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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 7) [ALL LTC posts go here]

It's not symptoms anymore. It's the bullshit I've always dealt with but turned a blind eye too before.
Hello, I have been ghosting this thread for a while now since my LTC (2 months, 1 week in as of now) began and I finally decided to make an account to join in on the discussion. The symptoms are still pretty much there but I have lessen them a lot with proper exercise, a decent diet, and a few mushrooms I started taking, Lion's mane and Cordyceps to be exact. Lion's Mane was pretty huge for me in terms of removing stuttering and helping so called "3D thinking". Sadly my memory was still pretty bad as I had a hard time with conversations. Later I started taking Cordyceps at the same time and it alleviated my cognitive problems even further.

What I want to say is that I recommend people to experiment with mushrooms such as Lion's mane. It is proven that it is neuroprotective and most importantly, promotes neurogenesis. The only problem with Cordyceps is that you get boners more often and semen retention gets harder and harder (hehe). Just a month ago I felt like I was a ghost, mentally drifting through places, now with these mushrooms I can actually watch movies and have an easier time understanding them.

Lastly, I wanted to ask if I am the only one with this kind of physical symptom where my eyes atleast once a day start shaking rapidly left and right for about 30 seconds. It only becomes disturbing when reading something upclose. I googled about it and the proper name for it appears to be "Nystagmus". It may be that my anxiety creates it as every time I start to think about it, it happens again, but at other times it comes just out of nowhere.
Odd symptoms like that are strange but honestly I wouldn't worry about them.

I had this weird symptom of itching all over my body for like a month or two after the LTC began. I think it was constantly diminishing and becoming less and less common the whole time too which was nice. But yeah, I never heard of anybody else dealing with that kind of symptom. And for a while thought it might be some kind of brain damage from too many stimulants (the only place I heard of the itch was among people who did a years of meth and probably damaged their brain).

what do I think of it now? Well scratching releases serotonin and in super high doses, so to the body it's like a drug. And if you have ever scratched some part of your body for like 30 seconds until it bleeds then you know how good it can feel. It's also apparently a painkiller because your leg/arm never hurts until a few seconds after you stop itching. So yeah, maybe the drugs really fucked with my bodys natural happy chemical levels, and my body tried to compensate with the itchiness/scratching as a way to force the body to release some feel good chemicals.

just a theory but whatever. it was a short term thing and I never got a straight answer. its long gone now though so I dont care anymore.
Hello, I have been ghosting this thread for a while now since my LTC (2 months, 1 week in as of now) began and I finally decided to make an account to join in on the discussion. The symptoms are still pretty much there but I have lessen them a lot with proper exercise, a decent diet, and a few mushrooms I started taking, Lion's mane and Cordyceps to be exact. Lion's Mane was pretty huge for me in terms of removing stuttering and helping so called "3D thinking". Sadly my memory was still pretty bad as I had a hard time with conversations. Later I started taking Cordyceps at the same time and it alleviated my cognitive problems even further.

What I want to say is that I recommend people to experiment with mushrooms such as Lion's mane. It is proven that it is neuroprotective and most importantly, promotes neurogenesis. The only problem with Cordyceps is that you get boners more often and semen retention gets harder and harder (hehe). Just a month ago I felt like I was a ghost, mentally drifting through places, now with these mushrooms I can actually watch movies and have an easier time understanding them.

Lastly, I wanted to ask if I am the only one with this kind of physical symptom where my eyes atleast once a day start shaking rapidly left and right for about 30 seconds. It only becomes disturbing when reading something upclose. I googled about it and the proper name for it appears to be "Nystagmus". It may be that my anxiety creates it as every time I start to think about it, it happens again, but at other times it comes just out of nowhere.
Hey there mate, I just wanted to say welcome to this great place full of so many really cool, decent, open minded and extremely knowledgeable and friendly individuals.

And a big thank you to you from everybody for putting yourself out there and joining up and sharing your experience which is really interesting and I hope will be very useful directly for many people to come.

Personally I have no experience taking medicinal mushrooms and I know very little of the subject but I couldn't help feeling really strongly and with confidence that there was a good chance taking these type of supplements such as lion's mane could be very beneficial for long-term comedown symptoms and just general cognitive improvements.

So I'm really encouraged to hear about your experience and I only wish to encourage you to keep going and not letting worry and anxiety hog the foreground and keep practicing positive thoughts and trusting that things are going in the right direction and ultimately are on course.

Interesting to that you mentioned the stuttering because my own case I have not given any details of here really it was such a long time ago but I was a seriously heavy abuser.

At one period I kept a pretty accurate count of exactly how many pills I was taking during my final year at university and it was 900 between September and June which is about 9 months.

Long extended sessions frequently many days in a row Multiple multiple times till the sun comes down and goes up and comes down and goes up again lol! (I think I said that the wrong way round hehe).

Anyway this excessive abuse turned out to be the Demise of me when I suddenly ran into some serious difficulties but there were other factors involved such as many other substances and psychological and emotional elements to do with lifestyle and company and consequences of the drug taking on situations and prospects in life etc.

I think an accurate way to describe it would be to say that I developed a sudden neuroses and this manifested in the most severe stammer ever which was only triggered under the influence of certain substances.

I would go from one extreme of being my typical fast spoken, super quick minded and witted articulate and intelligent man (while still being a dick lol) to being unable to utter a single sentence to my own extraordinary anxiety and inconvenience and discomfort of any others be they strangers or best friends.

The worst substances were typically alcohol and any type of downers but also ketamine proved to be probably the most notable and problematic of all after I returned to my hometown in and extremely wrecked and damaged state in 2003 having dropped out of my degree due to not being able to complete the statistical year long project work for psychology.

Philosophy I could have blagged skimmed a bit of revision and made a load of stuff up and pass those exams I'm certain but the psychology Project was a real piece of work and no way was I up to even starting it.

MDMA itself would also be a serious problem with my speech but not to the same extent and immediacy and severity as the other substances although the more I would take the worse it would get and would be on par.

I still have dreams occasionally where I'm back in that situation with the pressure to complete my degree feeling totally screwed up in the head and the Brain from ecstasy and knowing I had no chance of doing anything towards it.

So that in itself was kind of traumatic and stressful, above and beyond the mere physical and typical psychological impacts of ecstasy abuse are these life situations and events.

Anyway I was known as the most incredibly gifted well spoken quick-witted confident friendly funny and intelligent person who was extraordinary popular I just couldn't get rid of friends fast enough and I don't mean that in a big headed way I just had something so special and pure about my being which I took for granted really.

So I really stood out as an extraordinary case for a sudden dramatic transformation and impact from excessive abuse. It was really busy how my stammer would appear from nowhere in a split second and render me speechless wherever I was as soon as I took any alcohol downers or ketamine.

My drug taking continued very heavily between 2003 when this occurred and 2005 when I developed a severe case of long-term lyme disease from a tick bite and was forced to cease partakings.

During 2004 to 2005 living in my hometown I went to lots of illegal raves and festivals such as 3 and 4 day weekend events and I would spend the entire time totally off my head on ecstasy LSD and ketamine but completely unable to communicate with a single soul barely. What an incredibly alienating and at times traumatic experience that could be, because my mind and imagination would be on fire with so much I could express and communicate but was totally unable to which was quite hurtful emotionally.

When my illness began my stutter became incredibly more severe and it totally alienated and isolated me for quite a few years because the Lyme disease really hit you like a mental illness and totally flips the world in every way physically mentally and emotionally.

But my stutter was so extreme that I just could not communicate with friends family or anybody and I live the life of Fear and terror avoiding people on you and any situation where I would be required to speak most of the time.

However it took me a few years to realise that my own speech problem from at least 2005 onwards is directly related to my unusual respiratory and allergy symptoms by way of thick excessive mucus production which is permanently filling my lungs and Airways and clogs my vocal cords like sticky glue.

I have been able to overcome this problem although I still live with it to this day, in an almost purely physical capacity, by learning how to manage and control my respiratory symptoms by restricting my diet heavily as every different food and substance and supplement can have a completely different effect on the mucus exacerbation and the majority of foods and ingestible remedies etc out there (like 99%) I would have to avoid strictly or my speech would be severely hampered still and this is purely physical to do with the mucus and the vocal cords.

So that has been my own experience with a stammer and I have only really touched on the depth and intensity of this experience over time which originated from my crazy abuse in 2003 in the form of a neuroses but possibly had an underlying physical basis at the same time.

So guys, maybe my LTC was pretty damn intense and long, but when my lyme disease hit me everything was flipped upside-down at a million miles an hour and that took precedent and probably distorted and muddied the picture heavily.

I have been feeling that I should have shared a little more details about my own experience but I really think about it anymore it is all in the past I have completely let go and freed my mind from any anxiety and regret relating to my past abuse and my focus is simply on the problems I'm dealing with today which are to do with my illness and resulting conditions more than anything else.

@LifeLesson thanks again for joining up and sharing and truly wishing you the best I hope we get to hear of more positive progress through time.
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I've been working with energy healers and spiritual healers lately and it's doing so much good for me. Find what works for you but if you like the woo woo energy healing and that sort of thing then definitely now is the time to try it out.
Hey. I think I missed this part somehow. Just adding to my recounted story, I did also receive some extended energy healing sessions in 2007 by a gifted visionary energy healer who could literally see and observe energy.

He used me as a subject to study the healing effects of using various substances at certain points of the body for specific effects on an energy level, like on the wrists and ankles for example his "basic" method he invented was for people to be able to practice this in their own homes and it involved putting soap powder on your wrists and ankles and I'll tell you what this is astonishing what this does because it totally knocks you out into another zone for about 3 hours like being on a really nice tranquilizer but just completely sucked into the state of almost done consciousness in terms of thinking and mental activity.

Then after about 3 hours it suddenly let's up and you feel remarkably better, fresher and clearer. Richard explained from the beginning how the soap powder, placed on energy points of wists and ankles, draws out what he called "insect energy", which he perceived as an unhealthy anchor upon us.

Coming from insect bites and equally- insect parts in the food supply. He insisted that when we consume something (or someone? Haha), the energy of that consumed goes into us.

Anyway I can promise you that this type of healing is not quackery it totally works actually I need to do it again I should be doing this regularly because it's seriously makes a world of difference to how you feel mentally and physically especially in relation to anxiety and frame of mind and emotions.

He later discovered that anti-bacterial hand wash was even better than soap powder so all you need to do is get some unperfumed antibacterial hand-wash if you can and put a little bit into a plastic bag tie it up and take it on the outside of your wrists I think you can actually skip the ankles but you can probably double up if you like it certainly wouldn't hurt.

I really would like to encourage anybody suffering here with major anxiety to give us method ago because it's so simple and it's genuinely does change how you are feeling.

Anyway to my original point this energy healing certainly would have assisted me in 2007 as I was making progress in the initial years of my own long term comedown.

I totally believe in energy healing I think we neglect this too much and could all benefit from a little more in our lives especially in these type of situations.

Thanks for sharing that bro and thanks a lot also for the kind words of support you spoke recently I appreciate that a lot.
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Hey Guys,

Updating as it's been another week. Feeling good mentally, the headache is very very slight but there. It's still on the left and right sides of my head above my ears.

The stomach discomfort comes and goes. Someday's it's worse and someday's not very noticeable at all.

Last week I started noticing floaters in my left eye more than usual. I've noticed them before the MDMA, but this time it seems they are there more often (perhaps I'm just noticing them more). Not sure what to think of it. Also as of today my right eye started to sort of twitch/vibrate a little. It doesn't mess up my vision, again it's just noticeable. I sit in front a computer most of the day so maybe it's that as well.

The worrying of these things actually interrupts my life more than the symptoms itself. Perhaps these symptoms are all anxiety related and have nothing to do with the MDMA abuse at all.
Hey Guys,

Updating as it's been another week. Feeling good mentally, the headache is very very slight but there. It's still on the left and right sides of my head above my ears.

The stomach discomfort comes and goes. Someday's it's worse and someday's not very noticeable at all.

Last week I started noticing floaters in my left eye more than usual. I've noticed them before the MDMA, but this time it seems they are there more often (perhaps I'm just noticing them more). Not sure what to think of it. Also as of today my right eye started to sort of twitch/vibrate a little. It doesn't mess up my vision, again it's just noticeable. I sit in front a computer most of the day so maybe it's that as well.

The worrying of these things actually interrupts my life more than the symptoms itself. Perhaps these symptoms are all anxiety related and have nothing to do with the MDMA abuse at all.

I started having problems with floaters 2-3 years before any drug use. One day a large amount just appeared in both of my eyes. At first, it was a huge problem for me but as time passes, your brain just gets used to them plus they somewhat fade. After getting involved in this LTC, I too have had thoughts if the number of floaters have increased in my eyes and i'm not entirely sure. For me, it doesn't really matter because there are so many in both my eyes that its hard to distinguish them. If they are a real pain in the ass during internet browsing then I suggest downloading a chrome extension called "Dark Reader", which essentially reverts all the colors on pages, making white black and black to white etc, and its also easier on the eyes. What I want to say is that don't worry too much about them and it will be fine :).

Lately, a lot of people have started discussing about how pineapples can get rid of floaters in your eyes. If you're interested, you can read all about it here:
I started having problems with floaters 2-3 years before any drug use. One day a large amount just appeared in both of my eyes. At first, it was a huge problem for me but as time passes, your brain just gets used to them plus they somewhat fade. After getting involved in this LTC, I too have had thoughts if the number of floaters have increased in my eyes and i'm not entirely sure. For me, it doesn't really matter because there are so many in both my eyes that its hard to distinguish them. If they are a real pain in the ass during internet browsing then I suggest downloading a chrome extension called "Dark Reader", which essentially reverts all the colors on pages, making white black and black to white etc, and its also easier on the eyes. What I want to say is that don't worry too much about them and it will be fine :).

Lately, a lot of people have started discussing about how pineapples can get rid of floaters in your eyes. If you're interested, you can read all about it here:

I had them before as well, I just started seeing them more often last week lol. Today marks exactly two months since my last day of abuse. Whenever certain symptoms pop up, my anxiety kicks into overdrive and I have slight OCD where I'll research for hours. I started reading people having HPPD from MDMA and my anxiety just went off the edge. I didn't hallucinate while rolling or after my rolls, so I doubt it would be that tbh.

But thank you for calming my anxiety, it seems everyone has floaters, they're normal to a degree. They only really bother me while on my computer at work.
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I feel like I’m going backwards now. My family and surroundings seem foreign to me. I feel more down than usual. It seems like this reality is not my reality if that makes sense. I don’t know how to deal with this shit. Headache is pretty much gone and so is stomach discomfort. I feel like I’m crazy and not in control of my thoughts sometimes. It’s scaring the shit out of me.
I feel like I’m going backwards now. My family and surroundings seem foreign to me. I feel more down than usual. It seems like this reality is not my reality if that makes sense. I don’t know how to deal with this shit. Headache is pretty much gone and so is stomach discomfort. I feel like I’m crazy and not in control of my thoughts sometimes. It’s scaring the shit out of me.
Hey mate. Just hang tough now, grab a hold of those ropes. Where you are right now is totally different to where I am at myself.
I have been there many times though- your current experience is more directly related to the unfolding developments following MDMA use. It can certainly feel like you are being churned around by a washing machine with no way to hit stop or even know which way up you are facing and how long is left in the cycle.

And I also appreciate how it can be virtually impossible to overview your situation objectively and tell yourself this is just a cycle which will pass eventually and there will be stops and breaks along the way.

When you are in the thick of that turmoil though there is just no telling yourself sometimes.
So I can empathize for sure, but I actually came to make a different point- I don't feel too dissimilar to yourself yourself right now to be honest things are constantly changing and waning for me up and down backwards and forwards.

And things can vary to an extraordinary degree by day week and month.
I frequently get into the most terrible mental state, completely overcome by anxiety and stress and trauma and depression and feeling completely hopeless and isolated and as though all is lost like it's the end of the world.

And then there are other times when things are not so gloomy and I are on the way up.

So my point- this is life! That is the suggestion I want to make and suggest also that perhaps we are are misinterpreting our woes at times which are just the changing tides of emotion and transition within us due to our own subconscious development and healing and also the cosmos etc because we are permanently in tune with the universe and this is constantly evolving as we are ourselves which is out of our control and things are never quite the same from one moment to the next yet we assume and reason that we are in control and that we can affect how we are feeling and it is all down to us us at all times.

Ok I'm never quite sure how to make these points for exactly where I'm coming from but again this is all about viewing things from another angle to try and loosen up some of those knots of pressure and fear and expectation which we grapple with too much and feel pinned down and trapped by, by continuing to work on being a little more accepting and a lot more trusting even if we feel hopeless and in turmoil.
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Thank you @AutoTripper
It’s hard to tell yourself everything’s gonna be alright when you feel like you’re going crazy.

Last night I kept having racing thoughts and anxiety. It was hard for me to fall asleep, my mind kept thinking random weird things, almost like I couldn’t control it. This only made the anxiety worse as well. I was sober by the way. It was like the time I smoked weed but not as severe. I don’t know if one is causing the other, but I hope it’s not serious. Did anyone else have something similar?
Random thought, maybe it wasnt the mdma that caused a ltc, maybe we were just already depressed people even before we tried it. Food for thought.

LTC = you suffer depression in the first place? Could be.
Random thought, maybe it wasnt the mdma that caused a ltc, maybe we were just already depressed people even before we tried it. Food for thought.

LTC = you suffer depression in the first place? Could be.

You know, I wouldn't completely rule that out. Before the MDMA abuse I was really stressed out, I had very mild anxiety, and I was addicted to caffeine, like 500mg a day minimum if not more. I also drank a lot on the weekends with friends.

I would also say that I was slightly depressed being that I was still getting over a relationship gone bad, and during my first day rolling I was extremely stressed out from work. I had an overwhelming come-up and had to leave the set to sit down. I didn't puke or anything though, and my roll after was great.
Random thought, maybe it wasnt the mdma that caused a ltc, maybe we were just already depressed people even before we tried it. Food for thought.

LTC = you suffer depression in the first place? Could be.
I actually was slightly depressed before mdma but this incredible drug made my eyes open, it made me love the world as a whole. I started having interest in a lot of activities, I became more sociable, went out a lot more. This directly lead to the abuse of the drug, and ofcourse, LTC. I sometimes wish I stopped halfway through because that was when I was at my peak of my emotions but how do you do that when your addiction of the drug is at the highest?
I actually was slightly depressed before mdma but this incredible drug made my eyes open, it made me love the world as a whole. I started having interest in a lot of activities, I became more sociable, went out a lot more. This directly lead to the abuse of the drug, and ofcourse, LTC. I sometimes wish I stopped halfway through because that was when I was at my peak of my emotions but how do you do that when your addiction of the drug is at the highest?

I'm in the same boat as you. I first took MDMA in October 2018. I had an amazing experience, one pill 250mg. I split the pill in half and re-dosed after 45mins as instructed by my friend.

I then rolled again on about 90mg in a capsule about March. This second experience really opened my eyes and emotions. This is where I believe I should have stopped. After this second time I was excited to meet people and I started dating people again. Though I was still missing my ex and work got more stressful.

The third time I was so excited to feel that again, that nothing could have stopped me from rolling. I ended up abusing it, and am now paying the price.


Does anyone think I'm experiencing mild depersonalization? There doesn't seem to be much research about it and it doesn't seem to go away, almost like a new way of living. I really hope this isn't the case.
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I'm in the same boat as you. I first took MDMA in October 2018. I had an amazing experience, one pill 250mg. I split the pill in half and re-dosed after 45mins as instructed by my friend.

I then rolled again on about 90mg in a capsule about March. This second experience really opened my eyes and emotions. This is where I believe I should have stopped. After this second time I was excited to meet people and I started dating people again. Though I was still missing my ex and work got more stressful.

The third time I was so excited to feel that again, that nothing could have stopped me from rolling. I ended up abusing it, and am now paying the price.


Does anyone think I'm experiencing mild depersonalization? There doesn't seem to be much research about it and it doesn't seem to go away, almost like a new way of living. I really hope this isn't the case.
I am sure I had many spells myself of experiencing major depersonalisation, or derealisation, whichever is most accurate and applicable (they do seem to be used interchangeably).

Looking back I can see that these episodes were pretty extreme from ridiculously over the top usage but we never had any definitions or objective overview of such a thing at the time to even appraise it let alone discuss it and I never used the internet back then at all and there was nowhere near the same sort of community for supports and information as there is now at least not that I was aware of.

I have been thinking about this over the past few days actually and how I just simply dealt with these experiences and emotions in my own head along with all other side effects and happenings in life without really making a big deal of it although I'm sure it was uncomfortable and confusing and stressful at the time.

I guess I just rode it all out. But the point I make here- it DOES definitely wear off, and a clearer, normal perspective and view/assimilation of daily (boring) reality will return (if there is one thing you can say about living life in a virtual emotional and psychological hallucinogenic crisis it is really boring lol- like after I have had a gruellingly intense LSD trip which I was longing to see the end of at the time I'm once I am right back to baseline I'm wishing I was back there again in the thick of psychedelia- I expect many trippers have felt exactly the same way on occasion).

But yeah, seriously everybody that sweat the whole the realisation thing it really is only a temporary illusion and you will always end up back to your boring consistent and seemingly sensical 3D reality haha!

I admit, it can be very frightening and confusing, and like I already said there can be no telling yourself this and actually believing it's and feeling better while you were in the tumble dryer, all you can do is let time and fold and things settle down again but at least you can can assure yourself with definitely that that there is a process taking place the cogs are turning and the penny will drop sooner or later as per the laws of gravity it's just a matter of time and physics.

Stay strong guys. Dig deep. Believe. And seriously, do away with regret. You are here now. There is only today. There is only now. There will, be tomorrow (which will also be now because now is all that ever exists).

Trust, have confidence. Dont keep assuming you have to do something, proactively, to "fix" things.

Time does that. And consider that things ain't broke. Just a different shape and everything is adjustong and realigning around. Okay admittedly some damages to heal but again only time can take care of this and the process is automatic and unconscious.

And this is precisely why letting go as much as possible is the best policy and practicing these affirmations because all of what I say for certainly proved to be true overtime and this time can vary for different people.

So working on detaching and having more blind faith, alongside as many general lifestyle improvements as possible will always be the best approach in my mind to coping with with LTC.

And most of all remember to be thankful everyday just for being alive and for all of the blessings we continuously take for granted.
Hello fellow LTCers, another long time lurker first time poster here. I’m 5 months in as of the other day. Had a big night on the piss end of February ending up taking an unknown amount of mdma, or what I believed to be and yeah woke up the next day with the worst anxiety and depersonalisation ever.. things seemed to return to normal a week later then a couple weeks after that I just ended up feeling not quite right, agitated anxious. This became more and more frequent and I then began experiencing anhedonia/depression on and off. I seen both a dr and a psychologist gave a couple antidepressants ago but couldn’t tolerate the side effects so set out to recover from this on my own terms! Iv tried a fair few supplements but never noticed a real improvement. Iv got my hands on some BCP 157 but don’t particularly want to use an experimental chemical/peptide just yet! I am however about to try some Lions mane of really good quality, I think the brand is Oriveda, bloody expensive but they reckon this is the closest to pharmaceutical grade you can get so I’m going to give it a go and report back after 2-3 weeks of taking it. Fingers crossed it will help somehow with the agitation and bouts of anhedonia I am still experiencing! I Will definitely keep you guys in the loop if it’s any good. Anyone else here had any luck with Lions mane?
Hello fellow LTCers, another long time lurker first time poster here. I’m 5 months in as of the other day. Had a big night on the piss end of February ending up taking an unknown amount of mdma, or what I believed to be and yeah woke up the next day with the worst anxiety and depersonalisation ever.. things seemed to return to normal a week later then a couple weeks after that I just ended up feeling not quite right, agitated anxious. This became more and more frequent and I then began experiencing anhedonia/depression on and off. I seen both a dr and a psychologist gave a couple antidepressants ago but couldn’t tolerate the side effects so set out to recover from this on my own terms! Iv tried a fair few supplements but never noticed a real improvement. Iv got my hands on some BCP 157 but don’t particularly want to use an experimental chemical/peptide just yet! I am however about to try some Lions mane of really good quality, I think the brand is Oriveda, bloody expensive but they reckon this is the closest to pharmaceutical grade you can get so I’m going to give it a go and report back after 2-3 weeks of taking it. Fingers crossed it will help somehow with the agitation and bouts of anhedonia I am still experiencing! I Will definitely keep you guys in the loop if it’s any good. Anyone else here had any luck with Lions mane?
Lion's mane is incredible. Now, I am not sure if this mushroom helped speed up the recovery proccess (probably though) but it helped with the overall feeling of well-being. My thoughts became clearer, had more motivation to do things, music became enjoyable. I suggest experimenting with other mushrooms too, like cordyceps. I made a post about this 2 days ago but basically taking Lion's mane and cordyceps together removed a great amount of brain fog for me.

Oh, I forgot to add that drinking tea relieves a lot of stress. It also temporary subdues the constant headaches the LTC creates. I got a cold 2 weeks ago and that's where I discovered this when I started drinking tea. Of course I was aware about the calming effects but I didn't really care to bother. Now, that I have fallen in love with this activity, I've added it to my daily routine.
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3 years and one from the last MDMA
zero headache
zero anxiety
lack of depersonalization and derealization
the energy came back
depression left
great memory
a lot of energy
and it's really after 7 months of healthy life, sports, diet, rejection of porn

slight lack of energy sometimes
sometimes light depressive states, however, I think more related to flatline (rejection of porn) than from mdma

I can drink coffee normally
I can drink alcohol normally
3 years and one from the last MDMA
zero headache
zero anxiety
lack of depersonalization and derealization
the energy came back
depression left
great memory
a lot of energy
and it's really after 7 months of healthy life, sports, diet, rejection of porn

slight lack of energy sometimes
sometimes light depressive states, however, I think more related to flatline (rejection of porn) than from mdma

I can drink coffee normally
I can drink alcohol normally

"rejection of porn" Care to elaborate? lmao