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Lucid Dreams


Mar 19, 2007
So, I have been having them often lately. At least one a week and usually when I take an afternoon nap but sometimes when I go to sleep for the night. They usually start in my present surroundings (my bedroom) and I realize I am in a dream and immediately become ridiculously happy and I just do whatever I want. I usually have the ability to fly in lucid dreams so I enjoy to fly out my window and explore my surroundings, mess with people, have sex with random people (I never orgasm though) and just explore. They are just as real as this present physical reality and I find them fascinating. Complete navigation of the astral plane. Also, I am completely aware of what I am doing during them, so it is just a real experience as this right now. Any thoughts about lucid dreams? Experiences you want to share? Does anybody have a scientific or spiritual theory for them?
I have dreams that are similar to yours during the morning when I'm waking up. I've already been awake, and then I fall back "asleep" and have dreams that most of the time parallel my reality. I know I'm not asleep but I'm not awake either. Sometimes they are as simple as having a conversation with someone, but sometimes they contain trips to the grocery store or doing other random things.
There was even a US company who experimented with a lucid-dream producer. In essence a device that would sense REM sleep, and give a pre-set electric shock to the earlobe, or flash led’s to the side of the eye, (it would take time to calibrate to just the right level so that it neither too strong, waking the wearer up mid-dream, nor too feint as to not signal the wearer that they were dreaming. An example can be seen here http://www.espionage-store.com/secret/psi.html
The principle has been shown to work, explore http://lucidity.us/guide/shortcuts-to-lucid-dreaming.html to read up on it. I have had lucid dreams about 5-6 times in my whole life, they are apparently more common in some than in others, and you can train yourself to increase the likelihood. One thing’s for sure, they’re as fun as hell (I remember seeing a documentary on a US team using two young men as ‘guineapigs’ in their lucid dream experiments using the goggle method, when asked what do you usually do in your lucid dreams, they both in unison said: “Sex”!!!
haha they are amazing and for some reason, I was able to train myself to have them more often. They are truly something to wonder out- just proves how our mind creates our entire physical reality for us.
phenibut, huperzine and galantamine are extremely effective at inducing lucid dreams.

the huperzine and galantamine keep the dream world pieced together, and less fragmented and scattered. the phenibit helps to keep you sleeping, especially when you begin to realize you are in the dream. a few beers a beers a bit before bed also seems to increase the chance of lucidity dramatically, espeically sleep paralysis (which can lead to astral projection).

i also find my chances of lucidity are increased when doing daily back stretches.
yea ive had lucid dreams before they can be very fun, surreal, and amazing.
writing down your dreams in the morning helps to have them and there are also ways to recognize when your dreaming. more people should get into lucid dreaming its fucking nuts!
Yesss I love lucid dreams. I have been having them about every day since 3 weeks ago. My schedule now has me waking up very early for me at least around 8 then i must do some work untill 10 then i go back to sleep. I have a lucid dream every time i do this.
I walk around talk to people have sex with everyone (but no men) as the poster said, and my favorite thing to do is to tell people they are just an element of my dream/ or ask them if they know. There responses are usually mundane and or accepting, yet it doesnt change their personalitys.

Flying for me is hard I can only fly in my lucid dreams if im already flying when it starts.
And i still cant control everything like where I am who Im with or what happens just myself and me knowing im dreaming.
really weird stuff i get in lucid dreams is like, being able to break of bits of brick walls and things.

also, morphing into stuff like cars.

just like on high dose psychs, feeling EXACTLY like something else.
All my dreams are lucid, and yes most of the time you just spend flying around and having sex with people, occasionally killing them if you want. A little weird.

But I also have the ability to change the landscape around me at will, create a building, create water, create mountains, etc. Does anybody else do this?
The_Idler said:
really weird stuff i get in lucid dreams is like, being able to break of bits of brick walls and things.

also, morphing into stuff like cars.

just like on high dose psychs, feeling EXACTLY like something else.

Depends on the dosefo course but IME Ludic Dreaming is dfferentto hallucinationm you can't morph every detail of your senses into something else you like.

Lucid dreams often subjectively hard to distinguish fro waking life realistic, interactivem and leaves me with a big grin on my face, unlike a chemical hangovers + if a ludcid dream gets scary, there;s an ejector seat, just wake up!!

Yeah they are so interesting. I will try those substances Medatripper. Can those be bought at a place like GNC?
FreedomOfTheMind said:
Yeah they are so interesting. I will try those substances Medatripper. Can those be bought at a place like GNC?

huperzine, possibly... galantamine and phenibut, not likely. bulknutrition.com and beyond-a-century.com are really great sources.

huperzine alone makes dreams a lot more vivid, it's unreal how real they become. this one dream i had felt like it lasted days and the same characters and theme stayed with me the whole time. too much fun :D
I finally had my first lucid dream last night. It was amazing cause I felt I could do anything. The first thing I tried was jumping really high. That was kinda fun. It felt like being super mario. I'd like to try some other stuff like maybe summon some dinosaurs or something. I thought I would wake up but I didn't. Have any of you guys tried taking drugs in a lucid dream? I wonder if you could get high in the dream. It would be pretty cool to wake up high if it were possible.
StarOceanHouse said:
Have any of you guys tried taking drugs in a lucid dream? I wonder if you could get high in the dream.
Yes and it's wonderful.
ive been trying to lucid dream and have a book on it. ... a good dream sign for me is ships or islands.. and damnit just last night i had 3 separate dreams with both in them and i didnt even recognize it.

another problem with me and lucid dreams is that ive done so many drugs, and when on these drugs found myself in situations that are so bizzare that not even dreaming could bring me into such bizzare situations.. so when weird shit happens in my dreams im just like oh ok cool lets go with the flow. in waking life i usualy ask how the fuck i got here and dont remember, so in dreams its real hard to tell the diference even if im doin crazy shit like flying around haha

i second the below poster! waking life is realy good period!
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ok so i finaly got lucid at the end of this REAL weird dream (that included this android marine attacking a freind of mine inside a building i build behind a parking lot that a corrupted preist helped the kkk hang barak obama infront of while my friends were down the street going to get icecream from some store that i asked for a job at LOL) VERY STRANGE.

near the end there were guts sliding across the entire floor like water and i finaly said ok im dreaming.. then i was like wait am i still dreaming now. and then i was like oH SHIT YEAH IM STILL DREAMING THERES GUTS SLIDING ACROSS THE FLOOR.

so i looked around and got a little excited with being conscious inside a dream and woke myself (the dream disapeared like clouds it was cool)

before that dream i had another dream where i became lucid but in the exact same second i woke up and couldnt tell which occured first, it was more of a this cant be real kind of thing and then i woke up. (a shark was pulling my hand underwater, well i didnt know if it was a shark but as soon as i thought hey that could be a shark oh fuck, the above said things happened).

my question is how do i stay lucid after i realize im dreaming?
IGNVS said:
my question is how do i stay lucid after i realize im dreaming?

I had one this morning, and by using a few methods I had read about, I managed to stay in it for quite some time. First of all, you need to stay calm and not get overly excited. Just take slow breaths and accept the fact that your dreaming rather than get excited about it. To remain lucid, you can also look at your hand every now and then. Just take a minute to examine it, it will appear deformed and probably have the wrong count of fingers. Finally, when you're in an open area, put both of your arms out and spin in circles as fast as you can. For some reason this is a common and popular method for staying lucid in a dream. Good luck and good travels!
IGNVS said:
my question is how do i stay lucid after i realize im dreaming?

in your dream: spin in circles or rub your hands together.

remember to stay calm.