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[LSD Subthread] The Clean vs. Dirty Acid Debate (Part 2 - Archived)

That just seems like your mindset slightly affecting the trip. Everyone will agree LSD causes at least some sort of speedy stimulation and possible anxiety. But I wouldn't be too surprised if "dirty" feeling blotter is out there.

Is this "Dirty acid" absolutely guaranteed to make the user feel "dirty" tho? Can't "dirty acid" make some people on some trips have "clean" feelings?

Obviously the purest LSD on earth can have vastly different effects - including making you feel "dirty" and "clean". It would be very strange if this "LSP" could only create one feeling in every human being under every situation.

I know the theory is "Dirty acid makes you feel dirty cos..er...like, they both have the word dirty in them". But to be honest, the cleanest, purest trip you've ever experienced could have been on "dirty acid". Psychedelics are like that - they have different effects on different people.
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Could some people with in depth experimentation with several batches with different effects share your experiences?

I get a different trip every time I take acid to be honest - even from the same batch. Some trips feel shitty, usually when the weather isn't too good, and some trips feel clean and pure, usually when the sun is shining.
This guy was known as the "dirty old man" for the dirty acid he produced:

That just seems like your mindset slightly affecting the trip. Everyone will agree LSD causes at least some sort of speedy stimulation and possible anxiety. But I wouldn't be too surprised if "dirty" feeling blotter is out there.

Could some people with in depth experimentation with several batches with different effects share your experiences? It seems obvious the blotter coming in from Europe that is reportedly shorter lasting and less anxiogenicis is not LSD but some other LSX. So why should all of this seem so shocking?

I'm not trying to dicksize here but I'm experienced with psychedelics, lsd in particular. The whole clean vs. dirty thing for me relates to how the lsd feels on the mind/body, not necessarily what sort of thoughts come out of the trip. Good lsd can cause bad thoughts or good thoughts but good lsd doesn't generally cause pronounced stimulant effects that I noted. Yes, LSD can has stimulant properties but I'm not so sure that it is as stimulating as say, amphetamine, normally.

I tripped more recently than that on good acid and what do you know, I had no such anxious/stimulant feelings. I wasn't in a different head space, I just took better acid.

I've heard this phenomenon happens with other drugs that aren't synthesized/washed to the best of their potential for weight and distribution reasons or just lack of skill on the manufacturers/chemists part.
Tripped on acid the other day. Took one mayan calendar, it took a while to hit, something like 2 hours. The tab did taste a little bitter.. as I had the hit on my tongue I started to worry to my friend, wondering if it was maybe DOxx, but he reassured me that our friend would not give us that shit.. well, you never know, but anyways..
I had a very strong body load on the comeup and felt like I'd be having an amazing trip soon, but instead, I got these rather minor visuals (in comparison to previous acid trips) that were sort of colorful, but rather dark and inky looking. I had a really strange high feeling going on through my body and mind, the feeling is hard to explain, but it didn't really feel like the kind of high I'd get from acid. It was strange. But I had an alright time, I suppose.. not really a "bad trip" in my mind.
Anyways, these effects lasted about 9 hours continuously without changing. Around this time, i smoked a bowl and took some melatonin and tried to go to sleep. However, I felt like I was on amphetamines. My heart was racing, my eyes became enormous, and I absolutely and completely could not sleep. It was awful, and I felt like total shit. I tried to make myself eat, as usually this slows my heart rate down (when I am hungry, my heart races). I drank tons of water and was constantly peeing - I thought that the water might help wash out all these disgusting chemicals from my body. Even after eating, I still could not sleep, so I smoked a few more bowls but instead of feeling tired or whatever I just felt.. strange. It's hard to explain.. but yeah.. no sleep until like 4pm the next day (I had taken it at 9pm the previous night).
The visuals began to dwindle down around 16 or so hours after ingestion, and once the horrible feeling left my head I was able to take a toke of some weed and actually feel the effects of it that I'd normally get, and I passed right out and fell asleep for hours.

I don't know if this was acid or what, but my previous trip with liquid lucy was very similar with the 'dirty visuals' (except I didn't feel as speedy that time). I was thinking that perhaps my fairly acidic/salty diet may be interfering with LSD and RC's, as my previous 5 trips on 2ce, 2ci and LSD have all had these inky looking visuals, with minor color and a strange high. But none were like the last.. bitter tab, and a speedy feeling..

So perhaps the last trip may have been DOxx. I'm going to look into the other trips later.. but maybe there is something going around

16 hours of visuals sounds like a long time so maybe a DoX, although I don't have experience with them. When do you think your visuals from acid usually wear off? Some legit blotter DOES taste bitter so its totally possible it could of been your mindset trying to figure out whether what you ingested was acid or some other drug.
I'm not trying to dicksize here but I'm experienced with psychedelics, lsd in particular. The whole clean vs. dirty thing for me relates to how the lsd feels on the mind/body, not necessarily what sort of thoughts come out of the trip. Good lsd can cause bad thoughts or good thoughts but good lsd doesn't generally cause pronounced stimulant effects that I noted. Yes, LSD can has stimulant properties but I'm not so sure that it is as stimulating as say, amphetamine, normally.

I tripped more recently than that on good acid and what do you know, I had no such anxious/stimulant feelings. I wasn't in a different head space, I just took better acid.

I've heard this phenomenon happens with other drugs that aren't synthesized/washed to the best of their potential for weight and distribution reasons or just lack of skill on the manufacturers/chemists part.

I'm sorry but this just sounds flat out wrong/nonsensical. So every time you have a trip with little anxiety from LSD you've ingested "good" LSD and every time your trip feels anxious you've ingested "bad" LSD? Sounds like a bunch of arbitrary, self confirming biased nonsense to me. I have no idea how you would differentiate between this "good" and "bad" acid in any scientific matter and experiencing less anxiogenic effects one time vs. another is hardly any kind of evidence that you are taking two different chemicals. I've certainly been anxious on all of my favorite psychedelics before (shrooms, LSD, 2c-e, DMT others...) and I've felt wonderfully carefree and euphoric on each of these as well. There are a number of factors that affect this but the truth is that the psychedelic experience is extremely dependent on circumstance and your own psychology.

Good and bad LSD makes no sense anyway - there is LSD and that is the chemical that you are ingesting, the dose you take determines certain parameters of the experience, not some objective "cleanness" of the chemical. I'm not saying it's impossible that LSD analogues haven't circled the rounds before on blotter, but most of the LSD you will try is probably LSD (weak at that, most likely) and if it isn't, it is a chemical analogue close enough that you won't be able to definitively differentiate from LSD (unless you take a DOx, in which case there will be MANY clear indicators that you have, not only the duration either).
It would make sense for less pure LSD to be circulated in weight-it weighs more. I'm not sure if you know this but at the top of the chain, crystal can be washed less to weigh more. It makes sense in terms of cost.

You really don't think that the purity of a chemical affects the experience?

But whatever, if it makes you feel better,whether or not I agree, you're right, there, there.
Unreacted ergotamine is NOT active at the microgram level. Maybe as a mild migraine reliever, MAYBE, if you took 1mg. Enough said.

You really don't think that the purity of a chemical affects the experience?
Not with LSD, as it has been pretty much proven. There aren't VERY many compounds that are active at 100 micrograms, and none of them would be found in "impure LSD crystal"
Unreacted ergotamine is NOT active at the microgram level. Maybe as a mild migraine reliever, MAYBE, if you took 1mg. Enough said.

Not with LSD, as it has been pretty much proven. There aren't VERY many compounds that are active at 100 micrograms, and none of them would be found in "impure LSD crystal"
Think about taking an oral dose of methamphetamine in a capsule that has 30mg of methamphetamine and 200mg of flour. Would you be able to feel this impurity?
But whatever, if it makes you feel better,whether or not I agree, you're right, there, there.
You obviously just haven't done your research
Think about taking an oral dose of methamphetamine in a capsule that has 30mg of methamphetamine and 200mg of flour. Would you be able to feel this impurity?

Not with white flour but granary brown flour is righteously mellow ;)
Think about taking an oral dose of methamphetamine in a capsule that has 30mg of methamphetamine and 200mg of flour. Would you be able to feel this impurity?

You obviously just haven't done your research

Are you familiar with the coke discussion thread in DC?

They accept that there is a clear difference between coke that has had the impurities washed out and coke that is left in cut form. And that is with a drug with a somewhat simple high compared to LSD.

There is no difference in "fluff" and "lavender?" People are just as fine with the lower quality as the higher quality? You wouldn't be able to tell the difference?
I think its weird that I read through most of this thread before I went to do some acid and it had a very weird or "dirty" feel too it, and this was stuff Ive taken like 15 times now. I took one hit, that might be why. I usually do 2 to get high as shit
Are you familiar with the coke discussion thread in DC?

They accept that there is a clear difference between coke that has had the impurities washed out and coke that is left in cut form. And that is with a drug with a somewhat simple high compared to LSD.

But you arn't saying you can tell whether you've taken a few mg of talculm powder when you've snorted an enormous dose of coke?

People are just as fine with the lower quality as the higher quality? You wouldn't be able to tell the difference?

It would be good if double-blind tests were done. If I tell you "This acid is straight from Sandoz" it's a good bet you're going to think it's a "clean" trip. If I tell you "I didn't have a very good time on this" you probably won't either.

LSD has a vast range of effects all by itself - most people don't realise this so they look towards ideas of "impurities".
^ I've never done coke. I understand what you're saying though. I would just like for such a study to be done as I think purity is important when it comes to drugs-as cliche as it sounds. I just hope one day that all drugs are as pure as can be.

I agree with what you said on being told things but what if I really was right? I just have a thought in my mind that that sort of thing does matter-if you participated in such a study, what are your ideas on what would happen? Out of curiousity, of course-if you knew nothing about either type of LSD and just took them seperately.
Difficult to talk about purity with LSD tho because there's so few drugs active at it's dosage range. With powder drugs you can talk about "purity" cos as they move down the chain anyone can simply pour some of the drug out and some talcum powder in. With LSD that's impossible - you buy ten thousand blotters from the guy making it and they stay as pure as they were all the way down to the street.

So unless the guy making the blotter wasn't making LSD in the first place it's pretty likely you're going to get LSD.

I think if there were double blind tests the whole idea of "impure LSD" would vanish pretty quickly. I've no doubt there's the occasional blotter with DOM or whatever on it but if it's LSD it's LSD. All of the stories like "I felt a bit dirty" are just the effects of LSD. Sometimes I get a splitting headache from LSD - now a lot of people would say "Dude, that means it's impure". But I can take a dose from the same sheet the week after and NOT get a headache. LSD is just the kind of drug that has a massive range of effects depending on the weather, your mood, how you slept the day before, whether you had an argument with someone a couple of weeks ago etc. All those factors are a thousand times more relevant than "purity".
^ You're very good at clarifying your point, thank you for not getting frustrated and I feel as though I see it from your perspective now. I can't say for sure how I feel but I'm definitely taking your statements into account.
Set and setting. (Dose too)

Purity of course comes into things, but it's not a big a deal as people make it out to be - along with analogues, 'it's not acid' etc.