Make Things Better - SELF HELP.

probably pretty drunk and was 'huh' to he no and everything else i saw outsude the cow poo
^^^^jusy checked them. said no new messages since your last visit.

much love pomp
My volunteer work is my self help, it makes life worth living every single day!!

I'm involved in wildlife rescue as well as domestic animal rescue.
Right now I am bottle feeding 2 infant orphaned squirrels. They are soooo cute ;)

It's a wonderful feeling when we release any animals back into the wild or find an unwanted cat/dog a good home. To know that I had a part in saving any animal is a great feeling! =D
^^ I'm a licensed wildlife rehabilitator.

I take in mostly orphaned/injured babies (squirrels, racoons, snakes, birds, possums) etc...

I bottle feed the babies until they reach the juvenile stage. I nurse them back to health. They are then transported to another rehabbers house who has a release site. When they are ready we release them back into the wild :)

I also volunteer for an organization called PAWS. We take in dogs, cats, puppies, kittens & give them medical care/spay & neuter them.... and find them good homes.

It's fun.....keeps me sane!!!
aw see? i feel for myself that there is nothing to make you feel special and worthwhile than the trust of an animal. Then you know what kind ofperson you are.

I want to be an animal behaviourist - maybe we can work together purry!
Pomplemous said:
aw see? i feel for myself that there is nothing to make you feel special and worthwhile than the trust of an animal. Then you know what kind ofperson you are.

I want to be an animal behaviourist - maybe we can work together purry!

Purrrfect idea sweets =D That would be awesome ;)

hey, i feel a blog coming on...

i have no regular internet access at the mo as my estranged dad doesn't pay bills much... :) back home to sunny london for me, it's well weird walking in town, lots of people its great...

i'm at my friends' house who is poking me... 8o

i went to this party yesterday, it was cool, if theres another one like it i'll invite you!! :)

lots of 'ex' druggies, student types, was exactly what i needed, cept one guy was doing k... i just drank (too much) and smoked (too much), AND i ended up in bed with 5 gorgeous girls, i feel quite proud... so fuck it i'll brag... it wasn't sex at all or anything, cept i snogged 1... hehe, i'm singing in the rain... :)

anyway, i left my (council estate - dodgy state of disrepair, poor old dad) house with a good frame of mind, had a few glasses of vino before and NO CANABIS!!!! it makes a fuckin big difference for social occassions... not a single toke all day - phew!

so anyway, i turned up to this pub, obviously slightly anxious, don't wanna trip over in the first five minutes! sat next to nick, main friend there, and got a beer and just put in the effort to talk... it's weird, and i'm being really honest here, but from the perspective of being on this battle against anxiety/depression it was so obvious how the other people (and i mainly mean guys) were totally subject to the same awkwardness thing that I'm so familiar with... i guess i never noticed or something before, but once i'd realised that, fuck it, i'm relaxed, with the help of the booze, i had conversations with people and it worked i was verbal (once again?)... i admit i took an extra prozac before leaving (forgot to mention that :) ) and , well it worked out well, i think it's a bloody great drug to be honest!

most importantly for me i chatted up loads of women and they actually liked me... great!! i guess it really was about paying close attention to what people said to me and therefore being able to think of ways to respond... sounds so bloody obvious i know, its the art of conversation and i swear its all new to me!

well i just mean to say that i, after a while, fell into the night with the booze of course, u know when you forget yourself? i went back to this ridiculously huge house in north london... grand piano, swirly stair cases, took the piss, i puked all over the place and passed out for a bit... woke up and went to this jewish princesses' similarly massive mansion, hurts for me cos i am born and bread council estate, but with bourgoie (?) parents that didn't quite make it in the typical sense.. :)

i've also been staying with my freudian psycho-therapist grandparents, and well i guess its weird having a psychological problem, depression, and having dinner with trained professionals in the field, bit intense at times maybe...

i've started playing guitar, singing which is really good... gonna be heading back to coventry soon, sort that stuff out...

well when it comes to women i always remembered to compliment, be a bit cheeky, slightly aloof, works wonders and having a conversation that rolls...

friend is once again poking me.. so i'll stop rambling on and on... and you might be thinking, you bastard u got it sweet... and u'd be right, i do have it sweet...

self-help works for me... maybe it could work for you... u can find my book in all the major bookshops :)

oh yeah... theres a party called The Big Hug on Saturday 9th of this month 10pm-7am at the Dance Industry Studios, 210 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, London, Uk, Planet earth...come along if u can... i'll be there should be good, tho no e for me!

adios (Pompelmous ;) )

hope life treats u all well...
Animals, animals are the key. If I feel like shit I often spend a bit of time just patting my dog, or if he's not around I'll venture out and find a cat or something to bond with. Even magpies (I'm Australian) which most people hate are great for relieving those blues. The simplicity of animals needs and wants can really help to simplify your own life, animals will never trick you or make you paranoid (well, pyschedelics and animals can induce a feeling of EVIL) and animals are truly innocent and pure . . . plus humans are animals too, so if you make a connection with a dog/cat/baboon, well, it can't be that hard to form one with a human. I love my dog Spike, he's a little madman and we get along great....
yep. animls know how to make you happy and they know how o gt you to improve yourself, and their trust means more to me than any human.

licence - hey! giggle. ;)
as miniscule as this may sound.. it always makes me feel better: that i am completely responsible for my actions and i have my life in MY hands.. wherever i am, whatever i do is completely up to me. and i have aboslute power to change what needs to be changed.
How to be happy ? Can it come in many parts? Many forms ?

At this moment in time, my family make me happy ... it's actually all we have .. (i dont mean this dramatically or want to infer that we couldnt get any "lower" ..)

Mike (my husband and father of our two children aged 13 and 17) and I ... were convicted with possession on March 14th this year ... British JUSTICE decided we were to be fined ..

British MEDIA decided this wasnt enough .. so decided to print our names .. the street where we lived ... Hey, they might aswell have put our pictures on there ... as we live in a rural area and it wouldnt take a tortoise to put two and two together and point to our house !

Anyways ... nothing can take our family ... we've closed ranks, and we'll get through!
good! as long as people know they can make things better for themlseves even in amopngst everything else in their lives going shit. Some shit is unavoidable, but there are ways to not crumble under the weight of it.

Saffy, that's awful! the media are dogs, there's no two ways about it. Doesnt matter what as long as its a story.
pomp - i'll start pruning this thread when I have the time to. (i'm AP cramming now, but I should have some spare time. :))