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Heroin MA heroin V3 I'm wicked jammed kid

alot of killer white going around north of Boston; G lasted 2 days! shots were being fired off left and right.
Man, I wish you much luck Cliffy...I'm also a little bitch when it comes to kicking, haha...I heard or read that muscle relaxers like Somas are helpful for RLS (restless legs syndrome). I've heard of the Thomas Recipie which uses most if not all OTC ingredients...What level is your habit if you don't mind sayin'??...I personally wouldn't try to kick unless I had a few subs; I've kicked a close to a bun/day habit with one sub...took half and waited for at least 24 hrs before taking the other piece...after that it was basically Immodium ADs and clonidine for like three days and it was a bit rough after three days I tell ya, but I think everyone's different. Speaking of subs BBT, weren't you on a sub thing just recently?? Did you feel those shot pretty good or was it a bit muted cause of the subs in your system?? Well I can't get on your case, I've copped right after doin methadone like if I was really goin to feel it...actually I did if I remember correctly on a 70mg dose. My buddy is on a 70 atm and shoots thru it with 3 or 4 Lucky Charms and nods his ass off I swear he can nod on cue, lol...Sitting here with a bun of the Fast & Furious I just had dropped off (after like an hour and a half of "10min"...."20 min"...almost there....seems like all dealers read the same handbook...smh. Sucks cause I have to make it last til Sunday cause it's for when I get up @ 5 or 6am cause I am cleaning another bar while my brother-in-law and sister went to their timeshare up in the NY mountains...I also still work down by my Lucky Charms dude in the meantime...Sooooo while I work on this garage my buddy's building for his upholstery business (and coppin' some Lucky's in the meantime) I can leave the F&Fs at home for my breakfast the next three days...woohoo!! (Sorry to all youz who are detoxing or kicking atm...)
Man, I wish you much luck Cliffy...I'm also a little bitch when it comes to kicking, haha...I heard or read that muscle relaxers like Somas are helpful for RLS (restless legs syndrome). I've heard of the Thomas Recipie which uses most if not all OTC ingredients...What level is your habit if you don't mind sayin'??...I personally wouldn't try to kick unless I had a few subs; I've kicked a close to a bun/day habit with one sub...took half and waited for at least 24 hrs before taking the other piece...after that it was basically Immodium ADs and clonidine for like three days and it was a bit rough after three days I tell ya, but I think everyone's different. Speaking of subs BBT, weren't you on a sub thing just recently?? Did you feel those shot pretty good or was it a bit muted cause of the subs in your system?? Well I can't get on your case, I've copped right after doin methadone like if I was really goin to feel it...actually I did if I remember correctly on a 70mg dose. My buddy is on a 70 atm and shoots thru it with 3 or 4 Lucky Charms and nods his ass off I swear he can nod on cue, lol...Sitting here with a bun of the Fast & Furious I just had dropped off (after like an hour and a half of "10min"...."20 min"...almost there....seems like all dealers read the same handbook...smh. Sucks cause I have to make it last til Sunday cause it's for when I get up @ 5 or 6am cause I am cleaning another bar while my brother-in-law and sister went to their timeshare up in the NY mountains...I also still work down by my Lucky Charms dude in the meantime...Sooooo while I work on this garage my buddy's building for his upholstery business (and coppin' some Lucky's in the meantime) I can leave the F&Fs at home for my breakfast the next three days...woohoo!! (Sorry to all youz who are detoxing or kicking atm...)
Thx bro, those lucky charms were good man, only found them once though through a dude that beat me lol. I have a sub and can always get more but that's just prolonging the inevitable. I figure just get it the fuck over with as fast as possible. I got some Ativan, klonipin and I'll have some sleeping pills by the end of the day. I'm just sick of spending thousands of dollars on garbage that doesn't get me high at all, what a waste . I just don't got the right connects I guess. Well I'm fuckin feeling it bad right now, did my last bag at like 5pm yesterday and it only gets worse from here. I decided to kick with money in my pocket for moral reasons also if any better comfort meds pop up. Got some weed too so fuck me lol. If only I had a proper drug dealer :( I don't mind spending mad dough just as long as I get high off the shit but sniffing 50 bags and just being well isn't worth it. I can't go on methadone or subs from a clinic cause I'll lose my oxy script and that's the only thing keeping me afloat when rent day comes. Anyway I'm sure u can all relate, and thx for the good wishes guys, much love to y'all for that. Someday I'll find a proper connect and I'll be happy but for now I'm just gonna suffer through with this pancreatitis until that day comes that I meet a solid dude. I those lucky chas were bomb, wishing I had a 5 pack right now lol. Thx guys I'll post when I don't feel like total shit.
@stand up I pmd u bro get back to me. Ttyl everyone it's suffer time ugggghhhhhhhhhhhh
Like I'm putting it off til sat lol
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Fuck me!!! Lmfao! This shit got much harder to deal with, maybe it's my old age, aches and pains or idk what but I bitched up pretty quick can't bullshit about it. Took some sub and idk why but that shit fucks with my mind big time, super depression and like a dullness kinda like seroquil or zyprexa. Can't fuck with it but I gotta tough out a few weeks either on subs or do some super chipping with low dough. Decided to take a casino trip early in the month and got sucked into the machines, 1200 later shell shocked and now paying the price, and I got beat for 150 lmfao! Merry fuckin Christmas kid! And of course the sub guy is gonna bullshit around til Friday, fuck my life lol
What up people. I'm back from the dead. I live in Chicopee, but the last two months or so I've been goin to Hartford to pick up. It's much more "economical" and the stuff was good. It never fails, the shit always gets weaker and weaker. So I bumped into this girl I went to highschool with. I knew her mom sold oxies so i asked her if she could pick me up a few just to hold me over.
Long story short I found out she was into dope so I got some of of her and it was pretty good. It was a little more pricey but it's right in town. The only problem is that she is taxing me pretty good amount. Like 2 or 3 bags off a B. I told her to give up some of those digits so I didn't have bother her. She didn't seem to keen on that. She knows me from way back and she knows I'm legit. She's just being selfish. I saw her guy walking back from her house when I drove away. He's seen me a couple times now from deals she did for me.
My question is: Do you think it would be cool to go and talk to him when he's walking back or do you think that would be sketchy. This girl does nothing for me except "Middle-man" the situation. She doesn't even have to leave her house. I'm tired of her taxing me, but if I ask him and she finds out, I might burn my bridge. I'm not a grimey person. If I'm not goin out of my way and somebody I know needs dope, I normally sell it to them for what I bought for it. Sometimes, if I'm driving to get something for somebody, I might ask for a little gas money or 1 bag, but not 3 or 4 just to call somebody over. I hate "middle-men". This girl and I used to be tight and we would do anything for each other, but now dope's got a hold on her. She has to get hers before everybody else. Dope turns everybody into a monster.
I never tried to take advantage of anybody like that, but maybe I should. I have my word and honor and nobody can take that away from me, even if I'm a dope sick. It's all I got. What does eveybody think about this bullshit situation. I see a very simple dilemma: I got the $$$, you got the dope. Simple trade. Sell me dope not garbage. I sold dope before, you have to be really greedy to step on it that much and the better shit u have the more money you make. These punk ass kids don't see it that way though. They're out to make a quick buck.
It would be awesome if somebody started a Dope Co-Op. Where instead of just one dude making all the profit, everybody would pitch in there money and they could all buy like a quarter brick of some uncut, sweet brown sugar. Divide it up equally and everybody would get better quality shit and all the money would have better purchasing power. It would be like a dope Cosco. We could buy wholesale and instead of steppin' on it like River Dance, we would just divvy it up to everybody. That would be cool, but it would never work out because "there is no honor amongst thieves". Everybody would be sketched out and nobody would trust anybody else. But if you could work it out, it would be awesome. Oh well, that's enough venting for the day. I'll catch y'all on the flip side. Stay Frosty.
I'm on the "American Gangsters" right now. I went to Springfield to buy a half P of Blue Magic. The girl that went with me says they're always good, but I thought the gansters were better. They looked darker and more chunkier. Lately though, I think, the gansters are getting weaker. I had somebody tell me that too who is a chipper and they compared the two gansters and said the newer one was weaker. Why does everybody destroy there shit. Also, I heard that dope degrades after awhile. Do you think maybe that's why everybody's dope i get hardly ever stays the same and always gets weaker. For sure a stamp never, ever, ever gets stronger.
Ah good ol spfld, some chick from Bronx just got bagged w/ 6800 guccis :X minimum 12 years I saw, poor girl looks innocent enough
Haven't been on this thread in almost a year....wats up everyone...im wicked jammed kid!!! Haha I had to go do a nine month involuntary vacation ...behind bars in Pennsylvania lol but back in western mass so what's up?!?! Yo neone in western mass see the 19yrbold gurl who got busted commin from NYC w 6000 grams?? That shit was on news today...u already know she's gunna tell lol neways hope everyone is safe outvther!
I jus got in one day, brainteasers, hollywoods, and 2015 nwyears. The empires were decent but haven't been around...had zombie bags...trash!!! If u see zombie bags stay away they no good...also haven't seen blue magic or American gangsters in a couple months....this west spring arrea
I jus got in one day, brainteasers, hollywoods, and 2015 nwyears. The empires were decent but haven't been around...had zombie bags...trash!!! If u see zombie bags stay away they no good...also haven't seen blue magic or American gangsters in a couple months....this west spring arrea

Ayyyy didn't know there was other BL'ers round dees parts
Hey what up Tommy, been awhile dude...polo don't think I've chatted with u before but anyways howz it goin?? Reppin good ol' Springfield here!!! Yeah there's a few W.Mass BL'ers here not too many...most are east of Woostah, but hey we're all MassHoles in da Houssssee!!! Time for the stamp reviews...still messin with the Dunkin Donuts cause that's what my guy always gets...along with the Lucky Charms too. Think their the same source cause they feel the same and the stamps are pretty similar. The Fast & Furious that were fire when I first got them are now kinda mediocre...it's like I always say don't tell your guy that the shit is really good cause I think they feel that if it's that good then they can step on it to get more profit and now the fire has turned into a flame...Plus this guy(and I'm sure a lot if not all) takes forever to get to you!! Seems like they usually wait until they have a few orders piled up to make the deliveries. This asshole gets all flustered if I call for anything less than a B...hey a sale is a sale...I got a B the first few times but I don't have it like that to always get 10...one time I called him and told him I only had 20 to spend; he was like "I got ya" and after like three hours of course he showed up with 5...which is pretty good imo...My neighbor who deals has Ferrari stamps...it's kinda ehhh; gets you off E but that's about it... And that's about it for my stamp report y'all....Be careful out there with what u sniff or bang...KNOW YOUR SOURCE!!! Peace....
Yeh I appreciate the info on which stamps r good n shit I got no info of my own unfortunately atm, i been clean for awhile but bein on this 1/2 mg of sub after bein on 8 for so long is fuckin w/ me. so the past week all I can think of is usin n just know I'm gonna break lol but ya never tell dealer how fire it is or make sure you say u know someone w/ just as fire of shit too if u do say it's fire. Also telling them u bang ur doses is a good idea even if your not they'll b less likely to put some shit that will fuck u in there lol 413rd
I'm on the "American Gangsters" right now. I went to Springfield to buy a half P of Blue Magic. The girl that went with me says they're always good, but I thought the gansters were better. They looked darker and more chunkier. Lately though, I think, the gansters are getting weaker. I had somebody tell me that too who is a chipper and they compared the two gansters and said the newer one was weaker. Why does everybody destroy there shit. Also, I heard that dope degrades after awhile. Do you think maybe that's why everybody's dope i get hardly ever stays the same and always gets weaker. For sure a stamp never, ever, ever gets stronger.
Blue magics are always decent but the AG usually are better. They were the ones linked to all those deaths tho, and there are a few beat American gangster stamps going around just a heads up.
Hey what up Tommy, been awhile dude...polo don't think I've chatted with u before but anyways howz it goin?? Reppin good ol' Springfield here!!! Yeah there's a few W.Mass BL'ers here not too many...most are east of Woostah, but hey we're all MassHoles in da Houssssee!!! Time for the stamp reviews...still messin with the Dunkin Donuts cause that's what my guy always gets...along with the Lucky Charms too. Think their the same source cause they feel the same and the stamps are pretty similar. The Fast & Furious that were fire when I first got them are now kinda mediocre...it's like I always say don't tell your guy that the shit is really good cause I think they feel that if it's that good then they can step on it to get more profit and now the fire has turned into a flame...Plus this guy(and I'm sure a lot if not all) takes forever to get to you!! Seems like they usually wait until they have a few orders piled up to make the deliveries. This asshole gets all flustered if I call for anything less than a B...hey a sale is a sale...I got a B the first few times but I don't have it like that to always get 10...one time I called him and told him I only had 20 to spend; he was like "I got ya" and after like three hours of course he showed up with 5...which is pretty good imo...My neighbor who deals has Ferrari stamps...it's kinda ehhh; gets you off E but that's about it... And that's about it for my stamp report y'all....Be careful out there with what u sniff or bang...KNOW YOUR SOURCE!!! Peace....
If the bags are stamped its pretty obvious if they"step" on it at all. And I doubt your buying it from the dude who stamps it.I heard the Ferrari were ting, like very small count. I just got back from philly-where I'm originally from, I do 10-15 bag shots of stuff up here and 4 bags had me better than that. They are double the price on the street but its so worth it. Wish I could get that fire up here. I'm on my way now to Holyoke to go cop w my girl, sane shit everyday...
What's up eastcoastah's I'm in the New Bedford area for the holidays. I've heard the rumors about NB and dope everywhere but being outa town white dude not sure if cold copping is a good idea, and that fact that I don't know if it's a good idea means it's probably a fuckkng horrible idea... Any tips? Cuz I'll tip
Merry Christmas to all my junksters out there in massland! I hope everyone is well and able to get toasted a bit today ;)
Fuck dude that sucks bro. Hit up a convienence store and grab a box of immodium and eat that shit, it'll make u feel better for like 24hrs. Shit saved my ass a few days ago man. I don't really know how the scene works out there towards boston, sry I can't help there bro. I've heard there's an open air market somewhere in Lynn ma. But I couldn't tell if that was true or how to find the spot cause I've never really been there to cop. Out here in the western part of ma u could probably find something if u walked around Holyoke long enough but there's probably a 50% chance of getting robbed too so that's probably not the best idea. I'd say try the immodium(loperamide) for sure though bro, it really does work.
I took 24mgs(12x2mg pills) and it took nearly every symptom I had away and that was off a bundle a day habit! Give it a shot, it beats the hell outta being sick as fuck bro!!!
Good looks, I've been taking some def helps with the shits, I just can't believe i was stupid enough the one time of year I come to see my family... They know I'm a fiend and now I have "a cold" I've just been forcing myself to be active and present for my fam... But fuck would do anything for a line to feel normal. And I'm here for 3 more days just like .... Shiiiiit