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[LSD subthread] - Set & Setting Considerations

Aye, I've got a cold right now, just mild, but I certainly won't be tripping. Smoking pot yes :)

Ahh - I've had very bad luck with this in the past. Smoking a couple bowls on the tail end of a mild cold catapulted me into a two week long illness... you can be sure that I'll never repeat that course of action again.
The problem with the mirror is i get effectively 'trapped' in a situation.. like.. this has happened before with friends where we're all in a car tripping and its like IMPOSSIBLE to leave the car, you know you want to.. but you dont. I dont really understand it.. but it happens with me and mirrors too lol.
A friend of mine used to hide all the clocks when we tripped, so no one could tell the time. It's more fun when you can't tell if you've been tripping for hours or days...
first time i was tripping on shrooms in
and they had hundreds of clocks, lining the walls. was 8D very tripppy.
i like the idea of hiding the clocks so that m:
It's more fun when you can't tell if you've been tripping for hours or days...

in answer to someone's question about LSD and being sick. i have a runny nose. and i ate some 2C-B this afternoon. i can see how a really runny nose would drag a trip down. but it hasn't bothered me too much :) this is my first 2C-B trip. peeeeeeeeeeace
to answer DrDreMacDre - I personally trip out until i CAN manage to sleep - which creates quite the experience considering the intensity of the close-eyed visuals

sometimes, i get to the point where i cant watch anymore so i have to open my eyes
I haven't read all of this thread or all of the other Big and Dandy LSD threads, but I have a question, sorry if its already been asked. (I couldn't find it with search.)

My friend and myself have both taken acid about 5 times, and both of us have noticed differences in how strong the hallucinations are - some times they've been incredibly strong, to the extent of seeing heads talking to me while my eyes were closed, whereas others I've had nothing more than patterns shifting slightly.

Anyway, both of us really enjoy the hallucinations and not so much the deep thinking part. We still got some of that, and that was fine, but it wasn't what we're looking for in our hallucinogens. (Yeah, I realise that this is considered unsophisticated in LSD circles, but that's the way we roll.)

The point is, how can we make our trips more... trippy?
Cheers. I was wondering about ocular doses of drugs in general when I was checking out erowid experiences yesterday and noticed it under the RA section of the search page. Most drugs wouldn't be convenient for such a thing. I'm wondering if putting a piece of paper in there would burn at all. I've heard of people dropping liquid in their eye. That burns due to the alcohol used to create the solution.

This is second hand information, so take it with a pinch of salt, but...

My friend put half a tab under each eyelid, and he said it was the hardest he'd ever tripped. (this guy takes acid maybe twice a month, probably about 3 or 4 tabs each time, orally.) He came up within about 10 minutes and was seeing crazy sh*t for about 5 hours before things started going back to normal, though he had another 6 hours or so of lesser hallucinations and mindphuck etc. I think he also had his first shard of ice that night but much later on. He said the one problem was that it was uncomfortable to have the thick paper under his eyelid and it felt really nasty for a while, and when it fell out it scared the shit out of him - he thought his brain had fallen out (and that it was about this big: [ ].)
The point is, how can we make our trips more... trippy?

Make the setting more trippy. Dark room, pretty lights, crazy psychedelic music will combine to make the drug feel stronger. That, and definitely some weed.

Kinda sucks that I have no way of determining how much acid is on each tab. All I know is the guy said it was "good."

Does anyone have any recommendations?

2 hits of good acid could be quite strong. I've had hits that were 250mcg and taking just two of those could put you way out there.
LSD and toilet-related fears...

Hello, a rather embarassing problem here...

I have properly taken lsd only twice (well, have taken small doses a couple more times but only these two times did I take 150 micrograms or more), but both these times i got a very intense fear that I was about to/had just pissed myself lol, as well as the constant desire to go to the loo.

Nothing actually happened (fortunately), but these toilet troubles/fears have gone a long way in ruining the experience.

I was wondering if anyone else had this and how they dealt with it? I can see myself REALLY loving acid if i found a way around this problem... thanks xx
Never had this.
Only toilet 'fears' I have is the fear that I'd get bad vibes while I was taking a piss and feel the need to get out of the room while still going hahaha. Luckiily this hasnt happened to me..yet.
LSD easily reflects your most inner thoughts and fears. Thing is, if you get such fears on acid they are probably some issues you unconsciously worry about even when sober. If you think real hard you will probably figure out the solution yourself.
When I used to get really stoned I'd always feel like I was about to piss myself. Increased urethral sensitivity? Who knows. But it helped to actually go pee - then whatever my groin was feeling I could know my bladder was empty. I never did pee myself though...
I have three pairs of pants that I tend not to wear if I know I am going to take a trip. Because they always look like they have waterstains down the front when I hallucinate. I think it's something to do with the fabric but it's unnerving to look down and see blotches in your crotch. . .
Thats odd. I have the exact opposite thing going on when i trip.

I never pee while on acid. I just never have the urge to.
I've had this feeling before and really, the only thing to do is to urinate and then be comfortable knowing for a little while, there is nothing left to wet yourself with. Probably not the answer you were hoping for. It's something that goes away if you don't dwell on it. Or at least it went away for me.

Adding a bit of humor to this, the first time I used any psychedelics, I ate about 4-5g of mush and had a terrible day at a crowded Long Island beach. The weather was brutal, you know that hazy, hot and humid that just ruins everything. Eventually, the heat and the crowds made us flee to our car. Being on Long Island, where else would we go but the mall with air conditioning. Remarkably, it was less crowded. For the record, yes, my friend operated a motor vehicle. Looking back, bad idea but we were young and dumb and luckily it worked out alright. Anyway, we had to really psyche ourselves up to get out of the car and go inside. And at this point in time, sitting in the hot car, I had the most realistic sensation of pissing my trunks. And I exclaimed to my best friend (you'll see why I say best in a moment) that I thought I was currently urinating. I promptly lifted my ass off the hot seat and my friend reached over to check the seat for me to be sure and after a bit of groping and patting, he replied "and I'm pissing from my fingertips". There was no incontinence of any kind.

In summation, try not to think about it and use the empty often approach.
Hey everyone, despite most of you recommending against it, that friend of mine with no drug experience will be dosing LSD with me. I very much appreciate the input, but I feel confident that it will be a positive experience for all! :)

I will be building a blanket fort
^ Blanket forts are good - BUT possibly only if they're your creation ;)