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Heroin MA heroin V3 I'm wicked jammed kid

i wonder what its like for someone from say mexico talking to a someone born and raised in boston but speaks Spanish. i wonder if the accent still comes through?

my best friend growing up, his mom and dad were born in Ireland with still somewhat thick accents. well his family owns a custom home business and because of his workers, over the years, he has learned Spanish. now that's great except his dad, with his thick irish accent that you cant understand half the time hes speaking English, will also flip into Spanish and you can hear the irish accent when hes speaking Spanish, even if you don't speak Spanish you can still somewhat here it.. its hilarious
There is def a difference in slang between different areas of Spanish speaking countries. I think it would depend on where the family from Boston was originally from. Most of them are from Puerto Rico or Dominican republic, so they different accents and slang than someone mexico.
basically the dope capitals around these parts.

get your spanish game up, tho. or else it will be hard to speak to them.
Maybe in Lynn, Lowell, and Lawrence but in western mass its definitely Holyoke. Everyone, their brother, and cousin sell dope here. I have like 20 connects and have been here for one year. I could walk into McDonald's and get a new connect. Plus they have "spots" anyone can go and get dope, powder, and rock from. No deals though.
YEA, talking all North Shore.. I know nothing about Western Mass since I live in East Boston and always working in the North Shore; also been to jail, detox and everything else around these parts so I met a lot of people from all those areas I mentioned.

I once did 9 months in a Spectrum in Westborogh and met a lot of you people from that area; they all told me Holyoke was whacky like that.
There's some super fire einstiens goin around right now, I couldn't believe it lol. 2 bags nasally and I'm chillin head first on my coffee table lol nasty crick in my neck from nodding to long I think too. I think this shits cut with some shit I'm not used to cause it's much easier to get that tired noddy feeling. Just checkin in hope everyone is chillin with buzz ;)
There's some super fire einstiens goin around right now, I couldn't believe it lol. 2 bags nasally and I'm chillin head first on my coffee table lol nasty crick in my neck from nodding to long I think too. I think this shits cut with some shit I'm not used to cause it's much easier to get that tired noddy feeling. Just checkin in hope everyone is chillin with buzz ;)
They have been going around bro lol. They are really good, the green empires I've been getting are FIRE too. If you come across "selfie" its the exact same as einsteins, just so you know. Hollywood's are just ok. Menores fell off big time. Drop dead is decent. Good luck yall
you guys talking white? my buddy grabbed something few weeks ago and was killer fent; I loved that shit.

I havent seen brown dope in like 6+ months; I love this fent, tho.
Yo razkal, try it if you want. Some people like it, some don't. I feel like its a waste sometimes cause it doesn't produce the same euphoria, doesnt generally last as long and CAN just knock you out. How big are your shots normally? You know a bunch of folks have been oding so be careful and keep that in mind. If you usually do 4-5 bag shots, do 1-2 to guage it, if its not strong enough, bump it up to 3 and so forth. Good luck, let us know how it goes! I'm still grabbing green empires, they are FIRE, but I hate my tolerance, 10 bag shots all day. I do 50 bags a day and still don't even get really jammed :-(

Well I usually bang 4 of the Dunkin' Donuts I get and get a decent zing...maybe I'll try a couple when I'm already sick so I can see how strong it is; probably 1 at first and depending on the feeling I get I'll try 2 and wait and see..would love to try them Empires!!! I know what u mean when you have to do at least 10 just to catch a decent nod...now my guy has Lucky Charms and they arent the same...a bit weaker but ok I guess...Thanx bro...tc out there!!!
They have been going around bro lol. They are really good, the green empires I've been getting are FIRE too. If you come across "selfie" its the exact same as einsteins, just so you know. Hollywood's are just ok. Menores fell off big time. Drop dead is decent. Good luck yall
Ya man the fuckin menores turned into straight dog shit . I tried the empires but my girl only had 4 and we split em but I had taken 30mg of methadone pills so they didn't really effect me much but I know she can get them whenever so I'm gonna fuck with those if I can't get my einstiens. I just worry that the einstiens are gonna go right back to garbage like they always do, this is a stressful game bro lol, damned if u do damned if u don't. I haven't seen the selfies yet but I'm definitely gonna keep my ears open when making my calls today, good looking on the Info brother ! Bl makes it much easier to not buy bunk shit cause we can all work together which is mad fuckin cool man.
@razkal- dude if ur getting off on those dunkin donuts then be careful if u find the einstiens or empires. From my experience with the d&ds they're pretty weak IMO, but I sniff em so that might have something to do with it. Just trying to look out.
@bbt- the stuff were getting out here has gotten a bit paler but it's still a little brown. The einstiens are the whitest but when my girl cooked her shot or whatever she did it was a very light brown liquid in the rig, not sure if u can tell anything by this but I know u got way more experience than me so maybe u can tell the diff. I've heard people that get the fenty shit and they say it's either clear as water or milky, I could be wrong though..
Ya man the fuckin menores turned into straight dog shit . I tried the empires but my girl only had 4 and we split em but I had taken 30mg of methadone pills so they didn't really effect me much but I know she can get them whenever so I'm gonna fuck with those if I can't get my einstiens. I just worry that the einstiens are gonna go right back to garbage like they always do, this is a stressful game bro lol, damned if u do damned if u don't. I haven't seen the selfies yet but I'm definitely gonna keep my ears open when making my calls today, good looking on the Info brother ! Bl makes it much easier to not buy bunk shit cause we can all work together which is mad fuckin cool man.
@razkal- dude if ur getting off on those dunkin donuts then be careful if u find the einstiens or empires. From my experience with the d&ds they're pretty weak IMO, but I sniff em so that might have something to do with it. Just trying to look out.
@bbt- the stuff were getting out here has gotten a bit paler but it's still a little brown. The einstiens are the whitest but when my girl cooked her shot or whatever she did it was a very light brown liquid in the rig, not sure if u can tell anything by this but I know u got way more experience than me so maybe u can tell the diff. I've heard people that get the fenty shit and they say it's either clear as water or milky, I could be wrong though..
What color were the empires? The blue ones are good, but the green ones are even better. I got a bun of Einstein and 3 buns of the empires, and I liked the empires more. Dunkin doughnuts aren't very good, I agree. The menores aren't good right now, but they go up and down. They could be good in a few weeks again.
How Do You Know What Are The Knock Offs Because I Get Those And Haven't Had Any Problems With Them, To Me They Are Actually Weak As Fuck. Me and my boyfriend have to do 7 bags a shot just to feel good. I go down to Chicopee and get those. Picked a bun up from my friend in greenfield they were completely different than mine. They were fire bags, but still not the death bags going around. So there are a few different batches of that shit going around. People are saying they are cut with horse tranquilizer.
I don't remember the color of the empires but they weren't bad.
There's some rebranding going on according to my dude, einstiens switched stamps to merry Xmas bags (blue) with Santa on them and the Los menores is now t-mobile. Just wanted to let my peeps know what's up. Tried some lui Vuitton bags and they were decent. Got some peace bags were total garbage and the same with "body bags" rubbish don't waste ur money, ur better off taking a sub cause that's all ur gonna get outta those 2 shit stamps! I'm thinking about kicking starting on New Year's Day cause all the garbage I've been getting just ain't worth the dough, it's getting ridiculous! It shouldn't be this hard getting high lol. Thinking about the straight cold turkey, oh the pain, I can feel the restlessness just thinking about kicking lol. I could easily maintain this habit if I didn't have to worry about getting sold trash but doing 50 bags in 24hrs and not getting high once is some bullshit and it happens way to much so either I start shooting or kick. I think this shit would be just as trash shooting it so fuck it! I wrote it so now I gotta do it! I'm gonna do shit up and try to get through the holidays and then just kick it. I'm pretty tired of the bullshit so I think I'll be able to do it. Now back to trying to get high lol
Bad business practices are making me quit, stupid fucking dealers are mad shortsighted, I spend a lot of dough and would happily continue to do so if I could get decent consistent dope.
I don't remember the color of the empires but they weren't bad.
There's some rebranding going on according to my dude, einstiens switched stamps to merry Xmas bags (blue) with Santa on them and the Los menores is now t-mobile. Just wanted to let my peeps know what's up. Tried some lui Vuitton bags and they were decent. Got some peace bags were total garbage and the same with "body bags" rubbish don't waste ur money, ur better off taking a sub cause that's all ur gonna get outta those 2 shit stamps! I'm thinking about kicking starting on New Year's Day cause all the garbage I've been getting just ain't worth the dough, it's getting ridiculous! It shouldn't be this hard getting high lol. Thinking about the straight cold turkey, oh the pain, I can feel the restlessness just thinking about kicking lol. I could easily maintain this habit if I didn't have to worry about getting sold trash but doing 50 bags in 24hrs and not getting high once is some bullshit and it happens way to much so either I start shooting or kick. I think this shit would be just as trash shooting it so fuck it! I wrote it so now I gotta do it! I'm gonna do shit up and try to get through the holidays and then just kick it. I'm pretty tired of the bullshit so I think I'll be able to do it. Now back to trying to get high lol
Bad business practices are making me quit, stupid fucking dealers are mad shortsighted, I spend a lot of dough and would happily continue to do so if I could get decent consistent dope.
You sure about those los menores? They have had those T-Mobile bags out, and my one dude still has the menores... I'm still getting the green empires everyday, they are still fire. About a month ago this dealer ripped me off for 180$. I talked a lot of shit to him and hes been calling me apologizing saying he will give it back to yada yada. I was gonna set him up but he came through today and gave me 2 buns back, said he will def give me the other 3 if I will still deal with him, that he was sorry he needed the money to stay out of jail that day or whatever. It took a lot for me not to tear his head off when I saw him but at least he's making it right. The stamp was "overdose" and it wasn't bad at all. If your gonna detox cliffy lmk I can let you know my method for detoxing, iclve got it down pretty good, what meds to buy over the counter to help and whatnot. Lopermide will work wonders if you use it right. I have a ton of subs too, I was planning on doing the same. I'm on probation, but my officer hasn't contacted me in two months and its almost over. I wanna call him to make sure we are still "good" but I wanna be able to pass a piss test when I do. Dope only stays in your system for 3 days, but that's a long time when you use all day everyday. Peace!
P.s. the people who put out the einsteins do that every year with x-mas bags lol. They are the same people made Mr. Nuts, black gold, einsteins ect.
Yeah man I'm definitely detoxing in the next few days, bought a five pack of the Xmas bags and they are total shit, 8 backs to feel anything, not high, just to know I've even taken anything, shit is fucked man. I got beat recently and the dude paid me back with some lucky charms bags that were great so I call him again since he made it right and guess what, beat again lmfao!!!! Too funny man, in a previous life he'd be shot and I'd be in jail but fuck it it was only $120. Considering what I spend weekly that's really small change. I've just had it with all the bullshit, not having a proper connect doesn't help at all.
I'm definitely interested in ur detox method, any info is good info. I just don't want to drag it out that's y I was gonna cold turkey it. I figure taking subs and lope will only prolong the agony but I could be wrong cause I've never tried any other method and from what I've read on bl it seems like everyone using subs and lope seem to have to go through the pain eventually so I figure just get it over with cause I get really fuckin bad, nearly breaking my limbs from the restlessness. Anyways what's ur method bro? I'm going to try to grab whatever comfort meds I can find, unfortunately that seems limited to a bunch of Ativan ATM, trying to find some adderall but I'm not having much luck. I figure if I just keep dosing stims for 5-6 days non stop I'd be through the worst of it but I can't find much right now so it looks like I'm fucked on that front. Definitely interested in ur plan though so lmk bro, thx man...
Mass is becoming WICKED SCAMMED KID! This new governor is a psycho. This dude was in Highpoint Rehab himself off and on for years so because of what he heard in groups he thinks he thinks he has all the answers. Wicked dumb
Yeah man I'm definitely detoxing in the next few days, bought a five pack of the Xmas bags and they are total shit, 8 backs to feel anything, not high, just to know I've even taken anything, shit is fucked man. I got beat recently and the dude paid me back with some lucky charms bags that were great so I call him again since he made it right and guess what, beat again lmfao!!!! Too funny man, in a previous life he'd be shot and I'd be in jail but fuck it it was only $120. Considering what I spend weekly that's really small change. I've just had it with all the bullshit, not having a proper connect doesn't help at all.
I'm definitely interested in ur detox method, any info is good info. I just don't want to drag it out that's y I was gonna cold turkey it. I figure taking subs and lope will only prolong the agony but I could be wrong cause I've never tried any other method and from what I've read on bl it seems like everyone using subs and lope seem to have to go through the pain eventually so I figure just get it over with cause I get really fuckin bad, nearly breaking my limbs from the restlessness. Anyways what's ur method bro? I'm going to try to grab whatever comfort meds I can find, unfortunately that seems limited to a bunch of Ativan ATM, trying to find some adderall but I'm not having much luck. I figure if I just keep dosing stims for 5-6 days non stop I'd be through the worst of it but I can't find much right now so it looks like I'm fucked on that front. Definitely interested in ur plan though so lmk bro, thx man...
Ok, def do not take adderall, that will make it worse. This is what I do: about 4-8 hours after I take my last shot I pop about 25 lopermide pills-only the small blue 2 mg ones. They are the ones you want, the off brand ones are the best, CVS, big y, stop n shop brand ones. I do that again around 16 and 24 hours after my last shot. They take away the diarrhea and stomach cramps, they REALLY help. After about 24 hours I take 2-3 subs, depending on what mg they are. I usually take 16 mg first. Then about 12 hours later I take another 1-2 subs. The second day I take 1 1/2 in the morning, and again at night. If you have the shits or stomach cramps take more lopermide. The 3rd day I take 1 sub in the morning and one at night. The fourth day I take 1/2 in morning and 1/2 at night. 5th day 1/4 in the morning 1/4 at night. And thats it. Oh, also I take clonodine as needed (I have a prescription) and at night I take sleeping pills to help sleep(if you can sleep at all) I also take "restless legs" pills-thats what they are called, they have them at stop n shop. Xanax and weed also help greatly if you feel like you need it. Hope that helps and good luck. Shoot me a pm, I wanted to talk to you about something else too, but not on this board.
Hey fellow hair-ron connoisseurs!!! Still lurking round the MA thread...getting kinda dead...I was cruising along with the Dunkin' Donuts which I thought were pretty damn good(everyone was trashing them idk why...guess the ones I get are special, heh heh...Anyways my guy switched over to Lucky Charms and the quality dropped a tiny bit but enough to notice. Well I noticed anytways...my runnin' buddy gets a heavy nod after booting 5 of these(on top of 70mgs of methadose...Don't know how the fuk he does it); he goes to the Land of Nod...Back in the summer I had a guy with the Guccis (Abe Lincoln loved them) and he got popped in July so it's like "see ya when u get out"!! Well I recently ran into one of his buddies or a cousin...idk which...and he says he's taken over from my guy and he's been trying to reach me for months. Promised me a sample...well after about two weeks he came through..."Fast & Furious" stamp and they are FIRE!!!! Definitely pick these up if u can!!! The dope is brown and very potent (tastes and smells like "Old Skool Dope" like the stuff from the Eighties when I first tried it...
Razkal thx for the update on the stamps bro, always good info here :)
It's getting close to the kicking hour for me, bad times ahead. It's all in my head I guess, just gotta suffer through it and stop being a little bitch lol. Picked up 40 ativans lmfao, hopefully they help a little. Found a whole 1 ambien lol. A friend is supposed to roll through with some Addies for me so fingers crossed on that and I gotta find some weed at all costs. Fuck man this is gonna be soo fuckin bad. I gotta get my ass to the pharmacy somehow to get that restful legs shit too, I've heard mixed reviews but if there's any chance that it works then it's worth it cause the rls is the worst part of wds for me. Wish me luck mass peeps...