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[LSD Subthread] The Clean vs. Dirty Acid Debate (Part 1 - Archived)

It's a baby! said:
the "nasty black stuff" which ex-LSD printers and hippies alike claim is the source
of LSD impurity.
Well say 10% of a batch of "bad" LSD is "nasty black stuff" or for that matter any other impurity, which btw to me personally seems impossibly excessive.
If we then suppose the dose is 200 microgram it would actually be 180 mic with 20 mic "nasty".
I find it very hard to believe to say the least that any contaminant would be psychoactive in those minute amounts.

In fact, if "bad acid" exists then the metaphysical "explanation" seems much more likely.

I've had great trips on supposed "bad acid", and a few unpleasant ones on "good acid".
Therefore I believe that it's possible that there may be a metaphysical component, but good old set & setting play a MUCH larger role.
More than enough to render the point moot.

Not that any opinion or even proof would kill this eternally recurring subject of course. =D
While it is theoretically possible that iso-LSD, lumi-LSD, ergotamine hydrolysis products, and other synthesis and degradation byproducts could affect the trips I am in no way convinced of this... in fact I will go as far as to say i think it's bullshit.
Your belief as to whether your acid is good is FAR more likely to affect your trip than a truly insignificant amount of byproducts.
(And don't even get me started on karmic energies, et al. ;) - which isn't to say i'm a non-spiritual person - but finding non-falsifiable reasons for things does tend to irritate me somewhat, heh)
I', trippin the hits werent brown bvut the tree is moving colours into munghoumouse reality is a freckle on a clit and aliens run wild under soap trees.
Ptah said:
Well say 10% of a batch of "bad" LSD is "nasty black stuff" or for that matter any other impurity, which btw to me personally seems impossibly excessive.
If we then suppose the dose is 200 microgram it would actually be 180 mic with 20 mic "nasty".
I find it very hard to believe to say the least that any contaminant would be psychoactive in those minute amounts.

In fact, if "bad acid" exists then the metaphysical "explanation" seems much more likely.

I've had great trips on supposed "bad acid", and a few unpleasant ones on "good acid".
Therefore I believe that it's possible that there may be a metaphysical component, but good old set & setting play a MUCH larger role.
More than enough to render the point moot.

Not that any opinion or even proof would kill this eternally recurring subject of course. =D

Actually the average LSD crystal is only 62% pure:

"LSD crystal produced clandestinely can be as much as 95- to 100-percent pure. At this purity—and assuming optimum conditions during dilution and application to paper—1 gram of crystal could produce 20,000 dosage units of LSD. However, analysis of LSD crystal seized in California over the past 3 years revealed an average purity of only 62 percent." - from that DEA LSD paper I mentioned above, great read btw

When we're dealing with a substance with such a minute dose, I would not be surprised at all if some of the closely-related byproducts of the reaction would also have a low dose. And just because iso-LSD is inactive doesn't mean it's inactive when combined with normal LSD, like the CBD - THC thing with weed.
^ Iso-LSD is inactive as a psychedelic - it doesn't mean that it doesn't act at other receptors to alter the experience (LSD is utterly promiscuous when it comes to receptor binding)
Good points.

It shouldn't be difficult to do some blind tests with supposed "bad acid" to see if it produces a higher rate of not-so-good trips.

My own experiences say otherwise as stated, but who knows? I'm just me. :)
I would like to see some blind tests I would like to even be part of one.
I have done few types of LSD and it always seemed like nice clean white fluff gave a nicer high then rose crystal. I like rose crystal just fine but white fluff always seemed nicer. I did black gels once and never did them again and never want to.

Maybe it is just psychologically imposed who know we need some testing in this area.
Ptah said:
It shouldn't be difficult to do some blind tests with supposed "bad acid" to see if it produces a higher rate of not-so-good trips.
Actually, it would probably be impossible. Just having the guinea pigs know that they might be getting "bad acid" would affect the subjective experience regardless of what they were actually given.

The point being that the experimental environment would likely influence the results more than the independent variable (the "type" of acid).

And of course, not telling the guinea pigs that they were the subjects of an experiment would be unethical. :\
FACT. There is good acid and bad acid....Most ppl don't realize just how fast the LSD molecule degrades...and when it does degrade a little the feeling from it gets more and more speedy and edgy....that is why some ppl say 'acid cut with strychnine' and shit like that....old acid is just way more speedy and dirty feeling...its all just LSD tho....unless it's not...
fourty6andtwo said:
FACT. There is good acid and bad acid....Most ppl don't realize just how fast the LSD molecule degrades...and when it does degrade a little the feeling from it gets more and more speedy and edgy....that is why some ppl say 'acid cut with strychnine' and shit like that....old acid is just way more speedy and dirty feeling...its all just LSD tho....unless it's not...

Yup, I've experience of this. when LSD degrades it does get more speedy, like low-dose LSD.
So when you take more of it it de-degrades back into LSD, just like when you take more hits of a low dose?
Sounds logical. ;)
personally i've found that with acid
i've encountered a cumulative effect.

each time i have lsd, my trips become more intense, i hallucinate more, colours are brighter. even down to the point of watching fear and loathing a few weeks back. just listening to the sounds of it,
and staring at the hairs on my arm, now they appeared to move so quickly they formed hunter s. thompsons face. and was in sync with the sound.

this is something i never experienced on my first 10 trips,
but the last say... 8 i've had. have progressively gotten stronger. does it have a cumulative effect?

and the good vs bad acid.
lsd always does pretty much the same thing for me, i got some shit acid a while ago tho, did 4/5 of fuck all to me. barely felt a thing.

but it's a psychoactive.. its definitely affected by your own state of mind,
the thing i like about acid is when i start to find my thoughts going to bad places, or if someone starts bothering me...
walking away from the situation or focussing on something else, soon i forget about my troubles and get good feelings again.

the last 2 times ive got the same print on my tabs,
first time was like cardboard.
second time was about half the thickness

second time round appeared to be at least twice as intense, and gave me audio hallucinations, something im not accustomed to.
perhaps the density of the paper/cardboard allowed a higher dosage to soak in.

i honestly believe good and bad trips are all in your head, and the human mind is definitely capable of turning a bad situation into a good one, all by altering perspective. (fuck i sound like a tripper... oh wait... i am lol)

on another topic... i suffer pretty bad claustrophobia.. i've been trying to get over my fear when i'm on lsd, as i used to be afraid of rats when i was younger, my 2nd trip i got over my fear after seeing rats everywhere... hopin it does the same for this.

any thoughts?
i think that when people have "dirty" acid...the hit had less lsd in it. take 100% lsd and dilute it far enough, and you will have a "dirty" feeling from it; so is it psychosomatic? or....... is it that when you have such a small amount of lsd that all you feel is the muscles twitching and the negative effects that a large dose would make seem insignificant compared to the visual efffects? BOTH.
feelgoodhit said:
the post above contradicts itself...

& might i ask what exactly it degrades to?

it degrades to LSQ or some shit...yeah I contradict myself a lot with all the thought loops and such...
alright, I pulled LSQ out of my ass...but it does degrade and it does get speedier...usually there is some cool stuff up my ass tho...