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MDMA Recovery (Stories & Support - 2)

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What are the thoughts you have exactly man?

I can relate completely. I've had those thoughts many times throughout my LTC, and I know others have as well as I've talked with other sufferers about it. I don't think it's anything to worry about at all. A part of it might be some OCD like thoughts, at least that's what I had, random bizarre thoughts that just comes out of nowhere. It also seems to be an element of DP with me. Kind of like being differentiated from my own thoughts, thinking "who the hell just thought that".

I think you should calm down completely. Nearly every recovery story says something along the lines of "I thought I was losing my mind/going psychotic/gotten schizo/etc". In my experience "spikes" like this last for a few days, then die down again.

Thanks man, that was just what i needed to hear right now.
The thoughts came when i first met a neurologist at week 2 or so.
He prescribed me some medication for psychosis/schizophrenia.(I told him sometimes I feel unreal and not like my self)
"In my experience "spikes" like this last for a few days, then die down again."
Yeah i had these spikes ocassionally and after a few days i can laugh about them. But when the fears coem back, I just cant swallow them.
A few of these thought i allready mentioned above:
What if i get schizophrenic
What if i might hurt someone
What if it isnt "just" a LTC

I can remember a night with my girlfriend, where i just lied next to her in bed, holding her in my arms.
Then out of the sudden the thougt of hurting her/loosing control and choke her came into my mind. I was so worried about and affraid of these thoughts, even if I would never do things like this. But it brought me to a stage whre i couldnt trust my self anymore...Sounds harsh
I wasnt able to talk to her about that..

Oh man, you all must think im a psycho
Have the same thing. I had a couple of months where I was so afraid I was going to commit suicide even though I didn't want to die. Thats somehow id lose control and kill myself. Fear of psychosis has been in my mind since a couple of years but just exploded in the LTC. Like I would lie awake at night and just feel as if any second now Id start to hear voices. Currently im dealing with a fear of becoming paranoid. I have this irrational fear that I'll start to become paranoid and I'll start to believe everything is a conspiracy to get me. Have had this one for three months now .
Its super annoying but its just how anxiety manifests itself for me
Seems like irrational thoughts go hand in hand with the LTC. Calms me down...Eventually these thoughts go away as soon as the other symptoms disapper, especially DR/DP.(DR/DP hit me last week, maybe that triggered my fears, even if DP/DR got better over time and i got it only on occassions)
Thanks guys, makes things easier

Oh, ok. That makes more sense. Yeah, those lingering minor symptoms can be so annoying though. Just a little reminder of what you've gone through to piss you off. I take ssri's also because I have bouts of depression that have nothing to do with this LTC. It seemed like a miracle drug to me after it started working.
Wow apparently this ltc has actually given me pseudo cushing disease. Thats why I'm getting so fat in a weird way. Does anyone maybe have experience with this?
Wow apparently this ltc has actually given me pseudo cushing disease. Thats why I'm getting so fat in a weird way. Does anyone maybe have experience with this?
You were actually diagnosed with this from tests or is it just a theory? It's caused by very high cortisol, if you actually have this as the result of extreme LTC stress then that's very interesting.
Well its what my doctor thinks and its likely to be true because I ahve gotten extremely fat while barely eating anything and being naturally skinny. This only started after my ltc so there's likely to be a connection. I'm not gonne have it investigated because I can all ready tell you that my cortisol levels are high enough, and its really difficult to differentiate between pseudo cushings and real cushings so that involves a million more tests which would only stress me out more. And I feel relatively sure its not that. But it is interesting that my cortisol is actually that high.
Guys, I would argue that it's perfectly normal to be afraid of your LTC symptoms because we don't know the exact cause(s). And what we don't know, we tend to be afraid of in general.

That said, I was exactly the same way when I was sick - wondering if I may have 'this' disease or 'that' disease or both.

I know this may not help much, but your brain can and will adapt, and this process can be sped up by way of a lifestyle change.

You will probably have to let go of certain parts of your life (at least temporarily until you recover) which you may have loved, such as raving on MDMA every few weekends.

I highly recommend you take some time to write down in a journal exactly what symptoms are present. Afterwards, you can check off each of them as they disperse.

How do you get your symptoms to go away? Well, you may require the temporary use of medications, or you may not. It depends on your body, as everyone is 'wired' differently.

I wish I could be more specific, but we're talking about an illness which manifests itself into multiple chronic symptoms, and they are not all experienced by everyone, or so I've noticed.

Those of you who are dealing with brain fog - I've gotten word that this is also a very common symptom of concussion syndrome (concussions apparently tend to kill a lot of brain cells).

Anyways, if the brain fog is especially severe and has not let up after some time, then it is likely that you may need to seek the help of a psychiatrist who can Rx you some medication, which - along with a healthy lifestyle - can help you recover completely.

If you were like me, and you ate well over 1,000 pills/capsules over the course of a few years, then again, it may be necessary to seek support from a shrink, but there is no shame in this.

Our society continues to stigmatize mental problems. You should have to deal with this, just like victims of racism shouldn't have to deal with racists. That would be an ideal world, but our world unfortunately is anything but ideal.

Please do not be afraid to seek help from a doctor if you feel you require it.

I truly wish I could give you all a magic pill to instantly help you recover, but I haven't found such a pill yet. You should have to suffer from this - especially not at your age.

I was in my early 20s when I got sick with a LTC. It tore my life apart. I was a complete mess. I contemplated suicide countless times, but this stopped after I recovered. And although I lost nearly 2 years of what should be the best years of my life, the fact that I made it back to "normal" (whatever my "normal" is) more than made up for it.

You can also get back to your "normal" - don't let any intrusive thoughts tell you differently. Take it one day at a time, avoid stress as much as possible, eat a healthy diet, try to get as much aerobic exercise as possible (it stimulates neurogenesis - the creation of new brain cells + floods your opiate receptors with natural painkillers which will make you feel really good), take some time off of work or school if you can, avoid all recreational drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), avoid people and/or places which will tempt you to use drugs, gravitate towards people which will be a good influence on your life and will support you unconditionally and without bias.

Above all, you must be patient with your progress. Just like stroke victims who are undergoing therapy to recover the use of their speech, it will take time for you to make progress.

Ironically, I'm probably one of the most impatient individuals, therefore, it was difficult for me to adjust, but what other options did I have (other than suicide, which I said no way to)?

Hopefully I didn't waste your time by having you read this, hopefully it will give you some renewed hope and optimism that you will eventually be back to your old self, with many years of being a healthy, young adult to spare.

Forgive me for the "rallying cry"-esqe speech, but I felt I had to make it due to the various posts about various concerns.

I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

P.S. - To those who PM'd me (as well as the friend request), I sincerely apologize as I was away for the weekend, but have now replied.


Coderbrah - Regarding ebola, what worries me about it is the fact that many people are choosing to go out on Halloween dressed as an ebola healthcare worker. Personally, I think that's inappropriate considering what's been happening lately in Texas. Perhaps I'm overreacting though.
Thanks for your post Greenback, really good to hear you got your life back :) I think if it weren't for having such bad fatigue I would be able to just carry on with my life as normal despite all the other symptoms, I do the best I can now but that's the symptom that's really holding me back (can only hold down part time work atm so living with parents, not what a recent graduate wants to be doing)

Thanks, India111.

I can relate to the fatigue, it took a good few months for my sleep pattern to stabilise, and even now I occasionally wake up suddenly after a 3-4 hours. I found exercise (particularly cardio) actually gave me energy in the day as well as leading to more restful sleep and temporary alleviation of symptoms. Cycling a few miles every day to work has also been an important factor in my recovery, especially early on.

Hang in there - it sounds like you're doing better than I was after a few months.
Nah I got anxiety about Ebola because it was on the news that someone in my area had caught it but it turned out to be Malaria.
Hey guys,
Im fighting with thoughts since 2 days again about getting crazy or getting a personallity disorder.
The thoughts are so tormenting. I know Im not crazy but the thoughts are working hard on me. Why should i turn crazy after 4 month in this whole rollercoaster.
There is no family history schizophrenia or stuff like that.
But these thoughts just want leave me alone...Questions like what if Im going schizophrenic or what if i might hurt someone or stuff like that(dont missunderstand me, Im really not forced to hurt someone)
Can anybody relate to this?

That is hypochondria. You are hyper-aware of the mental imbalance and are trying to justify it. During my LTC, I was worried I had developed all sorts of terrible diseases (cancer, schitzophrenia, MS, a stroke, dementia, I was worried about a few concussions I had when I was younger from football, etc.) It was all my anxiety. In my desperate search for answers of why I felt so fucked up, I started digging and freaked myself out even more.

How old are you btw? If you are male and over the age of 25, it is VERY unlikely that you will develop schizophrenia.
Okayyyyy, little update for all of you still playing at home! Over the last 8ish weeks I've really let go of the mental poo I was feeling and it's been the best step yet. My advice to everyone still feeling dp/dr, suffering from vs or bad anxiety is to try not to dwell on it. Accept that this is how you feel at the moment and things will get better. I know it's easier said than done but it's the only way you will be able to enjoy life again.
Hey all, relatively new to BL. I rolled sublingually about 4 weeks ago. My body went into immediate dehydration as a result (beers i drank prior probably didnt help). I drank some water and was fine for the rest of the night. Later, when i tried to get some sleep, i suffered from massive brain zaps. Since then, i have suffered from insomnia, lack of appetite, tinnitus, floaters, light sensitivity, burning head sensations. Theres been some progress on a weekly basis, albeit slowly. I suppose i deserve whatever im going through. I had prior warnings which i chose to ignore (couldnt sleep for 3 weeks after trying 3 weed brownies in February). Just thought i should post my story on here and see if any form of improvement will occur.
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Hey all, relatively new to BL. I rolled sublingually about 4 weeks ago. My body went into immediate dehydration as a result (beers i drank prior probably didnt help). I drank some water and was fine for the rest of the night. Since then, i have suffered from insomnia, lack of appetite, tinnitus, floaters, light sensitivity, burning head sensations. Theres been some progress on a weekly basis, albeit slowly. I suppose i deserve whatever im going through. I had prior warnings which i chose to ignore (couldnt sleep for 3 weeks after trying 3 weed brownies in February). Just thought i should post my story on here and see if any form of improvement will occur.

Well my light sensitivity, insomnia and tinnitus are totally gone now and I crave food like a mother so yes definitely. No anxiety/depression/dissasociation? You'll be fine in no time.
Nah I got anxiety about Ebola because it was on the news that someone in my area had caught it but it turned out to be Malaria.

Oh shit - I think that after what has been happening in Dallas, that most Americans would be worried if there was possibly a new case in (or near) their city/town/county of residence. And malaria - which a good friend of mine unfortunately contracted while on vacation in the Dominican Republic - sounds like marijuana and molly mixed together (I don't know where that came from, but I'll stop).

Hope you're doin' alright - have a good one %)
why are you guys 'recovering' from MDMA? were you once heavy users/addicted or had a big dose one time? i havent read through the whole thread, sorry if this is a dumb question.
Well my light sensitivity, insomnia and tinnitus are totally gone now and I crave food like a mother so yes definitely. No anxiety/depression/dissasociation? You'll be fine in no time.

Well, if nothing else, all these symptoms Im experiencing may be due to some underlying anxiety disorder.
all these symptoms Im experiencing may be due to some underlying anxiety disorder.

Good point here.
I think the "MDMA" triggered a inbalance in brainchemistry, which causes this anxiety disorder. And the symptoms we have are a result of both. Anxiety makes you (over)aware of symptoms and hinders your brain from the rest it needs to heal.
For recovery the brain needs time to reset and the anxiety disorder is ment to be controlled.
That is the recipe for recovery
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