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Mass Psychedelic User Delusion/Denial

i think if you do it on occasion you'll be fine. Even frequent use wont make you "crazy" although it very well make you kind of eccentric or even kind of stupid acting in how others may see you. Eventually you could get to a point where you pretty much become obsessed with tripping and get HPPD and are essentially seeing shit (stuff moving, etc.) the majority of the time. Obviously, this isn't good so if you see yourself headed that way just take a break for a while. Also, the effects are not necessarily permanent. As the experiences become distant memories it affects you less and less. I wouldn't consider acid or even shrooms hard or soft drugs i think they deserve to be put in their own category. They are "safe" enough to be considered soft drugs overall. However, due to the potential for someone to act as irrationally as a few people do while under the influence (even with relatively low doses on occasion) they really cannot be considered soft drugs in my opinion.
I know plenty of people who tripped way too much and they did have problems from it like just becoming kind of "out to lunch" to put it simply or having HPPD but even these people don't seem to have had their lives ruined because of it or anything, although im not doubting that there probably have been people who really seriously messed their brains up from psychadelics especially if they had a mental disorder of some kind. I'm sure with any drug there would be people who abused it to a point of messing up their minds or bodies in some way though. Look at alcohol, its a very widely accepted substance throughout the world but there are a lot of problems that come of it. People become alcoholics and slowly kill themselves, do unbelievably idiotic things when their drunk, crash their cars, and the list goes on and on of all the bad stuff that can come of it yet no one is trying to get alcohol banned
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I am not here to argue the legality of psychedelics or say they are ONLY risky or compare them to alcohol. Yes, alcohol sucks, it has side effects. So do other drugs. That is commonly accepted and understood. What I am speaking of, is that, while psychedelics are miraculous and have their wonderful and healing effects, THEY TO have side effects, and dark sides that we DO NOT want to experience, and I feel that many users of psychedelics are in denial of this until it is too late.

Like me, for example. I was ALL for psychedelics when I was younger, thought they were Gifts-from-God (they are), that they could never harm me. I tripped many, many times for many, many years.. it was never an issue. I over-did it but not more than I've seen thousands of others do. I even meet people and watch them following the same path in my footsteps and watch them slowly go insane - because you don't realize it - that over time... when you don't allow time to integrate....

I mean, I am fine now, and I am piecing it back together and I do not think it is permanent and it will get better with time but dwamn if that wasn't one of the hardest things I have ever been through in my life! and I'll never really be 100% probably - not that that's necessarily a bad thing, but I will always have some psychedelic residue..

Just to reiterate my main point: I feel that even ON bluelight, much more-so in the wider psychedelic community as a whole, that many psychedelic users - including my past self - live in this fairy tale trip land in which these drugs are entirely benevolent and can do only good things and yay pretty lights and faeries and good things - which is beautiful but I think we must keep an analytic mind so as to not fall under the spell of thinking these things only have a light side, and understand that while yes they induce mystical experiences and can be very beneficial, when it comes down to it, these are chemicals that have positive and negative effects, and I think the side-effects are poorly understood or completely ignored by most users until it is too late - and these side effects can be long lasting if not permanent.

And while I have heard a few people wish this thread away, I for one think it - or something similar to it - should be stickied as it seems to be a mass delusion so to speak of people thinking these drugs are harmless and way too many people suffering long-term side-effects.
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And to reinforce this just met another permenant spunion yesterday with a similar problem...
hydergine makes the "delusional/visionary" benefits of psychedelics better IME

it also raises your IQ

which IMHO would suggest that something profound is actually taking place when you trip and have these crazy(delusional/visionary) thoughts.

Is that a nootropic?
It all depends on how seriously you take the experience. Personally I just do it for a laugh. If I have a bad experience, I'm able to take it on the chin and accept that things like that can happen when you alter your brain chemistry so drastically. Psychedelics are great for introspection but they do make you more suggestible and prone to delusional thoughts so you need to be careful what you take on board.

I once had a trainwreck trip on LSD. I ended up having a full blown panic attack all because my flat was a mess. I was freaking out and I was worried I'd driven myself insane. At the time I promised myself I would never take drugs again if I ever came back from that trip.
Anyway, I woke up the next morning feeling great. I thoroughly cleaned up my flat and since then I've always been careful to keep it clean.
Apart from the cleanliness issue, I didn't take the trip seriously at all, and 2 days later I snorted a fat line of DPT.
I think 4 years in high school fucked me up WAY more than any LSD ever could. Don't know what the OP is on about honestly. Everything you do changes your life forever, that's what happens in a space time continuum. Take one step forward and you'll never be able to take that step again, but you'll remember it forever. Doesn't matter what experience you're talking about. Some people's lives are ruined by a simple case of public humiliation, you just never know what the day might bring and after having a days worth of experience you're not going to be same the following day. That's just the nature of psychology.
You lucky bastards can wonder about whether psychedelics caused you to be weirdos. I was an outcast in elementary school, I don't have such simple excuses available. ;_;

we're all intricately interconnected and form one cosmic consciousness.

If you look around even a little you'll find plenty of people who have never taken drugs who believe something like this.

It should of course be understood that people who make it to a forum like Bluelight are not necessarily representative of typical psychedelic users. Most people don't bother to register or post here unless they're experiencing some sort of problem. Analyzing the behavior of people in this forum and generalizing to psychedelic users as a whole is sort of like analyzing the behavior of people in SLR and generalizing to sexually active people as a whole...
i agree that psychedelics are "hard" drugs and extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.
You lucky bastards can wonder about whether psychedelics caused you to be weirdos. I was an outcast in elementary school, I don't have such simple excuses available. ;_;

It should of course be understood that people who make it to a forum like Bluelight are not necessarily representative of typical psychedelic users. Most people don't bother to register or post here unless they're experiencing some sort of problem. Analyzing the behavior of people in this forum and generalizing to psychedelic users as a whole is sort of like analyzing the behavior of people in SLR and generalizing to sexually active people as a whole...

I realized I was unique early on and decided to do a social experiment at the age of 13 or 14 where I would only talk with pupils who felt compelled to talk to me.

I would then simply go about the year without pursuing or acknowledging those that never engaged me and it was nice to be able to kinda see through the drama and social bullshit and transcend it and be able to find out who the 'real' people were that were more alive and interesting, those who understood themselves to a high level, those that wanted to pursue freedom or whatever they wanted, those who could think, or just the people who were genuinely good intention-ed people.

I was not using any drug of any sort but was very aware of social groups and popularity contests and all that bullshit probably at age 9 or maybe younger.

I agree this forum won't keep many so called 'traditional users' as they just kinda go with the flow (in both positive ways or negative ways).

This site is interesting in that something keeps drawing us all back to discuss the wonders we have experienced or about the challenges we have faced and will always face. This site isn't here to try and generalize everything, it is here to inform through discussions and perhaps guide others and the fact that there is such a diverse community here is very much inspiring for me.

I also believe we are all interconnected and are one form of cosmic consciousness where energy cycles around and provides everything a means to (exist/live/die) REACT.

I think all need to decide if they want to be the limiting reagent in the reactions they are called to participate in during this time while they are still able to do so.

I think it very funny this thread turned into(IMO):
1/4-way into a dick-sizing thread (intentional and unintentional)
1/4-way into pointless arguing
1/4-way into mental illness + religious type arguing

Everyone is unique and should be respected for that, paraphrasing erowid: 'depending on the subject, A SUBSTANCE MAY BE EXPERIENCED DIFFERENTLY' (end)
i agree that psychedelics are "hard" drugs and extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.
(not arguing with you, simply playing devils advocate)

So do you agree that books and works of music and other media are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands? Could you define/elaborate on these 'right hands'?
BlowJay the craziest of them all finely crawls from the woodwork.....;)<3
i agree that psychedelics are "hard" drugs and extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.
The distinction between soft and hard drugs is misleading. All drugs are dangerous to some extent. Some more so than others, but the label "soft drugs" sends the wrong message. All drugs (even weed) are like chainsaws. Dangerous in the wrong hands. But also potentially beneficial if approached responsibly.

The classic psychs (LSD, shrooms etc) are clearly at the less dangerous end of the spectrum, but that doesn't mean that they are as safe as water or oxygen. The risks involved are less of the physical nature and more of the mental nature, and because of that less obvious. Any impressive experience in our lives shapes us as a person, and psychs are definitely impressive. Anyone saying that there is no risk whatsoever is naive or biased.
There are two main groups of drugs ,Illegal, and the legal.The legal drugs kill hundreds of thousands of people a year.Even the safest of them,Aspirin, kills more than all the illegal drugs combined.Psychedelics are amongst the safest of the illegal variety, with no physical dependence, and many elucidating mystical experiences to it's credit.By the logic of many posters on this thread, aspirin would be a hard drug.It kills many more people than Heroin, and it is abused by millions of folks daily.The corporate drugs are the dangerous ones, and are fully backed up by our so called science.Psychedelics are slammed by mainstream science as being dangerous.It is one of the reasons I DON"T believe in science.They have sold out to pharmaceutical corporate interests, decades ago, and are of no further use to any thinking human beings. On the other hand I believe there is abuse potential in any activity we partake in.Even praying a lot leads to delusions and madness. I think there is great potential, for the personal therapeutic use, of the psychedelic group of drugs and many people have used them without abusing them.
The distinction between soft and hard drugs is misleading. All drugs are dangerous to some extent. Some more so than others, but the label "soft drugs" sends the wrong message. All drugs (even weed) are like chainsaws. Dangerous in the wrong hands. But also potentially beneficial if approached responsibly.

The classic psychs (LSD, shrooms etc) are clearly at the less dangerous end of the spectrum, but that doesn't mean that they are as safe as water or oxygen. The risks involved are less of the physical nature and more of the mental nature, and because of that less obvious. Any impressive experience in our lives shapes us as a person, and psychs are definitely impressive. Anyone saying that there is no risk whatsoever is naive or biased.

Actually water isn't safe at all. Consuming too much water can easily lead to death...
The classic psychs (LSD, shrooms etc) are clearly at the less dangerous end of the spectrum, but that doesn't mean that they are as safe as water or oxygen. The risks involved are less of the physical nature and more of the mental nature, and because of that less obvious. Any impressive experience in our lives shapes us as a person, and psychs are definitely impressive. Anyone saying that there is no risk whatsoever is naive or biased.

i disagree. it's much less dangerous to pop a percocet or two than to drop acid. i react fine to these drugs, as do most, but they can ruin someone's life with a nightmare experience. and to put physical above mental health is a flawed view, they are interconnected.

BTW i'm all for psychedelic drugs and think they should be legal etc. i just think some people act like they're a gift from God when they're just a drug or tool.
they are a gift from god or something.
percs are great but you pay for their gifts, and if you make a mistake and take too much you pay with your life or if you use too frequently you pay with your freedom (addiction).
with the classics, particularly lsd - you may get asswhupped, but you never lose your life or your freedom.
^i'd consider the back wards of a state hospital the equivalent of "losing your life."