it still exists, since it's my chief candidate for "would be great to try that". am trying to stay hopeful that '13 will let me catch a glimpse of the stuff, never seen it or suspected i could source it IRL but really got my fingers crossed :]

Sorry I lost the piece I have quite a bit going on my screen right now. For future ones ill add the link the only problem with nes links is they die quite quickly.

Re pic source various sources ranging from google to slightly dubious sources so the less said the better :D

I like it how someone called it Lab Porn. Its funny. I will try and find more PCP lab stuff tomorrow.

This thread is getting a lot of hits I see. Wow people must like to see labs LOL. I guess an insight into the world where all these crazy pills come from.
Furthermore, small labs usually have lab cooks who are parents and MA users themselves, making them more likely to neglect children.

^^ I didnt write it LOL

Could do some reductive amination whilst cooking up the kids tea I guess.

gas masks all round :D

Infact that lab is so Mom & Pop he has even left some shoes propping up a receiver flask with a bar code on it.

Wow I bet LE could zoom in on that and figure out where the shoes came from.

Might be able to get finger ID also. Naughty Naughty.

I guess it was yellow and grey dyed water.
unsure what context that was taken from. more likely to neglect children when they go home? if the person was referring to at-home labs, well, if there are kids there then it's AUTOMATICALLY neglect imo. How could you possibly contend otherwise?
^^ I didnt write it LOL

Could do some reductive amination whilst cooking up the kids tea I guess.

gas masks all round :D

Infact that lab is so Mom & Pop he has even left some shoes propping up a receiver flask with a bar code on it.

Wow I bet LE could zoom in on that and figure out where the shoes came from.

Might be able to get finger ID also. Naughty Naughty.

I guess it was yellow and grey dyed water.
if LE isn't sophisticated enough that things like go w/o saying, i would be shocked.
^^ I think it would be difficult to prove for them. I doubt they would bother.

I guess a lot of the mom and pop stuff is the Shake and Bake Meth Production although I hear they are really clamping down on that now.

I hear getting pseudo in some states if you have earings and long hair is almost impossible even if you have a genuine cold :D
unsure what context that was taken from. more likely to neglect children when they go home? if the person was referring to at-home labs, well, if there are kids there then it's AUTOMATICALLY neglect imo. How could you possibly contend otherwise?

Apparently they think "Mom and Pop" literally means a mother and father cooking up MDMA with little kids running around at their feet

because I'm sure that happens all the time.

The decline in ecstasy use coincides with a spike in methamphetamine use, and the findings are consistent with data recently released by the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre and in the 2010 National Drug Strategy Household Survey report.
^lol i referenced that somewhere else recently. it's obvious if you were ever party to the scene, but nice to see a solid, linkable source for the idea.
Small Scale E Labs


^^ Sassafras Distillation using water recycled ice bucket and vacuum pump


^^ Polypropylene Bucket/Flask with Reflux Condensor
Inside Reaction Reductive Amination of MD-P2P with Al/Hg & Nitromethane


^^ Distillation removal of Methanol


^^ Receiver Flask with Vacuum Connection


^^ Dwarfer Style HCL Gassing Rig


^^ Final Product White MDA Crystal

Some of the above pics are from different labs. Sorry for the confusion I got all my pictures mixed up.
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that looks like an incredibly unbelievable amount of raw mdma from such a small setup, does it not?

[how reliable are the place you're getting unsourced pics from? as in, do you have reason to believe half that stuff is legit and not just someone trying to fraudulently pass stuff off?]
Something quite fishy here indeed. Why does your avatar happen to be next to the last image of "final product white MDMA crystal"?
^that's hobart huson's stuffed-bee, or more familiarly the bee logo/branding from rhodium and the hive. very very commonly put next to final synth pictures of clandestine nature.

still think that looks like WAY more mdma than the batches that such a small scale lab could produce, i mean that's gotta be 1/4k or more, from, what, like 1/2l reaction vessel? don't think mdma synth is that efficient lol
No worries on the avatar.

We're not asking you to discuss synth information (obviously) - I think what bmxxx is asking (and what I'm asking as well) is are all of those images from the same source and/or are all of those images of the same lab?
exactly. that lil rx vessel looks wayyyy too small to put out what's seen getting hcl gassed, or drying in the tray.
Those pics are not all the same lab.

I know where those came from.

That's also MDA, not MDMA

^^ Bucket reductive amination via Al/hg amalgam


^^ Different reductive amination using NaBH3CN


^^ Removing MeOH from reductive amination


^^basing aqueous layer post-extraction


^^distilled freebase in DCM


^^ HCL Gassing Rig


^^buchner filtration post-gassing


^^ Final Product White MDA Crystal

exactly. that lil rx vessel looks wayyyy too small to put out what's seen getting hcl gassed, or drying in the tray.

Looks like some of the pics are from the Flagstaff Student Lab in the Dateline Interview.

The receiver vessel can always be emptied during the process you just have to be careful you dont lose your vacuum during the switch.

Cheers for the update junglejuice

I just realised I think these pics are the actual work of the flagstaff students!!

I was watching the strike interview yesterday and some of those new pics are seen in the documentary.

Like the one with the three beakers

I just pulled these screen shots off the dateline interview and yes the lab above is work from the Flagstaff Student Lab. Weird its MDA cause in the doco they claim its MDMA.



UK group backs Cambodian raids on jungle ecstasy factories which threaten ecosystem






Fauna & Flora International (FFI), Working in close partnership with the Cambodian Ministry of Environment, has helped to locate and destroy several factories intended to illegally distil a raw ingredient of the drug ecstasy, in the remote Cardamom Mountains of South-West Cambodia, a practice which threatens the survival of a rare tree and damages the surrounding environment.

The factories had been set up to distill ‘sassafras oil’; produced by boiling the roots and the trunk of the exceptionally rare Mreah Prew Phnom trees and exported to neighbouring countries. The oil is used in the production of cosmetics, but can also be used as a precursor chemical in the altogether more sinister process of producing MDMA – more commonly known as ecstasy. The distillation process not only threatens Mreah Prew Phnom trees, but damages the surrounding forest ecosystem.

Producing sassafras oil is illegal in Cambodia, and the latest raids came at the end of a month-long investigation by FFI and the Ministry of Environment, which uncovered several newly built sassafras factories run by Vietnamese syndicates in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary.

The sassafras oil being burned on siteThe investigation culminated in a joint operation with the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces and resulted in the destruction of two factories and two arrests. In June last year, 33 tonnes of sassafras oil, which FFI helped to confiscate, were destroyed at a public ceremony organised by the Cambodian Government and the Australian Federal Police (AFP). The AFP claimed that the oil could have produced 245
million ecstasy tablets with a street value of $US7billion.

FFI Field Coordinator at Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary, Tim Wood, said: “The reemergence of the sassafras factories in Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary is of enormous concern to us. Not only are we faced with the prospect that the oil may be used for producing illicit drugs, but the factories have a very destructive impact on the fragile habitats and ecosystems in the sanctuary.

The raid next to the drug distilling machinery“These factories are located close to streams and by-products from the distillation process causes significant pollution of the environment. In addition, the distillation process itself uses enormous quantities of fuel wood from other rainforest trees. Finally, the factory workers typically engage in poaching wildlife from the surrounding forests to supplement their basic diets. Thankfully, on this occasion we were able to locate and destroy the factories before they were in full production mode.”

FFI first became involved in efforts to crack down on the sassafras oil industry in 2004, because of the damage it causes to the rainforest. Alarmed by the rate of destruction of the forests they depend upon, local villagers often approached FFI to report forest processing plants. The degree of destruction was so significant that the local people believed that at the existing rate of destruction, there would be no Mreah Prew Phnom trees left in five years.

In Phnom Samkos Wildlife Sanctuary (western Cardamom Mountains), where most Mreah Prew Phnom trees remain, FFI supports 49 well-trained Ministry of Environment rangers, recruited from local communities. This relatively small team has successfully closed dozens of factories over the past four years, seizing significant amounts of sassafras oil which may otherwise have been sold to make illegal drugs.

FFI staff estimate that, at the height of the industry in 2006, there were at least 75 Mreah Prew Phnom processing plants in the western Cardamom Mountains. This number has plummeted since FFI’s intervention, however, as long as there is demand for sassafras oil, there remains a threat to the forest.

“Recent law enforcement operations clearly show that this threat still persists and that we must remain ever vigilant in our effort to suppress this and other forest crimes.” Tim Wood said.

The Phom Samkos wildlife sanctuary“The rangers deserve our highest praise for their efforts in combating forest crime. They are at the front line of conservation and without their dedication and efforts the Mreah Prew Phnom trees would certainly have become locally extinct.”

However, many of the ranger teams in the Cardamom Mountains are facing funding cuts and possible redundancy. FFI is calling on the Cambodian Government and international donors to recognise and support the work of rangers in the Cardamom Mountains. The forests, local people and even the global community are counting on their remarkable work.

Sassafras oil processing plants are typically located beside streams to provide water for boiling. These streams become highly polluted by factory waste. Mreah Prew Phnom trees are cut down and the roots are then mechanically shredded and boiled in a cauldron over a wood-fire oven. Many more trees in the area are felled to provide fuel for the fire. The distillation process takes about 12 hours to make 30 litres of sassafras oil.

Oil is carried out by hand, often over many kilometres of jungle terrain, to roads from which it is smuggled out of Cambodia to Thailand or Vietnam. The workers are paid around US$25 per month plus cigarettes.

Sassafras oil machinery being destroyed.The Cardamom Mountains Wildlife Sanctuaries Project is a joint initiative of Fauna & Flora International and the Cambodian Ministry of Environment, to conserve globally important species and ecosystems in ways that are compatible with poverty reduction and national development. FFI and the Ministry have been working together in the Cardamom Mountains since 2000.

The Mreah Prew Phnom tree is thought to be Cinnamomum parthenoxylon, a rare tree rated as ‘Data Deficient’ by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

The Cardamom Mountains cover over 2 million hectares of forest, one of the largest remaining blocks of evergreen forest in Southeast Asia. Destruction of these forests would release around 1.4 billion tonnes of CO2,into the atmosphere according to FFI estimates.

The Cardamom Mountains are a global biodiversity hotspot, supporting a large number of endemic animals and plants and well over 60 globally threatened species. 30,000 people live in and around the mountains, including several indigenous ethnic minorities.




In a filthy Shanghai laboratory, chemists make batches of mephedrone - and a new incarnation of the 'plant food' linked to the deaths of British teenagers. Never heard of the drugs Eric-1 and Eric-2? That's the point. By Mike Power in London and Simon Parry in China


In a filthy Shanghai laboratory, chemists make batches of mephedrone - and a new incarnation of the 'plant food' linked to the deaths of British teenagers


Drug boss Eric, right, inspects the latest batch of a new drug yet to be named at his company in Shanghai, China


A laboratory assistant by a machine containing the new substance - possibly soon to be exported to online buyers in the UK

'I can't think of any way we can get ahead of the game, there are just too many chemical possibilities. There's always going to be something we haven't thought of and legislated for'

'Now people have discovered mephedrone, they'll look for others. It will be interesting to see if the new control kills the market or if goes underground. That's the dilemma for legislators: is controlling it the best way?'

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^ lmao that lab doesn't look too dirty too me. As long as the equipment is sterilized, does it matter?