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[LSD Subthread] First time LSD

pretty much any thing will keep you entertained on acid. so if you have music and weed it could be pretty sweet. but because it will be a first time for all of use i would want to be in a house just incase it gets a bit much you wil be somewhere a bit more familiar.
bickoma said:
Keep in mind that you probably won't be able to get to sleep until maybe 15 hours after dosing.

That's odd...

The two times I've tripped on acid so far, I've fallen asleep around 6-7 hours after dosing. I was really exhausted by then.
6 hours after dosing? wow...by that time i couldn't even dream of sleeping...
You need somewhere safe and warm and most importantly where you arn't going to encounter any strangers. If any of you finds it overwhelming not having anywhere safe to go is going to be hell on earth.
as long as u feel safe and EXTREMELY comfortable where ever ur gonna be outside u'll have a blast. being outside where you can see trees and grass and clouds (or stars at night) is amazing
Cloudy said:
Black: What's wrong with watching TV or playing Video games on Acid. They can be a load of fun. I mean, I wouldn't recommend spending the whole time doing that, but sitting down playing some crazy game on the console, or even watching a silly cartoon is just a lot of fun.

i have myself watched yellow submarine or played video games at T+10:00, after coming down and before i could sleep, but i feel it's a complete waste of trip to keep yourself occupied by shallow entertainment anywhere near the peak. there are just so much enlightening thoughts to think, so many great things to look at, so much music to listen to, trippdd out discussions to have (, …) and all make for much deeper, more meaningful and more satisfying experiences than watching some TV show that's simply designed to relive boredom. why do something mindless when you can experience the world for the first time again?
sure it can be fun, but acid can do so much more than that…

concerning cold:
i have found not to feel cold on acid, regardless of the temperature. but the cold does lead to quite an uncomfortable feeling, thats difficult to attribute to something, for me. it's even worse than feeling cold because i know something is not right and don't immediately realize what it is.
well....Unfortunately we cant get the acid today but were getting it tmrw for sure so well do it monday. I talked to 2 of the other ppl and we decided on dosing really early and watching the sunrise =)
Black said:
i have myself watched yellow submarine or played video games at T+10:00, after coming down and before i could sleep, but i feel it's a complete waste of trip to keep yourself occupied by shallow entertainment anywhere near the peak. there are just so much enlightening thoughts to think, so many great things to look at, so much music to listen to, trippdd out discussions to have (, …) and all make for much deeper, more meaningful and more satisfying experiences than watching some TV show that's simply designed to relive boredom. why do something mindless when you can experience the world for the first time again?
sure it can be fun, but acid can do so much more than that…

concerning cold:
i have found not to feel cold on acid, regardless of the temperature. but the cold does lead to quite an uncomfortable feeling, thats difficult to attribute to something, for me. it's even worse than feeling cold because i know something is not right and don't immediately realize what it is.

Not everyone takes psychedelic drugs for the same reason. A lot of people take it to have a good time, and if that is what they feel is a good time, then whats the matter?
Cloudy said:
Not everyone takes psychedelic drugs for the same reason. A lot of people take it to have a good time, and if that is what they feel is a good time, then whats the matter?
taking LSD because it is "just another high" is like smoking salvia instead of tobacco "because it can be smoked".
Black said:
taking LSD because it is "just another high" is like smoking salvia instead of tobacco "because it can be smoked".

i think he means that some people take acid for purely spiritual reasons and some ppl take it for purely recreational reasons....and anywhere in between =D
i was not trying to say that you shouldn't take acid for fun, just that one should take the psychedelic experience for what it is and not try to deliberately block out a part of its effects.
that may sound a bit contradictory to my earlier posts… damn, i wish i could express myself better :\
Black said:
i was not trying to say that you shouldn't take acid for fun, just that one should take the psychedelic experience for what it is and not try to deliberately block out a part of its effects.
that may sound a bit contradictory to my earlier posts… damn, i wish i could express myself better :\

No I know what you mean, and I think some of your posts are just a little bit subjective. Just because this is how you see the drug, doesn't mean everyone will see it like that.

I personally try and mix acid with fun and spiritual experiences, but I've known people who could careless about having spiritual experiences and just want to have a good time. Nothing wrong with that.
Cloudy said:
No I know what you mean, and I think some of your posts are just a little bit subjective.
they are, sorry for that. it just doesn't go into my head how anyone could want to watch TV while tripping. watching TV does ime distract yourself from the trip itself. it seems disrespectful to the experience to me. to each his own…
I personally try and mix acid with fun and spiritual experiences, but I've known people who could careless about having spiritual experiences and just want to have a good time. Nothing wrong with that.
same here. actually the trips where i just set out to have fun on turned out to be quite spiritual…
"the day of reckoning has arrived"

-France when i called him up this morning

i finally grabbed the acid last nite from my sis after 3 days of intense waiting =)
im about to leave on the bus to go meet up with France, Blazin_Riddim and another buddy to finally drop....hopfully i wont be disappointed =D
yeah acid :) but acid and weed and maybe k :D

wat do u guys think about mixing k with lsd? gud idea bad idea or sjut plain retarded idea

should we jsut stick with sum weed on the trip?
You probably wont need any K during the trip if it's your first.. tail end of the trip the K can be magnificent, have it pre crushed in a wrap mwuahahah ;)
personally, I have had an awe-inspiring experience playing a video game while tripping.
beautiful things can happen everywhere on psychedelics. I find that when I'm on acid I like to take the time to experience quite a few things. mix it up.
LSD:little to no effects the first time

I was just wondering if this is normal or if maybe I just got bunk acid the first few times I did it. I took acid for the first time 10 years ago and they were gell tabs. I had no visual effects and the physical effect may have been just wishfull thinking on my part. The next few times I remember laughing until it was painful. It wasn't until the 5th or 6th time that I saw a few visuals. After that I had full effects everytime I tripped but they seemed to intensify each session. it got to the point where just one hit of blotter was too much for me.

So is there some sort of threshold that you have to break through before you get the full effects? Does it take a few times of doing it before your brain catches on? Has anyone else experienced an increase in effects the more sessions you had?