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[LSD subthread] - Set & Setting Considerations

Blankets are also nice. At the end side of a trip (shrooms or acid) I like to wrap myself in a blanket all cozy like. Gives a nice warm feeling.
Hello, a rather embarassing problem here...

I have properly taken lsd only twice (well, have taken small doses a couple more times but only these two times did I take 150 micrograms or more), but both these times i got a very intense fear that I was about to/had just pissed myself lol, as well as the constant desire to go to the loo.

Nothing actually happened (fortunately), but these toilet troubles/fears have gone a long way in ruining the experience.

I was wondering if anyone else had this and how they dealt with it? I can see myself REALLY loving acid if i found a way around this problem... thanks xx

well, yea i've taken psycheldelics enough to get tied up in that damn loop...that i'm gonna piss myself
i think the best way to deal with it is to think what is the worst thing that will
happen if it did go wrong, keep far away from large quanities of beer and pee at regular times
now, all u dire hard beer drinkers have gotten piss drunk enough that they pissed themself and lived....
and my standard backpack of trippin supplies includes a towel and a dry change of clothing, just in case trippin gets drippy or messy
the trick is to keep that backpack safe and dry
oh, and in case u decide to trip in nature, emergency toilet paper or baby butt wipes works much better that dry leaves----which always seems to mixed with just enough poison ivy in the northeast....
Donating blood and lsd

Im planning on tripping on saturday(21/2/09), but on friday(20/2/09) im donating blood (about 470-500ml).
i was just wondering if this will change anything, and if i should still trip, or will there be any danger?
thanks heaps for your help.

The title made me think "You're donating LSD?!" :D

You should be okay, but just take it easy and make sure you eat some nutritious, low-GI food to stabilise your blood glucose levels. You should probably avoid alcohol as well. If you feel light-headed or dizzy during your trip just have a lie down for a while, maybe eat some jellybeans or some other lollies, and wait til you feel better.
But you should be fine.

P.S. Welcome to Bluelight, fellow Sydney-sider :)
thanks for the advice,
yeah, the red cross always makes sure you have a big breakfast lunch and dinner the day you donate, so i think ill be ok, as long as im eating and drinking (water).
have you ever given blood before?

some people lose a pint of blood and cant stand....

I just feel a bit tired, hell one day at a school blood drive i couldn't make my appointment after lunch, so i asked if i could just donate some other time and they were like "we have an opening right now" and i gave blood at like 8:30 in the morning, after no breakfast or anything....

I was perfectly fine after, but as a general rule of thumb eat a good meal beforehand and stay a little bit more hydrated than normal...
tripped on acid about a total of 25 times... highest I took was 3 hits outside in downtown... was able to hold fairy well...
gonna be dropping this Sat... want to reach another level where it is more than just open or closed eye visuals... the syd I have is moderate in strength.. was thinking about dropping 7 or 8hits in total at one time, what do you guys think(up it or lower it? I know said question depends on various factors, but would like to get your input. btw, I would be tripping in the comfort of my own home
I've always found that getting a little drunk before I take my tabs really eases that transition from sober to tripping
LSD at a club/rave/socially active environment though. man said:
i actually think taking lsd at raves and clubs make me feel safer and prevent me from having a bad trip. i think to myself when im at a rave, ill be fine cuz there r alot more ppl here on crayzier and more shit than im on so i know ill be ok.
Strange, when I did LSD I seamlessly shifted from baseline to tripping face in about 10 minutes, it was comforting. Like coming home after a long vacation or something. :)
Yes! Buying a quarter sheet of some blotter after not being able to find anything for MONTHS!

And I'm getting free 4-HO-MIPT with it! it must be my birthday or something.
i actually think taking lsd at raves and clubs make me feel safer and prevent me from having a bad trip. i think to myself when im at a rave, ill be fine cuz there r alot more ppl here on crayzier and more shit than im on so i know ill be ok.

i have done mushrooms at a rave but not acid, that may be in the future but i had no issues with mushrooms....

The only thing with psychs and raves is the feeling of sensory overload, it can get intense and overwhelming....

On any of the various substances i have raved on, i have never had a bad trip... I would not recommend doing acid or other heavily mental psychs at a rave unless you are fairly experienced with it.... I went to a rave with a mormon friend of mine, in the course of the night he ate some shrooms, did a few whippits, smoked more weed than he had in his entire life, and drank a good deal of vodka before losing the bottle...

He freaked out a bit, it was his first psych... bad setting for it, with an unprepared mindset... I don't think it shook him up too badly, but im sure he felt overwhelmed...

I can enjoy my reality being ripped apart by the seams, but it isn't for everyone...
im not sure how to describe this but, i was wondering how to avoid the nasty feeling your body gets when u take LSD. you know that uncomfortable feeling u get as its kicking in or wut not. the reason y i ask is cuz some guy told me to take sum Xanax and it would balance it out. im a bit skeptical of it cuz 1. i dont like Xanax bars. 2nd i dont see that as a good combination since lsd is a club drug and xanax isnt. thanks in advance

I don't think you necessarily got bad LSD, its just your specific mind/body type that's causing you to get anxiety during the come-up. It's very normal to get that feeling. Xanax isn't a club drug, per-se, but it would be a fun drug to go clubbing with. It basically takes away all of your anxiety and makes you a little drunk without being so uncoordinated. I recommend a small dose of xanax or another benzo. Take too large of a dose and you'll cancel out some of your trip...you may get a lot of the same visuals, but not the mind-expansion you would expect from LSD. Maybe a .5 mg dose of xanax 30 minutes before you dose is just the trick. If you can't get your hands on it, a couple beers can help you out. Do you smoke weed with your acid? For some, it calms them down. For others, it intensifies their trip. Some people, like me, can't get high to save their lives on acid. That's another thing - if you drink don't drink too much. Your tolerance to alcohol and weed may increase when you're on LSD.
I don't think you necessarily got bad LSD, its just your specific mind/body type that's causing you to get anxiety during the come-up. It's very normal to get that feeling. Xanax isn't a club drug, per-se, but it would be a fun drug to go clubbing with. It basically takes away all of your anxiety and makes you a little drunk without being so uncoordinated. I recommend a small dose of xanax or another benzo. Take too large of a dose and you'll cancel out some of your trip...you may get a lot of the same visuals, but not the mind-expansion you would expect from LSD. Maybe a .5 mg dose of xanax 30 minutes before you dose is just the trick. If you can't get your hands on it, a couple beers can help you out. Do you smoke weed with your acid? For some, it calms them down. For others, it intensifies their trip. Some people, like me, can't get high to save their lives on acid. That's another thing - if you drink don't drink too much. Your tolerance to alcohol and weed may increase when you're on LSD.

Haha, I'd just like to point out the coincidence of spaceyourbass giving Bass_Head some advice... Helpful advice too, I too know that the come-up from acid can be edgy, and I don't like to be moving around or changing locations much during the transition period. With 20/20 hindsight I can now see how a lot of my "bad trip" anxiety is just from not being in a come-up conducive environment when I'm in that state of mind... The old mantra of set + setting comes through again. One idea is that you could drop your tabs a couple of hour before going to the club, making sure your in a good trip state of mind before heading out. Peace + Love & Light <3
I only get a bad body load with an old batch and only if I take a real high dose 10 + blotters. For me it only last's about an hour at most and I usually ride it out just fine , but if my stomach really starts bothering me I'll just smoke a bowl of pot and it clears it right up. Once I'm peaking I never feel any negative body high at all. Mushrooms on the other hand have made me nauseous for the whole trip at times , I find LSD to be much more forgiving :)
Well first off let me say that LSD is not really a club drug. It can be for some, usually those with experience, but in general it is used more as a spiritual or adventuring type of thing.

Now, taking xanax with your LSD is going to effect the nature of the trip. Generally benzos take the edge off the trip at the expense of the psychedelic mind state and sometimes the visuals as well. I know that uncomfortable feeling you are referring to during the come up. It's really uncomfortable until you start tripping, but it really is not that bad. I only find it's really bad if it turns out my dose was too low and I don't trip very hard. Really there isn't much you can do to avoid that feeling except get used to it and don't think about it. LSD is far too beautiful to ruin it with xanax just because you feel uncomfortable for a few minutes.
Hi all, first time in this part of BL :)

Tomorrow morning, I get my first taste of LSD. An experienced tripper of 12 years is providing my best mate with two tabs, one for him and one for myself.

Let me just say first, I'm really looking forward to this!

Now, set and setting is very important. Where we are going to take it is at my University [don't worry, I don't have any classes] in Brisbane: somewhere where we have spent a lot of other times on drugs [Opiates], and somewhere that I consider safe and familiar.

Now, my mate is slightly worried however [although I told him to chill, they have beanbags in the library! :p]. How important is set and setting per se? I'm with him, and will be with him the entire time, and I'm confident in myself that I will be fine. Surely with his best mate reassuring him that he'll be fine?

I see a lot of talk about Xanax to "take the edge off". Should things go south, we have Temazepam on hand, will that be as effective?

Also, I see a bit of talk about sleeping afterwards. We plan on taking it at 10am. Should we be able to sleep alright tomorrow night? If not, I assume some Temazepam will sort that out.

Anything else I should be aware of? What's the uncomfortable feeling you are talking about on the come-up? What's the come-down like?

benzo's can be used if things go south, but they may undo any good that could have come from a more difficult experience