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Masculinity and Psychonautics?

If your a psychonaut/user of psychedelics, are you.....

  • Male?

    Votes: 215 92.3%
  • Female?

    Votes: 18 7.7%

  • Total voters
My observation has always been that the people who dabble in psychedelics tend to be somewhere on the gender spectrum other than the very ends, no matter what anatomical sex they are. The men have a well-developed feminine side and the women have a well-developed masculine side. I can't say whether this is because of the boundary-breaking effects of psychedelic drugs on people's minds, or if people with a history of boundary transgression are more likely to be interested in trying psychedelics in the first place. Probably both.
Quote that.

I think that men are naturally driven to think and act more individually. To drop out from the tribe and find a new one. I remember reading about gene research in the area of humans migrating from area to another. The genepool is mostly spread by men because the role of men has always been to move from one place to the next trying to spread their genes to somebody else than their sister. You can see the same kind of behaviour in other herd animals. The females stay and males go when they are old enough. Has also a lot to do with the alfa-male vs. youngster conflict. And of course when you'r going to abandon your tribe/culture you start being a lot more individual and questioning the cant's and have to's in your culture.

Some of the huge difference between the number of males and females in highbrow psychedelic community* could also be explained by this. *Just eating acid - or tryptamine or phenetylamine analogues, for that mater - then and then and being 'interested' is far from the kind of involvement and highbrow community membership I mean.

It could also explain a lot about the 'girls believe in propaganda' etc. But also, a lot has of course to do with your upbringing as b9 said. Maybe this is also why people who have had a hard childhood tend to be moved towards psychedelics and drugs in general.
For example, we have just orginized a small but growing psychedelic/spiritual community/forum/media here in Finland and of about the 10-20 who are now active in it and really into psychedelics and introspection etc., I think everybody has had issues in their father relationship. Last time we saw as a big group we did a voting and all who then sat around the table rised their hand when asked "who has had a really bad relationship with their dad". One guy didn't rise his hand, but his mother had died when he was ten or something like that. (As a side note, I think we had two girls around the table, but both were just as escorts there.) When everything is not perfect you start to find ways to make it at least better. And to make things better you need first to precieve things with clarity and question authority that says or acts like 'this is good or this is perfect'. And if you have had bad relationship with your parents since day one, of course you'r going to lack a general security and trust on authoirty that later brings you naturally to find alternative ways to express yourself and research the world as it is, rather than just sticking with the ones provided as socially acceptable.
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Interesting... My interest in psychedelics came in right after a period of intense struggle with my dad. Just throwin' it out there.
Hey there ieke kurpilim, good to see you post %) Nice to have someone from Finland (or anywhere not English speaking based actually) posting.

I often wonder about different perceptions of life (& psychedelics) and how culture may effect these perceptions so I shall look forward to your contributions (as I do everyones of course ;) ) eagerly.
^The way I see it, the mentality of the majority of Finnish people is not ideal for psychedelics, as the Finnish -especially male - tend to be very introvert personalities and have issues with expressing their feelings. Psychedelics dig all this stuff from inside you and throw it in your face where you will have to deal with it. This is why we don't have so many psychedelic users in Finland, most of those who ever even try other drugs than alcohol explore on psychedelics a few times but gradually end up doing less sophisticated instant-reward-type drugs.
As for the male-female -debate, IME the psychedelic mindstate seems to strive for mental androgynity. I don't view psychedelics as being either male or female, I view them as being above such definitions as gender. Both males and females IMO need to break through the labels and classifications imposed by the society to fully appreciate the psychedelic experience and what it can teach us.
^The way I see it, the mentality of the majority of Finnish people is not ideal for psychedelics, as the Finnish -especially male - tend to be very introvert personalities and have issues with expressing their feelings. Psychedelics dig all this stuff from inside you and throw it in your face where you will have to deal with it. This is why we don't have so many psychedelic users in Finland, most of those who ever even try other drugs than alcohol explore on psychedelics a few times but gradually end up doing less sophisticated instant-reward-type drugs.

Perhaps all the more reason to use psychedelics ?
Perhaps all the more reason to use psychedelics ?

Yes indeed.
Also, what I said was only a generalization, and the internet and everyone having easy access for information is slowly changing all this. I have good faith in the next generation...

Is it just my perception, or is the whole world gradually becoming a cooler and more heady place? At least it seems like the crew of spaceship Earth is moving in the right direction.
Well then! I was kind of confused for half a second when I voted and found that I was female number eight, among 126 males. Then I realized it wasn't that shocking, haha.

I will say that I have hardly ever frequented forums (as a poster) in all my long years of computer use, the few forums I have become a member of I only lurk and read, maybe post once a year haha. I'm just naturally an observer. [But, I think I've at last found a forum where I may actually socialize a bit :] I think, generally, that it's more of a nerdy thing, going to forums. If a girl is using a computer, she's probably just going to get on myspace. I've never really seen a female get much into anything past basic about a computer. Just ime. But hey, I'm nearly 20 and I still play Neopets. I really don't think most females would even know what a forum is. And actually, a girl I work with today asked what a psychedelic is when she heard me talking to my male co-worker (which oddly, is one of the two people I have ever met that has smoked dmt), and she didn't even know what mescaline was, or that mushrooms are a psychedelic :O
Not that I've ever fit into the whole female thing past having a vagina, so I'm not going to be critical about it, I just choose saying hi and being politely distant over being rude to them for all their (to me) ignorances, I just try to keep it in my head. I've had three pretty decent female friends in my life, but none of them did/do any drugs whatsoever. I only have one female friend left, but she is patient with me when I go off on all my philosophical/trip rants and I love her for it, even though she tells me it goes right over her head, haha. On the other hand, 99% of my friends have always been male, and I have hardly ever spent any time trying to talk to other females. I really just don't get on well with them, I can't make sense of anything they like/talk about- it's all too materialistic and pointless to me. But then, I've always been a huge nerd as well. Knowledge is the most important thing to me. Then video games :D I mean, I am a fan of looking presentable, but I never go any further than that. The only things I desire to own are books and games, art supplies, and all my precious pet fishies :D

My reason for being here is that I don't know anyone in real life that shares my particular degree of interest in the psychedelic experience, so I suppose that is why I decided to sign up, instead of lurk forever :]

And I think I may have to agree with you MyDoorsAreOpen. There's nothing feminine about me aside from my appearance, and all the males I have known that consider themselves psychonauts as well, seem to be much the same, though I wouldn't really say "feminine".
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^ Not feminine, exactly. I, for example, have a taste for culture, art and aesthetics, sensuality, romanticism, and caring/nurturing roles, that most straight guys I've met can't relate to. I'm also naturally a communicator, and if I don't take care to curb this, can be more articulate (especially about how I feel) than a lot of fellow straight guys are comfortable with. But people tell me I don't come off as effeminate or effete, just as something of a character. I'm also into a lot of guy things, like, oh, let's see... using forums :) And psychedelics. :)

I have a number of guy friends who are or used to be into psychedelics. As I think of them, and other dudes I've encountered in this scene, I realize I could use words like 'metro', 'nerdy', 'cerebral', and 'peacenik' for a lot of them. Some are gay, too. All are to some extent or another bohemian, and any kind of bohemian lifestyle is going to attract a lot of us guys who aren't quite 'guys' guys'.
Hallo & welcome shifting starlight, there's plenty to talk about in here if you're interested in psychs
^ Not feminine, exactly. I, for example, have a taste for culture, art and aesthetics, sensuality, romanticism, and caring/nurturing roles, that most straight guys I've met can't relate to. I'm also naturally a communicator, and if I don't take care to curb this, can be more articulate (especially about how I feel) than a lot of fellow straight guys are comfortable with. But people tell me I don't come off as effeminate or effete, just as something of a character. I'm also into a lot of guy things, like, oh, let's see... using forums :) And psychedelics. :)

I have a number of guy friends who are or used to be into psychedelics. As I think of them, and other dudes I've encountered in this scene, I realize I could use words like 'metro', 'nerdy', 'cerebral', and 'peacenik' for a lot of them. Some are gay, too. All are to some extent or another bohemian, and any kind of bohemian lifestyle is going to attract a lot of us guys who aren't quite 'guys' guys'.

You couldn't apply these terms to the people I know who eat psychs, possibly it's simply the circles we move in are different, personally I'd guess that the culture is somewhat different in Britain.
^I've actually found most psychedelic circles to be unusually diverse groups. Come to think of it, that's one of the coolest parts about psychedelics, their ability to bring people together who otherwise might not have bonded. I have friends who you could definitely apply those descriptors to (nerdy, cerebral, etc.) and also friends who enjoy more "manly"-type activities like football, rugby, etc. -- but there's always that deep common bond of the psychedelic experience, which is uncannily good at bringing people together. And as for myself, I'm a bit of a chameleon; meaning that I'm comfortable with just about any "type" of person, provided that they are kind, and open to friendship. Masculine and feminine are just the two extreme ends of the spectrum, everyone regardless of gender contains a mixture of the two traits; often quite paradoxically. That's the thing about humans: we're large and contain multitudes, so there's bound to be contradictory things within us.
I'm a girl. In fact my welcome thread was called Hello to the psychonauts!
Once we had a girls night with me and 2 other girls, and one of my friends boyfriends came (he was the intense intellectual of the guys) and all his friends made fun of him for coming with us. They were having a boys night and getting drunk.

we did acid and mushrooms - I lost my shrooms though. Its okay because I got to try it another occasion. The time they did it, we were all on one hit only and they munched a gram.
I did 2 hits and 2.5 grams... it was quite an experience, so intense, some scary moments, some really good ones, funny ones,
and the visuals were AMAZING.
We were going to a rave that night and my friend wanted me to try it so he gave me the 2.5 and 2 hits for 25. I didnt know when Id have another opportunity to do it so I did it.
Although, the whole time I just wanted to go sit in a park and meditate.

one time, my friend dropped 25 hits of acid (this time it was me, her, and the same guy)
And we meditated reiki style.

In fact, you have no idea how intense that was considering shes like a living crystal. its ironic, she has a tattoo that says Ice in chinese
pisces. blue eyes. And of course, its the age of the pisces - and she ate a quarter sheet - and the star Sirius was even out.

I assume you saw zeitgeist? I saw it on acid.
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^Just wanted to say Welcome to BL, Chelli. I think you'll like it here in PD, we have a great community of dedicated psychonauts; we're on the absolute cutting edge of speculation on the subject. :D
"cutting edge of speculation" I like that turn of phrase :D